Ruining You (34 page)

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Authors: Nicole Reed

BOOK: Ruining You
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He jerks away laughing, “Now, Mrs.
David, that wasn’t very nice. I haven’t had you long enough to get your shots

It feels like a million butterflies are
set loose in my stomach as I think about what we did before flying here. My
family and friends are going to kill me, but Kane asked, and when it comes to
him, he pretty much gets whatever he wants. So, we made a tiny stop in Vegas.
Holding my ring finger up, I stare in amazement at the diamond he bought me and
the matching band. Glancing over at his hand, I smile seeing his band, proving
that he is mine.

“Well, if I have rabies, then you’re
already infected, Mr. David.” We both laugh. “When do you plan on telling my
dad?” Kane adamantly states that he needs to be the one to smooth things over
with my parents about our impromptu ceremony, but honestly, I don’t think
anyone will be surprised.

After I was released from the hospital,
I went straight to Kane’s house, to live. We were inseparable for the first
month. Bruce Branch’s trial was postponed because of the new investigation of
Lisa Branch. Evidently, she admitted everything she knew about his sick
obsession with me and even had letters that she found that he never sent.  With
all the new incriminating evidence, they both were apprehended and placed into
custody without bail. My testimony may not even be needed, but I’m willing and
ready if it is. 

So, after all that we had been through,
I explained to my mother and father that I needed to be with Kane. Tomorrow
isn’t promised, and well, I really wasn’t asking for their permission.  Looking
down at my arm, I read “Carpe Diem” which is tattooed on the inside of my left
wrist. For me, life is all about remembering to seize the day and never looking
back. My parents weren’t happy, but now, our lives are about acceptance.
They’ve gotten pretty good at it. My mother has returned to running the
business, and she’s happy. My dad and I are working on our relationship. We
still have a long way to go, but we are getting there.

Molly and Reed are getting ready to go
their separate ways for college. I don’t know how to help her, but I see the
pain she is in. I’m probably not the best person to talk to either because I’m
telling her to go with him. Love is what is important in this life. Screw her
scholarship; she can apply and get into somewhere closer to him. She’s thinking
about it. 

Cal is going to the University of
Georgia in the fall. I can’t say that I’m not sad for him when I think about
his childhood dream of playing football there, but I know he’s planning for his
future, and that’s all that matters. He is also dating this really sweet girl,
and I haven’t had to beat her down yet, so that’s good. Eli is working for
Kane’s company this summer, and then he will be attending the local community
college with me until he decides what he wants to do. He is still single, but I
know he’ll find the right one someday.

“Want to go for swim?” Kane asks as he
rises up from his chair, reaching for my hand.

“Yeah,” I say, grabbing hold of him and
letting him pull me up.

I lean in and up to kiss his lips.
Wrapping my arms around him, I whisper, “I love you.”

Smiling, he looks down at me and
squeezes tight. “I love you,” he says, capturing my lips with his and kissing
the living daylights out of me.

Pulling away, he loosens his grip and
takes a step back. “Think you can catch me?” he says with a twinkle in his eye.

“I think I already have,” I reply,

He laughs and takes off for the water.
Looking back, he snickers and taunts me. Does he really think I’m going to run
after him? Well, he does look sexy when he’s wet, so I guess I’ll chase him and
this life forever. Smiling, I take off, running towards my future.


~The End~






Quiet and mousey Kylie has known Trent
Moss and Dray Savage since college. Trent, the smart and kind-hearted
humanitarian has had her heart from the moment they met, but someone else
always has his. Dray is an arrogant and conceited jock who happens to be
Trent’s best friend. Their friendship is the result of an instantaneous series
of events that forged an unbreakable bond, one that Kylie never understood.

Five years after graduation, Kylie is
commanding the world with a new image and a successful business; however, she
lacks the one thing she wants and the one thing she can never have. That is,
until one fateful night when a man finds her a little tipsy and a little too

Two men, completely different and poles
apart, but together they are her idea of perfection. One can only offer her
tonight and the other forever, but insecurities threaten to destroy them all.
Can Kylie settle for just one man, or can she have her cake and eat it too?



~ You are my everything.  Always remember that.

Reese, and Madison ~ Thanks for letting Mom do her “thing” with little fuss. 
Love you guys!!!

& Dwight ~ I will always be your problem child no matter how old I get. 
What matters most, is that I know you’ll always love me anyway.

~ Where do I start, because you’re in EVERYTHING that I do.  I love you beyond
words.  My biggest champion and confidant.  Thank you for believing in me.  Oh,
and Monk...I still haven’t forgotten about you.

~ You will never know how much I’ve come to love and respect you.  You have
been my calming voice when I get a little (okay...a lot) crazy.  You’ve saved
me from myself so many times.  I know that you love my characters as much as I
do and that means the world to me.  Trina’s family...thank you for sharing
her.  You’re one lucky bunch.

Noelle~ I’ve always had faith in you and knew you could do it.  I’m so proud of
you!!  I pray that all good things come your way!!!  Show them what you got!!!

~ I know you’re always there for me.  Thanks, Girl!!! 

~ Thanks for the awesome cover photo you took for Ruining You.  Keep pursuing
your dreams and everything will work out.

Giblin at Yours Truly, The Editor ~ Luckiest day when I found you.  I let you
hold my books for the first time and trust you to take care of them.  You clean
them up and make them shine.  Not enough “thanks” exists in this world.  Thanks
for the all-nighter!!!

Kay Harper ~ “WHAT THE HELL!!!!”  Those three words changed my life without a
doubt.  Thank you for being so supportive of me.  No matter if you like another
book I write, you will always hold a special place in my heart.   

and Dirty Book Blog ~ D & N...thank you for supporting indie authors like
you both do.  It’s amazing and I’m so appreciative. have been in
my corner from the beginning and I can’t tell you how much that means.  Thank
you for being there!! 

at Okay Creations ~ Thank you for creating awesome covers!!

at JT Formatting ~ Thanks for rocking these formats out. 

Underwood & Josh Reed ~ Thank you both so much for being my fountain of
knowledge about the criminal justice information.  Thanks for taking all the
calls and late night text!!!  Best mother-in-law and brother a girl could

to all the bloggers and readers out there.  YOU.....You keep me going.  Thank
you for all the love, support, and well wishes.  YOU ALL ROCK!!



I love
angst....I thrive on it, but only the fictional kind. I adore a story that
grips the reader from the beginning and doesn't let go...EVER. I'm an avid
reader who just recently discovered my love of writing. My favorite things in
life include my three wild & crazy kids, Reeses Pieces, and every genre of


Please come find


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