Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series)
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“Stay still,” he
whispered as I lay on the ground, still basking in my post orgasmic bliss. I
had no intention of doing anything else as I realised he was looking hard at
something, sitting up quickly to get a better view of what it was. My eyes
widened in shock as my heart stopped dead in my chest.

I screamed at the
sight of the very aggressive bull, head down, staring straight at us, its
shoulders hunched threateningly as it pawed its feet across the ground. I knew
little about bulls, but I knew enough to realise that this was one angry
fucker. I screamed again and it was the worst thing I could have done. It
started to run towards us, menacingly and at a significant pace.

“Oh fuck,” Roman
said, standing and pulling me up by my hands. “Run, Chas,” he shouted as a ton
of solid, seething animal came tearing towards me, but my feet just wouldn’t
move. I was staring, blinking hard, thinking there was no way I could outrun
this thing. It was barrelling towards us at speed as I was lifted off the
ground, once again clinging to this man for dear life as he sprinted towards
the metal gate with the heavy sounds of an irate bull ringing in my ears. I
stared behind us, bouncing up and down in Romans arms as the beast gained
ground. Roman was fast, but by the time we reached the fence, the thing was
almost at his heels.

I was screaming
and shouting as Roman flung me over the metal gate, jumping over just in time,
panting with his hands on his thighs as I dragged myself up from my knees. It
wasn’t giving up, but there was no way through that gate. I stared up at Roman
and then at the bull who was snorting angrily.

“When I say keep
still, keep fucking still, Chas,” he laughed as I just stared at the bull,
wondering how I’d made it out alive.

“Thank you,” I
said, flinging myself at Roman as he held me tight, chuckling softly with our
unwelcome guest only feet away.

“You’re welcome, I wasn’t about to let that
bull start messing with you. Have you seen the size of its bollocks?” he grinned
as I looked, gasping. They were as big as footballs. I wasn’t sure if it was
hungry or horny, but either way I’d have been ground under the feet of that
huge, scary brute as I just stared at its flaring nostrils. It was my second
life and death encounter with animals in twenty four hours and I shuddered in

“I absolutely hate
the country,” I pouted, suddenly realising that now, neither of us had a
helmet. It was still under the grass by that Sycamore tree with Roman’s jacket.
“I can’t get on without a helmet. I was terrified on that ride,” I said,
swallowing hard as Roman looked across the field. There was one rather angry
obstacle standing in his way as he made his way towards the metal gate.

“Stop. What are
you doing?” I gasped, as he looked at me and then back across the field.

“I’m going to get
the helmet for you,” he said as I grabbed his arm, spinning him around and
gripping his forearms tight.

“You can’t, Roman.
Now is not the time for you to start being chivalrous for God’s sake, it’s too
dangerous,” I pleaded.

“I like
dangerous,” he winked as I shook my head violently.

“Please, don’t,” I
gasped, imploring him with my eyes not to do this.

“I don’t like
dangerous, Roman. Please. I’ll go on the bike, but just go steady and slower,”
I said as he smiled, holding my cheeks and kissing me softly as the bull bellowed
out in a huge breath and I jumped backwards. “Come on,” I said, watching as he
hooked his leg across the bike. The sooner we were out of the eyesight of that
raging bull, the happier I’d be.

I clung to Roman
as he rode home, squeezing my eyes shut and resting against his back. He was
undoubtedly slower, but it was still too fast. I resolved never to get on the
back of a bike again, knowing if I made it to the estate in one piece that I’d
look like one unholy mess. My eyes were streaming and my hair was blowing all
over the place, knotting under the whip of the wind. Next to being trampled, it
was probably the least of my worries, but I still had standards. A happy shiver
ran through me as we pulled up to the house. The relief was palpable and there
was no denying that after almost killing me, Roman Hunter had saved my life
back there.


Chapter Six

“What the hell
were you playing at?” Jess screamed in my face as I entered the hallway. I took
a step back. My sister’s temper was as rare as hen’s teeth, but it was on
display now and it wasn’t pretty.

“I needed to make
sure he was alright,” I said as Roman stepped into the hallway, smiling broadly,
having calmed down significantly since beating the bull and our sexual session
under the tree. His smile soon faded when he saw the uncharacteristic anger contorting
my sister’s face.

“I’m sorry, Jess,
I didn’t think,” I said, her eyes suddenly cloudy as she pulled me into a hug,
trembling almost as much as I had been. Christ, it had been six years, but the
fear and pain hadn’t diminished much for Jess. I knew she’d hate me going on a
motorbike, but I hadn’t truly appreciated the depth of her concern, absorbed
only in Roman and what he was going through.

“I’m sorry,” I
whispered over and over again as her breathing started to slow, surprising me
as much as Roman when she flung herself at his chest and gripped him tightly.
He didn’t know what to do, that was evident from the bemused and curious frown
on his face as Jess looked up at him, holding his arms tightly.

“Dexter’s Dad was
killed in a motorcycle accident at seventeen, Roman. I hate them. I know you
think I’m over reacting, but I felt sick when you rode off with Chas. You’re
probably a great rider and in control, but please don’t take her out on it
again, I’m begging you,” she pleaded as he nodded, returning her hug and trying
to reassure her. It was an extreme reaction and one I hadn’t even anticipated

“Next time, we’ll
take the car,” he smiled as she nodded.

“Damn right, look
at the state of my hair,” I said, catching sight of myself in the huge hallway
mirror. I looked a fright. I tried to calm down my matted locks but it was
useless. After the events of this morning, the only thing that made me feel
better was that it hadn’t turned suddenly grey with the shock. I made my way
into the kitchen slightly dazed, only to encounter the stern face of Lucas.

“Do you know what your sister’s been going
through?” he asked accusingly as I held his gaze.

I decided not to
try and deflect by telling him we’d almost been killed. “Obviously I didn’t,
but I do now. It won’t happen again,” I said as he smiled gently, casting a
firm glance at his brother.

“In future, take
the car, Roman.” It came out as more of an order than a request. Roman opened
the fridge and pulled out a beer, offering me one as I shook my head.

“Don’t tell me
what to do, Lucas,” he replied simply, popping the top from the bottle of
Peroni. He’d agreed to the car for my sister, and I got the impression that
Roman didn’t feel the need to justify himself any further. The tense silence
was broken by my ringing phone as I smiled first at Jess and then at Lucas.

“It’s Mr Turnbull,
I have to take this,” I said to a pair of dumbfounded faces. Neither really
knew about my relationship with Turnbull, or how I’d got Jess that job in the
first place and I had to keep it that way, I’d promised him my absolute

“How’s my
favourite Little Miss Fix it?” he asked as I laughed. He sounded on good form
and I wondered if Mrs Turnbull was on the mend.

“I’m good. More
importantly, how are you?” I asked, knowing that losing his business had made a
huge dent in his confidence and professional ego. He’d been angry for a long
time, and I felt certain he wouldn’t be best pleased if he knew just whose
kitchen I was standing in. My audience of three were listening intently and I
couldn’t help winding them up a little.

“You played a
blinder with that contract. Lucas Hunter was absolutely furious,” I said,
flashing my eyebrows at Lucas as he raised his slowly. Jess was trying to get
my attention as I turned to her, thinking she’d be trying to stop me. She

“Say hello from
me,” she smiled broadly as I laughed. “Jess says hi.”

“How’s she doing?
Did they keep her on, or did she get the payoff?” he laughed gently as I smiled
at my sister.

“Well your little plan
worked even better than any of us expected. Lucas has set up a small events
firm and Jess is the main partner. It’s something she loves doing and of
course, you probably knew he wouldn’t keep her on as his P.A,” I smiled down
the line.

“Well I never,” he
laughed whole heartedly. “I’m glad it’s worked out. I wanted your sister to
have a chance, Chas, and I wanted to cause them a little aggravation when I
left. Nothing cuts a man’s self esteem down to size like two men in their prime
whipping away everything you’ve ever worked for from under your nose. To be
honest, I quite liked Lucas. I hated what he was doing, but it was business,
not personal, and I could tell he was a man of morals. Tell Jess it’s the other
one she needs to watch out for.”

“Charlie?” I
gasped, lowering my voice and making my way out into the hall. This I didn’t
want them to overhear.

“Yes, he’s a
shark. I don’t know what he’s like in his private life, but in business he’s
ruthless. I always assumed it would be the other way around from what I’d heard
and read, but it’s Charlie who goes in for the kill,” he said as I leaned
against the wall, shocked to my core. From what I knew of Charlie he was
sensitive, funny and kind and I just couldn’t reconcile the man I knew with
what Mr Turnbull was telling me.

“Are you sure?” I
asked as he laughed softly.

“I’m bloody
positive. I was making life difficult for them and Charlie came to see me on
his own. He said I knew the deal was fair and they would do their best to
retain as many employees as possible. That was my main concern, Chas. He gave
me a deadline to sign and told me if I didn’t, that he would wipe out entire
departments without a second thought. He warned me that my legacy would be
unrecognisable. I knew then I couldn’t save Capitol, but I thought maybe I
could retain more jobs, and I was determined to protect Jess.”

“Thank you for
thinking of her. Lucas wouldn’t fire her on principle,” I said, deciding to
omit the fact that it was also because he wanted to screw her senseless.

“I thought that
might happen. I’m just glad it all worked out,” he laughed and he sounded
happy, much more upbeat than last time I’d seen him.

“Anyway, Chas, I
was wondering how you’re fixed for Friday lunchtime. I have a lot more time for
golf these days and Mrs T is doing well on her new meds. She asked if I’d like
to have my golfing buddies and their wives over for lunch. I’m thrilled that
she asked, but I don’t want her to get anxious about it. If you’d provide your
usual, wonderful service, I’d be really grateful.”

The extra income
would be as welcome and I wasn’t working with Elite until eight. “No problem,
as long as I can be gone for six.”

“You’ll be gone
before that. We’d like something simple, maybe a nice salmon dish. Is £750
okay?” he asked as I smiled brightly, thinking I probably shouldn’t accept
anything for what he’d done for Jess.

“This one’s on me,
now you’re a retired pensioner,” I laughed cheekily.

“That’s enough of
that, young lady. I happen to be a consultant for two top firms in the city who
seem to think my experience is worth considerably more than I realised. I’ll
have the money in your bank later today, and thank you, Chas. Monica will be
looking forward to seeing you.”

“I look forward to
seeing her too, and as for everyone else, I assume the usual rules are in
play?” I asked as he laughed.

“Yes, as far as
anyone else knows you are not even here.”

We said our
goodbyes as I walked back into the kitchen and I could see the questions
already stacking up in Lucas’s sharp mind as Roman pulled me against him,
kissing me long and hard before I even had a chance to argue. I heard the door
open and two quick gasps, trying to pull away, but he wouldn’t let me, holding
me closer still as I melted into his arms.

I soon forgot
there were other people surrounding us, falling into wonderful taste and smell
of Roman as he wound his fingers protectively and gently through my hair. No
one said a word, and as he broke the kiss eventually, I forced my bleary eyes
open and turned, straight into the horrified face of Charlie. I wished I could
take it back, the pain in his features making my heart clench as I risked a

He didn’t return
it, announcing he was going to Scarlett’s as I followed him out of the kitchen,
running down the hallway to catch him, grabbing his elbow as he stared down at
me with a thunderous look on his face.

“I’m sorry,
Charlie, I didn’t want you to find out like that. I wanted to tell you in
private,” I said as he shook his head, regarding me with little more than

“Why, Chas? So you
could lie to me again?” he spat as I took a step back, frowning deeply.

“I’ve never lied
to you,” I said, confused and hurting and wondering if Turnbull was right after

“I’ve got my eye
on the prize, I want the whole package,” he sneered sarcastically, throwing his
deep voice up at least three octaves, which I guessed was supposed to be an
impression of me. “He isn’t the whole fucking package, Chas. Not even close.”

It only served to
piss me off, wondering suddenly why I was even bothering trying to justify
myself to Charlie. “Off you pop, Charlie, go and see your
I thought you
were all about casual fun, it must be my mistake,” I snapped angrily as he
seared me with a look that made my stomach lurch.

“It’s nothing to
do with me who you fuck and vice versa” he said, knocking the breath from my
lungs. I wasn’t certain which was worse; that he cared, or that he didn’t,
turning and marching back to the kitchen, taking a deep breath. I heard the
front door slam behind me and Charlie’s red Lamborghini tearing up the gravel
on the drive.

“Anyone else got
any comments?” I asked, trying to smile as Tyler laughed.

“You move fast,
bro,” he quipped as Roman chuckled in that low, gravelly sound that dripped
with sex.

“When I want
something I go for it. I’m pretty sure that’s the inscription written on the
Hunter coat of arms,” he grinned as Lucas laughed.

“It may as well be,” he smiled, turning his
gaze to me.

“Chas, a word in
private?” He turned and walked through the door to the lounge before I’d even
had a chance to respond. I wasn’t certain what he wanted. It could be about
Charlie, or Turnbull, or Jess and there was only one way I’d find out.

He was standing as
I walked in and I felt certain this was business.

“What’s your
relationship with Turnbull?” he asked before the door had even closed.

“It’s personal,” I
replied softly. I had given Mr Turnbull my word that I wouldn’t divulge our
little secret to anyone except Patrick. I wanted to gain his permission for my
extracurricular activities, but felt certain the last person he’d want to find
out was Lucas Hunter.

“I couldn’t give a
fuck. You need to tell me, Chas. We’ve just taken over his business in a rather
hostile fashion and I won’t risk anything getting back to Turnbull that I’m not
comfortable with,” he said seriously as I shook my head.

“I don’t know
anything about Hunter Industries, except for the work I do with Jess, and I
have no desire to know. You have to believe me when I tell you this is not
about business, and I gave my word that no one would ever know.”

“Is it sexual?” he
asked as I laughed.

“Jesus, Lucas, are
you really going there again? First it was my sister and now me. The man is
practically old enough to be my Grandfather, and I happen to be very close to
his wife.” He wasn’t moved and I knew I was going to have to give him

“Listen, sometimes
his wife isn’t well, but she doesn’t want anyone to know. When they’re
entertaining I step in and take away the pressure for her. I get the food,
prepare the meal, buy in the wine and hide in the kitchen so it looks like
she’s done it herself. You must not repeat this to anyone. I mean it, Lucas.
It’s a nice little side earner for me, and I care about Monica and Mr Turnbull.
He did me a huge favour giving that job to Jess, and you owe him as well. If he
hadn’t tried to stick it to you with that contract, she’d have been out of the
door before you’d even laid eyes on her,” I said, raising my eyebrows as he

“You’re right, but
never discuss me, Jess, or the business with him, do you understand?” he asked,
suddenly serious.

“Of course. Your
private life will remain private and I don’t know anything about the business anyway.
You do sound a bit paranoid,” I laughed as he raised his eyebrows.

“I’ve been in this game long enough to know
that I have enemies lined up who would happily see me fail, and Charlie.
Sometimes even the most innocent comments can be enough to sow a seed of doubt
or uncertainty in our line of work. As for me and Jess, I don’t want her
exposed to the paparazzi, and there’s Dex to consider. The longer we keep this
thing under wraps, the better it will be to give everyone a chance to adjust. Not
a word, Chas, okay?”

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