Rough, Raw and Ready (17 page)

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Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Red Hots!, #Western Romance

BOOK: Rough, Raw and Ready
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Part of Edgard’s dominance had been an attempt to win Trevor over. To convince the stubborn man what they had inside and outside the bedroom was worth keeping. Now with Trevor married to Chassie, had his need for control changed?

Dismissing his brooding as pointless, Edgard glanced over at Trevor. Those pale blue eyes filled with appreciation and heat. Those strong, callused hands were clenched in fists by his naked flanks. When Trevor allowed his gaze to travel the full length of Edgard’s body, Edgard forced himself to stay still, even as he willed Trevor to make the first move.

Trevor did. He ran a single blunt fingertip from the middle of Edgard’s throat in a line straight down to the tip of his cock and back up. Slowly. Then he slid his palm down to Edgard’s sternum and spread his fingers out like a starfish. “I forgot how your chest hair felt against my skin,” he murmured, almost to himself.

I didn’t. Touch me. Put your goddamn hands all over me.

Edgard might’ve voiced those demands in the past. Not now. Now he needed Trevor to show him the pace he could handle. So as Edgard’s breathing grew more labored and his cock grew harder, he waited.

And Trevor sensed Edgard’s restraint. He sidled forward. “So in your dirty fantasies, Ed, what’m I doin’ first? Fallin’ to my knees?” Trevor’s hand skimmed Edgard’s torso as 131

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he spoke. “Or am I jackin’ you off?” Then that strong hand closed around Edgard’s cock and tugged. “Or do you just bend me over the couch from the get-go?”

“Are those my options?”

Trevor chuckled against Edgard’s shoulder. “Maybe we oughta start out with option number two and work our way around the wish list?”

“Uh. That’d be—” Edgard gasped when Trevor’s work-roughened fingers stroked his balls, while firm lips traced the arc of his collarbone. “Whatever you want.”

“Why you handin’ me the reins, partner?”

Edgard angled his head as Trevor’s lips traveled up the slope of his neck, letting the feel, the scent, the nearness of Trevor consume him.

“You afraid Chassie can’t handle seein’ me takin’ what you love to dish out?”

“It crossed my mind,
sweet Jesus
, I like having your mouth on me.”

“I know.” Trevor nipped Edgard’s earlobe hard and growled, “I ain’t hidin’ anything of what we do from my wife. Like you said, we’ve come this far, ain’t no sense in turnin’

back now and pretendin’ it ain’t what it is. Tell me what you want.”

Just like that, domineering Edgard reappeared. “Suck my nipples while you’re jacking me off.” Edgard fisted his hand in Trevor’s hair and pushed Trevor’s face to where he wanted that eager mouth on his chest.

A thick growl escaped as Trevor licked the flat disk.

Edgard couldn’t tear his eyes away from the contrast of Trevor’s pink tongue against the darker tones of his nipple. The sound of Trevor’s contentment when he rubbed his cheek on the furred mat covering Edgard’s chest burned into Edgard’s ears like his favorite song.

Then Trevor stopped worrying the nipple with his teeth and switched to the other side.

“I want your mouth,” Edgard said.

“Where?” Trevor lifted his head.

“On mine.” He and Trevor were nearly the same height, which made the change easy as Trevor continued the handjob.


Lorelei James

The kiss wasn’t as frantic as earlier. But it was long and slow and deep. Edgard hungrily ran his hands over every section of Trevor’s skin he could reach. Edgard had dreamed of this day so many times he didn’t expect he could stop himself from coming fast. And it boggled his mind how quickly they’d picked up that old rhythm—as if they hadn’t been apart. That idea spiraled Edgard’s need higher.

But it was Trevor who dissolved the kiss. “You’re close, Ed. Come on. Give it to me.

Let go. I’ve got you.”

“I’ll give it to you.” Without warning, Edgard removed Trevor’s hand from his cock and shoved Trevor to his knees.

Trevor grabbed Edgard’s hips. He swallowed Edgard’s cock an inch at a time, letting the wetness work him clear to the root.

It was pure, sweet heaven seeing his prick buried in Trevor’s mouth. The fringe of dark lashes fluttering as he closed his eyes. The high color on those high cheekbones. His nostrils flaring as he attempted to regulate his breathing.

No, Trevor hadn’t forgotten how to make Edgard lose his mind. Edgard sampled other men who had the cock sucking technique down to an art, but Trevor’s raw enthusiasm turned him inside out.

“More,” Edgard said. “I need more.”

Trevor’s head bobbed faster in shallow strokes. His tongue and lips worked Edgard’s cock while Trevor’s hand worked his balls. His saliva-slick middle finger rubbed the sensitive ridge of skin leading to Edgard’s hole.

A tingle rocketed down Edgard’s spine, gathering steam between his legs and shot straight out the end of his cock like supercharged jet fuel. He pumped his pelvis, wanting to feel the entire length of his cock enclosed by that wet heat.

But Trevor clamped his hands on Edgard’s hipbones, keeping him in place. He wrapped his lips halfway up his shaft, sucking every spurt, then tonguing the tip of Edgard’s twitching cock.

Blood rushed to Edgard’s head; his vision dimmed as black and white spots danced beneath his lids. His limbs felt heavy, his body woozy. In the back of his mind, he 133

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wondered if Chassie would think him less-than-manly if he passed out in the face of such pleasure.

Pleasure provided to him by her husband.

Edgard opened his eyes and noticed his fingers were gripping Trevor’s hair. The soft strands were a dozen diverse shades of blond, giving Trevor an angelic look. Coupled with Trevor’s devilish grin…and Edgard had been a goner from the first smile.

A smile Edgard saw immediately after his cock slipped free from that smirking mouth. “Good, eh?”

“Very good,
meu amore

The sound of Chassie shifting restlessly on the couch behind them brought Edgard out of his orgasmic stupor. He slid his fingertips down the outside of Trevor’s face. His thumbs tenderly stroked Trevor’s strong jawline.

Trevor pushed to his feet. Edgard expected him to back away, so it shocked the hell out of him when Trevor circled his arms around him and buried his damp face in Edgard’s neck. His admission, “Jesus, I missed you,” was nearly inaudible.

But it was loud enough to lodge in Edgard’s heart and his soul.

As much as he craved the affectionate side of this man, Edgard lifted Trevor’s face and pecked him on the mouth. “Same goes. But Chassie needs you. Go to her now.”

Another quick kiss and Edgard retreated, snatching up his clothes and heading upstairs without looking back.


Lorelei James

Chapter Sixteen

“Where’s he goin’?” Chassie said just to break the awkward silence.

“He’s givin’ us some time.” Trevor crouched in front of her. His eyes searched hers, the pale blue irises clouded with concern. “Talk to me, baby.”

When Chassie didn’t respond, Trevor curled his hands around her hips, jerking her forward. His quick movement surprised her so much she flinched. Dammit. She hadn’t meant to do that.

The muscle in Trevor’s jaw rippled, a sign he’d clenched his teeth together.

She reached for him, the need to soothe automatic. She took time to glide her hand up his arm, wanting the contact of his skin on hers. “Trevor, you startled me, that was all.

I wasn’t recoiling from your touch.”

“You sure?” Trevor’s scrutiny was the most intense he’d ever given her. “I don’t want no secrets between us.”

“I’m sure. It was…” Were there words to describe how she’d felt at seeing her husband’s unadulterated joy at being with another man?

“Was what?”

“Not what I expected.”

Trevor’s face inched closer. “Explain that right now.”

“I thought I’d hate it. Before, in the kitchen? When we were just talkin’? I figured I’d probably jump in and put a stop to it if it was more than I could handle.”

“You didn’t stop us.”

“No. Part of me was relieved.”


“Because now I know it isn’t me.”

He squinted at her. “What wasn’t you?” 135

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Chassie focused on the continual stroke of her thumb over the cut of muscle in Trevor’s biceps. “You have a voracious sexual appetite, Trev. I understood that when we hooked up. And I…well, I told you I wasn’t overly sexually experienced.”

“That never bothered me, just like it didn’t bother you that I’d been with more’n my fair share of women. Even some women you’re good friends with.”

“I know. It’s just sometimes, right after we’d made love or had sex or whatever, you’d get this far off look in your eye. You didn’t realize you even did it. Bein’ paranoid, I had it in my mind that I hadn’t measured up and you were disappointed in me in bed and didn’t want to say anything.”

“Chassie, baby, you know that’s not—”

“Let me finish.” Chassie mustered the courage to look in Trevor’s eyes. “Today, after seein’ this, I realize that was wrong. You weren’t critiquing my performance. You weren’t even thinkin’ about me, were you?”

He briefly squeezed his eyes shut and blinked them open. “Fuck. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. Like I said, I’m more relieved than anything.”

“Relieved? That I was thinkin’ about another…man?”

“Crazy female logic, right? It hurts, yeah, but it probably makes no sense when I admit I’d be even more freaked out if it were a woman lodged so deeply in your thoughts.”

A scowl distorted his face. “But now?”

“But after seein’ you and Edgard together, I understand you get something from bein’ with him, something I can’t give you, even if I become the perfect lover. You do the same for him. There’s a need. There’s a connection. I saw it and it felt a lot more like love than experimental man-lust from your past.” When Trevor’s eyes darted away, she demanded, “I’m right, aren’t I?”

“You askin’ me if I love him?”

Chassie shook her head. “I’m tellin’ you I’d understand if you did.”

A heavy pause lingered before Trevor met her eyes.


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Her stomach lurched at the raw emotion he didn’t bother to hide. “Jesus, Chass.

What did I ever do to deserve you?”

They’d suffered enough emotional turmoil with no clear solution, so she strove to lighten things up. “Maybe the question oughta be what should you do to keep me? I need reassurance you find me as enthralling as the Brazilian. Because, darlin’, he is one smokin’ hot specimen of man flesh.”

Trevor frowned.

Chassie wasn’t finished. “You’ve got that All-American boy next door look, tall, built and handsome, with your tousled blond hair, blazin’ blue eyes and shit-eatin’ grin.

Then there’s this jaw that seems made of granite and the sexy dimple in your chin.” She let her fingers trace the delineated lines of his triceps, biceps and forearms. “You’re all hard muscled shoulders, chest and pecs, ripped abs. This set of pipes are highly lickable.”

She bent her head, her tongue following the path her hand forged. “And don’t get me started on your lower half.”

“Am I sensin’ another ‘but’ here, wife?”

“Yep. But I’d totally be lyin’ if I didn’t admit feelin’ a bit lightheaded when faced with Edgard’s dark good looks, slumberous eyes, killer smile and sexy accent. All those yummy extras wrapped up in a lean athletic body that knows its way around ropin’, ridin’

and ranchin’? Mmm. He fills out a pair of Wranglers like nobody’s business. But when Ed stripped to nothin’? And I caught my first look at his big, long—”

Trevor smashed his mouth to hers. When their tongues twined, she was slightly shocked at Trevor’s altered taste—she detected a hint of Edgard’s mouth as well as a hint of semen. This close, she could smell Edgard’s scent on Trevor’s skin. Just then Trevor seemed to remember Edgard had come in his mouth not ten minutes past and he stiffened.

“It’s okay. I don’t mind,” Chassie said against his lips and took the kiss to the hungry, needy pace she craved.

Before too long Trevor’s hands started to wander. Thumbing her nipples through her shirt, squeezing her breasts. Impatiently unsnapping the buttons on her blouse and releasing the front clasp on her bra. 137

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She loved the way his callused fingers rasped against her hot skin and gooseflesh broke out across her chest and arms as a result of his touch.

His hand spanned her belly and eased over her waistband. He tapped her knees, a signal for her to spread herself open. When he stroked the seam of her jeans and found them damp, he abruptly ended the kiss. “Christ. You’re ready. From watchin’ me and Ed together?”


Trevor made a snarling noise, pushing Chassie until her shoulders bounced on the cushions. Then his face was inches from hers. “It drives me fuckin’ crazy that you’re turned on. Take off the pants. Now.”

No surprise her demanding husband reappeared and hadn’t been permanently cowed by Edgard’s aggressiveness. She smiled slyly and shimmied out of her jeans.

“Why’re you still wearin’ panties?”

“Because you said to take my pants off. Which I did.”

“Fine. We’ll do it my way.” Trevor clamped his hands on her hips, scooting her down until her lower half hung off the couch as he rolled her plain white panties to her ankles. Once he had them off her body, he slingshotted them across the room.


“Spread ’em. I wanna see every inch of that sweet pink pussy.”

Chassie stretched her legs wide and Trevor’s hands flexed on her butt as he lifted her to his mouth.

He inhaled before he did anything else and a shudder rolled through him. “Goddamn I love the way you smell. I like tastin’ you even better.” He deftly licked at the slick spots dotting the inside of her thighs.

Every time he repositioned his head, either his prickly beard brushed across her hot tissues, or the soft strands of his hair teased her clit. Then the middle of her thigh. The curve of her knee.

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