ROMANCE: THE SHEIKH'S GAMES: A Sheikh Romance (8 page)

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Jameela felt hot tears sting her eyes once more, but this time they were for different reasons. She reached out for him, and pulled him against her. they resumed their kissing, and like a mad man he ripped her shirt open, and stared blissfully at her lace cupped beauties. He touched them reverently before bowing to lick them one at a time. She grabbed a handful of his hair as he fell against her on the bed, his tongue now covering their peaks. He moved his head and the sensations followed him as he slid down the length of her body. He sank his fingers into her sides, and nipped at her smooth skin as her legs moved about the bed. When he found her soft spot, he thumbed her erection and kissed her inner thigh. By this Jameela was already breaking a sweat, and she writhed on the bed to prevent herself from exploding too soon. But that proved difficult to do as he inched closer, and when she felt his tongue replace his thumb, she trembled and uttered sounds she could not recognize.

The pace seemed to be going too slow for Al-Hafeez, even though it was under his terms. Without warning he changed the rules of the game and his clothing fell to the floor in record timing. He stood there in his glory, and Jameela peered at him dreamily. He slipped her skirt off and with no further ado, he held her legs apart as he entered her private chambers. He bit his lips as he felt her warmth, and when he had sunk the full length of his member within, he braced against her, and commanded her respect. She moaned and dug her nails into his sides, and he jerked as she hit a bruise from his recent attack. She pulled back, but the pain only reminded him of his purpose, and he stroked hard and fast as he made her his new beginning, and his salvation.

She arched her back as he filled her over and over again, and soon he caught her buttocks as she rose, holding her suspended, and burst the dam that had been trickling before. Jameela cried out as she felt her inside melt and cover him. Her legs suddenly felt limp, and she felt incapable of maintaining her posture. She fell limp in his grasp as he rocked her world. The feel of her as she did sent him over the edge. He made a few quick jabs before he felt his body shudder and he shot out his victory into her waiting, though now still body.

He fell against her, holding her to him like he never wanted to let go. Jameela was now completely spent, and emotionally exhausted, and it didn’t take long for her to fall into a peaceful sleep. When she awoke hours later, the light from the moon was shining through the blinds, and he was still there, holding onto her as if he feared she would escape. She smiled and nestled into him, closing her eyes once more. He moved when she did, but his posture never changed, and for the first time in a long time, Jameela felt like something had gone right.

* * *

Several weeks went by, and Al-Hafeez was every bit the charmer she hadn’t seen in him at first, but had come to appreciate. She spent more time with him, and was surprised at how public he had made their appearances. She felt a part of his life, but she couldn’t help that small part of her that felt betrayed by what his family had done to hers.

“Why the long face?” he asked her one day when he caught her in one such mood.

“Nothing,” she said and played with the notepad resting on her desk. He had stopped by for a quick visit before she headed to court. “Just this case that’s on my mind,” she lied. She didn’t need him to feel guilty over something she now considered silly. It had not been his fault, and she wouldn’t allow him to bear the burden of it.

“You’ll do great,” he told her, as he held her hands in his. Then he stood and kissed her on the forehead. “See you for dinner?”

“Sure,” she responded and smiled. Then he left and she sat there for a long time remembering her family home she had not gotten the chance to show her own children one day.

“Uh-oh,” Selena said as she walked in and saw Jameela’s face. “Trouble in paradise?”

“Not quite,” she replied. “Just being haunted by old demons.”

“Well, for what it’s worth, old demons should never come between you and new angels,” she said and winked. “Cheer up.”

“Yeah, you’re right I guess. Thanks Selena,” she said and smiled. And she really did feel better after that. She went to court soon after that, and was relieved when the defendant’s lawyer requested additional days to prepare for the case. The judge postponed for another two weeks, and she exited the courtroom feeling lighter than she had gone in. she was surprised when she saw the familiar black jaguar parked across the street, and her spirit lifted. She practically charged into him, and as he held his hands out for her, she met his lips. He was surprised, yet concerned. He had never seen her that emotionally charged, and he held her back as he probed her face.

“Hey,” he said and slipped her hair behind her ear.

“I’m just happy to see you,” she replied. He held the door open for her before skipping to his side of the car.

“So am I,” he told her once inside. “Are you up for a drive?” he asked her.

Jameela turned to face him, her head resting against the cushioned car seat. “Anywhere with you right now is fine by me. A drive doesn’t sound so bad after the day I’ve had.”

“Good,” he told her and smiled. All the while he drove he sported a smile that slowly began to grow suspicious to Jameela.

“Why do I get the feeling you are up to something and this is more than just a drive?” she asked.

“Maybe,” he replied, and the way he said it made her sure of her assumptions.

“Open the glove compartment and take out the box inside,” he told her and kept his eyes on the road. She did as she was told, and sure enough there was a box there. Her heart skipped a beat as she thought about all the possibilities. It was too large for a ring, but big enough for a diamond set. “Open it,” he urged.

“Okay,” she said and flipped the box open. There was a single key inside. “A key?” she asked and held it up to him. “What’s it for?”

“You’ll see,” he said gleefully.

Jameela’s mind began to race even more than before. She was already at his home every weekend, and she surely didn’t need a key to get in. The staff already knew her, so she needed only to show up. But then, he wasn’t driving in the direction of his home either. It also wasn’t a car key, but it could be anything else. She grew anxious to get to the end of their journey, and her throat tightened as she neared the estate her grandfather had owned. She found it strange that she had only been thinking about it that very morning, to now be passing it. It seemed fate was being unduly cruel to her. Her emotions had swept her away again that she didn’t realize the car had stopped until she heard him speak.

“So, what do you think?” he asked.

“Think about what?” she asked.

“That,” he said and indicated the property.

“You know what I think about that,” she replied softly. “That should have been mine.”

“I know,” he whispered and turned her face to him. “That’s why I got it back for you.”

The words came from his lips, but its meaning was lost on Jameela. She sat there staring at him as comprehension slowly drifted into her consciousness, and she felt a single tear roll down her cheek. She looked down at the key, and then it made sense. He had bought it for her. she turned her head away as more tears began to fall. “I can’t take this,” she said through tears.

“You already did,” he said as he took out an envelope from the glove compartment. It contained the deed to the estate.

“I can’t believe you did this,” she said. She wiped the tears from her face, but fresh ones kept replacing them.

“How could I not? I know how much it meant to you, and I don’t want you holding it over my head for the rest of my life,” he said and rolled his eyes.

Without even knowing it, he had connected with her innermost thoughts, and she had never appreciated him more than she did in that moment. She let the key and the envelope fall, so that she could show him just how much. “How do I every repay you?” she asked and kissed him with salty lips.

He kissed her in return before pulling back and wiping what remained of the salty tributaries on her face. “Just love me back,” he smiled.

She did too. “I already do,” she said and fell into his arms.

“So, how about dinner?” he asked, as if he didn’t comprehend the magnitude of what he had just done for her. After that, how could she possibly eat?

“I just want you to take me home,” she told him, and there was no doubt in his mind as to her meaning. He started the engine and made a U-turn. She found his free hand and gripped it between hers, and as they drove down the stretch that would take her home, she bit her lips and smiled. She felt his hand tighten over hers, and she looked over at the man who had brought her world to completion. And she knew, but the glint in his eyes, she would never be without him or ever want for anything again.


Enjoy the bonus stories!


Bryan woke slowly. His eyes like lead weights were pure effort to open. His mouth was thick with the aftertaste of a night spent partying. Running his tongue along the roof of his mouth, he tried to swallow and grimaced at the taste. His body felt heavy, his joints aching. A cool breeze coming from the hotel room’s AC blew across his body.

He lifted his head from the pillow and looked around him at the three women draped around him and the bed. One had found her way to the floor of the bedroom at one point, it would seem. Stupid bitch. Bryan grunted as he pushed himself to a sitting position and cradled his head in his hand as a headache woke itself up in his skull.

“All right,” he shouted and clapped his hands twice. “Everyone up. Get out.”

Two of the girls startled awake, looking around them confused and alarmed. The one on the floor didn’t stir. The need to urinate made itself known in a big way, so he pushed himself to his feet. Whistling he twirled his finger.

“C’mon, move it.”

As he passed the one on the floor he gave her hip a nudge with his foot. A nudge that, any harder, may have been classified as a kick, but it wasn’t quite there yet. “Hey, move.”

“Would you calm down?” one of the girls asked as she dressed herself. “We’re leaving, all right?”

Bryan waved a hand at them on his way to the toilet. “Not fast enough. You shouldn’t even have been here when I woke up.”

“Ass,” one of the girls said.

The third one was finally moving by the time he made it to the toilet. As he relieved himself he took a whiff at his armpits and made a face. He needed to shower for sure before meeting his publicist. He lingered in the bathroom, brushing his teeth and taking his time while the girls got their stuff together and left. One of them knocked on the door to use the bathroom.

“They have one in the lobby,” he called back.

He heard her scoff but didn’t bother responding. They weren’t worth responding to. When he heard the hotel room door close, he finally took a breath.

All this money and girls stuff used to be cool when it first started. When he first signed on with his team and became an official NBA player, he couldn’t have been happier. He’d finally made it. Life was going to be good from there on out. Everyone bowed to his every whim as long as he kicked ass every night. And he did. The other players didn’t have shit on him. Game after game, night after night, it was drinking, and girls, and then more b-ball the next day.

Thing was, it all started to blend together. Now he just saw another hotel room. More girls to sleep with and to then kick out. It just wasn’t worth anything, he realized. People weren’t worth anything. There was him, and then the rest of the world. Sighing to himself, he showered, dressed, and caught a limo to go meet his publicist for lunch.

When he arrived at the restaurant, hungover and groggy he was surprised to not see his publicist sitting at the table. Instead, it was a young, curvy woman. She was beautiful in her uniqueness with striking eyes, wavy flowing hair, and incredible features. He was instantly intrigued by her.

When she looked up and saw him approaching she put on a smile and stood from her seat. “Hello,” she said holding out a hand to him.

“Where’s Rachel?” he asked, shaking the new woman’s hand.

“She was unable to attend and sent me in her place. I’m Maggie, her assistant. We’re just meeting to give you a quick rundown on what we’ve been working on, and I’m very familiar with your profile so I’ll be going over it with you.”

“Well, I can tell I’m in good hands,” he said, bringing her hand up to his mouth and kissing the back of her hand sweetly. The unimpressed smile she gave him said she was a professional, but not dense like the chicks that left his hotel room this morning.

The pleasantries out of the way, they sat at the table and ordered drinks and lunch. She did just as she promised and gave him the quick readouts of the publicity campaigns they currently had going as well as a couple of sponsorship deals in play they were going to take up with his agent.

As she went through each piece he did his best to put on his charm, flashing his watches casually so she could see. If she did see, she gave no indication at all. Didn’t she get how rich he was? It was like she wasn’t interested at all, which was impossible. They always were, especially chicks in her position.

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