RopeMeIn (7 page)

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Authors: Cerise DeLand

BOOK: RopeMeIn
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Had even said so.

That had passed right by her as he had ruffled her hair as
though she were a kid, kissed her as if she were made of porcelain, then waved
goodbye, assuring her he’d be back for more of her good lovin’.


Yes. But she went to the table and sat down to think.

Horny, craven, whatever she was, she hadn’t thought too much
today about what had struck her last night. That the three of them had planned
this…this hook-up with her. Oh, not her coming to their ranch with their boxes
of leather goods. But getting her here. For the first time since she had
divorced Mr. Asshole, she felt the power of her femininity.

She laughed. She had lost that over the last few years. And
now, she had it back. Twice over. Maybe even three times…

Her gaze traveled to her own boxes, still on the far
counter. Unopened. Even though—she shifted and her breasts brushed the soft
cotton of Harry’s shirt—
even though
her own little French demi-bra was
washed and now sitting in her bedroom. Still, she hadn’t bothered to open up
the boxes, remove one fabulous treat for herself and don it. Not panties

Just as she had asked Harry in the barn, she now asked
herself. “Do you not need underwear when you’re around them?”

No. You don’t want anything between you and them.

She stood.

Sank down again.

Reeling with self-understanding.

For minutes, she remained where she was. Absorbing the
impact of her own revelation, she didn’t argue with herself about its validity.
She knew she didn’t have to. Instinct? Good instinct? Whatever it was, it
assured her and reassured her that she was fine. And unafraid.

They had planned to seduce her. Gratifying as that was, she
was more proud of herself that she was—and she tried not to snort at her own
choice of words here—a good fit.


Will was the first to come home a few hours later. Soaked
through, he opened the back kitchen door and looked at her like a drowned man
making it to shore.

“It’s hell out there, Cara. Pardon me for getting undressed
here, but I damn sure do not want to traipse all this crud through the house.
Left my hat, my coat and boots on the porch.”

“Let me help you,” she assured him, wiping her hands on her
apron and striding toward him. “You must be frozen through. The storm’s getting

He sat on the chair just inside the door and watched her
kneel to push up his jeans and pull at his socks.

“Even these are wet,” she marveled as she tugged them off.
“I made a hot toddy. You three are going to be sick if you don’t get warm

His eyes, soft hazel, caressed hers. “Thanks, sounds good.
I’ll have some.”

She cupped his cheek. “You’re so cold. Wait. You’ll drink
quickly and then we’ll get you stripped.”

He caught her hand and brought it to his mouth. “You are

If Harry’s hands were big, Will’s were huge. But stiff with
cold. “I’m glad you think so.”

“We’ll get to know each other,” he promised as she rose and
he waylaid her. “No hurrying with me.”

His forthright words filled her with delight…and longing for
him. But what could she say that wouldn’t sound as though she was the town’s
newest floozy? “Good to know. With your brothers, I didn’t feel rushed.”

He cocked a long wicked brow. Black-haired like his
brothers, he was meatier, heavier, like their prize longhorn.

His very size had her pussy juicing up to take him inside.
how big could he be?

“Glad you feel that way,” he told her. “They each worried
about that.”

From the big bowl, she poured him a cup of the hot grog
she’d made an hour ago. She took it to him as he worked on his shirt, undid his
belt buckle and unzipped his jeans. “Did they? Had a conference about me, did
you, you three?”

He took the cup from her hands and drank a hearty mouthful
of the mix of brandy, apple juice and cinnamon. Then he caught her hand and
tugged her forward. “Come here, I’ll tell you about it.”

She stepped back. “You will not! You are going into your
bedroom and taking the hottest shower you can stand. Then you can come out and
recount word for word what you all said about me.”

“Bossy lady, aren’t you?”

“When I want to be,” she admitted. “When I need to be.”

He got to his feet and leaned over her, one hand diving into
her hair, his mouth finding her ear. “We’ll let you be.”

She laughed as he nuzzled her ear and yet
held himself away from her so as not to get her wet. Too bad, she was already,
in ways that had nothing to do with his clothes. “I’ve already been told I
can’t come without one of you making love to me.”

He let her go then, chuckling, and backed toward the hall.
His jeans gaped open, leaving her a scrumptious view of an inch of tanned taut
flesh. “Is that so? Well, then you know that in some things, you can have your
way. We’ll pamper the hell out of you. But in other things? Like good fucking?”

She admired his playful demeanor as he paused in the hallway
to examine her head to toe. “Yes. Tell me, Will. What will you do?”

“I think you know by now, we intend to have you. Often. Our

“And my payoff is many happy orgasms?” She was chiding him,
thrilled with the implication but not so enthralled by the concept of being
submissive to one man, let alone three.

“That,” he snapped his fingers and pointed at her, “and

“What if I—” She began to ask the question that had nagged
at her since her self-examination earlier this afternoon.

“What?” He whirled around, deeper down the hall now so that
she could no longer see into the kaleidoscope of his fabulous eyes. “What if
you can’t handle it? Us? All three?” He grinned. “You can.”

How did these men know her mind?

“Precisely. What if you learn I don’t want more than one good
roll in the hay?”

“But you do.”

She stomped her foot. “Stop that! What if I become your
worst nightmare? A crazy lady at your door?”

“I’ve met that kind of woman. They are never ladies. And any
who showed up here got turned away.”

“Why? Isn’t that the kind of female you would really want
here? Horny? Always ready?”

He hooted. “No ma’am! Been there. Did that. Learned that was
not the lady I want in my house loving me.”

“But any other woman is going to want more than good lovin’.
She’ll demand love, marriage and babies. You don’t want that.”

“Who says?”


don’t want that. Not yet. Do you?” he asked on a
whisper. “But when you do, you better believe we three boys want you to come
knocking on our door first.”

And then he disappeared into his bedroom.

Leaving her there to marvel and chuckle at what fortune had
brought her.

No looking a gift horse in the mouth, Cara.
rubbed her hands together and did a little two-step to the stove.

I love gifts.

Chapter Seven


Dinner had more banter and laughter than Cara could remember
at any table she’d sat at. Three men, tired, freshly showered, handsome with
their beautiful stormy eyes and wet dark hair sat and told her stories of
riding their land. Saving their livestock from flood and rain. Mending a broken
fence as best they could and hoping that the rain stopped soon.

Cara understood challenge and loss even if she had never
lived on a ranch and had no firsthand knowledge of how to raise cattle. The
talk fascinated her. The men did too.

At the circular table, the men seemed to honor her and each
other. There were no snide remarks or back-stabbing, both practices she was
long familiar with in New York and Paris fashion. She was certain, because she
heard it from her friends, that this was so in other industries too. Not here.

She smiled as Will detailed a story about one recalcitrant
bull who refused to come to higher ground this morning. She laughed as Jed told
them they better be ready tomorrow if the rain stopped.

“Ready for what?” she asked, her wineglass to her lips.

“We’ll have to get out there fast so the beeves don’t head
back toward the low ground. We couldn’t mend all those fences in that downpour

“That means you all should get your rest tonight,” she

The three men checked each other’s eyes, then smiled at her.

Jed was the first to chuckle. “Tired, are you, baby?”

She sat back in her chair, amused but more concerned for
their welfare. “Aside from the fact that I’m trying to be rational here, I have
every right to be tired, don’t you agree?”

Harry shook his head and laughed. “She’s got us there.”

“You three must be exhausted too,” she declared. When no one
answered, she put down her wineglass and gave them the gimlet eye. “Come on.
You’ve been frozen and worked your asses off all day and you’re looking at more
of the same tomorrow. So do not tell me that one of you has a little side
activity in mind tonight.”

Jed pursed his lips.

Harry clenched his jaw.

Will gazed directly into her eyes and smiled. Sweetly too.
“You’re right, honey. We need to go to bed. Not think of doing things in it
other than sleeping.”

“Right,” Jed declared, eyeing Will.

“Agreed.” Harry rose to his feet as he nodded at Will.
“We’ll help you clear the dishes, darlin’.”

“I can do this.” She shooed them away, wondering if what
they were really doing was setting up Will for his first time with her. Part of
her, her pussy to be exact, did not object. But her brain, her good common
sense, said she was ready for a solid night’s sleep.

“I told you both,” Will lightly complained to the others,
“she can be bossy.”

Jed snorted. “Fine by me.”

Harry took plates to the sink and the dishwasher. “Me too.”

Then the two older brothers seemed to disappear into thin
air. Will stuck around, putting the rest of her marinara away in the fridge,
drying the big pots and pans and polishing the wineglasses.

Their conversation was all small talk, light and practical.

“Dinner was good. Where’d you learn to cook like that?”

“I did a summer internship in Milan when I was in college.”

“Is that right? Milan, Italy?”

“Yep.” She picked up another large pot and scrubbed the
innards. “I thought I wanted to be an art historian, then realized I liked the
study of fabrics more.”

“Hunh. How about that?”

“Something else you didn’t know about me.”

“What?” He looked too innocent to be true.

She chuckled. “I know you three have asked around about me.
From someone, maybe a lot of someones here in town, you have gleaned a
knowledge of who I am.”

“We liked you before you got stuck in front of our gate.”

“Makes me feel special.”

“You are.”

“Because you think I could handle three men? What gives you
that idea?”

“People don’t change too much. As a kid, you were always
smiling. Whistling in the street. Playing with that little dog of yours.”

“Little Bit,” she said her toy terrier’s name. “You remember

“You. We remembered you with him. He’d do cartwheels on the
sidewalk. Damnedest thing I ever saw. You trained him to do that.”

“I did.” She recalled with pride how the tiny white dog
would bark and almost smile at her when she gave him treats for his cartwheels.

“We three liked you even when you played pranks on us.”

“Still doesn’t explain how you think the four of us might…be

“We wagered that you were right for us. End of story.”

“I must exhibit some extraordinary trait that—”

“You want a man who adores you.”

His statement was part question.

She stared at him. “I do,” she admitted.

“And you have a generous heart.”

“Come on, Will. You can’t read that in the newspaper. Can’t
get that from anyone but my best friends or my—” She came to a dead stop.

“Any woman,” he declared as though it was law, “who moves to
town, opens up a new business but gives one day a week at the local senior
citizens’ center is a kind soul.”

This was in-depth research she assumed no man capable of.
Let alone three bachelors with reputations for wild lovin’. And all of this was
to interest her. “You three have been busy.”

His hazel eyes faceted into a glittering glow. “We did the
best we could.”

She grinned at him. “I’d say you did a really good job.”

“Thanks.” He raised his long brows at her, then turned away
to put his pot in the cabinet.

“How do you think it’ll pay off?”

He faced her then, his gaze scorching her as he came near
and took her in his arms. His body,
oh boy
, was the solid rock of
Gibraltar, all right. And since he’d come in from the cold, he had muscle and
sinew that roared with warm fires. Including his cock. Nestled right there
where it ought to be against her pleading pussy.

Before he even kissed her, her eyes were closing. Her hands
were urging him nearer. Her leg was wrapping around one of his and she was

“God, honey, you are on fire.” His lips were in her hair,
his giant hands cupping her ass and molding her to his groin. “Say you’ll have

She ripped at his shirt. “Hurry.”

He cursed as he stripped her. “No bra. I knew it. Damn, I
wanted a taste of these breasts yesterday. Lucky Jed. Happy Harry.”

She laughed, then groaned as Will sank a hand down the front
of her jeans and caught a handful of her mound.

“Hmm. No panties either. Convenient.” Then with a delicacy
she did not expect from such a hefty man, he sank two fingers inside her cunt.

She swooned, her nails digging into his shoulders. “Will, my
god. Your fingers are so thick.”

“Wait’ll you feel what else I’ve got for you,” he promised
and picked her up in his arms. “Come over and let me take a taste of this horny
little body.”

He put her on the kitchen table, yanked off her jeans and
pinned her to the circular expanse with one hand to her tummy. “Perfect skin.”

Creaming madly for him, she tried to open her thighs to let
him see her red pussy, but he clamped her legs together. “When I say, not

She moaned. Eager. Hungry. Swelling and hot. “You can’t make
me wait.”

“No? Who says? You?”

His words were gruff but his face was sweetly taunting.
“Yeah, me.”

“Oh baby. You do need taming.” He ran his open hands over
her mouth, her throat and down her breasts. He pinched her nipples and she
cried out. “Want more of that, huh?”


“Too bad.”

“No. Why?” she pleaded.

“Your two girls already partied today with Harry. I’m here
to give you other things.”

“Yeah?” she whispered, her hands going to his crotch and the
big bulge that strained the denim there. “Can I name what I want?”

He barked in laughter, his gaze on hers and said, “No.”

“Oh,” she cooed and wiggled in expectation. “Goody.”

He threw back his head then and laughed, and when he
stopped, he was dead serious and she was dead crazy with want.

She swallowed hard as he released the belt buckle of his
jeans, then slowly unzipped them. At once, his red cock sprang out, headed
right for her pussy.

Her mouth dropped open. Jed had been big and Harry, ever so.
But…but Will’s shaft was…amazing.

“You think I can take you?”

He palmed his length, his expression sultry. “You want to

She tried to get nearer to him by moving her hips forward.

He grinned. “So eager. I love it.”

“Reward me.”

He took hold of her inner thighs and yanked them wide. “I’d
say you smell like you need me.”

She bit her lip. Her pussy pleaded to be filled. “I do. I am
swimming in cream. Try me. Taste me. Feel me.”

His eyes narrowed. “Begging me?”

“If that’s what it takes to make you fuck me.”

“Begging is good. I like begging.” He seemed in no damn
hurry, but ran a fingertip down the exposed edge of one of her folds. “I like
your pussy too. I’ll like watching you gobble me up.” He put the flat of his
hand against her mound and massaged.

She undulated with his rhythmic touch. “Do it.”

“Ready to squeeze me inside?”


He arched up, changed the angle of his body and hit her
pussy with the flat of his hand.

She squealed in delight. This spanking was a thrilling
sensation that made her cunt pulse and swell. “Again!”

“Spank this pretty pussy again?”



“Cuz I need you. Need your hand on me.”

He hit her a bit harder this time. The tingle was a warmer
glow. She wiggled to get nearer, almost off the edge of the table now. But she
cared only about having him, his hand on her fast and soon.

He arched a brow and serviced her with another blow. “Like

“I do.”

“Anyone ever spanked this wet pussy before?”

“No. Never.”

“Good. Mine to tame then.”


He grinned and slapped her with the flat of his hand. She
rolled her head, her channel gushing with so much cream that he exclaimed,
“Never saw a woman so hot to have my cock.”

She cuffed him. “Then reward me, damn you.”

He dug in his jeans pocket, extracted a condom and ripped it
open with his teeth. Laughing, he grabbed her hips and thrust so far inside her
that she screamed.

And he held, sunk inside her, her head flung back, her body
arched in ecstasy until she could swear she felt him to the roots of her hair.
More, she felt the extraordinary girth of him. Jesus Christ, was he reaming her
good. Every woman’s wild-ass fantasy of a man’s huge cock that rubbed and
scraped every sensitive inch of her demanding cunt. She writhed, tipping up her
hips, commanding him, urging him to ram her, fuck her like they both deserved
after such a long, hard day.

Breathless, his cock still buried deep inside her very happy
pussy, he pulled her to him and in one long groan shuddered with his own
orgasm. He clasped her to him, murmuring raunchy little love words. Then he
gave her a huge smacker of a kiss and rolled to one side. He broke away,
stepped out of his jeans and kicked them away. Then he bent, hauled her up in
his arms and strode with her down the hall toward his bedroom.

“You’re mine tonight. All night. And I want to fuck you
again. Maybe more than once. You up for that?” he asked as he shouldered closed
his door.

She giggled, kissed his cheek. “I have a choice?”

“Sometimes, yeah.” He set her down on top of his mattress,
his heavy body pressing her sweetly down into the depths. “I want to party with
you. Discover your pussy with my mouth. And tongue your breasts. Want me to?”

“Oh do I.”

Licking her lips as he rose, she caught his hand. “Tell me
something first.”

He opened a drawer and caught up a handful of condoms, then
came back to her to spread her thighs with his leg. “If I can.”

“How can there be no jealousy among you three?” She had to
be certain about this with each man, not ever wanting to come between brothers.
Especially ones so respectful of one another.

His dark winged brows drew together. “We worked at it. We
trust each other, simple as that. Why do you ask?”

“Because you have such a great relationship, I wouldn’t want
to be the cause of any friction among you.”

“You won’t.”

“How can you sound so sure? I mean I worry, you know, that

He caught her chin and held her still. “Listen up, honey.
You belong to all three of us now. There is no competition.”

“Even if I spend the night here with you?”

“Even if.”

“But how can that be?” She was flabbergasted. “I’ve never
known men like that.”

“You know us now.” He grinned, so self-satisfied.

“What do I know?
”How could they be so
calm, so assured about her?

“That we MacRaes know how to share.”

“One woman?” she exclaimed. He was smoking something!

“One special woman.”

She frowned, still not convinced of this rare nirvana where
men shared one woman. Who did that?

“How can you know there won’t be trouble?”

“Because we agree on almost everything. Because we agree to
try to make you happy. In bed with each of us. Out of bed too. Because tomorrow
morning, when you leave my room, you may decide you want a piece of Jed. Or a
few hours with Harry. And we three will each be fine with it.”

“And I can go, ask for them, just like that?”


A whole new world seemed to open up before her. Men, hers
for the asking, the taking, the enjoying. “You are on drugs.”

He shook his head “We three agree, honey, that you are worth
having. Worth sharing. Worth never complaining to give you every bit of us
whenever you want us.”

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