Royally Seduced (8 page)

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Authors: Marie Donovan

BOOK: Royally Seduced
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to wake up from her incredibly erotic dream. She’d never dreamed like this before, never dreamed of a man pushing his, well, erection against her bottom as he palmed her breast in his hot, rough hand.

She couldn’t help herself and wiggled against her dream man, who was tall and lean with chestnut-brown hair. He responded by thumbing her nipple and kissing the back of her neck, his breath damp on her skin. She sighed at the wonderful sensations shooting between her legs. “Oh, Jack.”

His hand tightened reflexively on her breast and her eyes flew open.

It wasn’t a dream after all. It was Jack’s hand on her breast and Jack’s erection pressed between her cheeks. But only for a second.

He jumped out of bed like a horde of bedbugs had attacked him. “Ah,
Lily, I am so sorry.” His distress showed up in his very French pronunciation of her name—
—with the emphasized second syllable.

Lily sat up and stared at the front of his short black boxer briefs. He was impressively aroused, the fabric doing little to contain his desire. But some guys got that way during the night. Maybe it didn’t have anything to do with her. But he got larger as she watched. Maybe it

He followed the path of her gaze and grabbed a pillow to cover himself. “Again, I am sorry. I should have taken the floor as we had discussed.” He turned away and fumbled in his bag. “I have an extra sleeping bag liner. I will be fine.”

“Jack.” Her voice came out louder than she intended. He looked over his shoulder, startled.

She took a deep breath. “Do you want me?”

“I, uh…” He licked his lips, his breath speeding up.

That was enough answer for her. She slowly pulled her T-shirt over her head so she sat in bed wearing nothing but her boxer shorts. “Do you want me?” she repeated, growing in confidence.

“Yes…” The word was dragged from him, almost unwillingly. “God, yes…but—”

“What, Jack?” She got up on her knees to face him.

“I shouldn’t, all right? You’re a very sweet girl and I don’t want to take advantage of you. Your first trip to France, and here we are thrown together in a small hotel room with the heat and the flowers and the feel of your skin…” He stopped suddenly, and that was when she knew she could have him.

And she wanted him.

She stood up and padded over to him. “What does my skin feel like?”

He stood there tongue-tied.

“Maybe you need to check it again.” She shoved her boxers down and kicked them away so she was naked in front of him.

His hands twitched at his sides. She picked up his wrist and brought his hand to her hip. “How does my skin feel?” she repeated.

“Wonderful,” he said hoarsely, his fingers tightening into her butt.

“More specific,” she chided him, picking up his right hand. “How about up here?” This time she placed it on her breast.

“Like satin. Like silk. Like
” He cupped her breast and stroked it gently.

“Like cream?” She was starting to breathe harder, his hands straying from their original positions. He kneaded her butt and he thumbed her nipple like he had while they were sleeping.

Only this time they were wide awake.

“I’ll have to check to see if you taste like cream.” He bent forward and nuzzled her neck. Lily clutched his shoulders as his tongue lapped at her skin.

“Well?” she managed to say.

“Better than cream. Cream with raspberries. Cream with honey.” He stopped talking and did little swirls with the tip of his tongue.

“Ohhh.” Her knees started shaking. “Jack, please.”

“Please, what?” He laughed, his breath hot on her. It was a sound she hadn’t heard from him before, pleased with himself and self-confident.

“You know.” Heat climbed into her face, a mix of arousal and embarrassment.

“Tell me.” He sank to his knees, sliding his mouth down her breast. He captured the peak between his lips, sucking it to aching fullness.

She gasped and ran her fingers through his thick, wavy hair. “Jack…”

“Mmm.” The hum buzzed her nipple and she fought for balance, widening her stance. He cupped her butt in one hand, his other hand toying with the damp curls between her legs.

She fought for breath as he slipped his finger there, finding her moisture and spreading it up to her clit. A cry escaped her as he lingered there, massaging and rubbing the little nub. It had throbbed since he’d touched her in her sleep, creating that erotic dream that she had never wanted to end. “But it’s not a dream anymore,” she murmured.

He released her breast and rubbed his thumb over her slick nipple. “A dream come true.”

She blinked hard at the sudden rush of emotion. He was right—she had never considered the possibility of finding someone like Jack, someone who could be her companion during the day and a powerful lover at night.

“Tell me what you like,
ma belle,
” he continued conversationally, as if he were asking her how she took her coffee. “Do you like it slow and sweet?” He slowed his pace at her clit, dragging each caress out into a torturous pace. “Or do you like it hard and fast?” He flicked her until she fell back on the bed, her legs too weak to hold her up.

“I like it all. Any way you want.”

“Good, because I have many, many ideas for you.” He stretched out next to her. “Beautiful Lily. Such a beautiful woman. I fought to keep my hands off you, but sleeping next to you was too much temptation.” He stroked her breasts and she arched into his touch.

“I knew it was you in my dream.”

“Did you?” He toyed with her nipple, first one and then the other. “Have you been thinking of me that way?”

“I thought you were cute when we first met, but after you lost that shaggy look, you were gorgeous.”

He puffed out a disbelieving breath. “I am not gorgeous.”

“I am the only one in this room who is an expert on handsome men, so there. Unless you’re putting on a phenomenal act…” she teased him.

“No act,” he promised. “I have never been more sincere in my admiration.”

She ran her fingers through the short chestnut hair on the nape of his neck and tugged his face down to her breast. “I’m in a mood to be admired, so keep going.”

“Oh, you are a bold one.” He kissed her breast but quickly moved right below her belly button.

Lily crimsoned in shock because she’d meant for him to keep going at her breast, not keep going down her body.

But he gently opened her folds, and at the first stroke of his finger all her protests dropped away. “Oh, Jack.”

“Lily,” he murmured. “Relax. Let me give you this pleasure.” He guided her to sit on the edge of the bed and nestled between her thighs.

At the first gentle touch of his tongue, she cried out and he smiled against her. Her surrender spurred him on, as he slowly flicked her clit, then faster and faster until she fell back onto the bed.

Jack only stopped to hook her knees over his shoulders. In that wide-open, vulnerable position, Lily felt a moment of anxiety and closed her thighs around him.

He lifted his head immediately. “Are you all right, my Lily?”

His Lily.
She liked the sound of that. And she liked how he made her feel—loved it, to tell the truth. She relaxed onto the tiny bed. “I feel wonderful.”

“All right.” He eased down again and in an instant she was lost in his touch. His mouth, his hands as they cupped her bottom, his cheeks as they brushed the sensitive inner skin of her thighs.

Her excitement started spiraling up into her belly and breasts, down her arms and legs. She tried pulling away again because it was too intense, but he held her close and refused to let her escape.

He seemed to know she couldn’t take any more teasing and slipped a finger in and out of her slick, hot passage. She muffled a scream with her arm as he licked and stroked her. Her face burned and she could hardly breathe until he stopped and sucked her clit hard. She arched her back and climaxed hard, shaking with heat but shivering as if she had the chills.

Jack pushed her and pushed her until she couldn’t tell where one climax ended and the next began. Finally she lay spent and limp under him and he stopped the exquisite torment, straightening to lie next to her.

He stroked her sweaty hair off her forehead.

“Wow. Oh, wow.” She knew she had to look as if she’d run ten miles, but he didn’t seem to mind. She smiled in an effort to stop panting.

He smiled back. “You liked that?” he asked eagerly.

“Very much.” She caressed his cheek. “But what about you?” She tugged at his shoulders, encouraging him to move over her.

“Oh, Lily, Lily, I don’t know how long I can last. It has been so long for me.”

“How long?”

“Many months. Since long before I left for the typhoon and not since.” He gave a quick grin. “Too ill to even consider it.”

“You don’t feel ill now.” She ran her hand down his side, reveling in his lean masculinity.

“I’ve never been better.” He grabbed her hand and pushed it aside. “But you have to let me prove it to you.”

“Go ahead.” She hooked her thumbs in his waistband and tugged. He twisted from side to side as they both stripped him naked, laughing as his underwear hit the floor.

She immediately grabbed his cock and he moaned. He was long and thick, his silky skin covering a hot shaft. She brushed his fat tip with her thumb to spread his juices around.

“Ah!” He pulled away. “Not yet.” He fumbled in his backpack and came out with a foil packet, quickly rolling on a condom.

Lily was disappointed because she hadn’t gotten a good look at him in the dim light, but there would be many more chances to explore his body if she had her way. And it was time to have her way with him. She eased her thighs apart. “Come to me, Jack.”

He moved between her knees and gently brushed her with his tip, wetting himself with her. He slowly slid inside as Lily consciously relaxed her internal muscles—it had been a long time for her, as well.

Finally he was locked deep within her and they both sighed in satisfaction. He felt wonderful, sure, but it seemed more than that. More as if he had claimed her, had taken her and said with his body,
She is mine.

She blinked hard at her surprising sentimentality. He was a nice, sweet sexy guy, she was on summer vacation—the right mix for a fun holiday affair—no point in making it anything more.

“Lily?” he questioned gently, staring down at her. He could read her moods almost frighteningly well.

“Nothing.” A rush of honesty prompted her to say, “I wasn’t expecting this.”

He smiled, shrugging as best as he could while bearing all of his weight on his arms. “I wasn’t, either. But as you told me yesterday, I should look more to fate than to logic.”

“Fate,” she repeated. “But that means I’m not in control.” And she hated that.

“Control is an illusion, a chimera. Life is a typhoon that bears you where it will.” He winked at her. “You will have much more fun if you lose control, especially tonight. I guarantee that.”

She giggled. No more navel-gazing, especially since if she were to look down at her navel, she would see something infinitely more interesting than belly-button lint.

He started to thrust into her, and her giggles quickly turned to moans. She hooked her calves around his thighs, gripping his cock even tighter as she squeezed down on him.

Faster and faster he went, his butt and thigh muscles flexing. He dropped to his elbows, his chest hair catching and rubbing her nipples. She buried her face in the crook between his neck and shoulder, tasting his sweat. She had the most primitive urge to nip his skin—so she did.

He reared back in surprise.

“Did I hurt you?” How embarrassing.

A devilish grin spread over his angelic face. “My little cat has marked me. Did I taste good?”

She wiggled her eyebrows. “That part did. I’ll let you know when I taste the rest of you.”

His laugh turned into a groan and he lowered his head, slamming into her. “
Mon dieu,
the thought of your pink lips on me has tormented me all day.”

Lily had a sudden fantasy of kneeling in front of him like he had kneeled to pleasure her. Sucking and caressing him with her lips and tongue until he exploded…she groaned and shivered.

you want that, too. You are shaking around me.” He leaned slightly to the side and slipped his fingers between them. “I’ll make you shake even more.”

He stroked her already swollen clit as he ground into her, his belly sliding over hers. His gaze burned dark and mysterious in the dim light. Heat built in her again, as if he’d never touched her before, never licked her to so many climaxes they all melted together.

But here it was again. He pinned her to the bed, claiming her. She wrapped her arms around his ribs and held tight. Her hips moved of their own accord, falling into pace with his rapid, almost frantic rhythm.

“Jack…” she gasped, desire boiling over. “I think I’m going to…” She gave up speaking and arched her back as an even more powerful orgasm hit, zinging up from where they joined into her whole body.

“Oh, Lily.” He gritted his teeth and threw his head back, his neck pulling into cords. She held him tight as he jolted into her. Calling her name, he exploded, his cock jerking and pulsing deep inside her.

Slowly, he came down from his peak, panting as if he’d run all the way from Paris. He groaned and forced his gaze to focus on her. “Lily, are you all right?”

“Never better.” She hugged him again and he sighed in satisfaction.

“Good. That is good.” He slowly pulled out of her and looked around blearily. “Eh, this would be a good time to have a private bath.”

She giggled. “You were the one who said Madame Roussel was much too sophisticated to shock.”

He shook his head. “I am not worrying about shocking her—I am worried about being scolded for making a mess.”

“How embarrassing.”

He made do with several tissues and they tossed on some clothing. After they took turns sneaking down the hall to the bathroom, Jack urged her into bed. “You had your wicked way with me—now it’s time for sleep.”

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