ROMANCE : PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Unwanted mate (BBW Pregnancy Werebear Shifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance) (60 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE : PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Unwanted mate (BBW Pregnancy Werebear Shifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance)
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Chapter 4

Melinda couldn’t get over the fact that her father was a bit of a swinger. It appeared that his need for other lovers was complemented with a woman that was able to see past that addiction. For some reason, she thought that it was a good thing that he had found somebody that could accept him for who he was. She believed that everybody should have that special one that could see them for who they were. It dawned on her that it was Matthew that had seen through her façade of a woman that was worldly. He had taken her on a magical carpet ride that had her looking back at that time that they had together, as the one that she could never duplicate.

I never took you for one that would sample the other side of the fence, but you never know what’s going on in somebody’s head. That relationship between her and Sheila had to be going for some time. They were just too comfortable with each other and there was no nervousness to say that this was an encounter that was out of the blue. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say with some degree of certainty that Beverly had made a request of Sheila and she was more than happy to comply.”

Melinda didn’t want to think about what they were going to do on the beach together. Their love life was their business and she wanted the same respect in return. She walked back to the house and up to the deck where the planter had been sitting. She took a closer look and found that there were scratch marks. Some of the dirt had upended and there was a telltale footprint. It had to be at least a size eight, which led Melinda to believe that there was somebody that was out to get Matthew. She was going to have to stay close and make sure that he wasn’t alone. Come to think of it, she realized that he had been alone for the last hour and that was more than enough time for somebody to strike again.

She went back in the house and was crossing by the kitchen, when she smelled something very sweet wafting in the air. It was obviously propane and she had been in a fire that was made from that particular substance. She went inside and found Matthew sitting splayed on a chair over the table. Thinking quickly, she went over to the stove and turned the dials to turn off the propane. It could’ve been an accident from the cook on duty, but to have all four burners going at the same time meant that there was premeditation behind this.

“Matthew, wake the fuck up for god’s sake. Show me that you’re alive.” Melinda tried to pick him up from the seat, but it was like trying to carry dead weight. With his extra muscles, it was going to take a Herculean effort on her part to even make him move a fraction of an inch. She got a pretty good idea, something that occurred to her and then she put it into motion.

She dragged the chair a few inches at a time, before getting winded and having to stop and start over again. She got him out of the room. His eyes began to flutter with a recognition that came from seeing his guardian angel. “I would say that I died and went to heaven, but I don’t think that even god would give me a vision of loveliness like you.” He was a sweet talker and he had always been that way and it was one of the reasons why she had fallen for him. “I went into have a glass of milk like I always do. I sat down and began to think about my life and how much more it is with you in it. I got a little sleepy and I put my head down for a second.” He didn’t have much for a nose for food and his lack of smell had afforded the person that was trying to kill him to get away with it.

“I was coming up to join you, when I smelled something in the kitchen that seemed a little off. I went in and found you lying there with the waves of propane drifting in the air. I opened up a window and I threw open the balcony doors and that should clear things up in a hurry. We’re going to have to find out who’s trying to do this to you, or they will continue, until they get it right.” Melinda found that he was groggy, but at least he was talking and had control of his faculties. “Let me help you up to the room.” She felt his weight against her and she forced herself to push past the fact that he was weighing her down like an albatross around her neck.

“It was a good thing that I came around when I did, or he wouldn’t be amongst the living anymore. I’m just not sure who we should trust and these people seem to have an agenda of that I just don’t know about. I’m going to have to dig into their personal lives. It’s like what I do with boyfriends that I meet and then I vet them by checking out various sources. I’m just gonna have to do the same thing for his relatives. I’ll know what I’m looking for when I find it.”
Melinda assisted him up the stairs one step at a time, until they were on the other side of the house.

“That’s the second time that you saved my life. You do know what some traditions dictate?” Melinda looked at him with puzzlement “It means that I’m your responsibility and that my life is in the palm of your hand.” His words were slurred, but he managed to make this weak little smile. All the energy in his body was drained and he could barely stand, let alone keep his eyes open for any length of time. “I guess I really do have a guardian angel. If you weren’t around, I would be sleeping with the fishes.”

I get this feeling that this is personal and it most likely has to do with money. Whoever is doing this knows his habits. I’ll find out and I just hope that I can do that, before they finally makes good on the threat against Matthew’s life.”

“I guess you could say that you owe me one and maybe I’ll just have to collect in the form of physical release. I’m just not sure if you are up to the task of making me cum twice around that sweet cock of yours.” Melinda was laying down the challenge and she could see that Matthew was determined to stand up and be noticed. To help him along, she squeezed his ass and then touched him where it was going to do the most good.

“As a man, I think that is my duty to you, as my protector to give you exactly what you want. You might have to start the process on your own. After you do that, then I’ll be more than happy to supply you with those two debts of honor that I have to pay back.” The implications of what he was referring to had made Melinda giggle with an anticipation that was burning in her loins. There was no denying that she’d never gotten over him and the very idea that she would be getting fucked by that man was almost too good to be true.

“Matthew, give me a couple of minutes to slip into something a little bit more comfortable.” He was sitting on the bed shaking his head to clear the cobwebs. Melinda took that moment to grab her bag from the floor and go into the bathroom. “
I think before I change in the something that’s going to knock your socks off that I should start a program to ferret out who’s responsible for trying to end your life prematurely. I’ll just put in the parameters of what I’m looking for and let the computer do the work for me. If it finds any kind of anomaly, it will leave me   a message and then I’ll be able to dig a little deeper.



















Chapter 5

Melinda changed into a black piece of lingerie that had a plunging neckline and a very short hemline. It was silk and when she walked out of the bathroom, he took one look and his eyes lit up like the 4
of July. “My god, I’d forgotten that you have the kind of body that I would want to start at the top and work my way down to the bottom. I think that I’ve been deluding myself with other women in hopes that I would find the same thing that I found with you. You must know by now that you have a hold on me that just won’t quit. I think that my heart was shattered into a million pieces. I tried to collect them, but each woman that I got involved with was a pitiful comparison to the real thing.” It wasn’t easy for Matthews to admit that he had these feelings, let alone voice them. He had always been the one to hold his emotions in check, but with Melinda it was different somehow.

“I feel the same way and there hasn’t been a man that has been able to hold a candle to you. I don’t know what the future holds, but tonight you’ll hold me in your arms and never let go.” Melinda sashayed across the room, putting a hand on the wooden bottom piece of the bed. She leaned over and gave him a bird’s eye view of her cleavage. His tongue extended and began to lick around his mouth to gather any kind of moisture that he could find. “I don’t know, but I think that somebody in this room is wearing way too many clothes and it’s not me.” “
I’ve never been one to be aggressive, but with Matthew he brings out the real woman in me. I want to pounce on his body and leave him breathless and wanting more. The door is locked, his eyes are on me and there’s nothing that’s going to stop us from burning the sheets.”

She took his hand and placed it on her chest, so that he could feel her heartbeat underneath his fingertips. “This is what you do to me and I can see that I have the desired reaction on you, as well.” Her eyes strayed towards the outline of his bulge and the way that it had grown. She had memorized every nuance of his package that weekend and now she was going to see it again without the need to think about it. “This is what I’ve always wanted, Matthew.” He was sitting there and she could see that he was not 100%, but that just made it easier for him to succumb to her wishes. It took very little for her to push him back against the bed and relieve him of his clothes. Matthew tried to fight back, but there was very little that he could do with a woman that was obsessed with feeling what it was going to be like to be with him again. The fight that he did make was only for show.

“I’m going to have my way with you, Matthew and you’re going to let me, or more to the fact you’re not going to be able to do anything about it.” Melinda straddled him in that black lingerie, sitting on his cock and letting it rub up against the silky mound of her shaven parts. “I really did hate you for a long time, but it was such a blinding rage that it couldn’t be anything, but love. I just needed you and when you walked away, I thought that we would never see each other again. I chalked it up to one of those experiences that was fleeting. I realized too late that I didn’t want to be two ships passing in the night.” Melinda put her hands over his head, pinning him to the bed and letting her hot pussy slide up and down his shaft.

“Melinda, you have me at a disadvantage. I was almost killed and I just don’t have it in me to fight you. I don’t think that I ever had it in me to deny you anything.” He looked up at her and knew that this woman was the one that had made him think that there was nobody quite like her.

I’ve wanted him for a long time and I’ve thought of nothing else. It’s been years, but he has never been that far away from my thoughts. I hope that he knows that there is nobody that can come between us. If somebody tries, then they will have to go through me and that is not one thing that they really want to experience. I looked down at him and I see his body and it brings back painful and happy memories of a time that I thought was never going to happen again.”
Melinda grabbed him, heard his outcry of pleasure and decided to feed his desire with a little bit of incentive.

He watched, as she crawled up his body, leaving a trail of her excitement along his cut ABS and his well defined pectorals. She touched his chin with that wetness and his tongue came out to seek out the source of that moisture. She settled over him and then found herself turned with your legs over his shoulders and his face nicely pressed up against her sex.

“Fuck me… I’d almost forgotten what this feels like.” Her scream of lust only fueled him to dig his tongue in and probe between her legs with that oral instrument. “I never know where your tongue is going to go next. You can give lessons to guys that have no idea what they’re doing.” “
I never believed that this day would come and it’s even more surprising that I find him here of all places. He’s become my stepbrother, but in my heart, he will always be the love that I let slip through my fingers. I’m not going to allow him the opportunity to walk away again. I will hold onto his ankle. I will become his version of Misery.

“I think that you’ve learned by now or maybe you’ve forgotten that I like to please my women.” He saw her protruding clit and grabbed it with his mouth with a vacuum like seal that suddenly made her arch into the air against his face. Even with his strength, he was unable to control the writhing body of Melinda. It took a moment to get used to her new name and apparently they both were trying to keep things casual that weekend long ago.

“I’m going to cum and I want you to fuck me.” As she was hitting her plateau, she felt her legs being lifted into the air and then the thrust of his almighty weapon.

He crashed against her, feeling her lips surround him in the silky wetness and heat that he remembered. “Yes…yes…oh god…YESSSSS.” Her orgasm was pulsating along his long tube and it took a lot for him to keep himself from joining her too soon.

When she came down from the high of climax, she gave him this look and then turned him, so that she was the one that was riding in the saddle. Sitting there, she didn’t want to move in and had no interest in letting this moment go too quickly. In that regard, she grinded in a circle and then felt his finger touch her clit that had just been satisfied with his mouth. She was possessed by the kind of sex that had kept her up at nights wondering, if she was going to be able to find someone to give her that lasting feeling.

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