ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection) (300 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection)
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Suddenly his hand wrapped around Lily’s waist while the other covered her eyes. She could see nothing but the darkness of Mason’s palm now and as he slowly walked forwards she began to shake, having no idea what to expect. “Mason, what’s going on?” she whispered.

“Just wait,” he said quietly.  They walked for a minute more, the path was uneven and Lily leaned heavily on Mason, her feet unstable on the foreign ground.

Mason came to a stop; he clutched Lily to his side as he looked up at her present, the one present he knew she wanted more than anything. “Mason please,” Lily begged.

With a smile Mason placed a small kiss on Lily’s lips, the sudden pressure made Lily jump a little and Mason’s smile only grew bigger, it was the little things like that, the smallest of responses to his touch, that he loved the most about her. “Just tell me if you don’t like it,” Mason said and before Lily could respond he moved his hand away from her eyes.

The bright light of the morning flooded Lily’s vision and then all at once she could see the house before her. She stared at the old thatched cottage in confusion before she finally realized why they were there. “Mason,” she breathed as she looked up at the cottage, the cottage that was theirs.

“You like it?” Mason asked quickly.

Lily couldn’t look away from the small cottage that was surrounded in flowers, perfectly nestled in its wild surroundings. “You brought this for us?” Lily questioned, momentarily surprised that words could actually push past her shock.

“I hoped this would be our normal, our future together,” Mason whispered, his eyes firmly directed at the floor, all his winnings had gone into buying the house, everything he had.

Lily wrapped her arms around her husband-to-be in front of the house she hoped they would spend the rest of their lives. A smile fought its way through the tears that marked her pale skin; with Mason around she knew things would never be normal.



Chapter Six

In the singular moment where Mason had expected to feel the most nervous he found himself simply unable to entertain the concept, he was too excited and far too consumed in the woman walking towards him. The soft melody of the ancient wedding song echoed through the church and with each painfully slow step his Lily was getting closer to him. He knew he should have waited, that he shouldn’t have turned to face her so soon but he wasn’t one for customs, not when his Lily was involved. She was a vision in white; Mason tugged at his suit jacket worriedly, knowing that while he had done his best he couldn’t quite live up to her beauty.

Lily paced her steps, moving in time to the gentle hum of the music, if it was up to her she would have run down the aisle. She had eyes only for Mason; he was impeccably dressed in the finest black suit she had ever seen. His normally messy brown hair was pushed back, perfectly styled; if he had managed one thing it was to put her to shame. She had no idea how he had even fallen for her in the first place, yet here he was, waiting for her at the altar.

The crowd watched on, hardly a dry eye in the room as they watched Lily and Mason take their vows, of course the pair hardly noticed anyone but each other; they had worked so hard to get to this moment. Chris and Hannah stood to the side; neither having believed that this day would come or that they would be there to watch as, what were now both of their friends, got married.

There was just one thing left, two words that would seal their fates for what both hoped would be forever. Lily looked into Mason’s bright blue eyes and smiled, her own eyes damp with unshed tears. “I do,” she whispered.

Mason breathed a sigh of relief, only when the words finally left her lips did he believe that she would utter them. For the first time in his life he let a tear slide down his cheeks. “I do,” he breathed.


Hand in hand, husband and wife stood at the door to what was going to be their wedding reception. With a wide grin Mason turned to Lily, forever his blushing bride. “In the mood to party?” he said with a chuckle.

Lily dragged her eyes across the room before finally settling on her husband. “Do you think they’ll miss us?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

“Do you care?” Mason laughed, his brows rising. Lily could see the hunger in his eyes as they raked over her body, now finally free of the restrictive wedding dress, right now she hardly cared about anything except for being alone with Mason.

“Let’s go home,” Lily stated and without another word she dragged her husband out of the reception room and through the open doors before anyone would notice.

Their first bike ride as a married couple was, for Lily at least, blissfully short. There would be time to ride, but as her husband carried her over the threshold she knew that that time was not now. “I love you Mrs. Mason,” he grinned, placing her down softly on the balls of her feet.

“And I love you Mr. Lily,” she grinned in turn. He placed a soft kiss on her lips, just letting his touch linger a second longer than normal, allowing the smallest hint of his passion to show through his smile.

His kiss was not hungry, it was not lust filled but as Lily looked into the depths of his bright blue eyes she knew he wished it to be. “I want you Mason,” she whispered, “all of you.”

He smiled at his wife, one of his few rare genuine smiles that seemed to be saved solely for her. “Then who am I to deny you what you want?” he teased.

His hands cupped Lily’s cheeks and she felt the first surges of heat bubbling in the pit of her stomach. “Do we own a bed yet?” she questioned, struggling to get the words out as Mason’s lips brushed against hers.

“Who needs a bed?” Mason chuckled, his thumb stroking soft sensual circles across Lily’s cheek all the while.

“It seems that we don’t,” she laughed slightly, her mind already beginning to fog at Mason’s touch, “After you,” she added, hoping that with just the small space it would put between them that she could regain control over her racing heart.

“Now you think I’ll going to let you walk? Oh no I fully intend on carrying you,” he chuckled sarcastically. Before Lily could truly register his words she was in his arms and not for the first time she couldn’t believe how lucky she really was.



Chapter Seven

The bedroom was small and unfurnished, barely lit by the dim light of the moon that shone steadily through the open window. Mason’s eyes were fixed on his wife as the moonlight reflected off her pale skin. She made a move to cover herself, wrapping a shaking arm around her stomach. He stopped her, pressing her arm to her side, she was finally his and he would not have anything come in the way of her body. He had dreamt of this moment, envisioned the gentle curves of her body, the way her ample breasts rested so firmly and perfectly against her.

She held her arm to her side, exposed to the hunger in Mason’s dark consuming eyes. A deep breath shook her body and he watched as her rising heart beat caused her breasts to rise and fall, casting shadows across her pale skin. His chest was bare, his suit trousers hung loosely at his hips, hardly able to contain his increasing arousal. He was hard, Lily could see his desire pressing firm against the thin fabric, her heart hammered at the image, he wanted her as much as her body craved him.

Mason moved closer, daring to close the fragile centimeters that kept him from his wife and her sweet body. She was everything he had dreamt of, no curves, no subtle grove of her body was in contrary to his darkest imagination yet as he closed the space, as he took that last step towards her that caused his bare chest to press against her, he knew this was so much better than what his imagination had created. Lily was there, pressed against him, her warm pale skin shaking with requited anticipation against his firm chest.

“I’ve wanted this for so long,” Lily whispered. The words echoed in the small space and Mason felt his trousers tighten at the spoken words of her shared arousal.

“So have I my sweet Lily,” he hummed. She moaned at the words, the tender sensual words that left her body pleading for more, the more she had waited for so very long.

Mason hooked his finger over Lily’s panties, the lacy fabric pressed roughly against his fingertips. She shuddered, the warm vibration of her oh so response body radiated through Masons. The soft desperate moan that poured from her lips, the intoxicatingly sweet aroma of wild flowers that engulfed them and the warmth that coated her slender yet perfectly curved body was more than Mason’s dreams had ever been able to create. This time in the light of the moon and in the house that was theirs, Lily was here, flesh and blood and temptingly responsive to his desperate caress.

He moved his fingers lower, brushing aside the useless fabric that kept him from his Lily. His fingers glided over her soft skin, tightening around her ass, feeling her tense against his touch; the firmness of it caused his breathing to catch. Her panties fell to the floor as he let his fingers trail down, feeling the growing dampness of the arousal spread across her thighs.

“Mason,” Lily moaned, her legs parting as his fingers pressed lightly against her clit. Her body shuddered with pleasure, the feeling so extraordinarily new that it caught every part of her off-guard, everything she had reacted to the softness and need of his touch. 

She pressed harder against him, her hands slipping between their bodies, pressing the firmness in his trousers. Mason groaned in response, his fingers moved faster against throbbing clit. Her hands worked fast, dragging away Mason’s trousers until only just his boxers grazed against her tender thighs. The hot thick scent of her arousal flooded the room, twisting and mixing with wild flowers to fill the air with something so sweet and sensual that Mason could barely breathe.

He pulled away, kicking off his trousers, Lily frowned, needing Mason back against her, longing for the sensations his fingers seemed to erupt in the deepest darkest parts of her. She stared at his chest and the pure black Celtic tattoos that marked his perfectly bronzed skin; even in the dim light she could see the contrast of their bodies. Unable to keep away from her, unable to relinquish her body for even a second longer he wrapped a firm arm around her trembling body and lowered her to the floor.

Lily’s legs parted as her back pressed down on the hard floor, the worn carpet did little to soften the blow but she didn’t care. Mason leant on top of her, his free hand resting between her thighs, caressing the wetness the glimmered in the light. She moaned louder, her eyes locking onto his and the hunger that claimed the darkest depths of them. She moved forwards, pressing her fingers against his hardness, tearing away his black boxers.

With a gasp her hand locked around him, feeling the desire and readiness that pulsed through him. He groaned loudly as her hand trailed across him, running the length of his erection, her hands so soft, so driven by need. His bright blue eyes met her chocolate brown ones and an involuntary shiver plundered through her body. He could feel it beneath him, feel how her legs shook, her breasts pressed against him.


Chapter Eight

Leaning forwards Mason captured Lily’s lips with a furious heat that showed his pressing need. She groaned against him, her hands traveled frantically across his thighs, over his firm muscles and into his messy brown hair. Her fingers, once so soft, and so delicately explorative, dug roughly into his hair pulling his lips closer. His chest crushed against her, knocking the air from her lungs and then there was pressure, firmness against where she wanted it the most.

Trapped between the two bodies now panting for air, Mason’s fingers pressed sensually against her lower regions, stroking the softness until moans came thick and fast from the tender lips of his wife. Her body rose and feel heavily against him as he worked each and every last moan from her overly sensitive body. He moved his hand away, wanting desperately to save the last spark of pleasure for himself.

“My wife,” he whispered, pressing another soft kiss against her lips, daring not to let it linger in case his last hint of control would fade with it.

Lily paused, her breathing heavy and her mind fogged with the pleasure that already pulsed through her. Her body eased its relentless assault as Mason’s hand cupped her cheek, his eyes boring into hers. “My husband,” she breathed.

In Mason’s bright blue eyes was the unspoken question, so slowly Mason could barely breath Lily nodded and then there was pleasure, so much pleasure that neither of them could quite comprehend it.

Mason moved his hips forwards, pushing himself into Lily’s wetness as she met his movement pushing her body up to greet him. “Lily,” he groaned, as finally he felt her surround him, the warmth of her desire encasing his length.

His hands rested at her sides as he pressed into her, her hips instinctively meeting him, deepening the sensation as he moved faster. Her fingers clung to his hair, pulling the messy strand closer and closer until there was hardly any space between them. He watched her, saw her pleasure, how her chest rose faster, how her breaths came out in pants. Her eyes glistened as he pressed harder and harder into her, his hand capturing her soft thigh and pushing it up so he could fill her completely.

She cried aloud, the sensation of him fully inside her destroying all resolved he had. He wanted it to go on forever, to feel how she encased him, to feel how warm and wet she was around him but as she tightened and a low groan shuddered through his lips he knew she was close, that he would not be able to survive feeling her explode around him.

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