ROMANCE: Seized By The Soldiers (BBW MENAGE, MMF Book 1)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Seized By The Soldiers (BBW MENAGE, MMF Book 1)
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Ashlynn Cox



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Chapter One: Fantasy

I looked out across Lake Wilson to the Schofield Barracks and sighed. Most days, I liked to watch the Army men march. They looked so good in their uniforms. It really was the highlight of my day. Beyond the beautiful horizons and great weather, Hawaii was also a great place to be because of the men.

I will admit, I did have a few military fantasies. Well, I had fantasies about military men. I think all women did. All women who watched that movie with Richard Gere had a thing for military men. Me, I did not want the man in white to save me. I just wanted one to rock my world. All I ever dated was military men and I was ready for a new one.



My assistant looked at me with a smirk, she knew me too well.

“Are we picking out the next soldier?”

I turned around, away from the window. The favorite part of my day was early in the morning when the men did their exercises. The only thing that could make it better would be if they let the men train in less clothing. The men struggled in the heat with their camouflage gear and just once, I would like to see them running around in boxers. I know it will never happen, but a girl can wish, can’t she?”

“Yes, we are. They all look good. Are you coming out with me tonight?”

“Where are you going?”

I looked at her again and laughed, like she really needed to ask.

“Ray’s of course.”

“I should have known.”


“Yeah, I think it would be fun.”

“Alright well, let’s get back to work.”

“Right, here is the blueprint for the Reynold’s house. The lady will be here in about an hour. She said she is looking for a bronze crackle finish throughout the house.”

“Thanks Denise. Send her in when she gets here. I will start pulling out some books for her to look at.”

Denise walked out and I couldn’t help but wonder about the girl. I had hired the girl a couple of months before and she was so quiet. She was a local and had great demeanor, but every time we went out together, she wouldn’t talk to any of the men. Denise would just smile and look down at her lap. She was hard to watch, so painfully awkward.

An hour later, Carmen Reynolds stopped by for her appointment. Going off the blueprint, I helped her pick out her new home lighting scheme. She was there about two hours and by the time she left, I was glad to see her leave. As much as I loved my job, I didn’t care for most of my pretentious customers. Though they were the type who cared about their lighting fixtures, while everyone else, went to a big box store.

“Denise, you ready for lunch dear?”

The younger woman jumped with my voice. She looked over and nodded her head. I watched her gather up her purse and keys. Walking out with her, I pulled my jacket off. By the time I got to my car, my silk blouse was already sticking to my skin. I couldn’t wear makeup in Hawaii because it would just melt off in minutes, so I was thankful for a good complexion. Denise still wore hers and I watched it smear by the time we got into the hot car.

I handed her a napkin and put my keys in the ignition. We drove down to our favorite lunch spot. It was a tiny little cantina a few miles down the road that sold the best conch sandwich in all of O’ahu. Denise ordered the same and we sat in silence while we ate.

Finishing off my pineapple juice, I asked the girl if she wanted to get some shopping done. She agreed and we went to a little boutique that was next door. I was looking for something to wear out that night. I wanted something a little more revealing to snag me an Army man.

“What do you think of this?”

Denise walked over and admired the small red dress. I know that most women swore by a little black dress, but I have found that men could not turn down a woman in red.

“Oh yes.”

“What are you going to wear? You should pick something out too, my treat.”

The last time we went out together, she wore jeans and a T-shirt. If I had a slim body like hers, I would be showing it off more. The girl was just so painfully shy. She looked down and blushed, like she knew my train of thought.

“Come on. Let’s pick you out a little dress too.”

I found her a black one, she refused the red one. It fit her body well and I could tell she was feeling good about it. Denise had a smile on her face that I hadn’t seen before. The shy girl could melt the moon with her smile.

When I looked back at my watch, I realized we were going to be late back to the office. I didn’t have any other appointments for the day, so I didn’t rush.

By the time we got back, it was almost two o clock and truthfully, I was ready for the day to be over. I watched the Army men running around the barracks. The rest of the day went by and by five, I was out the door. Denise agreed to meet me at the bar.

Chapter 2: The Dance

I took time to get ready that night. While in the shower, I washed my long red hair. I shaved my mons and legs. My fingers stopped momentarily on my slit and pressed my button. My head fell under the water and I closed my eyes. Moving my hand quickly, I brought myself to the verge. Inserting a finger inside of my weeping core, it pushed me over the edge. I cried out into the pouring hot water and sighed.

The shower water was running cold by the time I got out. My nipples were painfully hard and I covered them up to add some heat. Wiping the condensation off the mirror, I stared at my naked reflection. For a woman in Hawaii, it was hard to be bigger than a size 2, though I had not been that size since I was a pre-teen.

I put lotion on my supple body, rubbing it over my thick thighs. I stopped momentarily on my heat, pressing the sensitive flesh again. Sidetracked by the feeling, I almost went another round, but I knew I was going to be late if I did.

I scrunched up my wet hair and sprayed some gel to hold the curls. Makeup consisted of some lip gloss and mascara. I got dressed and checked my reflection one last time before leaving the house. I slid some black heels on and walked out the door.

The music from Ray’s could be heard from the parking lot. I spotted Denise’s car and walked over to it. I knew she was hiding in her car and sure enough she was. I rapped on her window and she jumped with the noise. She smiled shyly and got out of her vehicle.

I was envious of her for a moment, she looked stunning. I knew that she would have no problem catching herself a soldier in that dress. It hugged her slight curves and the girl looked great.

“Looking good Denise, why are you out here?”

“I was waiting for you. You know I am not going in there by myself.”

All I could do was shake my head. What else could I say?

“Alright well I am here now, so are you ready?”

The girl squared her shoulders and I was proud of her. She was young and had not found her nerve yet, but she was trying. She had become somewhat of a pet project. I was bound and determined to get the young woman out of her shell.

I linked arms with Denise and we walked into the local soldier’s watering hole. We were not the only women in there of course. I was not the only woman who had a thing for a man in uniform. There were many names for people like me, but none were very complimentary. I always told myself I was different though. I did not want to marry a soldier. I just wanted to date a few. At twenty-nine, I was still not ready for forever, but pleasure right now was very appealing.

Denise pushed against my side. I could tell she was nervous, so I picked a table in the back. I told her to wait there and I went and got us a couple of drinks from the bar. She wanted a White Russian and I ordered a double vodka with a diet soda chaser.

“Let me get that for you Miss.”

I turned to the man’s voice and looked up into the bluest eyes I had ever seen. They were a light blue, so bright they almost glowed.

“Thank you kind Sir, I appreciate it.”

His eyes fell down my body, my curves burned with the attention. I smiled up at him and asked him if he would like to sit with me and my friend. He looked over at Denise and agreed.

“Do you mind if my friend Mack comes over too? He just got here and is a little shy.”

I looked over at the man he was referring to and smiled. He was younger like Denise and he looked just as nervous and shy as she did.

“Good, my friend Denise is shy as well. Maybe they will hit it off. My name is Anya, what’s yours?”


“Well Vince, nice to meet you.”

I picked up my drinks and headed over to the table with the two men following me. I could tell by Vince’s uniform that he was a combat medic and the younger man was as well. I liked the idea of a man who knew more than how to shoot a gun.

We settled down into the wooden chairs and the table was quiet for a few moments. I introduced Denise to the shy Mack and they both smiled and then immediately looked down. I shot a glance to Vince and he rolled his eyes.

“So how long have you been stationed here?”

“A few months for me and Mack got here a couple of days ago.”

“Oh so we have a newbie in our midst. How do you like it so far?”

“I sure can’t complain. Everyone has been very welcoming.”

“I bet. You are cute as a button.”

I meant it too. He was tall and blonde with large muscles. He was not as well built as his friend, but that muscle mass would come with age. His blonde hair was short and his face pleasing. There was something about the man that made me look twice, something in his eyes maybe.

Mack blushed and looked down again. Oh my, he may be even worse than Denise.

“So what am I, chop liver?”

I looked over at Vince and laughed. He looked wounded, but not in a real way. He knew he was good looking and his confidence was palpable. He was larger than the other man and held himself with authority. He was probably a few years older than me. He had experience and I knew that those hands would cause pleasure.

Small talk went on for a while. Vince was flirting hard and I was ready to take him back to my place, but I couldn’t leave Denise alone. She did not seem that interested in the young man and I felt bad for Mack. He tried hard in his own awkward way to flirt with the woman, but she seemed more interested in her dwindling drink.

“Come on Anya, you want to dance?”

I looked up at the tall man and took his pre-offered hand. I stood and followed him out onto the small wooden dance floor. His arm went around my waist and pulled me to his hard body. I gasped with the contact and molded myself around him. He pulled my arms to his neck and pressed me closer. I could feel every inch of his body then. His other arm snaked around me as we started to twirl on the floor.

I felt clumsy next to the virile man. He somehow made me feel so small and delicate next to him. This is why I loved soldiers so much. They had a sheer strength of body and character that you just couldn’t find anywhere else. I leaned my head against his shoulder and let him lead me in small circles.

By the end of the song I was smitten and I did not want to pull my body away. The tempo was fast for the next song though and I didn’t think that Vince was in the mood for shaking his ass. He just didn’t seem the type. We got back to the table and the two young people were doing anything but talking. It was painful to watch.

“Come on Denise, let’s get some drinks. You guys want a couple of beers?”

The two men said yes and we walked back up to the bar. I ordered the drinks with the cute bartender and smiled. A man walked up to me in a uniform and said hello. I said hello back, but ducked out when he tried to get closer. My eyes were on Vince and no one else would do anymore.

When we got back to the table, the men went quiet. I could tell they were talking about us, by the look on their faces. Vince had a look of lust and the other man as well, though they were not looking at Denise.

“Do you want to dance Denise?”

“No thanks, I am not much of a dancer.”

The young man looked deflated and I felt bad for him. I offered to dance with him and he seemed to perk up pretty quickly. He grabbed my hand and jerked me towards the dance floor. His hands were no less sure than Vince’s, though he was a bit rougher. Where Vince had held me against him firmly, but gently, Mack pulled me towards him with force. I fell against his chest and grabbed his neck to steady myself.

His body molded against mine and I could feel the beginnings of a hard knot in his pants. He smiled at my body’s reaction and twirled me around the floor. I was breathless by the end of the dance and I could feel my cheeks flushing with the manhandling.

I walked back towards the table a little unstable and I knew my face was red. By the look in Vince’s eyes, he was not too happy with our dance. He had a look of possession that turned me on. He was jealous. I found that a little endearing.

“I saw her first Mack. You didn’t stay shy very long did you?”

Denise looked uncomfortable. She could tell that Mack was not really interested in her and I felt bad. I was there to help her out of her shell, but all I had accomplished was to turn myself on. I looked at Vince a little guilty over my drink’s rim. He gave the younger man a hard time, but his blue eyes stayed on mine.

“Anya, I think I am going to go.”

“What? Why?”

“You know this isn’t really my scene and it is getting late. I need to get some sleep before work tomorrow.”

“I am sure your boss wouldn’t mind.”

Denise smiled, but I knew it was futile to argue with her. She was ready to go and I think it had a lot to do with me dancing with Mack. But how could I refuse? He was hurt that she wouldn’t dance with him and I hated to see people upset. It was the nice thing to do. This is what I told myself anyways. In truth, I was drawn to the blonde man and I had wanted to dance with him. Making Vince jealous was just a little bonus.

I walked Denise out to her car and then went back into the bar. I was a bit tipsy and I staggered a bit on the way back. It seemed so much further than I had remembered. Vince got up and grabbed me around the waist, helping me to my seat. I smiled at him with a stupid grin and he pushed another double towards me. I sighed and took a drink of the fire water, enjoying the burn as it went down my throat.

“So why don’t we get out of here? I can give you a ride home if you want.”

I looked at Vince for a minute and knew that was exactly what I wanted him to do. Take me home and ravish my body. I wondered how he would be. Would he be gentle or rough like his little friend? The possibility set my blood to boil. I half wondered if Mack was coming with us, half hoping that he would. But it became clear he was not. Mack kissed me on the cheek and told me to have a good time. He had a look in his eyes that I knew well and I almost reconsidered my choice of soldiers. Vince wasn’t having it though and pulled me with him, into the balmy night air.

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