ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection) (276 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection)
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“I don’t want to be a spectator Evie, I want to be the one to make you laugh, to see you smile,” he urged, “Evie I want to be the one waiting for you at the church, not the one holding your dress,” he voice were desperate now, the words were so strong I could hardly register the meaning.

David took a step towards me, closing all the space I had put between us. “Tell me you want it too Evie,” he pleaded, his hand reaching out to brush my wayward hair away.

“I can’t,” I said, my voice merely a breath.

“Then show me,” before his last word had trailed away into nothing David’s lips were on mine.

Heat raked me, consumed me, his lips searched my own, teasing for an answer, for a response. I held back as his sweetness filled me, his scent washed over me and his hands ran quickly through my hair. I couldn’t resist the heat, the burning desperate arousal that claimed my body for itself. I kissed him back.

Slow at first, savoring the taste, the feelings and the undeniable pleasure. Then I moved faster. My hands tore through his soft shaggy hair, pulled at the brown locks as desperation took a hold of my body and overtook every rational thought my mind was capable of.  It was so animalistic and instinctive in nature, every touch; every daring pull of his lips was needed, for without it I feared my legs would collapse beneath me.

His hands gripped me, kept me standing as slowly he pulled away, leaving us both breathless. My head pressed against his shoulder, it was so familiar yet so new, everything about it felt wrong and right at the same time. He was no longer my oldest friend; the term ‘step-brother’ had been thrown out the window, no now he was something completely different, something more.

“I leave next week,” the moment was shattered completely. His words dropped on me with a weight that I thought would crush me. Coldness tore away the heat, fear consumed the pleasure and anger rid my body of every single last shard of happiness.

“No,” I gasped. If he wasn’t holding me I would be on the floor.

“I have to,” he whispered, urging me to look at me, trying to make me understand.

I pushed away from him, shoving him backwards. “You lied,” I screamed. Heads turned to face us, eyes landed on my frantic body.

“I’m sorry,” he cried, the sadness in his voice had never been clearer.

“Goodbye David,” I replied coldly, I had gained something and lost it in a matter of minutes. There was only one person I needed, one person that could force away the terror, keep me standing. He just so happened to be the one person who was going to hate me.


Chapter Nine

The second Isaac climbed out of the car I was in his arms, nestled in his sweet scent and pressed against his warmth. For now he didn’t ask for an explanation, he didn’t need to know why I had called him, all he did was hold me. His hand caressed my hair, his fingers pulled the tension out of my shoulders and the beat of his heart calmed me. I didn’t need an explanation to be with Isaac, I just could; right now it was just so simple.

Lips found my ear and gently eased away the worries. “Eve, my darling, its ok,” he soothed; only now making me realize I was crying. It had taken him an hour to get here and in that time the park and been cloaked with darkness. The sounds were dying away and my quiet sobs could easily be heard.

I pulled away from him, blushing as I realized I had marked his expensive white shirt with my running mascara. Clumsily I tried to rub it away, only to be stopped by a strong hand, a hand that forced me back against him, back into his comforting embrace. “I’m sorry Isaac,” I whispered as fresh tears marked his shirt.

“Never be sorry Eve,” he hummed softly against my ear.

“You came for me,” I said quietly into his chest, the gravity of my meaning barely transferring over to my weak voice.

“I will always be there when you need me, however you need me,” Isaac said gently. He pulled me away softly and placed a small kiss on my lips. I breathed in his scent, accepted his taste like it was a drug, but to me it was a drug. His kiss took away what David had given me, it made up my mind, something inside me wanted David but I craved Isaac, I craved the safety that was the man who held me.

“I know,” I whispered, Isaac would always be there for me.

“What has happened my darling?” he spoke softly, brushing away the hair that now stuck to my face.

I was reluctant to answer, reluctant to admit what had happened but above all else I didn’t want to relive it. “You can tell me,” Isaac said with a small smile, sensing my uncertainty.

I breathed in deeply. “He lied to me, he’s going back to the army” I whispered.

Isaac’s body stiffened under my touch, his muscles tightening at my words. “David?” he said and I could hear the venom in his voice.

I nodded against him, scared to look up and face him. “Wait here,” he said almost softly, the anger in his voice still broke through though.

I grabbed hold of his arm as he tried to pull away. “Please no, let’s just go,” I urged, trying to pull him backwards towards the car.

“You,” the voice was accusing and angry, it was David’s voice. Isaac’s body froze and I could feel the anger surging through him. He pulled me away now, giving me no chance to stop him.

“She doesn’t want you here David,” Isaac said as calmly as possible, he had his normal composure, he was not one to lose it easily.

David on the other hand was furious and he had no right to be. “She came here with me,” he sneered.

The words made Isaac flinch but he held strong, his back firm. “You gave her no choice,” he said, visibly trying to contain the anger that raked through him.

I stood behind him, unsure of what to do, how to break up whatever it was that was happening. “Stop,” I said, my voice was weak and I knew it, neither one paid me any attention.

“She wanted to come,” David shouted. My body shook, he was right, I had wanted to come but I had wanted to stay as well.

“You hurt her David,” Isaac said, his voice serious, unwavering.

David ducked his head a little, Isaac’s words clearly impacting him more than he wanted. “I thought I would be saying that to you, you know that right?” he said, sadness evident in his voice. At that point I wanted to run to him, to comfort him, it was instinctive.

“I know, but I would never hurt her David, never,” Isaac said and I believed him, he never would hurt me, not knowingly.

“You lied to her once, she forgave you Isaac,” David said solemnly, “You know I hated you for that, she forgave you so easily Isaac, she loved you even then,” he whispered.

The clouds that had been looming overhead finally opened and rain came pouring down on us, nobody gave a second look to the sky. “She loves you too,” Isaac stated and I could see him wince.

There it was; there were the words I had been terrified to admit to myself. They both knew what I couldn’t say; I loved them both.

“I know,” David admitted.

A choice was coming, one I knew I couldn’t make. I wasn’t about to choose who I loved the most, I was about to choose who I couldn’t live without.

I looked between the two men that held my heart, both soaked through, both stood in the freezing rain for me; I deserved neither of them. “I can’t do this,” I breathed.

Two strong arms wrapped around me but they did not warm me, even Isaac couldn’t do that now. “Darling you are strong enough to do this,” he whispered softly in my ear.

“Don’t make me choose,” I cried.

Isaac turned around to fully face me, his knee’s landed on the soaking muddy floor and his bright blue eyes looked up at me. There he knelt in silence studying my face, a soft smile at his lips. His hands cupped my cheeks, stroking the tears and rain water away. “I said I would never hurt you and I meant it,” he hummed gently, standing back up.

“You’ll stay?” he asked seriously, his eyes and words no longer directed at me but at David.

There was a pause, a pause where nobody dared to even breathe. “Yes,” he whispered. The words collided with my body and knocked the air from my lungs, David would stay and he would be safe.

“Isaac, think about what you’re doing, can you live without her?” David asked, his voice was raw, emotion flooded every single word.

“No more than you can,” Isaac said softly.

“You would really give her up without a fight?” David demanded as his anger resurfaced.

“I won’t hurt her like that, David she can’t live without you,” he stated.

He turned to me then, his face soft and comforting despite the rain that ran so steadily down his face. “You love him?” he asked. I knew I couldn’t avoid an answer now, I had no choice.

“Yes,” I admitted, finally letting myself actually believe it, “but,” I whispered.

Isaac held a hand up to stop me, as he shook his head I couldn’t go on. “Please don’t say it,” he offered me a small smile, “be happy Eve, be happy like I know you will be,”

With the softest of kisses against my cheek he walked away. I watched him leave, I could have stopped him but I didn’t, I let him go. Instead I turned to my future; I turned to David, my David.

In his chest I cried away my grief, I let my hesitations go and I gave myself to him.


Chapter Ten

“My Evie,” David whispered softly as his lips nibbled my ear gently.

I smiled at the touch; I had barely stopped smiling since we had said our vows, since we became husband and wife. It had been two years, a rough two years but perfect none the less. David had given up the army and gone into teaching, sharing his knowledge and experience with new recruits, he was happy teaching and he had grown to love it more than being in the army itself.

“My husband,” I teased, it was definitely going to take some getting used to.

“Did you see them today?” he asked casually, playing with the gold ring on my finger.

“I did,” I smiled; I couldn’t have missed them if I had tried.

“He looked happy,” David said. None of the anger or the venom that had once been present upon mention of Isaac had been there since the day in the rain two years ago, the day where a choice was made for me, one I would never have changed.

“He is,” I agreed with a nod, I was more than grateful for that. Isaac’s wife could see the difference in him that I had seen so long ago, she had given herself to him like I never could.

“What about you?” David asked nervously, “Are you happy?” he finished with a little blush.

I took his face in my hands like I had done a hundred times before and gently placed a kiss on his lips. “I am so very happy David,” I whispered, every word was the truth. He had never let me down again, he shared everything with me and we were together in every aspect of the word.

My kiss was all that was needed for him to wrap his arms around me and bring me to him. I nestled into his lap, letting him pull me completely into the firmness of his protective embrace. His lips found mine once more and he left a teasingly short kiss lingering on my lips. I pulled him back, not allowing him to give me merely a sample of him. My lips crashed down on his with all the intensity of my need, enough to send pleasure coursing through me.

Fingers traced my thighs, pushing away my wedding dress, forcing the silky fabric away from my bare legs. My hands ran through his hair, his attempts at styling it unable to protect it from my frantic touch. I wanted every part of him; I needed to feel his love for me. I let my fingers trail lower, over his uniform and towards his trousers.

The fabric was stretched from, his hardness pushing it to it limits. I dared my fingers to run across it, relishing the shiver it caused to rake through David’s body. He needed me as I did him and that only served to heat my body more, to send the pulsing fire surging through every single last nerve inside of me.

My dress landed on the floor as David let his lips do the work, teasing and pulling at every part of me. Sensations like no other consumed me; my back arched against them, forcing me towards him. I could feel his hardness against me, bound by fabric but enough to tease me, to show me what I could have, what could give me all the pleasure my body could ever handle.

His lips caught mine once more as his fingers went to his belt, quickly ridding us of the constraints that held him. I took his shaft in my hand, touching it, feeling it hardness. A groan pierced the room, whether it was from his lips or my own I didn’t care. His hands traveled my thighs, exploring every last part. With darkness consuming me and as his fingers found my soaking panties I relented and let my arms wrap around his neck.

His fingers, so gloriously wet, worked their magic inside of me. Each movement, each subtly amazing stroke set  my body on edge, pleading in its own way for a release. He worked me to the point of utter bliss and to the point where if he was to let me go I knew I would come tumbling down in shaking ecstasy around his fingers. He didn’t though; he kept me building, kept me desperate for more to the extent that my hips were grinding against him.

I urged him forwards, rubbing his cock against my waiting wetness where I knew he could make my walls collapse and give me the pleasure the deepest part of my body ached for. “David, I need you,” I whispered. It was a breath, the words barely containing any substance other than my desire. He understood my need, understood that I was so torturously close that I was hanging on his every teasingly sensual touch.

BOOK: ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection)
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