Rubbed Raw (43 page)

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Authors: Bella Jeanisse

BOOK: Rubbed Raw
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“It was Giovanni’s idea,” I admitted.

I could hear the smile in my mom’s tone. “Did you guys decide on a date yet?”

“Yeah, can Dad get vacation around Valentine’s Day? We’re gonna be in Vegas. It’s not far from there, right?”

“Wow, he’s romantic, isn’t he?” She seemed to hesitate. “Too bad Chad isn’t. Maybe you guys would have…”

“Mom, don’t start again.” I exhaled loudly.

“It’s just after all the years watching you two, I assumed… I’m sorry. I’ll drop it. I know you love Giovanni, and I’m glad you met him. He obviously makes you happy.”

“Yes, he does. Can you guys come to our wedding?”

Giovanni came in the room. “Tell her I’ll pay for their room.”

“He’s so sweet.” My mom obviously heard him. “I’ll see if Dad can get the days, otherwise I’ll come by myself.” She sniffled. “I couldn’t miss my baby getting married.”

When I finally put my phone down almost an hour later, I ventured into the kitchen. Giovanni was stirring his sauce. “That smells incredible.”

“Thanks. What time do we have to be at Chad’s?”

“Twelve. I hope his mom makes her famous French toast.”

“I thought we were having lunch with them.” Giovanni furrowed his brow.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. “It’s brunch. So they’ll be a little bit of everything. Thanks for agreeing to go.”

“I know his family’s like yours. The last time we were over there, his dad told me if I hurt you again, he’d have Chad and his brothers beat the hell outta me.”

My eyes opened wide. “Somebody told him?”

“Sounds like he knew something happened, but not what. If he knew I hit you, I’m sure I’d be dead now.” He closed his eyes, probably remembering my bruises.

I hugged him from behind and ran my hands over his strong chest. “It was an accident. Please just leave it in the past.”

His hands caressed mine. “OK.” After stirring a bit more, he tasted the sauce then held the spoon out to me. “What’d you think?”

“Wow,” it was better than usual. “What did you put in it? That’s heavenly.”

He leaned back against me a bit. “I got some fresh basil last night, makes a big difference.”

I loved that he cooked so well. It was quite a turn-on. “We got an hour to kill. Any ideas?” My hands traveled down his body and over his pajama bottoms where I found his half-hard cock. “Maybe…” I stroked him through the fabric. “…he wants to come out and play?”

I got a moan. “Would help pass the time, huh?”

“Yeah,” I reached inside and squeezed his almost erect dick as I moved my other hand down to caress his scrotum. Shocked, I jumped when his hand inched under my panties.

His finger grazed my swollen clit. “Wet already, huh?” He moved forward and put his saucepot on the counter. “I’ll be right back.”

I was confused, but knew there was a good reason for a delay, so I started cleaning up the table. Soon I heard footsteps. Without warning, he stripped off my underwear, lifted me up and placed me on the edge of the table. Then he plunged his entire length into me with a grunt.

I clung to him, excited by the position and filled with pleasure. Three deep, fast strokes then I scratched his back and cried out his name. His hand covered my left breast over the T-shirt I wore as my pussy tensed hard. I looked up and kissed his lips.

His hands moved to my ass, and his thrusts came faster, then harder, faster, harder. I whimpered into his mouth and clamped my legs around his hips when another orgasm rippled through my body.

He grunted with each stronger hit. “Damn, you feel good!”

My nails dug into his shoulders while his intensity increased, giving me that slight pain I enjoyed from him. “Giovanni… Giovanni… I’m… uh… oh God!” I pushed my hips into his and slipped off the table.

“Shit!” He caught me and put me back then started ramming into me hard. “I need to fuckin’ cum.”

Someone started knocking on the front door. “Please not now!” He squeezed my cheeks, thrusting harder and harder as the knocking continued.

I winced and shouted loudly, “Ow!”

“Sorry, my love.”

Then I heard the door open. Giovanni seemed oblivious to it as he held me close while gasping in my ear. His rhythm has eased only a little though. With his next thrust, I cried out in pain again. Footsteps came closer to the room and I got nervous, but couldn’t speak.

“Oh, God!” Giovanni said in my ear as he ground his hips against mine. I looked up and saw Chad in the doorway with his mouth wide open while Giovanni came and groaned.

Chad couldn’t seem to look away. “Oh damn, I heard her yell and thought she was...”

Giovanni turned his head. “What the fuck, Chad?”

“I’m so sorry.” He backed away from the room then crashed into the wall behind him. “You don’t understand. The last time she was yelling… I didn’t mean to see this. I just came to… Oh, God I can’t believe… I wasn’t thinking.” He shut his eyes and walked away. “I’m so fucking sorry.”

I made Giovanni look at me. “He was afraid someone was attacking me again.”

“I know, but he could’ve shouted or something. Not just walk in on us fucking.”

“Did you see his face? If he knew what we were doing, there was no way in hell he woulda walked in here.”

He pulled out and helped me to the floor. “At least he didn’t see much.” He tossed the condom out as I put my panties back on then took my hands in his. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. Don’t tell him that’s why you cried out, please.”

“He won’t ask. I know him.”

We walked into the living room where Chad sat with his head between his knees, looking nauseous. I sat with him and put a hand on his back. “You OK?”

“Do you got any alcohol, seriously?”

“I’ll get it.” Giovanni went back to the kitchen.

Chad and I just sat there until he had downed two glasses of Jack Daniels and lay back on the couch.

“You all right?” I took his hand in mine. “I thought you were gonna pass out.”

“Me, too.” He leaned down and whispered, “It’s not like seeing you with Tommy.” He took a few deep breaths. “I’m OK now. You made your choice and so did I.” A smile formed. “I called that girl Maggie. We’re going out tomorrow.”

Hiding my jealousy, I smiled too. “Good. She’s nice.”

“You OK now, Chad?” Giovanni asked as he came out of the bedroom, dressed for the day.

“I’m sorry I just came in. I was bringing you guys this.” He lifted a shopping bag that was next to him. “I didn’t wanna give it to you with my brothers around. They’d tease the hell outta me.”

Inside the bag was a black photo album. I pulled it out and smiled. The cover had a picture of me, Chad, Giovanni, Rosario, Chris, Mark and Phil. I started flipping through the pages and found pictures of all of us as teenagers and from college.

“Dude, you know I hate that picture,” Giovanni said as he leaned over me. He had a cigarette in his mouth, and his eyes were bloodshot and glassy.

“Yeah, but its part of you. There’s pictures of me in there I hate too, but I wanted this book to portray reality and how we grew up.”

I smiled at one I had taken, that I was sure Chad hated. He had passed out drunk, in his boxers. “That was a fun night, but you missed most of it.” I laughed.

“Don’t remind me.” Chad groaned. “I can’t believe you and Amy…”

“Shut up!” I pushed him.

Giovanni leaned closer. “What?”


“You can’t do that.” Giovanni ran a hand up my thigh. “That’s not fair.”

Chad sighed. “She kissed my girlfriend once.”

“Just kissing?”

With a groan, Chad added, “I passed out when they were undressing each other.”

“So, did you…”

I cut Giovanni off with a glare. “We were all drunk. Can we move on please?” Then I turned the page and smiled at a picture of Giovanni and me just staring at each other. It looked like Chad’s parent’s garage in the background. “I don’t remember you taking this one.”

“Baby, I took pictures all the time. You probably were too busy to notice that day. This was like a week after we started the band. You guys stared at each other a lot.”

There were photos taken at gigs and one of us playing pool. Several were in the recording studio. In one, Tommy was whispering to me, another Giovanni was kissing me.

“Who took these?” I asked, looking at pictures with Chad in them.

Chad patted my knee. “Mark and Vince took some. And remember the day Jon had that photographer come? I had him email me a few for the website.”

Then I found a collage of all of our tattoos. I bit my lip at one of Giovanni’s back. Every detail was visible. The one of my back with Giovanni pulling my panties down was next to it. I blushed at a picture of Chris’ snakes; thinking of seeking out their tails inside his pants.

At the end of the book, there were blank pages. “You couldn’t find anymore?”

“Nah, I thought we could put ones from the tour and your wedding there, to finish the story, kinda.”

“Chad, it’s an awesome gift.” Giovanni put his hand out to him. “Thanks, man.”

He shook it, “Your welcome. I got something else for you, baby. But it’s no big deal.” He pulled a small box out of the bottom of the bag.

“Oh wow!” It was a beautiful pair of silver chandelier earrings with butterflies that had our birthstone on each of their wings. “How did you find these?” I hugged him, amazed.

“Internet. Glad you like them.” He kissed my forehead. “I thought of you as soon as I saw them.”

I had tears in my eyes. Chad usually gave me something he wanted to see me wear, like lingerie. For him to come up with a scrapbook and gorgeous earrings was hard to fathom. As his hand traveled up and down my back, I closed my eyes, knowing it was a huge step forward for him.

“We got you stuff, too,” Giovanni suddenly said. Reluctantly, I let Chad go, and we both sat up while Giovanni got two boxes from under our small Christmas tree. “This one’s from Crystal, and this one’s from both of us.”

Chad took them both, but opened mine first. He looked at me, at a loss for words.

I took the chain out and put it around his neck. Then I lifted the pendent and read the back to him, “To my best friend in the world, Love Crystal.” I gazed into his glassy eyes. “Do you like it?”

“Yeah,” he blinked a few times. “It looks just like mine.”

I touched his cheek. “I got it custom-made.” It even had the two toned styling of his favorite guitar, but in yellow and white gold. Getting the skulls engraved wasn’t easy, but they did it.

“That’s enough mushy stuff for one day. You guys take gifts too seriously.” Giovanni laughed. “Open the other one, please.”

Chad sniffled then smiled. “You didn’t have to get me two things.”

“Crystal and I disagreed on what to get you, so you got them both.”

“Lucky me,” Chad’s smile widened, while he held up the special high-speed lens Giovanni purchased. “Cool, but dude, you spent too much.”

“Relax. It’s used, but works perfect,” Giovanni explained. “The guy told me the lights and shadows in an arena make it complicated to get good pictures. Did you bring your camera? You can test it out.”

Chad looked up. “Yeah, something told me to.” He grabbed his camera bag next to the couch. He was still smiling as he put the new lens on.

As soon as I did, he pulled me to stand next to Giovanni, who took me in his arms. Chad took a few shots. “Man, this lens is amazing. Thank you so much.” He packed it away and smiled. “Still coming to my parent’s house, right?”

“Yes, Chad,” I assured him then gave him a tight squeeze. “Fruit salad’s in the fridge. I’m gonna get dressed then we’ll head over there, OK?”

“Good, ’cause it wouldn’t feel like Christmas without you.”

About the Author

Bella Jeanisse hails from New York City. At 10 years old, Bella picked up her first guitar. She was instantly hooked. Because of her deep passion for tall men, rock music, tattoos and motorcycles, she has gotten to know many musicians and roadies over the years—in every possible way. And although she has been writing risqué stories about musicians for many years, she has just recently taken these tales to the next level revealing, through her protagonists, the hold some of these men still have on her. They have inspired more than they ever imagined.

Now living in Florida with her three sons, she juggles domestic responsibilities, a social life, her career as an IT professional and her writing as carefully as possible. They do cross paths as you have seen in her first collection of short stories. Her life is busy and full, yet very fulfilling.

The few limits Bella puts on her love-life may be found as but a shadow in her writing. She draws from life, fantasy and inspiration to create each tale.

Bella has broadened her horizons to include short stories,
Insatiable Appetites
, with many more to come, some just a sentence at this point. The subjects range from military men to biker chicks to naughty doctors and much, much more.

She is also expanding the
Triple Threat
world to include bands that readers have met in the original novels. She is toying with each band getting a book or more of their own.

Three of those books are in progress as you read this. One will be out before you know it. Will it be
Wicked End

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