Ruin Box Set (7 page)

Read Ruin Box Set Online

Authors: Lucian Bane

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy

BOOK: Ruin Box Set
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“How do I know to believe you?” Ruin demanded.

The man paused without turning for several seconds, then finally lowered his head. “I am Caliber Creed. Messenger of the 7
district. Of the 3
heaven.” His tone said Ruin had committed a grievous crime. “And now you’ll be blind through your first assignment.”

Ruin’s sight went completely dark and he gasped, reaching out with his hands instinctively. “When will I see you again?”

Isadore grabbed hold of his arm. “I’m right here. You seriously can’t see? Oh my God, that is
He’s already gone, he just waved and left!

“We need to go.”

“Go where?”

“To the coordinates he put into my head.” The power inside him swirled as though knowing it was scheduled to the job, and already geared up.

She gasped. “He really did that?”

“Yes, he really did. How am I supposed to do anything blind?”

“What are you supposed to go do?”

“I don’t… actually know.”

“Well, how will we get there if you can’t see?”

“This way,” he pointed. “We go this way.”

“Let me get the keys to the truck. You direct me. Hold on, stand still, don’t move.” Isadore hurried off. “I’ll drive.”

“Good idea.”

Isadore directed him in the dark, and soon he was able to use his other heightened senses to see enough to walk quickly. She guided him into the truck and she hurried around and got in and started it up.

Chapter Seven


They drove down the gravel road at a reckless speed, Ruin sensed.

“I can’t believe you’re going out dressed like that.”

Amazing. He couldn’t see but he could
her eyes on him constantly. “I can’t believe you’re thinking about my body at a time like this.”

“It’s your tattoos that are so distracting.”

The ice spiked hard in his body. “I hate when you lie.”

“Well, it’s a
part of it.”

“That way,” he said, pointing left.

“There’s no road. Nope, wrong, here’s one.”

They drove around that way for nearly an hour then finally stopped when he sensed the coordinates near enough to walk to. “Damn!” he growled, “I can’t go without you! This is ludicrous!”


every word that is holy
in that
he grabbed his head, “please stop repeating me while I’m blind and a bit confused
I don’t know why you have to come, I just know you have to.”

“Well, I want to go, to help you. You don’t know what you’re even going to do.”

“Well, recall Mr. Caliber’s words,” there was no keeping the derision from his voice, “it’s going to be something woeful, and so, I’m not eager to drag you along.”

“Well, if you’re…some kind of angel, it can’t be too bad.” She opened the truck door, and he listened to her hurried steps around. “Here I am, coming to get you.”

Being helpless and dependent on her for such simple tasks, like an invalid, was infuriating. “You seem to take joy in my temporary handicap.”

“Not joy—”

“Lies. Why do you lie so much?”

“Okay fine, I like it. I think it serves you right for
me while I sleep and not being sorry. And what a horrible name, Ruin! We should call you JD, just saying. Okay, I’m rattled, I’m freaking the fuck out, not gonna lie,” she whispered guiding him. 

“You used fuck in yet another way.”

“Yes, I did. I still didn’t use up all the ways. And if I ever catch you watching me like that again, I will surely fuck you up, mister.”

He laughed that she’d done it again. “I can’t help myself with you, and I can’t begin to explain it, nor can I seem to apologize for it.” He focused on the feel of her hands on his arms. “Stop. I need to whisper in your ear.”

She obeyed immediately. “What?” she whispered as he leaned toward the sound of her voice. Putting a hand on the side of her head, he held her still and his lips encountered her temple. He slid them along her face, navigating his way to her ear. Her pulse raced where her hand rested on his other arm.

He was officially distracted with her explosive arousal. “You’re aroused again,” he whispered, trying to remember what he’d needed to tell her.

“I’m…sorry.” The tiny whisper sounded sincere.

He slid his hand along her neck, wanting to touch the silk just briefly. It occurred to him it was the first time. “My hunger for you is distracting me.”


“Why do you constantly repeat me?”


The sound of his assignment reached him suddenly. A burst of inhuman wailing in the distance, followed by chatter and laughter. He suddenly realized what he was going to do there. “I know what I’m here for. Do not take your hand off of me the entire time. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she whispered, her fingers tightening on his forearm. “What are you here to do?”

“Guide us that way,” he pointed. “I’m here to judge. And execute.”


Ruin made his way to the group of seven humans. Judging by the terrain, they were in the woods. The smell of fire reached him, along with other smells. Alcohol, sex, blood. And…animals.

“I see them, JD, a group of people. Men,” she whispered, “and they look dangerous.”

“Stay very close.”

Ruin’s body began to change as he drew close. He saw in his mind, fire leaving him in the form of a net until it covered the entire area in a flaming dome. He looked around.

“Can you see?” Isadore asked.

“I can see things. Nothing visible to you.”

“Oh my God. We’re here.”

“Who the fuck are you two? You look a little lost.”

“We’re not lost,” Isadore said.

“Shh!” Ruin fought to focus on what the fire and ice was doing inside him. The ice acted first, shooting forth into his veins and lungs, forcing Isadore to release him.

“Dude, what the fuck is yo problem, you sick?”

“You’re white,” Isadore whispered. “Even your hair. And your eyes, I’m scared.”

But Ruin was over taken with the words he had to speak. “The measure of your guilt has been weighed and now judged.” The sound of his voice was loud and strange. “My name is Ruin.” He took steps toward the seven bodies before him, outlined by light. “The power of Judgment and Execution are mine.”

“Okay you’re on fire now,” Isadore whispered, next to him. “Real flames. Purely impossible,” she sang lightly. “Oh shit, something’s coming out of your tattoos. JD, you’re smoking. Your tattoos are smoking…oh my God, the smoke is alive!” she barely whispered.

Ruin saw what she did clearly. The wind around them swirled in a mix of heat and ice as the breath of The Foul Horses left his body, morphing rapidly into seven stallions of fire. The air ripped with their war cries, the sound of amplified and ominous violins. The demons governing the humans climbed out the tops of their head’s and raced forward to mount the fiery horses, becoming one with them. The seven turned to Ruin, eyes aflame with bright white fire. “Command us.”

Ruin did as the ice commanded. “They shall reap what they have sown.”

The horse demons reared up and ran forward, spewing liquid upon the humans, covering them in boils.

“For twenty-and seven days, they will suffer,” Ruin said. “Then death will overcome them.”

“You deaf man? I ask if you lost,” one of the men said, as they all laughed.

“We were just passing through,” Ruin said. He took Isadore’s hand and hurried away with her.

“You can see?” she whispered?

“I can see. I can fucking see.” And he meant that in every sense of the word. But he did not like one bit how well he could see and what he just saw.

The silence in the truck as they rode back told Ruin a lot. She was likely going to need medical attention after that. He finally broke the silence. “I want to do something for you when we get back.” More like he needed to. For her. Or him, he wasn’t sure.

“Oh?” she said, calmly. “What’s that?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Ah a surprise. I don’t really like those.”

“You’ll like this one.”

“Well I know I could stand a hot shower, that’s for sure.”

“I’ll do it after your shower.”

“You’re not going to rape me I hope. Ooook, bad joke.”

Ruin smiled, knowing she meant his definition of the word. “Only if you ask me to.”

She snorted. “That wouldn’t be rape then.”

“I could never hurt you.”

“Ohhh, I’m sure you could.”

“Not intentionally, no.”

“Yes, because you accidentally choked me, I know.”

A strange feeling assaulted him. “I’m sorry.” That’s what it made him need to say. Want to say.

“Oh now that’s good to know. And at least I know you’re being honest. Be kind of weird being a lying angel.”

“I don’t think so,” he said.

“I guess you’re right, what with the whole demon slash fallen angel bit?”


“But that’s not you.”

“I don’t know.”

“What? No, it’s not you, you’re good.”

“Am I?” He regarded her as she pulled up into the driveway.

“You saved me, yes, you’re good.”

“I wanted to kill you and him.”

“But you didn’t?”

“No because… the ice inside me wouldn’t allow.”

“You’re good.”

Ruin sighed, looking around. “What did you see tonight, Isadore?”

She was silent for a few seconds then sang, “Ohhhh, nothing much. You turning into this ice man, then there was fire, and your tattoos started smoking, then the smoke turned into horses of fire and scary people ran and…” Her words trailed off in mumbling and she suddenly fell forward.

Ruin caught her before she could injure herself. Damn, he was pretty sure that couldn’t be good. He managed to get her into his arms and carried her into the house and up the stairs. Laying her in bed, he stared at her and raked a hand through his hair. He needed to lock up. After securing everything that could be secured in the house, he found himself pacing next to the bed again. Watching her. Was that all he’d ever know how to do? Would he not ever
what to do? Understand
he had to do it?

He sat next to her, carefully, and touched the back of his fingers to her forehead, measuring all the signs he’d learned about the body, her body in particular, he seemed to be able to read it more than he could with any other. But then he’d never really come into very close proximity with any other the way he had with her. He placed his fingers on the pulse at her neck. Like sleep almost. The strong feel of life under his touch loosened his muscles and he took a deep breath and let it out. The need for worry hadn’t presented itself but it wasn’t entirely ruled out. He could be missing something important and was too stupid to know, still. He carefully slid his fingers along the hair framing her face.

Remembering her bookshelf downstairs, he carefully stood. There could be no risks. Not with her. He skimmed the books and selected the Science of the Brain, and ran back up to read it while sitting next to her. Running through the pages, he read the things that seemed connected to her situation and did various checks on her according to the material he read until he was sure she wasn’t in serious danger. He finally set the book down and lightly slid his fingers across her forehead, finding that he truly liked staring at her in sleep. He realized in that moment her breasts weren’t the only thing perfect. In fact, as he studied her, he realized her entire face was. Not perfect in a symmetrical sense, but perfect in… an Isadore sense. She was beautiful while at peace. And when angry. He studied her hand over her chest and stroked it, then carefully took it into his large one, examining every aspect of it, comparing the amazing contrast of strengths and texture. Not that she wasn’t strong, but next to him… she was delicate in many ways. He stroked the tips of her fingers, discovering they were a little rough, telling her work story. He recalled seeing other people from a distance and noticed they seemed to be in pairs unless they were old. But she was alone. Why was she? Where was the husband that should be protecting her and giving her what she craved? It occurred to him that he’d thought, maybe even hoped, that before tonight, he was supposed to be that human. But after tonight, he knew. He was no human. And yet, he felt very human. He had human parts, even human appetites. How was he going to learn about what and who he really was? And why? He was missing pieces that would give him those answers, he was aware of that.

Isadore took in a sudden deep breath and let out a light moan, sending Ruin’s pulse racing in an instant. She opened her eyes and stared at him in half sleep briefly, then sat up abruptly at realizing where she was, where he was. Her fear felt just like he’d gotten hit in the stomach and he groaned in pain.

Immediately she grew concerned. “What? Are you okay?”

Her added tenderness still had adverse effects on him and a great fatigue hit him. He put his elbows on his legs and head in his hands. “Your sympathy and fears affect me,” he mumbled. Negatively.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I mean… I don’t know how not to be that sometimes.” Her words sounded frail and helpless. He was sure crying was suddenly imminent and Ruin shot up, needing to distance himself from her. It had the effect of loud grinding in his brain and made him want to kill or hit things at the least.

“So,” she threw the covers off and shot out of the bed, her tone chipper as she went to her dresser. “As I was saying, I did see everything that happened tonight. And I’m aware of how very impossible all of it seems, however,” she shut the drawer and opened her closet next, and dug around in it. “I am a Christian,” she went on, her back to him, “I have read the Bible enough to know that there is such a thing as the supernatural. Therefore…” the final word came on a light huff as she kicked the closet door shut with a foot and hurried to him with clothes extended, “I am going to treat these events tonight as acts of God.” She pressed the clothes into his stomach and he took them, watching her go back to her dresser. “I’m going to church tomorrow,” she continued, “and then I’m visiting Old Man Gohspired, who is a wise Christian a lot of people go to when they have…” she turned only her head to him, “difficult spiritual matters to tend to.”

“Old man Gohspired?” Hope filtered through Ruin’s agony. “Can I talk to him?”

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