Read Rule of Three Online

Authors: Kelly Jamieson

Rule of Three (15 page)

BOOK: Rule of Three
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“Hey, guess what? Dag’s going to stay with us,” he told Kassidy. “He’s paying a fortune for that hotel room and he’s never there, so I suggested he just come stay with us while he’s here.”

She blinked at him. Said nothing. Her silence unnerved him.

“What?” he asked. Her lips tightened. “What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing’s wrong with that.” But her clipped words told a different story. Shit. He’d been sure she wouldn’t mind. He shot a glance at Dag to see if he’d picked up the tension. His frown told him, hell yeah, he had. Again, shit.

Chris debated with himself whether to push her right then and there, get it out in the open, or wait and have the fight in private. He sighed. Drank his beer. He was screwed.

Dag, the perceptive son of a bitch, chose that moment to go to the bathroom. “Dinner should be ready when I’m back,” he said as he walked down the hall.

Chris turned to Kassidy. “Hey, sweetie. I didn’t think you’d mind if I invited him to stay with us. He practically is, anyway.” He regarded her hopefully. His gut clenched.

“It’s not that,” she hissed, moving closer. “It’s just…you should have asked me first. This is my place too.”

“Yeah, I know. But like I said…”

“That’s not the point! The point is, you need to talk to me before you do stuff like that. We live together now, we make decisions like that together.”

“Um…yeah. Okay. I get it.”
Sort of. Not. Women.
Again, he blew out a long breath, but when her eyes narrowed, he realized he’d probably come across as pissed off and long-suffering. Okay. He was digging himself into a hole here tonight, despite the cooking of dinner. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I wasn’t thinking. Really. I won’t do it again.”

Except he probably would, because his logic didn’t match with her logic on this. Okay, yeah, he got that he needed to talk to her first about things, but what difference did it make if in the end she agreed? Hell, this was going nowhere fast.

Dag returned and they ate dinner, the atmosphere at the table just slightly less chilly than the wine they drank.

“Okay, what’s wrong?” Dag finally asked, sitting back in his chair and crossing his arms across his chest.

Chris and Kassidy exchanged a glance.

“Nothing,” Chris said.

“Nothing,” Kassidy said.

“Bullshit. Kassidy, are you pissed off that I’m going to stay here?”


Chris watched now as the two of them shared a look. Maybe she wouldn’t be so pissy with Dag.

“I’m mad because nobody asked me,” she finally said, and her bottom lip jutted out just a little in a very cute pout. “That’s all.”

“I said I’m sorry,” Chris began.

“Yeah,” Dag said. “I was afraid of that. Sorry, Kass. I should have made him ask you first. Before I agreed.”

“It’s not your fault,” she said.

Chris pursed his lips. Apparently it was all his fault.

“You deserve the respect of being asked, at least,” Dag said. “Are sure you’re okay with it? Because I haven’t checked out of the hotel or anything yet. We can just keep going the way we have been.”

Her eyes got kind of hazy looking as she thought about something, and Chris wished he knew what the hell it was.

“No,” she said with a sigh. “Really. It does make sense.” She looked at Chris.

“See?” he said. “That’s what I said—”

“Chris!” She stared at him. “You are so damn stubborn! Would you just admit you screwed up?”

He pressed his lips together and took a deep breath. “I apologized—”

“But you didn’t even get why!”

She was killing him, and in front of Dag no less, but hey, if Dag was moving in, he was going to see it all, including him making a fool of himself over a woman. So be it. “Fine,” he said shortly. “I screwed up. I should have asked you. The fact that you agreed is beside the point.”

“Exactly. Thank you.” She beamed at him then at Dag. Chris shook his head, but something inside him relaxed and softened. Christ. He loved her. He didn’t want her pissed off at him. Much as he hated to admit to making a mistake, goddammit, it was better than living in a deep freeze.



“Double penetration.”

Kassidy peered at Chris, her hair a tangled mess in front of her eyes, having just spent the last half hour rolling around in bed with two naked men. Her lips throbbed from all the kissing and sucking and biting. Her pussy ached. She blinked at him.

Dag’s hand stroked down her back and over her bottom, lingering there.

Oh dear god.

“Double penetration,” Chris said again, voice low and husky. He touched her bottom lip with his fingertips. “Dag and I fucking you at the same time.”

Her eyes widened, her pussy clenched. Dag’s fingers teased the crease between her cheeks. She looked at him over her shoulder, stretched out naked on the bed. His eyes met hers. His fingers played—up, down, lower into her wetness, trailing a line of her own moisture back up. He tickled the base of her spine and she shivered.

“We’ve never…uh…done that,” she whispered. Her buttocks clenched at Dag’s caressing fingertips. Anal sex was beyond her experience…but she supposed not theirs. She licked her lips.

“We’ll make it good for you, sweetheart,” Chris said, kissing her shoulder. “I’ll do your ass. Dag’s too big for your first time.”

Her womb spasmed. She swallowed hard.

“We’ll get you nice and ready,” Dag said, still playing there. “You’re already so wet…” Again, he trailed moisture up between her cheeks, this time his finger pushing deeper between her flesh, stroking over her anus with a firmer touch. She quivered.

Chris slipped a hand down between her legs and played there too, him from the front, Dag from the back. Chris leaned forward to suck on a nipple, Dag dragged his tongue up her back between her shoulder blades.

Dag reached for a bottle of lube sitting on the table beside the bed. He opened it and squeezed some out onto his fingers then handed it to Chris. Dag’s slick fingers probed, brushing over her hole again and again until she felt herself softening there, just a little, and his fingertip pushed inside her. A small cry fell from her lips at the unfamiliar sensation.

“It’s okay,” Dag whispered, his mouth against the back of her shoulder. He licked her there, kissed her, withdrew his finger then pushed back in. Slowly. Her body adjusted to the intrusion, heat blooming there, spreading through her body.

Chris’s fingers pushed inside her too, into her vagina, and she felt his and Dag’s hands collide as they worked her. Dag lifted her thigh, opening her more to them. They owned her body, the two of them, knew it, worshiped it, owned it. And she loved it.

“I think she’s ready,” Dag murmured. “How do you want to do this?”

“You lie down,” Chris said, ever the director. “Kassidy, you get on top of him.”

After rolling on a condom, Dag stretched out and lifted Kassidy over him, hands on her hips. In a heated daze, she found his thick cock and held it as she lowered herself onto it. His size still amazed her, stretched her, filled her. When she’d worked herself down onto him, all the way, breathless and hot, Chris’s hand on her back urged her forward and she lay down on Dag’s chest.

He found her mouth and kissed her, long, wet kisses, while Chris now played with her ass from behind, kissing her, parting her cheeks, drizzling lube. “Relax,” he said. “Relax, sweetheart.”

“Don’t clench,” Dag whispered against her mouth.

“I can’t relax,” she whispered, her whole body tight and shivering. “I’m afraid…” She wanted to do it, but she was afraid it was going to hurt and she’d disappoint them if she couldn’t.

Dag stroked his hands up and down her back, fisted her hair, kissed her again. She felt the nudge of Chris’s cock at her anus, just pressing there and holding, not entering her yet. He rubbed a bit, sending a cascade of sensations over her body. Who knew all those nerve endings could be a source of such intense pleasure?

And then, one hand on her hip, he did push into her. She gave a sharp cry at the fiery sting. Her whole body tightened. Chris didn’t move, Dag pulsed inside her. “Okay?” Chris asked.

“It hurts,” she whispered, tears gathering in her eyes. “I want to, but…”

“Take it slow,” Dag said, stroking her hair.

None of them moved for long moments, hearts pounding, breath catching. She knew it must be hard for both of them to do that, and she willed her body to relax. She took a deep breath and buried her face against the side of Dag’s neck. “Okay,” she said moments later.

Chris pushed in a little farther and she jolted again, flames licking around her ass.

“Bear down,” Dag whispered in her ear. “Don’t try to tighten on him.”

She did what he said, and amazingly Chris slid in farther. Sensation exploded through her body, heat and light, wild and fiery. She cried out again. “I’m okay, I’m okay,” she babbled. She bit her lip, kept her face hidden, felt perspiration run down the side of Dag’s neck. She licked him there, warm and salty. He shuddered.

The wicked sensation of being filled by two men had fire streaking through her body, lighting up every nerve ending. She let out a long, deep groan of pleasure.

They began to move in her, finding a rhythm together, their cocks stroking not only her but each other, reminding her of the night she’d done that to them, that shockingly forbidden act that had brought them to orgasm so fast she knew they’d liked it, whether they’d wanted to admit it or not. She remembered how they’d leaned their heads together, how they’d clasped each other’s shoulders, their cocks joined in her hands, and her tummy did that flip of excitement. That had been a moment of togetherness she hadn’t felt in all their threesome encounters, where the two men had displayed some affection for each other as well as her. Could they feel each other inside her? They had to.

Her body burned, sensations sizzling over her flesh, a swirling pleasure inside her coiling up and building. It scared her, the intensity of it—she was afraid her body was literally going to explode with it, it was so huge and ferocious, so all-encompassing, taking over her and lifting her out of herself. She floated and flew, her body surrounded by an edgy shimmer of heat.

Four hands moved on her, two mouths, as Chris bent over to kiss her back, both of them thrusting into her in hard strokes, taking her body, taking her heart, taking her soul. When she did explode, she came apart, crying out over and over again, the sensations so sharply exquisite it was almost beyond bearing.

“Fuck,” Chris muttered, fingers digging into her hips. “Dag? You close?”

“Yeah.” The word was dragged out of him. His hands tightened in her hair, his hips moving beneath her. “Yeah…fuck…now…aw, Christ.”

With matching tortured groans, they came inside her, Chris flooding her ass with his hot come, and she couldn’t stop herself from crying out again. “God, oh god, oh god.”

They collapsed into a sweaty heap of bodies, gasping for breath, hearts thundering. All Kassidy knew was sensation, an erotic haze of dazzling pleasure.

They slept for a while, dozing lazily, then Chris disappeared into the bathroom to wash up, and came back with a warm wet cloth that he used to clean her. He’d never done that before, clean her up after sex, and the tenderness of the gesture made her insides go all soft, especially as Dag held her and gave her soft little kisses on her mouth, her cheek, her eyelids while Chris washed her. She felt so incredibly cherished and loved.

When she floated up from sleep a while later, the lamp still on, she studied both men—Chris’s light brown hair streaked with gold, his lightly tanned skin, faint shadow of beard and his big, muscled shoulders revealed by the sheets halfway down his back; and Dag’s sweep of silky dark hair across his forehead, his complexion swarthier, his beard heavier and darker in that bad-boy way. Her chest constricted—and then fear grabbed hold of her in a tight grip.

What was she afraid of?

She closed her eyes, fighting a wave of panic, wrestling with the urge to scramble out from under the covers and get the hell out of the bed. What had she done? What had they done?

She tried to breathe, slowly, filling her lungs, letting it out little by little. This had all been sexy and fun, but what they’d done had been so erotically intimate, she couldn’t help but be affected by it. Emotions rose inside her, a fierce, almost angry rush of intense affection—for both of them—including Dag.

She couldn’t feel that way about another man. She was in love with Chris. Since the day they’d met, attraction had deepened into lust and like and then into love. He was everything she wanted. So how could she be feeling this for Dag? Feeling…what felt like…love. A different love, because he was a different man, but no less powerful.

Tears burned her eyes and she covered her face with her hands.

“Hey.” Chris pulled her hands away from her face and rose above her, concern etching his forehead into furrows. “What’s wrong, sweetie? Did we hurt you?”

“No.” She rolled her head on the pillow and realized Dag was awake too as his hand came to settle on her tummy. “I’m fine. Just feeling…god, I don’t know what I’m feeling. Overwhelmed.”

The touch of their hands on her spoke only of tenderness and respect and affection—and made her chest expand and swell with the same feelings for them, and a longing to show them how she felt even if she didn’t understand it herself. She wanted Chris to know she loved him—he had to know she loved him, despite the confusion she was experiencing. But she also wanted Dag to know she cared too, because even though he was a tough bad boy who apparently didn’t need anyone, she couldn’t bear the thought of him feeling excluded, extraneous, unwanted.

Once again, she faced the dilemma of how to please two men at the same time. Last night they’d taken care of her, worshipped her, both of them at the same time, and today she wanted to do that for them. Faced with too many choices, she rolled over and climbed over Dag, kissing his chest, rubbing her cheek against the hair there, nibbling at his nipples. He jerked when she did that, encouraging her to do more.

“Oh sweetheart,” he groaned. So she licked and sucked there, and Chris got the hint and moved behind her. He stroked her butt with gentle hands.

BOOK: Rule of Three
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