ROMANCE: Awakened by the Alpha Bear (Werebear Fantasy Billionaire Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Alpha Male Bear Shapeshifter Paranormal Romance Short Stories)) (46 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Awakened by the Alpha Bear (Werebear Fantasy Billionaire Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Alpha Male Bear Shapeshifter Paranormal Romance Short Stories))
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Two years later…


couldn’t have known that the chance meeting with the beautiful female wolf in
the forest would turn into the happiest moment of his life. Summer was pregnant
with his pups and close to having them. After the rest of the tribunal heard
what Kenya and Alton had done and the plan she had, they debated and decided
the pair was free to live outside of their rules with the lone wolves and enjoy
their own pack.

blood line together would be strong, and they would be able to continue the
population of wolves without mating within the rule driven pack.  

now knew that Summer was made for him. The loners had become their own pack and
vowed to protect one another. Soon, the first of many new wolves would be
coming into the world. Gotham was both nervous and excited.


screamed to Gotham from their bedroom.

going on? Is it time?” Gotham yelled as he rushed into the room. 

“Yes! I
need Margaret, you need to get her now, and my water broke.” Summer almost yelled
at Gotham.  Gotham kissed Summer on the forehead and rushed off to get her
midwife. Margaret grabbed her bag.

far apart are your contractions?” Margaret asked calmly as she pulled out all
of her supplies.

don’t know, about every minute.” Summer responded in between contractions.

Then, it’s time. You ready to bring the pups into this world?” Margaret asked
with a sweetness in her voice.

damned right I am!” Summer yelled at her.

checked her dilation and told Summer, “It’s time to push.” Summer screamed as
Gotham held her legs and she pushed. It took a while in between contractions as
she tried to control her own pain. The pain almost brought her in on herself as
she finally delivered the children, one boy and one girl.

did so well. I’m so proud of you!” Gotham said to Summer as he kissed her
tenderly on her sweat covered brow. Summer laid back and glanced down at her
babies counting fingers and toes. They were beautiful.

and Rory.” Summer smiled up at her husband, happy they had talked names for
months before.

could see Gotham in both of her babies and it made her very happy. She leaned
back exhausted and knew they would be a happy little family. Now, weres would
have the freedom to do what they wanted and wouldn’t have to follow the strict
rules of her former life.


and Summer falling in love was a beautiful accident. But fate had something
else in store for them when they were brought together. That night they met in
the chicken coop, little did they know that they would go on to change the life
as every werewolf had known, throughout the rest of history.  But then again,
there had never been a couple, or a family, like Gotham and Summer’s.



Love Triangle: A Shapeshifter Romance


Chapter One


“Hello. It’s me again. I am
still seated in the couch worried sick not really knowing where the heck you
disappeared to. I really need to hear from you because you are breaking my
heart. It’s been a month since you left without a word. Please call me back. I
love you, Kiki.”

That was the last message that
Kiki ever left for Kevin, now her ex-boyfriend. The breakup wasn’t really
messy. As a matter of fact, nobody knew that Kiki and Kevin had broken up since
no one said a damn thing.

Kiki remembered their very last
conversation and she thought she ought to have noticed something was going very
wrong. She closed her eyes and remembered:

“You know, I don’t want to stop
cherishing the moment that we are having right now. I wish it would last
forever.” Kevin said

“Well, I hope so too.” Kiki
said as they cuddled in bed.

That really felt a little bit
strange for Kiki since they had been cuddling for countless times but not once
had she heard Kevin say those special words.

“Are you ok?” Kiki asked with a
tone of concern as she looked him in the eyes.

“What makes you think I’m not?”
Kevin said, chuckling as he tried to cover up his true feelings.

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s just
that I have known you for ages and I sense it when something isn’t right. How
is your hand?”

“It’s doing fine. And nothing
is wrong with me. So, stop putting pressure on your beautiful self. Ok?”

“Ok baby.”

The following day, Kevin
disappeared without a trace. Kiki never wanted to tell anyone since they would
start pitying her. That was the last thing that she needed in her life at the
moment. But despite that, she was really scared and hurt.

She used to stay up every night
since she didn’t know what to expect. For all she knew Kevin could be dead or
could have run away from her since the previous night he had been acting all


After a week, her close friends
started noticing a change in Kiki’s behavior. The girl who always seemed happy
and cracked jokes just faded, and this gloomy caricature of her former self
replaced that jolly person.

Kiki and Kevin were always seen
together almost all the time. Most people noticed Kevin was missing but didn’t
actually say anything to her. However, there were a few concerned friends that
had the audacity of coming over and telling her what they had noticed.

They were very sorry after
hearing what happened and consoled her.

“But I don’t think you guys
should be worried at all. I will be fine. I just have to do this on my own. As
soon as everything is sorted out, I will be back to being the old me.” Kiki

“Are you sure you don’t need us
around? We could be of help, you know. Just say so and we will be there for

“It’s all good Lillian. You
know I’ m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

“Kiki, even the strong and
mighty sometimes need a shoulder to lean on from time to time… I am here for
you, all of us are.”

“Thanks guys. I love you so
much.” Kiki said as she finally broke down in tears.

Her friends understood her and
decided to give her all the privacy that she needed, which was very incredible
of them. After they left, Kiki came up with a plan to pick herself up and move
on with her life, and that’s exactly what she did.


After a couple of weeks of
living her life as a single woman, Kiki was true to her word. She managed to
get back on her feet and got a little jovial. Of course, everyone was happy to
have her back. Kiki poured herself into her work. She was a science teacher in
a Brooklyn based high school. All she ever wanted was to turn the neighborhood

For that to happen, Kiki had to
start an after school kids program so that she could keep the children out of
gangs and away from violence. With all the things she does at the school and
doing community work, Kiki was kept busy and didn’t even have time to think
about anything else.

Just like that, Kevin started
fading away from her memory.

Within a couple of months, Kiki
was a brand new, independent woman. She was even advising her friends on how
important it is for a beautiful black woman to be independent, so that when a
man leaves her, she will know how to get back on her feet like she is supposed

“But you know Kiki; you will
still need to have a man in the future. And don’t give me that look because you
know for what.”

“Lillian, you are really a dirty
girl. I don’t think I will be in need of that anymore. Not if my heart is going
to be broken in the process.”

“All women were once at the
point that you are in right now. Guess what? They also say the same things that
you are saying right now. But in time, they get tired of the lonely nights and
will eventually fall in love. Situations like this just make you wiser so that
you get a better man the next time round.”

As Kiki sat with her friends at
the cafeteria that afternoon, she pondered over the words that her colleague
Lillian had told her.

Lillian was right though.
However, Kiki really wanted to give herself time to heal before jumping into
another relationship. That way, she wasn’t going to carry over all the hurt and
baggage from her failed relationship.

Little did Kiki know, this
little conversation was a foreshadowing of what was about to happen.




After a couple of months, Kiki
had been wondering if she was ready for a new relationship. She still had some
doubts and reservations about dating again.  As she walked down the hallway
after class one afternoon, it seemed fate answered this for her.

Working on one of the lockers
was this fine young man in his mid-twenties with intense blue eyes. He had
curly blonde hair and a well-kept beard. “He must be the new janitor”, she

Looking at him gave her the
kind of goose bumps that always occurred to her when she met someone that she
was deeply attracted to.

As she continued staring, Kiki
also noticed that he had a multicolored neck tattoo that she couldn’t quite
figure out. She was about to look away when the handsome janitor saw that she
was staring. She gave him a timid smile.

He blinked as he saw her, and
he gave a wide smile in response. This made her melt.

“Hello. My name is Billy, I am
the new janitor. Nice to meet you…”

“Miss Morrison… Kiki Morrison.
And it’s also a pleasure to meet you.”

Billy could smell her fear as
well as hear her heartbeat racing.

“I don’t know you.” Kiki said,
as she tried to think about the janitors employed by the school.

“No, we haven’t met. I just
transferred here, and I haven’t met all the faculty and staff just yet.”

“Wow… that was unexpected. But
it was good to meet you. Hope to see you around.”

“You too.”

And as Kiki was walking away,
she dropped her books and even before they hit the floor, Billy picked them up
and gave them back to her.

“You’ve also got some reflexes

“Nah, just at the right place,
at the right time,” he said while turning to look at her, his eyes twinkling

Kiki didn’t know how to
respond. She just turned her back and took a deep breath. That was the most
handsome man she had seen for ages. This was a feeling that she hadn’t
experienced in a while, and she didn’t want for it to pass. As Kiki finally
reached the door, she realized that she was falling in love with yet another
drop dead gorgeous white man.

Billy smiled at her retreating
back and hoped that they were going to see more of each other.

That was indeed love at first
sight. But as they say, once bitten, twice shy, so Kiki had to give it time to
see if it was worth it to give this handsome janitor a shot.

The next day, she bumped into
him just outside of her office and Kiki couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward
around him. Staring at him was making it really hard for her to stick to her
promise of staying single.

“Hello there. You look
incredible in that floral dress.”

“Thanks Billy. You look like a
badass wizard holding that broomstick.”

They both laughed, and Billy
decided to ask her out. That was the only thing that he had been thinking about
since he met her, and he thought it was now or never. So, he cleared his throat
and asked, “Kiki, do you want go out for coffee?”

Kiki hesitated for a moment
after hearing this. She looked up at his handsome face, and he smiled back at
her expectantly. At this vision, she could feel her resolve melting away. After
a couple of moments, she finally said, “Sure thing.” giving Billy a timid

“How about tonight?”

“Tonight sounds perfect.
Besides, I didn’t really have any plans so coffee is fine.”

That was how they ended up
having their first date. Both enjoyed getting to know each other better. Billy
got to know about Kiki’s breakup story and empathized with her. On her part,
Kiki got to learn more about Billy’s past odd jobs before he became a janitor
at the school. Billy was really funny and had a way of telling stories that
made her laugh and giggle.  She couldn’t remember the last time she had so much
fun with someone.

He also made her blush every
single time their eyes met. She was a bit sorry when it was over. Billy was a
gentleman and walked her to her place. At the door, he gave her a hug. Kiki
wanted to invite him inside, but she thought it was rather too early for that.
So, she let it go and settled on pulling him towards her and giving him a quick
kiss on the lips. He gave her another megawatt smile before turning to leave.

A week passed by and Kiki
always met Billy on the hallways more often than not. After a couple of days,
she decided to ask him out for a cup of coffee that day. Billy agreed on a
second date and told her that he would have to get some of the lockers fixed
first before he could be leave.

Kiki wasn’t in a hurry and told
him she would wait. She decided to wait in her office for him. As soon as she
got back, Lillian came knocking to check in on her.

“Girl, you know why I’m here.”

“Yes Lillian. Unfortunately,
it’s a Friday, but still, I am not going out with you guys.”

“Girl, I thought we already
told you a dozen times. Your previous relationship was over a couple of months
ago. You need to get up and pull your stuff together. There are plenty of
incredible men out there sent by God to get a drink at our favorite place, and
you’re just sitting here, missing the opportunity.”

“Who said I’m missing any

Lillian edged in closer into
her office and stared hard into her best friend’s eyes. She always did this
especially when she felt that Kiki was hiding something from her, and Kiki
didn’t really like it at all.

“So, care to tell me what the
heck is going on?”

Kiki had no plans of telling
any of her colleague friends about the developments in her love life just yet.
But now that Lillian had smelled a rat, Kiki felt that she didn’t have any
other choice but to show her where the heck the rat’s nest was.

“I knew that you were going to
end up dating. I used to see how you two looked at each other.”

“Were you spying on me? Woman,
you will learn how to mind your own business!” Kiki laughed as she took her
handbag from the table.

“Maybe it won’t hurt if I
accompanied you guys just for a single drink right before I call it a night.”
Kiki finally conceded.

“And how much of an incredibly
nice idea would it be if your secret lover accompanied us?”

Kiki thought it would be a
great idea. So, she texted Billy the change of plans right before they left
while giggling like a bunch of teenage girls.

As they reached the door of the
building, they went over to Stan, the security guard, to sign out for the day.

“You girls going out tonight?”
he asked

“Yes we are. We’d invite you
but it’s kind of a girl’s thing.” Lillian joked. Kiki elbowed her softly in the
ribs after she said this.

Stan chuckled and said, “You be
careful. They say some really big bear is running around town.”

Kiki thought she’d heard about
this on the local news. “Nah, that’s just media hype. It’s probably just some
large squirrel that became a bear because it’s a slow news day.” Lillian said
as punched out.

“Come on girl. Let’s go!”
Lillian hurried her.

“Night Stan!” she said to the
guard before going out the door.

Finally, the girls got to the
club, and they started with shots as usual. The week had been long and hectic,
and all that they wanted to do was unwind. The weekend looked promising and
what way would make more sense than to start it on a high note?

After about ten minutes after
the girls got to the club, Billy arrived. He was dressed in a tight shirt, a
tight-fitting pair of jeans, and black loafers. Kiki couldn’t stop staring at
him as he sat down next to her. 

All the three women in Kiki’s
company were happily married, but that didn’t stop them from ogling like a pack
of hungry hyenas. They all wanted a piece of this handsome specimen. 

“It’s actually nice of you to
come.” Kiki said

“Thanks for inviting me…
ladies.” He replied, smiling at her and giving the girls a nod.

“Hello Billy. Well, Miss Kiki
here never told us just how much of a handsome young man you are. I hope you
two start dating already.”

“Shut the hell up Lillian and
drink up.” Kiki cut her friend short, but that didn’t really stop her from
babbling away.

Thankfully, they were all very
much used to her babbling, and to some extent, it was rather entertaining.
After the first round of drinks, they called on the waitress to bring them
another round and the fun officially started.

This was the first time for
Kiki went out with the girls after she broke up with her boyfriend, and all she
wanted to do was let loose.

At first, it seemed as though
Billy was struggling to fit in, but after a few more drinks, he started to
unwind, and they all found themselves in the dance floor dancing their souls

After hours of drinking and
dancing, they decided to call it a night.

 “You know, at first I thought
Billy was somewhat a shy person. But now I really understand why our Kiki fell
in love with him.” Lillian said as the girls went back to their table to gather
their things.

“And why is that Lillian?” Kiki
asked while her eyes scrutinized her friend for any signs of any naughtiness.”

Lillian didn’t answer her
immediately. Rather, she took her time to make sure that she was looking at
Billy from head to toe, who was standing by the door waiting for them. Kiki got
bored waiting for a reply and started putting her coat on

“You talk as though we are
dating already. We were just having a date and you guys came up with this crazy
idea of us hanging out together. If I knew that you were going to embarrass me
like this, I wouldn’t have showed up with him.”

“We aren’t embarrassing you
child. We are just appreciating his fineness. I mean, look at him.”

“You clearly had enough to
drink Lillian. Go home to your family.” Kiki suggested as they all burst out

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