Romero (28 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Reyes

BOOK: Romero
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Romero was past the hurt and the anger. All he felt now was numb. He lay there in his old bed at his uncles’ house staring at the ceiling like he’d done so many times in the past when he’d felt let down or just pissed. Only now, the only person he was pissed at was himself. He’d lain there the entire night since his uncles and Alex had bailed him out.

Alex had obviously filled his uncles in on what happened because all Manny had said when he got out was, “What I am I gonna do with you?”

His uncles had already been in contact with their lawyer and Romero knew this much: he was looking at felony assault charges. If convicted, he’d not only do time, but he’d lose his P.I. license and his right to carry a gun, which was necessary to run his business. His temper had finally cost him dearly. Not only was he looking at possibly ruining what he’d worked so hard to get, he’d lost the one thing he didn’t know if he could live without—Izzy.

He closed his eyes and for a second an image of Isabel in Michael’s arms flashed before him. He sat up in a violent jerk. Suddenly he felt the deep ache again. The one he’d felt for hours as he sat in the jail cell. Isabel had gone over to talk to Michael about
—to vent—to tell him her future with Romero was

He knew every one of her expressions now and when he’d glanced at her in hopes that he’d see anger at Michael’s lies, he saw guilt instead. She’d already admitted what she’d done. What he’d tried so desperately to hide from all this time was out there now. If there was any doubt before yesterday, it was gone now. He was beneath her.

What an idiot he’d been to think getting her a ring could seal the deal. As if that’s all it took to hold on to someone like Isabel. It was just a matter of time before she figured it out for herself and turned to someone like Michael, a fucking commander or whatever the hell he was—someone more at her and her family’s level than he ever would be.

Manny was at his door holding the newspaper in his hand. “You made the front page.”

Romero stared at him but said nothing.

“Pretty bad, too.” Manny shook his head. “Get dressed. We’re going to see Nick. He normally doesn’t see clients on a Sunday but he’s making an exception for us.”

Nick had been their attorney for years. He was actually a long-time customer of his uncles’ bar before becoming their attorney. People always assumed only scum frequented titty bars, but they’d be surprised how many doctors, lawyers and even politicians were regulars there.

Romero went through the motions, numbly, taking a shower and getting ready. The entire time he replayed the events of the night before. His mind jolted when he got to the moment he spotted her with Michael. Michael had been close enough to kiss her and she was smiling about it. The hurt had outweighed his anger by a ton, but it only escalated his emotions to the point of no return. Every punch he landed he wanted it to be harder than the last. Never in his life had he wanted to kill another person and last night he had. He thought of his dad and squeezed his eyes shut, fisting his hands. He was
his father, damn it.

He checked his phone again for any possible missed calls or texts from Isabel—none. Obviously, their relationship had met its fate last night. What hurt most, was that she was already unsure about things between them even before he blew it. He should’ve backed the fuck off when he’d sensed her losing patience.

Although he knew just the thought of his Izzy with anyone else made him insane, he really thought he’d be able to keep that side of himself from her, push come to shove—for the sake of not losing her. Last night was proof there was no way. Even now, he hoped he’d never run into her with someone else because he’d only prove to her without a doubt, once again, how wrong he’d been for her. All the trouble he was in now, all the heartache he’d have to endure because of what he did last night—none of it mattered. He knew he’d do it again in a heartbeat if he ever saw her in someone else’s arms. He was hopeless.

The attorney didn’t tell them anything they didn’t already know. Basically, Romero was screwed any way you looked at it. Since it was still the weekend, formal charges had yet to be filed, but based on the facts there was no doubt the DA wouldn’t file.

He explained to Romero what he might want to consider. If he was charged with felony assault, which was more than likely, they usually offered a deal that would save time and money. Plead no contest to a lesser charge like simple assault. It carried a smaller fine and less jail time. Since Romero had no priors, and he’d cooperated with the police at the time of the arrest, Nick said he’d probably be out in a month, but would be on probation for at least two years. That meant no carrying any weapons during that time.

Romero listened, his mind wandering back and forth, to what Nick said and what Isabel probably thought of him now. As serious as this was, his life—his
—was on the line here, all he could think of was what was he going to do without her?

“Will you pay attention?” Manny nudged him.

Romero snapped out of it, frowning. “I
paying attention.”

paying attention,” Manny mimicked him. “He just asked you a fucking question.”

Romero stared at Nick blankly. “Say again?”

“Is there anyone that could testify on your behalf that this assault was provoked in any way?”

Isabel immediately came to mind. He’d already decided staying away from her would be the only way he’d survive not being able to be with her anymore. He was going to have Alex pick up his things for him as soon as he felt up to talking to anyone about it. “No.”

“Are you sure?” Max asked.

“Yeah, I’m sure. The guy pissed me off so I clocked him. Everybody there saw it. It’s why they arrested me.”

“That’s just it,” Nick said. “
did he piss you off? If it’s a good enough reason it might be permissible to use as having been provoked. You might get off with just a fine, and paying for damages. And from what the report said this guy insisted when asked several times that he was fine. The judge could dismiss it all together. Stranger things have happened.”

Romero stared at him, the memory of last night coming back to him. He felt the heat rising in him again. “He was being an asshole.”

“The guy had his hands on Moe’s girl.” Manny glanced back at Romero. “Alex told us.” Manny turned back to Nick. “My boy has anger issues as it is. God forbid you so much as say anything bad about his girl, and the prick last night had his fucking paws on her.” Manny shrugged. “What are you gonna do?”

Nick jotted a few things down. “We might have something. You’ll probably be required to take a few anger management classes. But I may just be able to pull something off here. Not making any promises, but we’ll see.”

Manny and Max both smiled. When they got outside Romero turned to Manny. “Why do you do that, uh? Why do you tell people I have anger issues? You’ve done that my whole life.”

“Because you
. Look at the mess you’re in because of it. And if I hadn’t mentioned it in there it may not have sparked whatever idea he got. I helped you out, you fucking ingrate.” Manny shook his head and tossed Romero the keys to the car. “You drive, and you’re buying breakfast. After the night you put us through, it’s the least you could do.”

Romero took a deep breath. His whole life he’d been hearing his uncle talk about his anger issues like it was some kind of handicap. A handicap he’d hoped Isabel would never find out about. She’d witnessed it first hand last night, and just like he’d known she’d do all along—she ran the hell away.





Valerie came right over after Isabel broke down on the phone with her. Isabel insisted she didn’t have to but Valerie wasn’t having it. Isabel had been there countless of times when she gone through her roller coaster relationship with Alex. She even showed up with food from the restaurant.

“I had a feeling you probably haven’t eaten. I know you don’t when you’re depressed.”

As good as the food smelled, Isabel really didn’t have an appetite. Valerie had called her last night to tell her Romero was out and she’d waited for him to call. She couldn’t bring herself to call him. She remembered how possessed he’d been last night. She shuddered to think of what might’ve happened if all those people had not been there to stop him. He was probably still furious with her, and she didn’t blame him.

Last night had been horrendous. When she wasn’t lying awake crying, she was having a nightmare. In one of them, she’d seen Romero at the mall embracing and kissing another woman. She’d charged at them ready to attack the woman, but Romero had pulled the woman behind him and told Isabel he no longer loved her and to let them be. The entire dream, the woman’s perfume was everywhere, and so strong, it nearly suffocated Isabel so much so she coughed until she woke herself up.

“Do they know anything yet?”

Usually Isabel was the one that prepared the food but this time Valerie pulled out two huge burritos and fresh tortilla chips from aluminum containers of food she’d brought and poured them both soda. “Sit down, Isabel. You have to eat. I’ll tell you while we eat.”

Isabel sat down with Valerie at the small table, surprised that Valerie had anything to tell her. She thought Valerie would say she didn’t know anything it was too soon. “The last thing Alex told me today about it was that Romero was going to meet with his uncle’s attorney today. But his uncle called the guy last night and let him know what was going on. The attorney told him he could most likely be facing felony assault charges.”

Having a father who was a judge and siblings who were also attorneys, Isabel knew enough about the law to know that if convicted it would carry jail time. This could ruin him. She felt the wave of tears coming on again. Valerie rubbed her arm gently. “Isabel, they don’t know for sure. It all depends on the judge and he could try to fight it. Everyone there saw what an asshole that guy was. He obviously instigated it.”

instigated it.” Isabel didn’t fight the tears anymore. “I knew he’d react violently and I still went along with Michael’s flirting, because I was mad at Romero. Now he’s probably ruined his life.” Isabel buried her face in her hands.

Valerie stood up to hug her while rubbing her back. Suddenly Isabel had a thought and lifted her head, wiping her face with both hands. Her dad knew people. Maybe he could help. She knew he was mad last night but he’d never refuse to help his own daughter, especially if she begged. “I gotta call my dad.”

She stood up and rushed to the counter where her phone was, grabbing it. Valerie stared at her but sat down then began to eat.

Her dad answered on the first ring. “Daddy, I need your help.”

At first, her dad refused. They went back and forth for a while, and he was steadfast about not wanting to do anything for Romero. He said he deserved whatever they slapped on him. “Maybe it’s for the best if he goes away for a while.”

Isabel hadn’t even thought that far ahead. She was still holding out hope that they’d be able to somehow work things out and they’d be together again soon. She already missed him dreadfully. What if he did go to jail—for years?

“Oh, Daddy,” she sobbed. “I don’t know what I’d do.”
There was a silence on her dad’s end, then she heard him breathe. “Please don’t cry, honey.”
“You have to help him. It was all my fault. I’ll never forgive myself—”

“First of all,” His voice was strong and deliberate again. “if I hear you blame yourself for his actions ever again, I’m definitely not helping.”

Isabel breathed in deeply, feeling a sudden hope. “Okay, I promise I won’t anymore. What can you do?”

“I really don’t think I can do much. If the plaintiff, in this case Michael, insists on going forward with this, the DA has no choice but move forward and prosecute. You saw how angry Michael was last night, and although he didn’t want to admit it, his injuries were extensive.” Her father stopped and took a deep breath. She knew he must’ve been thinking about how crazed Romero had been again. “Honey, I can’t do anything about it unless Michael files an affidavit of non-prosecution. Normally, I would never advise anyone to this. It’s irreversible once filed. But most importantly, the DA could turn around and press charges on him for bringing false charges against someone to begin with. That’s where I’d be able to help. I could make sure that doesn’t happen. But the impossible part is going to be getting Michael to agree to something like that. He’d be a fool
to press charges.”

This time Isabel took a deep breath, once again regretting the decision she’d made last night on a stupid angry whim.

“I’m sorry, honey. Even though, I still don’t want that man around you or the family. You know I’d do anything for
but my hands are tied here.”

She thanked him, hung up and turned to Valerie. She thought about it before saying it but this might be the only answer. “I’m gonna have to go out with Michael again.”

Valerie’s jaw dropped. “You can’t be serious.”

“I have to, Valerie. It’s my only hope.”




After speaking with her father and finding a tiny glimmer of hope, Isabel had been able to finish at least half the burrito Valerie had brought her. Not surprisingly, Valerie had inhaled hers in its entirety.

She briefed Valerie about her plan to try and convince Michael to cancel the charges and made her promise not to tell Alex. Her only hope was Michael’s ego. It was as big as the ship he’d sailed in on. The papers had already reported that he’d been beaten to a pulp. For as much as he protested last night that he Romero hadn’t hurt him, she was sure he was none too happy about those headlines. Not only that, she was sure he’d love nothing better than to take another stab at Romero. And what better way than to steal his girlfriend?

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