Rules of Her Sins (Their Sins #1) (18 page)

BOOK: Rules of Her Sins (Their Sins #1)
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I didn’t immediately tell Jesse that we would be working from home, but when she and Laney asked to go shopping, well, I had to put my foot down, which earned me a pouting Jesse and one mouthy Laney.

“Ladies, the asshole already followed us to the mall once. What if he follows through with his threat this time? I can’t take that chance because he could decide to abduct you or even worse, kill you.”

“But I don’t want to be a prisoner in your home either, Aedan. If I don’t want to leave, I want it to my choice, not because some asshole thinks he can make threats. I know this is serious, but that’s why I have you, right? And I need to get everything in order for graduation next weekend. I was going to have a party at my house, but that is out of the question now.” She looks at me, heartbroken.

“I’m not trying to make you a prisoner. I’m trying to keep you and Laney safe. This is the one place I know that I can do that, not out in a shopping mall. There are too many what ifs outside of this house. Pease don’t fret; you can have a party here. I will take care of the security details. I’ve already talked to CU about making sure you’re safe when you graduate. You and Laney can come up with what you want to do to celebrate here, and I’ll make it happen.” I smile, trying to get Jesse to lose her frown.

“Okay. I don’t like it, but I can work with it. Wait, how did you already talk to the university?”

“I handled it when the email came through on your school email. I thought I was being overly precautious, but unfortunately, I’m not.”

“Shit, Aedan! What else has gone on behind my back? You better start talking!” she yells at me.

Well, shit. This isn’t how I planned on this afternoon going.”

“Jesse, upstairs. Now! Johnson, Laney—no fucking on my couch!”

Jesse stares at me like I’ve lost my mind, so I pick her up and carry her up the stairs.

“Aedan Hughes! Put. Me. Down. Now.” She’s hitting my back.

“Not until we get up to my bedroom and nude. I need to be in you.” She stops hitting me.

“You can frustrate me and turn me on at the same time. You go all alpha macho shit on me I can’t decide if I want to slap you or ride you like a grocery store pony.” She almost giggles. I can hear it in her voice.

“Well, you can ride me like a dime store pony anytime, Cowgirl Jesse.” She starts laughing.

“So, does that make you Woody?”

“I’ll show you Woody,” I say as I lay her on the bed. God, she’s beautiful. I still can’t believe I finally get to be with her after years of dreaming. She’s finally mine.

I slowly remove her yoga pants and sweatshirt. I soon learn she isn’t wearing any panties, but does have a sexy bra on. I suck in a deep breath.

“Mr. Hughes, I think you’re way overdressed for this discussion. So, what else are you keeping from me?” She looks up at me through hooded lids.

“We can discuss this later. Right now, I’m going to make love to you.” I try to convince her it’s going to be my way.

“Oh no, that’s the wrong answer. I guess you’ll have to watch me please myself,” she says as she rubs her hands down her body, one stopping at her breasts and the other going down to her heat.

Holy shit, she’s not joking.






Oh, yes. I can play alpha female with the best of them. Since I know the way around my body, I plan to give Aedan a hell of a show. He’s removing his suit slowly on purpose and it’s sexy. I can come just from looking at his sexy body.

“You’ll have to watch me please myself then,” I say in a sexy whisper and I watch Aedan’s Adam’s apple bobble as he swallows deeply.

I move my hands down my body and my right hand finds my hot center. Feeling what Aedan does to me on my fingers, I take my hand and start rubbing my clit. I can feel my body starting to hum with anticipation of its release. Knowing that Aedan is watching makes me even more excited.

Coating my fingers with my wetness, I slowly start fingering myself, and I’m about come when I see the look on Aedan’s face. Sometime while I was in the mist of building my release, he had fully undressed and took his cock out. Now he’s stroking it.

“Like what you see? Anything you want to say before I come all over my fingers?” I moan out.

“Jesus, that is hot. I mean, like in an I’m-about-to-come-all-over-you hot. Move your fingers. It’s my turn.”

“That’s not what I want and you know it,” I gasp out.

“I will tell you everything when we are finished. Please, I need to be inside of you.” He sounds almost pained.

I smirk. “Fine. You win. Please, make love to me.”

I don’t have to wait long. Not even a second after I finish speaking, he’s in me.

“Jesse, I lo—You feel amazing,” he says breathlessly.

We try to take it slow, but when two people set each other on fire like we do to each other, it’s kind of hard to go slow. I think it’s because we’ve secretively liked each other for so long, we are trying to make up for lost time.

Aedan makes sure that I’ve had at least two amazing, toe curling, screaming out his name orgasms before he finds his own release and yells out my name. He gently leans down and kisses my forehead before he pulls away and out of me.

“Fuck!” Aedan yells.


“I didn’t wear a condom. Shit, Jesse, I’m sorry. You got me so turned on I completely went crazy.” He looks at me like I’m growing horns.

I let him sweat for a few minutes before I realize it's not funny. I don’t want to go down that road for a long time.

“Hey, it’s okay. I’m on two forms of birth control. I have an implant in my arm and I take the pill for acne, so it doubles up.” I lift up my arm and show him the bumps on my arm from the implant. “With my sexual behavior, I didn’t want to risk it again. That’s the first time since my ex I’ve been without a condom and I’m tested yearly,” I rush out.

“Whew. I don’t want to be the cause of something that neither of us is ready for,” he says and then rubs his hands down his face. “And that’s the first time I’ve ever had sex without a condom. And I’m tested yearly too.”

The elephant that had started to threaten our mood is gone as quickly as it arrived. Aedan goes to the bathroom to presumably get a washcloth, but instead, I hear him start the shower.

“Shower time. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know in here so you can relax a little more as the tower your father has kept you in falls closer to the ground.” He pulls me up by the hand and leads me into the bathroom.

“What is up with you and children movies references?”

“I have to get in that mindset. Family will be here tomorrow, remember?”

Oh, shit. How could I forget?

“Hey, stop worrying. They will be a great distraction.” He winks.

“Okay.” I’m glad one of us is optimistic.

The shower is as incredible as the first time. I mean, I know I can go on and on about this shower, but it’s just…wow. I relax under what feels like thousands of jets of water hitting almost every inch of my body. I open my eyes after I wipe the spray of water off my face and lock onto Aedan’s sexy blue eyes. I can feel myself getting wet again.

“Spill it,” I demand, ignoring the building desire brewing within my body.

He sighs. He starts to talk and stops, like he is trying to figure out what he needs to tell me and what he can leave out. “Your whole family is at risk right now. Someone is trying to sell McCoy Investments from underneath your family, which can’t be done without a McCoy giving the okay because it’s a private company.”

I’m almost speechless. “What do you mean my whole family? My brother and sister too? They don’t have anything to do with the company!” I start to get frantic.

“This is why I didn’t want to tell you. Yes. In case something happens to you or your father, your brother or sister takes over the company. If something happens to them, then it goes to Chantelle.”

“No fucking way is that bitch getting control of the company that my family has worked hard on building from the ground up. Have you looked into to her to see if she is the one behind all of this,” I ask him, my voice elevated.

“Yes, she came back clean. She was one of the first we checked. Since everyone we’ve looked into has come back clean, we have to keep all of you safe. Everyone has a guard with them. That is why I have to make sure that you are extra safe because you are next in line. Next week, this is all yours: McCoy Investments, the building, even this drama…”

Oh my God. This time next week, it will be mine.

“This is no joke, huh? I thought I knew my father’s business well, but it seems like I don’t know it as well as I thought I did. Has it always been this crazy?” I ask, hoping it hasn’t been.

“No, but there are still details and information we need to go over. There have been several attempts of kidnapping on you and your sister. They had to be dealt with. Not pretty stuff. That is why your father wanted to make sure you could handle all the shit that comes with being in charge. You’re not going to be able to sit behind a desk and have everything fall into place. You are going to have to make the decisions to protect yourself and the ones close to you. The paparazzi will come at you even harder now. We’ve done our best to keep everything out of the news and hidden, but I won’t lie. I’m sure that some of the events that happened in Indiana will come out. I want you to be prepared for some of that backlash.”

I slowly start sliding down the tiled shower wall. I don’t remember hitting the floor.









Chapter Forty





Jesse starts sliding down the tile and I catch her before she falls all the way down. Jesus, why did I have to say as much as I did? I wanted to be honest with her, but this isn’t how I thought it would go down. I thought she was ready for the truth.

Grabbing a couple towels out of the towel warmer, I place them over her so I can lay her down in bed. I don’t want to put her into bed still wet from the shower. Knowing she won’t be perfectly dry, I try my best to make sure she will be comfortable.

After I tuck her gently in bed, I get a towel to dry myself off. I want to lie in bed with her, but I need to get things ready for her graduation party. I have to make sure it’s well planned out so no one but the guests can get in. I want this place to have more security than the White House.

Heading to my office upstairs, I send off some emails to the Alpha Team to let them know to be prepared for next weekend. Sitting at my computer, I look at the picture from the inside of Jesse’s house. Something about the destruction and damage doesn’t feel right. I’m missing something, but what? I get Jesse a glass of water and some Excedrin in case she wakes up.

While walking through the house, I hear giggling coming from the family room. Please God, don’t let them be having sex. I don’t want to see anyone’s privates tonight. When I get to the movie room, Johnson is making out with Laney on my couch. Asshats!

“Excuse me! I thought I said no sex on my couch!” I yell.

Laney screams and Johnson chuckles.

“Aedan! Jesus! I think I pissed myself. Where’s Jesse?”

“She is resting. She is stressing out right now, so she is in bed. I hope she sleeps through the night. She is meeting my family tomorrow. She needs the rest.” I smile to myself.

“Is your family that bad?” Laney asks with a look of horror on her face.

“No, but I do have a very loud family with four crazy nephews. It will be very interesting to throw Jesse in with them. I hope they don’t eat her alive.” I smirk.

“This is a big step for her. She hasn’t met anyone’s parents since that jerk face. They were extremely nice, but it seemed like they were hiding something. Who knows, though? I guess everyone has something to hide.”

“Oh, really, Ms. Spears. And what exactly are you hiding?” Johnson looks at her straight-faced.

She blushes. “Nothing. I’m an open book,” she rushes out.

I start laughing because she’s definitely not an open book. My laughter is probably a dead giveaway that I know more about her than she’s revealing, and I’m sure Jesse will get grilled about it, but I didn’t learn about Laney from Jesse; I learned about her through keeping Jesse safe. Plus, McCoy has kind of taken Laney under his wing. She doesn’t know it, but her connection to Jesse and the McCoy’s have helped her with her career. Luckily, she chose to step up and excel in her career choice. A little boost doesn’t hurt anybody.

“What are you laughing at, Aedan? It’s true, I don’t have any secrets. You know them all,” she huffs.

“Sure. I’m sure Jesse can tell us a few from high school. Maybe I should wake her up and see what I can find out.” I wink at her.

Her face goes pale. “You wouldn’t.”

“Oh, but I would.” She is so easy to tease. She’s getting so flustered.

“Asshole. You had better not wake her up. You said she needed her re—”

“Hey, guys,” a sleepy Jesse says as she enters the room. “What are you guys talking about? I could hear Laney as I was coming down stairs.” She puts her messy hair back in a ponytail.

“We were talking about secrets. Laney told us she doesn’t have any, that she is an open book,” I say as I pull her into my lap.

“You’re joking, right?” She laughs hard and snorts, which causes everyone to laugh. “Oh, dear Laney, so what you told me the other night, that isn’t secret?”

Laney’s eyes go so wide, it looks like they could pop out of her face. “You wouldn’t?”

“But you said you have no secrets.” She smirks as she looks between Laney and Johnson.

“Shut up, Jesse. I swear to God if you don’t keep your mouth closed, I’ll tell the guys about the panty incident in high school,” Laney spits out.

“Go for it. So, the guys on the football team used my underwear as their good luck charm.”

Jesse is acting like it’s nothing, but I can see she is fidgeting with her nails. Time to change the subject.

“How about something to eat? I know it’s kind of late, but I’m starving.”

“That sounds good,” they all say in unison.






Food sounds excellent. Although the panty incident was somewhat mortifying to find out about, I had to play it off. Thank God Aedan suggested food. My head is pounding. I hope I didn’t hit it when I fell, but I have a feeling that he caught me before I hit the floor.

“I’m craving mac and cheese or grilled cheese,” I say quietly.

“Mac and cheese does sound pretty good. That is something I can make from scratch,” Laney says to the guys. They both nod, indicating that sounds good to them.

“I’ll help you. Guys, you can chill out while we get this ready,” I say as I look at them.

“Sounds good,” Aedan says. He sets out the macaroni on the counter and then kisses me on the cheek.

As soon as the men leave, Laney bumps me with her hip and says, “You are such a whore. I can’t believe you were going to blab about Sam.”

“I wouldn’t have said shit. I enjoyed watching you sweat. Why don’t you just spill it?”

“I don’t know. This is all new to me.”

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