Read Run the Risk Online

Authors: Lori Foster

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

Run the Risk (18 page)

BOOK: Run the Risk
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The water felt amazing. Refreshing. Almost relaxing—though not
much could really help her unwind tonight…at least, nothing as simple as a

The surface of the lake whorled around her as Logan moved
closer again. “Are you hungry?”

The way he said that, all husky and deep, told her a lot. Would
he make a pass? Would he have assumptions based on what they’d already done and
the way she showed herself now?

Why should she suffer just because of him? She shouldn’t.

Mind made up, Pepper turned in the water again, dunking her
head, then emerging with a splash. “Actually, I’m starved. Let’s go so we can
get food out of the way.” Not waiting to see how he interpreted that, she swam
to the ladder and climbed out.

Seconds later, Logan did the same. She heard his wet feet on
the rough boards. The stillness in the air amplified her awareness of him.

Slowly, she turned to see him standing before her, naked, wet,
and erect.

Breathing deeper, her body alive with need, she looked him over
while drying. When she finished, she handed him the towel.

He didn’t dry; the towel hung limp in his hand, his arms at his

“I’m glad your brother brought the lantern.”

His broad chest expanded on a breath; he took a step closer,
his gaze on her body. “Me, too.”

Knowing her willpower wouldn’t last, Pepper pulled on her
T-shirt and stepped into her panties.

Logan still didn’t move. On impulse, she reached out and
clasped his penis.

His hand fisted on the towel; he shifted his stance, and then,
other than the flexing of his erection, he held still.

“Bring the soap up with you.” Releasing him, Pepper turned and
walked away. If she stayed, they wouldn’t make it off the dock, and she was
still really pissed at him.

She knew what she wanted, but she also knew how she wanted it
done. This would happen.

On her terms.

Dinner first, and then Logan would get to know her a little

* * *

into her food.
Hell, he couldn’t take his gaze off her. Little by little her hair dried in
tangled waves, and even that was sexy. She’d pulled on jeans, but the sight of
her standing naked beneath the moonlight would forever be branded on his

She had a killer body.

A body that she’d successfully hidden from him even while
having sex. He’d been inside her, but he hadn’t gotten to touch her.

God, he wanted to. He was so coiled with lust, everything else

“Great dinner, Reese.”

“Thank you. Glad someone is appreciating it.”

Both he and Pepper ignored the inane conversation between Dash
and Reese. She finished off a glass of milk and sat back.

Reese waited, and when she only stared back at Logan, he asked,
“I take it you like hash?”

“When I’m hungry enough, I’m not particular.” Her gaze moved
over to Reese. “But it was good.”

Dash said, “Since Reese will be taking off in the morning—”

“Where are you going?” Pepper asked with suspicion.

“—I’ll be cooking breakfast.”

She glanced at Dash. “I can feed myself, but thanks anyway.”
Then back to Reese, “So you’re not hanging around, huh?”

“I’ll be back and forth. Logan didn’t explain?”

Her narrowed attention came back to him.

Logan finished off his own milk, then mimicked her pose,
relaxing back in his seat. “There’s no reason to just wait on your brother when
Reese can do his own research at the same time.”

“Yeah, because that sort of thing has worked out so well for
you, right?”

Reese said, “I can go through legal channels that Rowdy can’t
touch, and vice versa. I like to think we’ll complement each other.”

“You can think whatever you want. But if you trip him up and he
gets hurt—”

“Yes, I know. I’ve heard the threats from you both already. I
don’t know how I’ll sleep tonight with so much fury heaped my way.”

Derision brought her forward, palms flat on the tabletop. “How
do I know you won’t lead anyone back here?”

Reese’s expression went taut. “Is that an accusation of
complicity or incompetence?”

“Reese,” Logan warned. He saw no reason to prick Pepper’s
already prickly temper. “I trust him, honey, so—”

“I’m not your honey,” she shot at Logan, and then with a glare
at Reese, said, “and I
trust him.”

Dash held silent, and Logan couldn’t tell if he was amused,
awed or aghast at Pepper’s ferocity.

“Now my feelings are hurt.”


Reese leaned into her anger, all kidding put aside. “Before
this gets out of hand, understand that I know how to spot a tail, and I take my
position as a law enforcement officer seriously.”

“Well, hallelujah for you, but that doesn’t reassure me a bit.”
She scraped back her chair.

Assuming she’d go off angry, Logan stood, too. He’d follow her,
try to appease her, hopefully put her more at ease.

But instead of storming off, she snatched up the emptied plates
and headed to the kitchen.

The way Dash grinned now, there was no confusing his amusement.
Reese threw up his hands.

Logan picked up the glasses and followed her to the kitchen.
Since it wasn’t that far from where Dash and Reese sat at the table, with no
walls separating them, he knew both men looked on.

“Calm down.” He kept his voice low. “Everything is going to be

She scraped the plates into the garbage. “I’ve got a feeling
that your idea of fine differs from mine.” She rummaged around under the

“What are you looking for?”

“Dish soap.”

Logan took her shoulders and, mindful of their audience, set
her away to get the soap himself. He put the plug in the drain and filled the

Dash came over. “So. Why don’t I do the dishes and you two

“No.” She elbowed aside both men and got to work. “I carry my
own weight.”

Logan already knew she wasn’t a fan of domestic chores, but she
looked so strained, he didn’t want to do anything to set her off.

He shook his head at Dash, and then said to Pepper, “Mind if I

“As a matter of fact, I do.” She gave him a molten look. “Why
don’t you go busy yourself elsewhere?”

Dash cleared his throat. “We’re going to play cards. Want to
join us when you’re done here?”

“No.” She looked at Logan again. “And neither does he.”

With no idea what that was supposed to mean, Logan held up his
hands. “I still have to put sheets on my bed, anyway. It’ll be morning soon and
we all need to get some sleep.”

She made a rude sound that he couldn’t interpret, and didn’t
dare ask her to explain. He turned and headed to his room.

The bedrooms were all utilitarian. Whoever had first built the
house hadn’t meant it for luxury but for hunting and fishing and getting away.
Neither he nor Dash hunted, but they did enjoy fishing, swimming and being close
to nature.

Their parents had a condo on a resort lake that they could use
whenever they wanted. Golfing, horseback riding, restaurants, dancing and more.
They had speedboats and a sailboat, and…

Pepper had one stuffed bear.

He had both parents, a brother he was close with and an entire
network of relatives.

She had only Rowdy.

Logan glanced at the bed, ran a hand through his hair and
accepted that he wouldn’t get any sleep. He could almost understand why Pepper
had taunted him with her body and with that maddening way she’d stroked him.

Before she’d turned away.

He’d added to her hurt when she’d already been hurt so much,
and now she wanted payback. Clear enough. He got it. If that’s what she needed
to feel better, he’d man up and take it without complaint.

But he’d give a lot to hold her, to keep her tucked close
through the remaining hours till dawn.

After tossing a pillow on the freshly made bed, Logan stripped
off his shirt, stretched and stepped out to check on Pepper.

She finished drying a pan and put it back on the stove. She
glanced up, caught his gaze, and without looking away, she dropped the dish
towel over the sink and started toward him.

Both Reese and Dash paused in their card game as she went past
them, her intent gaze zeroed in on Logan.

Given the way she watched him, with so much obvious
determination, he had no idea what to think. She stopped before him, trailed her
hot gaze over him, then snagged a finger through a belt loop at the front of his
shorts. Without a smile, without a word, she led him back into the bedroom he’d
just exited.


Uncaring about the others, she closed the door and leaned back
on it. “Get naked,” she said in a husky whisper, “and get in the bed.”


and far too
needy, Pepper held her breath as Logan hesitated, his expression both confused
and concerned. She knew he wanted her. Already he was semierect, dark eyes
glittering, cheekbones flushed.

“Go on.” She stepped away from the door—and peeled off her own
shirt to bare her breasts. She dropped it on the wooden floor and turned to

He looked at her body in minute detail, then back to her face.
He’d grown so rigid, he looked ready to break. In contrast, he kept his tone
gentle. “What are we doing here, honey?”

your honey,” she reminded him
again—and she opened the snap on her jeans. “But I like having sex with you, so
why should I do without? Now that we’re both out in the open, well, no more need
for restraint, right?” Teasing him, she eased down the zipper.

Logan’s breathing deepened, but still, he didn’t lose the

Pepper considered him, then gave a shrug. “Feeling shy?” She
knew that wasn’t his problem. “I can go first. Modesty isn’t one of my

And with that, she pushed the jeans down her hips, stepped out,
and dropped them with the shirt. She wore only tiny panties.

“Pepper…” His sharpened gaze moved over her body.

“What? You’re sorry that you hurt me? You don’t want to hurt me


“Then give me what I need.” She sat on the bed, scooted back
until she could recline in the middle, and smiled at him. “I need to shake off
some tension. That means I need you.”

Seeking self-discipline, he worked his jaw, finally got his
attention on her face and came to sit on the side of the bed. “I’m not

She sat up. “You want me to go to Reese or Dash, instead? Is
that it? I don’t know if either of them would be interested, but, hey, if you’re
not willing—”

“No.” With anger overshadowing other emotions, he turned to her
and caught her shoulders. “You’re not going to any other man.”

She trailed her fingertips over his chest. “No, I won’t.”
Enunciating carefully, she said, “Not if you. Get. Naked.”

While he struggled to figure her out, he contracted his fingers
on her shoulders, caressing her. “You want…sex?”

“Oh, yeah.” Done waiting, she pushed him to his back—and he let
her. God, he looked good. Even while
him, she wanted him.

So damn much.

She opened the fastening to his shorts. “What we did before,
Logan? That was pleasant, you know? Discreet. Naughty.” She pulled his shorts
down, taking his boxers off at the same time. “It satisfied me.”

He lifted his hips to help her. “It was special to me.”

“Baloney.” Not wanting to hear his explanations, to maybe be
fooled again, she wrapped her fingers around his erection, stopping him in
midprotest. He made a halfhearted effort to stop her, but when his hand covered
hers, it was to squeeze. “Like it firm, huh? I can do that.”

Sensation closed his eyes, stiffened his shoulders. He growled
her name.

“Shh. No talking, okay?” If he tried to reason with her, to do
more lame apologizing, she’d get off track. “Let me enjoy you.”

He hesitated, but in the end, they both knew he would agree.
“You think I used you, so using me will make you feel better?”

use me.” She stood in a
rush and finished stripping off his shorts, then looked at his body while
removing her panties. He had powerful thighs, hairy calves and big feet. “No
reason to overanalyze it.”

“No, I won’t.” He relaxed back on the bed, offering himself to
her, for whatever she wanted.

And she wanted a lot.

He wasn’t an overmuscled brute like Reese, and while tall, he
didn’t have the extraordinary height of Rowdy or Dash. But he was so incredibly
sexy, the perfect combination of muscle, bone and body hair. She couldn’t
imagine a man being more masculine, or more…perfect.

Shaking off that thought, she crawled up over his thighs and
stared down at his cock.

Logan watched her through heavy eyes, breathing deep,
expression severe with expectation. Slowly, he cupped her breast.

Ah, God, that was so wonderful. His hands were big and hot and
strong… For only a moment, Pepper tipped back her head and closed her eyes.

That must’ve encouraged him, because he cupped both breasts,
stroked her, brought his thumbs into play over her now tight nipples.

“I don’t know the rules here, honey, but I’d love to kiss

She didn’t have any rules, not for this.

“Yeah.” She got herself under control. “I’d enjoy that, too.”
Sprawling out over him, her legs open over his hips, she took his mouth.

In her mind, she’d wanted to stay in charge, to show him her

To prove that he hadn’t hurt her.

But now that she had him naked and in bed, now with his mouth
on hers… He so easily took over, leading while she followed, and she didn’t

It shocked her, how devastating a kiss could be. Wet and deep
and somehow so right that she knew she’d been starved for him. How had she not
known the potency of his kiss?

Had he been holding back before this?

Or was it that she now felt free?

Keeping her involved with the play of his tongue, he moved his
hands over her back, down to her bottom, then to the backs of her thighs.

He urged her legs open more, spreading them until she lay flat
against him. His arms came around her, keeping her that close.

Right where she wanted to be.

Pepper lifted her head and breathed urgently, “Do you have a

“Just one.” More kisses, each hotter than the one before. “In
my wallet.”

“Tomorrow,” she murmured, “get more.”

As if that pushed him over the edge, he turned and pinned her
under him. His mouth was at her neck, and she just knew he would mark her.

That turned her on, too, so she wrapped her legs around

He sucked and licked his way to the upper swells of her
breasts—and then down to her left nipple. He sucked her in, his rough tongue
laving, his mouth hot.

“Logan.” Holding his head to her, she arched up.

He groaned. “You are so sweet.”

was not a word that
applied to her. “I need you, Logan. Right now.”

“Not yet.” He kissed his way to her other breast, drew on that
nipple, too.

“Logan.” Voice high and thin, she said, “It’s too much.”

“Let me help.” He insinuated his hand between their bodies,
cupped over her mound with his fingers softly playing, searching. He parted her
swollen lips, then paused. “You’re already wet.”

“I need you inside me.”

He worked two fingers deep. “Better?” he asked while kissing
the corner of her mouth, her jaw, her throat.

“Yes, but not good enough.” She caught his face to end his
teasing. “I need this, Logan. Right now. No seduction. No reservations.
Definitely no apologies.”

His fingers still deep inside her, his chest hair tickling her
nipples, his weight a warm comfort, he said, “God, I need you, too, Pepper.

“Shh.” She kissed his mouth. “I’ve thought about this ever
since you first moved in next door to me. So, please. Put on the condom and
let’s both take what we need.”

After a searching look, he kissed her long and hard—and rolled
away. In seconds, he had the condom out of his wallet and rolled on.

Throbbing with need, Pepper reached out to him. He settled back
between her legs, kissed her again and kept on kissing her while opening her
with his fingers, pressing in a little.

She freed her mouth to groan.

He captured it again—and thrust deep.

Ah, now this was what she wanted. His taste, his warmth, the
press of his body over hers, his breath on her face, his scent all around

He tangled one hand in her long hair, and with the other he
held her breast, a little rough, a lot amazing.

The bed bounced against the wall, but neither of them made a
move to readjust. She didn’t care, and she wasn’t sure Logan even noticed. In
minutes, pleasure began to coil, growing tighter and tighter. Her groans turned
into throaty moans. Her heels pressed into his back. Her fingers dug into his

She strained against him, reaching for release, needing the
oblivion so badly…

Logan put his head back, his jaw tight, his teeth locked. She
knew he fought off his own release to wait for her—and that did it.

Pleasure rolled over her, a giant, pulsing tide of sensation.
She arched hard, crying out, holding tight to Logan until she heard his
vibrating groans fading.

Slowly, he settled his weight back down over her, then rolled
to his back while keeping her close. It was dangerous, but she allowed herself a
single minute of luxuriating in what they’d shared. Her heart continued to
pound—and Logan continued to idly stroke her.

There were no words. What could she say? You owed me that? Well
done? Thanks? Hell, no.

Not only didn’t he deserve that from her, but…it would cheapen
it all. Even hurt and angry, she couldn’t do that.

But she could get herself together and protect her heart from
further damage.

She stroked his damp chest, touched his whisker-rough jaw and
sat up.

His hand trailed from her shoulder down to her wrist to catch
her fingers. When she looked at his face, she found his gaze wary but relaxed,
possessive and yet watchful.

Don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t—
leaned down and kissed him, a complete wimp when it came to resisting him.
Thankfully, she summoned the wit to keep it light. “Sleep well.”

She stood and reached for her shirt.

Logan came up to one elbow. No longer so mellow, he asked
sharply, “What are you doing?”

No way would she look at him again. Already the hurt in his
voice knotted her stomach. She pulled on her shirt and tried to sound cavalier
when she said, “Heading back to my own room.”

Finally catching on, his expression hardened. He sat up on the
side of the bed. “You could stay here with me.”

“Thanks, but no.” She pulled on her panties.


Please don’t let me crack until I’m
“’Night, Logan.” She opened the door, slipped out and pulled
it closed behind her. Both Reese and Dash remained at the table, cards spread
out in front of them. They tried not to look at her, but they failed.

Chin up, feigning as much attitude as she could muster, Pepper
went to the room assigned her. She closed her door with a soft click, then
pushed in the lock.

Awful pain squeezed her heart, and emotion choked her until she
couldn’t breathe right. Slowly, she slid down the door to sit on the cold wooden
floor, her knees drawn up, her eyes burning. She hugged herself and did her best
to swallow back the tears.

She’d always known that a normal life wasn’t in the cards for

But then, she’d never figured on meeting a guy like Logan

* * *

the next morning. Then again, he hadn’t gone to sleep. On the couch, Reese
stirred, grumbled at Logan and rolled to his side.

Reese overflowed the couch by a good foot. He had to be
miserably uncomfortable. Today he’d go back into town armed with a story for the
lieutenant and a cover that would allow Logan to stay with Pepper.

He carried the cell with him, but so far, Rowdy hadn’t

Standing in the kitchen, he waited for the coffee to finish.
He’d made a big pot, so it was taking longer.

A door opened, and, stiff, Logan walked to the end of the
kitchen to see. But it was Dash. He had on jeans but hadn’t fastened them. After
a quick look at Reese, Dash asked quietly, “Coffee?”

“Should be done soon.”

“Thanks.” Dash went on into the bathroom, then joined Logan a
minute later. He leaned back on the counter, crossed his arms and waited.

Now that he wasn’t caught up in the hottest lust imaginable,
Logan knew that Dash and Reese had to be well aware of what had transpired last
night. Hell, he could still remember how Pepper had tightened all around him,
how wet she’d gotten, how hot.

Her raw, broken cries as she came.

How she’d held him as close as she could.

And then she’d left him.

The second the coffee finished brewing, Dash was on it. As he
poured two cups, he said, “Okay, I know I’m up with the sun because that’s how
it is in construction, and I’m a creature of habit. Work or not, I’m awake.
What’s your excuse?”

Logan took his mug and went to the table to sit. “A shitload to
do today.”

“Yeah, about that.” Dash pulled out a chair. “I wouldn’t mind a
clue or two. Am I playing watchdog? Errand boy? What?”

“Probably all of the above.”

Another door creaked, and Pepper stepped out of her room. She
looked first at Reese on the couch, then toward Logan and Dash. With no
inflection whatsoever, she asked, “Coffee?”

Logan took in her disheveled hair, her heavy, sleepy eyes and
her “just tumbled” appearance. He burned for her all over again. She was back to
wearing just a T-shirt, and she had beautiful legs.

Legs that she’d wrapped around him while he rode her…

Dash said, “Just got done. Cream and sugar?”

“Please.” She yawned inelegantly and headed into the

Dash prepared her cup of coffee, set it on the table and
cleared his throat.

Logan was doing a good job of ignoring his brother when they
both heard Reese get up. In his boxers, Reese started for the bathroom, but Dash
said, “Occupied.”

That stymied Reese for a moment until he shrugged and stepped

BOOK: Run the Risk
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