ROMANCE: THE SHEIKH'S GAMES: A Sheikh Romance (36 page)

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“What do you want from me?” she asked him sounding a bit harsher than she had wanted to.

Miguel looked at her as if she had hurt him. He sighed, “Why is it so hard for you to accept that I want you to be happy?” he said, pulling her close to him. “All you have to do is let me take care of you.”

Alissa’s eyes darted from side to side and her mind was spinning. “What does that mean?” she asked him softly.

Miguel nuzzled his face into her neck, “Just follow my lead and everything will be okay.”

“And if I don’t?” Alissa asked in almost a whisper.

Miguel looked up at her and smiled, “Well, that doesn’t matter does it,” he said to her, “Now go be a good girl and put your stuff on the desk outside of my office. I have a lot of work to get done and I am sure you can find something to keep you busy.”

Alissa felt as if she was lost, she felt as if she had awoken in some strange world where nothing was what it seemed. “I’m not finished talking about this,” she said as he removed his hands from her waist.

“But I am,” he said so sternly that it made her jump. Suddenly something clicked in her, causing her to nod and do as she was told. Alissa had never been submissive or dominant, she had never had a relationship and had no idea what role she would play in one. As she walked out of Miguel’s office and to her own desk, she began wondering what type of person she wanted to be.

She thought about the benefits of letting Miguel take control and there were a lot of them. He seemed like the type of man who was going to take care of her, but she had also heard rumors about him and she did not want to be just another notch on his belt.

Alissa sat down at her desk, turned her computer on and began getting everything organized when her computer beeped, she had an email. The email was from Miguel and it read:

I hope you understand the agreement that we have. I have attached a link to a website that I want you to look at. Please pick out the furniture that you want so that it is delivered by this weekend. I do not enjoy sitting on the floor. You should also order lunch for both of us. I will see you in my office at noon so we can discuss our plans for this evening.

As Alissa read the email she was stunned at how blunt Miguel was. The more she thought about it the more she was actually thankful for his bluntness. She had seen her friends go out with men and question everything about the relationship. At least Miguel was straight forward with her and was not playing any games.

She did as Miguel requested and picked out furniture for her new home. She also ordered lunch for the two of them. She had spent most of her morning picking out furniture, changing her mind several times about what she should get. At first she was only going to get the minimum amount, but then she decided that she was going to go for everything she could get. She emailed Miguel and told him she had made her decision and thanked him for being so nice to her. Within minutes the order was paid for. Alissa smiled as she thought about how beautiful the furniture would look in her new home.

At lunch time she took Miguel his lunch. She had ordered a simple burger and fries from a nice restaurant across the street. When she took the food to Miguel he smiled, “This is why I like you,” he laughed, “You keep things simple. Extravagance really is overrated.”

Alissa was not sure if she was supposed to take that as a compliment or if he was putting her down, but she just smiled and sat down at the table that was in his office.

“You said you wanted to talk,” she tried to change the subject.

“Yes,” he replied, “I know it is short notice, but there is a huge dinner tonight and I would like for you to come with me. Of course you are going to have to go buy a new dress, have your hair and nails done. You know, look like a lady.”

He had done it again and Alissa did not know if he even knew what he was doing. She looked at him, completely stunned at his lack of people skills and wondered if he got some type of joy from degrading others.

“Oh,” she said, smiling. She had decided that she was going to do whatever it took to make him happy, after all he had already done so much for her.

“Yes,” he continued, “After lunch I will need you to get started on that.” He winked as he talked and confused Alissa even more. He was an amazing creature that was beyond mysterious and she wondered if she would ever really understand him.

“Let me get this straight,” she said, looking him in the eyes, “I do what you say, let you pick out my clothes, work for you alone and you do all this nice stuff for me. What are you getting out of it?”

Miguel laughed loudly. “That is not exactly what I was thinking,” he said still laughing as he talked, “I thought I would be able to get to know you, to show you all the good things in life and maybe see where things go.”

Alissa could tell that she was starting to make him uncomfortable, but she needed whatever was going on between the two of them to be defined. She needed answers. A huge smile formed on her face as Miguel spoke to her. She loved how he was so commanding of every situation, but struggled with telling her that he actually had a crush on her.

Miguel stood and walked over to Alissa, taking her hand, he pulled her up to him. Alissa wrapped her arms around his neck and he looked down at her. “Unless you think I’m too old that is,” he grinned slyly at her.

Alissa shook her head and Miguel lowered his head pressing his lips against hers he kissed her gently. He pulled her close against his body, she could feel all of his muscles, even hear his heart beating. She tried her best to steady her breathing. It was her first kiss ever and she wanted to remember it forever, but she also did not want to let Miguel know that she had never been kissed before.

She was sure that he was far more experienced than she was and she was slightly embarrassed to tell him that she had no idea what she was doing even though she was sure it showed in the way she kissed him. Miguel sighed as he pulled his lips away from hers and looked into her eyes. “All you have to do is be a good girl and I can give you the world,” he said quietly.

“You’re the boss,” Alissa said with a smile.

Miguel’s expression changed as she spoke, “This has to be kept between the two of us,” he said sternly.

Alissa looked up at him a little shocked. “Okay,” she said reluctantly, “I just thought you wanted to see where things went between the two of us.”

“I do,” Miguel said still in his stern voice, “If things progress you won’t be working here and it won’t matter.” His voice trailed off and he looked to the corner of the room. Alissa turned to see that there was nothing there. “What is it?” she asked.

“I already know about your family,” he said still staring off into space. Alissa froze. Fear took control of her body and she knew that once again her parents were going to ruin everything for her. She had decided that she could deal with Miguel wanting to be in control of everything. He was offering her the world and she was willing to do whatever it took to make him happy, but the one thing that she could not control was her past.

Alissa looked up at Miguel with fear in her eyes, “I don’t know what to say,” she whispered.

“I just want you to understand that I do not want any issues with them,” he said finally looking down at her, “keep them out of our business.”

Alissa nodded her head. Miguel gave her another gentle kiss before releasing her. He handed her his credit card and she left the office to go prepare for the evening. She thought about what a future with Miguel would be like. Yes, he was controlling and yes, he liked to have things his way, but he was also a wonderful man. She knew that somewhere deep down inside of him there was a gentle sweet man.

That evening Miguel picked her up at her house, her hair was perfect as was her makeup and nails. She had chosen a small black dress that showed off her curves and her perky breasts. She was ready to do what it took to ensure she did not lose Miguel’s attention.

Miguel kept his eyes on her the entire night, he introduced her to all of his associates and to their wives and girlfriends. He kept his arm around her waist leading her around the dining hall and whispering in her ear how beautiful she looked. She loved that he could not keep his hands off of her and whenever he could, he would push her into a corner and give her a passionate kiss.

That evening when he took her home, they walked into her house and Miguel closed the door behind him. He grabbed Alissa by the waist and turned her around to face him. He wrapped his arms around her then turned her so that her back was against the door. He slid his hands up her waist, then back down her arms until his hands were on her wrists. Miguel grabbed her wrists and raised her hands high above her head. He held them there with one hand and let his other hand fall down to her shoulder.

Alissa focused on what he was doing and wondered exactly what he was planning. He moved his hand to her chin and turned her head so that she was facing him before he planted a hard kiss on her lips. Miguel pressed his body against her, causing her breasts to push into his chest with each breath that she took.

Alissa let out a small moan as Miguel allowed his hand to slide down her body and brush over her breast. She had never been so attracted to a man in her life and she was completely comfortable with the way he was touching her. Miguel placed his hand on the small of her back and pulled her even closer to him. She was sure that air could not even get between their bodies. Her stomach was filled with butterflies and every part of her body was tingling. She wanted all of him right then.

Miguel pulled his lips away from hers and looked deep into her eyes. “Tonight is not the night,” he said. Alissa sighed and he could see the disappointment in her eyes. “Soon my beauty,” he whispered as he released her hands.

Alissa let her arms fall down to her sides and she tried her best to catch her breath. She had only imagined that men like Miguel existed and she was beyond happy with this new life she had found. Miguel kissed her goodnight and told her he would see her in the morning before he walked out of her front door. Alissa watched as he walked to his car and as he pulled out of her driveway. She let out a sigh of relief knowing that no matter what happened between the two of them, she was making the right decision and her life was going to be changed forever.

Each evening Alissa and Miguel spend time together after work, getting to know each other and building their relationship. When Miguel was out of town Alissa would come home with boxes of clothes sitting on her doorstep or other amazing gifts from him. They never went a single day without talking and Alissa felt as if she were in a fairy tale.

Alissa and Miguel were deeply in love and knew that they would spend their lives together. Alissa also began to forgive her parents and she began to understand that they had done the best they could in their given situation. She had sent surprise food baskets to the house, paid their electric bill on occasion without them, but knowing she still refused to go back to that trailer. There were too many bad memories and it seemed as if it was a distant memory. Alissa wanted to see her parents to tell them that she forgave them, but she knew that what she had to say did not matter to them. She knew that she had to focus on her future and her life as it was now and not how it was in the past.

It was not long before Miguel proposed to Alissa and she was able to quit her job. On her last day of work she cleaned out her desk and with her big ring on her finger was able to inform the secretaries that Miguel had not been “slumming it” as they put it. They had spread rumors about Alissa for months and as she walked out of the office with a huge smile on her face and their mouths gaping open she knew what pride felt like.

Miguel and Alissa had decided that they would use Alissa’s rental house to help another girl like her. One that had grown up poor and had not had the chances in life to be successful. Alissa was going to spend her time focusing on helping children in the same situation that she grew up in and decided to go to school to become a social worker. Alissa knew that she would make a difference in the world and she knew that no matter what she owed it all to her parents. She knew what it was like to be poor and unloved and thanks to Miguel she knew what it was like to have everything she had dreamed of and what unconditional love really was. Alissa truly was happy with her new life.


Billionaire’s Unexpected Crush

Nyla Lexington stood outside of the biker bar with the bright neon signs, and flashing lights. Unsure if she wanted to go in, she hesitated. She could smell the smoke from here, she knew this wasn't a place she'd ever run into her ex-husband, as he preferred higher-class bars and clubs.

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