ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection) (40 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection)
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The rest of the drive was strained and quiet. Neither of them acknowledged each other. Madison felt like she was going to implode. Everything that was left unsaid chewed at her, and it felt like Blake didn’t care at all. He sat next to her cold as a stone with no emotion. None of this seemed to bother him. Had she misread the trip? Had she misunderstood what had happened between them? Surely a night like they one before meant more than just a physical release?

Boston loomed on the horizon and the next moment they were between buildings, weaving their way through town. Blake had phoned ahead and told Lash what time to expect them. Emma would be there too, so they could break the news to them both in one go.

“Where do I have to turn?” Blake asked, leaning forward in his seat to squint at road names.

Madison pointed down a road and he took it.

“I don’t see how you can just throw all of this away,” she said softly.

“There isn’t a lot left to throw away. That’s the point I’m trying to make. We didn’t really leave a lot to salvage. This is for the best.”

“How can it be for the best when we’re not together? How are you this set on carrying on with the rest of your life alone? Has it really been that bad for you to be with me?”

Blake pulled up in front of the apartment building Lash had directed us to. He looked at Madison. The engine ticking was the only sound in the car.

“It hasn’t been that bad,” he started, and his voice was a lot softer than it was before. The hard front he kept up was beginning to crack.

“Then what?” Madison asked. She was panicking. She felt that if Blake opened the door and got out, that would be the end. They would do what they’d come to do in the first place. She couldn’t just let him go.

“Don’t do this,” she said, and she didn’t care anymore that her voice was pleading.

“It’s not about everything that passed,” Blake said, and his voice was throaty like he wanted to cry. “It’s about what’s coming. It’s going to be that bad for me to see you every day, and to know that you’re just beyond arm’s reach. You have been for so long, and it’s tearing me apart, Maddie. It’s killing me that I see you every day and I just can’t seem to reach you.”

Madison stared at Blake, mouth open. Did he really care that much?

“I love you, Blake. We can fix this. Just don’t walk out on us. Don’t leave me.”

Blake put his hand on the handle. This was it. This was the moment where their relationship with end. If he got out now…

But he didn’t. He took his way again, and reached over to Madison. He pulled her closer to him, and her body bent awkwardly over the gearshift and the handbrake.

“I just feel like I’ve lost you already, and I’m not coping with it,” Blake said into her shoulder. “I can’t do this anymore.”

“We just need to fix it again, Blake. We can do this. Stay with me.”

He was motionless for a second, and then he nodded, the movement a spark of electricity in her chest. She breathed out in a shudder, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

“I love you too,” Blake said as Lash appeared at the doors that led into the building. “I’ve always loved you. I want to make this work.”

Madison looked up at him her eyes bright and watery.

"You mean it? No divorce? No quit and run?"

Blake sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "No divorce, no quit and run. Things have been tough but I know we'll make it through. Besides what other woman would come running after me in the woods, her leg bleeding, falling over sticks and brush just to make sure I was ok and hadn't completely given over to my dark side?"

Madison smiled beneath her tears feeling a weight lifting off her chest.

"Let's go say hi to the kids."

"Yes, lets."

Blake grabbed her hand as they walked to the front of the building together.







By Sicily Duval


Chapter One

The salvation Samuel had prayed for, the answer to his darkest pleas and most disturbed nightmares was close, so painfully close. He could feel it, the heat almost unbearable as it plagued his body, tearing at his limbs, piercing each nerve in his exhausted body. It was like nothing he had ever felt, it gripped his heart, clenching the precious organ in its grasp as a tidal wave of burning raw emotion flooded his very essence. The second he had felt it he had understood; it was a drug, the most addictive sensation in existence. People could feed off it, nurturing their light and darkness; manipulate it to serve their own twisted purposes. Then it was gone, almost as quickly as it had appeared and once more he was left alone.

For twenty two years he had sought the heat relentlessly, the desire to claim it always in the back of his mind, fighting his urge to give up, to succumb to his fate. His footsteps slowed on the crumbling tarmac, no longer feeling it necessary to run, distance had not helped his pursuit as he had thought it might. The sensations had not increased nor had they faded as he ran blindly through the streets, they had remained constantly burning until they disappeared, almost as though they had never appeared in the first place. It was only the shivers that still twisted and tore at his heart that told him he hadn’t imagine it.

Taking one quick glance around him, ensuring there was nobody of particular interest in the small street, he let his body sink to the ground, content at least for now that he was not in any immediate danger. He dropped his head into his hands, rubbing his eyes wearily as a small groan of anguished frustration passed through his lips. In the moment when he had least expected it, it had caught him off-guard, his time was running out, he had viewed his pursuit as hopeless and then it had come, the shining light that held the small promise of a future.

Love, he knew what the humans called it; the concept of their description was almost funny. The heat was not love to him; it was control, control of the worst kind. The way it wrapped around his heart, promising to warp his mind, to give him to another. It was a necessity, one he had always accepted to endure, however unpleasant the concept may be, he had to find a mate. Finally as the weight of his most recent failure lifted he let out a small laugh, choosing instead to find relief in the knowledge that had been made apparent to him. His mate existed, wherever she was, she was real; all he had to do now was find her.

A sharp pain shot through Samuel’s head and he winced slightly, still not quite accustomed to it. Sighing loudly he pulled himself up from the floor and turned his back on the few pedestrians that littered the street, shielding his eyes from their prying ones. The second his face was out of view he let the bright blue of his iris’s melt away to be quickly replaced by a shimmering gold that twisted around the few remaining strands of his natural color. The pain increased rapidly in one sharp burst before finally it settled to a dull numb that was far easier to cope with.

He groaned, recognizing instantly who it was that was taking over the small part of his mind. “Come home,” the voice spoke quickly, sparing no time for pleasantries.

A rough shiver ran through Samuel’s body at the voice, the tone sounding far too much like a demand for his liking, he didn’t take orders, he gave them. “When I’m ready,” he mentally snapped back, using the full force of his voice.

Before the man could respond, Samuel shut him out, snapping the connection quickly. He allowed himself a small smile, imagining how the man likely winced at his tone; it served him right for trying to make an order. Chuckling lightly he strode off down the street, ignoring the strange looks that the few people nearest to him gave him, he couldn’t blame them for their curious glances, it was the midst of winter and he was dressed in a pair of shorts after all.

Not accustomed to running, not in his human form at least, his legs ached as he made his way quickly down the street. He had little need to run as a human and it seemed to him that it had taken its toll on his body. He ached to reach to forest where he could run freely, away from the pain that surged through his exhausted legs, he had not quite realized how far he had run without break.

A similar pain as before shot into his head but this time he pushed it aside, not willing to continue the conversation with the man he perhaps liked least of all his pack. He had enough to think about and if it wasn’t for the fact that he did actually have to get home, he would have taken the long way back. If the day had achieved anything it had been to break the monotony of pack life, between his duties and his unwelcome pursuit of his mate there was little else that could be deemed interesting.

Spying the beginning of the forest, Samuel smiled and picked up the pace. Sure that no overly curious humans were paying him any attention he jogged into the safety of the trees, the place he could truly feel at home. Brushing his hands through his messy brown hair, in the pointless hope that he wouldn’t look too disheveled when he returned, he stared into the trees with a wide grin. Here at least he could be free, here he could unleash the wolf.



Chapter Two

By the time that Samuel wandered out of the forest, looking as he had expected, slightly worse for wear, it was already getting dark. Despite his better judgment he had succumbed to the sanctuary of the tree’s and strayed off the beaten track, delving further and further into the forest’s darkness than what he would have liked. He could readily imagine the wrath he was set to face, but even now as he walked from the trees in his human form, he cared very little. He was Alpha, for a couple weeks more at least and for now that meant something, however much it didn’t seem like it.

To his intense relief it was friend rather than foe who met him at the tree parting. He returned the warm smile of the man who came running towards him, reluctantly happy to see him. “Jake,” he greeted the man as he slowed to a stop beside him, matching his pace as he strode towards the pack house. He was only slightly shorter than Samuel, but to his amusement the man was much better turned out, but then after running for so long Samuel wasn’t too surprised.

“Samuel,” Jake smiled. Frowning a little at the informality of the greeting, Samuel didn’t push it; a true friend was hard to come by after all.

“How angry are they?” Samuel questioned casually, not really caring much for the answer.

Jake visibly looked reluctant to answer and Samuel’s frown hardened. “They’re not happy,” was all he said, diverting his light brown eyes to the floor and away from Samuel’s.

Unsurprised by the news Samuel pushed forwards, eager to put an end to the dispute he knew was likely to be erupting in the house. They all knew he was back now of course, it had been something of a miracle that he had been able to avoid a bigger welcoming party, one void of warm smiles and instead full of bared teeth. “I suppose I had better put an end to this before it really begins,” Samuel muttered, more to himself than to Jake.

Jake paused mid-step and Samuel turned to him curiously, it was obvious he had more to say and Samuel was pretty sure what it was. The man’s eyes were sparkling, hope and almost happiness shinning back at Samuel as he surveyed him impatiently. “Just say it Jake,” he demanded, trying at least to keep some of the force from his voice, not wanting to hurt his friend in anyway.

Only a small wince crossed over Jake’s features and for that Samuel was grateful. “You found her,” Jake whispered, again diverting his eyes, seemingly scared to either ask the question or hear the answer.

A small smile tugged at Samuel’s lips, from the corner of his eye Jake noticed, feeling hope surge through him. “No,” Samuel said simply and in an instant Jake’s face dropped.

“But I felt it,” Jake said quickly, trying to rationalize his new found fears, his eyes were wide and Samuel could sense the terror flooding his body.

“It will be ok,” Samuel said simply, turning his back on his friend without any more of an explanation. He didn’t believe his words, not even a little but still, his friend deserved no added fear, if his words could provide even a little comfort then it would be enough.

He only wanted to explain once and that was all he would do. Aching to get the meeting done with and change into something that wasn’t shorts he barged into the large house, not caring much for the man who stood behind the door. Fifty three sets of eyes turned to him instantly and the rapid talk that had filled the room mere seconds before died on the tip of the tongues who were about to speak. Sparing no look to those who stared at him he strode purposefully to the front of the extremely crowded room. In any other circumstance he would have laughed at the amount of bodies crammed into the space, but for now that was not important.

“Pack,” he greeted his tone professional.

A chorus of ‘Alpha’ followed his brief greeting; it was customary and little more. He met the eyes now of those he knew he could trust in the crowd, his bright blue iris’s scanning over two dozen or so faces, most of which smiled openly, he was surprised. “Is it true?” someone shouted from the midst of the crowd, causing a few of the others to speak up.

Samuel met the eyes of the one he had hit with the door and suppressed a smile when he realized it was the same bear-like man who he had spoken to earlier. The man stared back at him, refusing to look away from the Alpha’s overbearing stare; Samuel was amused at his audacity. A mix of anger, worry and suppressed hope filled the room, creating the kind of tension that could easily explode at any moment.

In the hope that honesty would make this ordeal quick, Samuel decided that it would be the most preferable of options. “Yes and no, she exists but I have not met her yet,” he spoke of his mate with distaste. A few of the crowd relaxed a little, others held their shoulders firm and tensed.

“You have two weeks,” a man shouted from the back of the room, one of the seasoned fighters Samuel noted.

“I am well aware of the date of my birth thank you Mark,” Samuel shot back in a clipped tone. The large man took a step back, frowning.

“You felt her and I will find her, two weeks is plenty of time,” Samuel said quickly. He took in the reaction of the room, more than he expected looked happy at the news, still though around half the crowd looked ready for blood.

When nobody else spoke, whether too scared to raise their questions or too shocked by the day’s news, Samuel didn’t know but as silence fell he made his escape. He had two weeks to find his mate or he was dead.


Chapter Three

Having received little more than an hours’ sleep as the first rays of the morning sun shone through the window, Samuel decided that it was about time to give up attempting to get any more. His pack had talked long into the night, a few remaining even now; he knew he should have stayed, steered the topic to safer ground than what they had discussed. There were a few that remained on his side, speaking out in his favor, doing what they could, needing him to find his mate as much as he did himself.

Tossing off the bed covers he focused harder on the conversation taking place below him. Jake was there, but other than that the wolves that occupied the room were not exactly his biggest supporters, domineering the conversation and disregarding the comments Jake made. He was Alpha in name and name alone, they did as he said when he commanded so but as for loyalty it was almost all but vacant.

Starkly aware as always that when he turned Twenty Three and the blood bonds that bound them to him were broken, he would be left open to attack. There was one thing that could save him, the thing that up until now had completely evaded him. Pacing the room he thought back to the feelings that had consumed him in entirety, he had two weeks to marry his mate, if he failed then he knew somebody else would take his place as alpha, someone older, someone mated, there would be no need for him any longer.

Rummaging through his draws, Samuel pulled out a crisp white shirt and black suit trousers; he had work to do if he wanted to save the pack from someone unworthy of taking command. If he could only find her, the woman who owned the other half of his soul then he could restore what was rightfully his. He had the blood of an Alpha and once he had the loyalty of his pack, once he was their true leader he could put an end to the brewing fight of who would replace him, he didn’t want to think about how many lives would be lost if he couldn’t find her.

With renewed purpose, the first real purpose he had felt in years, he left the house, not bothering to check in on the pack, sure his presence would be less than welcome this morning. He eyed the forest wistfully, feeling the urge to run come boiling to the surface, he wanted more than anything to stretch his legs and to rid his mind of the troublesome route it was taking. Shaking his head and brushing back his hair he walked away from the forest line and towards the cars that were packed beside the pack house. It was completely empty outside and for that he was grateful as he selected his favorite of the cars, a sleek black BMW.

It didn’t take long to reach the spot where he had first felt her and as he parked his car at the side of the small suburban street he hoped that he might just be able to sense her. He knew it should have come naturally, that if she was within a 100 meters he should at least be able to sense her wolf, so far that didn’t seem to be the case. He climbed out the car, instantly on guard, if his mate was in fact near then her pack would likely be close, the last thing he wanted was a war now, not with everything else going on.

BOOK: ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection)
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