Run the Risk (8 page)

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Authors: Lori Foster

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Run the Risk
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“Annnnd…” she said, “there goes your last chance.”

Amused by her drama, Rowdy watched her march off. He
appreciated the back view of her as much as he did the front.

She probably stood no more than five-two, and he doubted she’d
weigh over a buck-ten. But with each step, that thick auburn hair caught the bar
lights, coiling down her back to the bottom of her shoulder blades, sort of
pointing the way to that pert little ass. Even the baggy seat of her boy jeans
couldn’t detract from that nice asset.

Yeah, he saw it all. And one way or another, he’d get her under

Unfortunately, he hadn’t even thought to ask her name. If she
wore a name badge, he hadn’t seen it. Another deliberate move on her part?

For now, wondering if Logan also saw his sister in spite of her
camouflage kept Rowdy from turning on the charm.

First things first. He would put a GPS tracker on Logan’s truck
to see where he went. That’d give him a starting place for unraveling the
neighbor’s mysterious interest in his sister. He’d take care of that

If Logan Stark had anything to hide, Rowdy would find out, and
then he’d deal with it.

A woman sidled up to his table. “Hi.”

Rowdy glanced at her. Light brown hair tumbled over her
shoulders, framing a lot of cleavage. A cloud of perfume wafted in her wake.

Unlike the waitress, this woman had all her curves on display,
and they were many. She suited his normal preferences, but tonight didn’t feel
ordinary in any way.

Already bored, he said, “Hey, yourself.”

“You’re not drinking alone, are you?”

Normally, at that point, he’d start the process that’d ensure
he had a bed partner for the night. This time, he flat-out didn’t feel like it.
Never mind that minutes ago he’d been thinking a tumble was just what he needed.
“Yeah, I am.”

“How about I join you?”

“A persuasive offer, if all you want is conversation.”

She paused, coy, suggestive. “And if I wanted more?”

“Tonight’s a no-go for me, honey. Sorry.”

His rejection surprised her and set her to pouting. “Should I
ask why?”

“I have something I need to do.”

She slipped into the chair opposite him. Touching his shoulder
with one manicured fingertip, her eyes heavy, her mouth smiling, she whispered,
“Do me.”

“Ah, now that’s tempting.” He took her warm hand and relocated
it to the tabletop. “But I still have to decline.”

“I could be a nice distraction.”

“I don’t doubt it.” Admiration at her confidence gentled his
tone. “But it doesn’t change anything.”

“Tomorrow, then?”

He half smiled. “So you don’t just want to share a drink, huh?
All right then. If I’m here tomorrow, feel free to hit me up.”

She flattened both hands on the table in front of him, bent
forward, and said close to his mouth, “Be here.” And with that, she straightened
and sashayed off.

Damn, but he enjoyed women. The more brazen and confident and
upfront, the better.

“The other waitress was busy,” said that familiar husky

he liked brazen and
up-front. This time, something altogether different appealed to him. Rowdy
switched his attention to the redhead.

She plunked his beer down on the table hard enough to slosh
some out of the glass.

“Thanks.” That she hadn’t abandoned him as she’d threatened
didn’t really surprise him. Women could be adorably predictable. Teasing her, he
asked, “Something wrong?”

“Not at all. Is there anything else I can get you—and, no, no
innuendo, please.”

Her prim voice amused him. “Would I be that clichéd?”

“My apologies for assuming that you would.” She started to

“There is one thing.”

Even over the loud music and drone of conversation, he heard
her groan of exasperation.

Keeping her back to him, she stopped, inhaled and finally
looked over her shoulder. “Yes?”

Folding his arms on the table, Rowdy leaned forward. “I need
your name.”

“Noooo,” she said on a laugh. “You most definitely do not.”

Three women approached, stepping around her and crowding his
table. Rowdy wanted to curse the interruption.

“Just a sec, girls.” Impatient, he stood to see around them.
The waitress, checking in at other tables, was already a few feet away. To the
ladies, he said, “Be right back.”

Not caring what they thought of that, he took several long
strides and snagged the waitress by the apron tie at the small of her back,
drawing her up short.

In silky tones, he said, “Now, don’t run off.”

“I was not running. I have work to do.”

“If you say so.” Still holding on to that tie, he drew her
closer. “You may as well give me a name. Otherwise I’ll have to ask around.”

Losing some of her good humor, she stiffened. “Why ever would
you do that?”

Near her ear, Rowdy whispered, “Pure, hot, male…curiosity?” The
warm scent of her made his gut clench as he breathed her in.

That pushed her over the edge.

She jerked around to blast him with temper but went still as
she took in his size.

Staring down at her, anticipation heightened, Rowdy waited to
see what she’d do or say. He had a feeling she wouldn’t bore him.

“Good grief.” She tipped her head way back and stared into his
eyes. “You’re big!”

Pleasure warmed him.
him. “I think you mean tall.”

Still looking him over, she asked absently, “What?”

“You’re commenting on my height, yes?”

“Of course. You’re what? Six and a half feet?”

“Six-four. But as to me being big…” He touched her chin. “Wanna
find out?”

She finally caught on, but rather than be insulted by his
come-on, she laughed.


“That wasn’t a joke.” For some reason, the sound of her
laughter turned him on more.

Still amused, she said, “Sir, you are too outrageous.”

Her mouth looked even sexier when she smiled like that. Such a
soft, full mouth. No lipstick. Nothing to get in the way of a nice, deep

She waved a hand in front of his face. “Are you still with

He was with her just a little too much. “Yeah.”

“Then perhaps you’d like to focus—no, not on me.” She nodded
back at his table. “You have a bevy of women waiting on you, so we really should
wrap this up.”

A bevy? He glanced back. Sure enough, his small table now
overflowed with women—and it did look like they were waiting. Impatiently so.
Not a big deal. He’d had females after him most of his life.

Let them wait.

But when he turned back to the waitress, she was already gone,
disappeared into the milling crowd. Well, damn. He wouldn’t chase her again.
When she came to bring him another beer, he’d get a name and take it from

Until then…he surveyed the women at his table with narrowed
eyes. Even the brunette from earlier had rejoined them.

They acted warm and friendly—flirtatious women looking for a
good time and a little fun, and he had no problem with that.

They didn’t really engage his awareness. Not like the waitress
had. But for right now, for an hour or so, he’d take what he could get.

No, he didn’t forget about Logan or Pepper, but with time to
kill, why not make use of the company?

Unfortunately, almost an hour later, it was a different
waitress who came to offer him another beer. When Rowdy asked after the petite
gal, he was told she’d gotten off half an hour ago.

She’d left without saying goodbye.

Playing hard to get?

He could play. He enjoyed a good game every now and then. He’d
be back at the bar over the next few days, and eventually he’d find her

Putting her from his mind, he paid his tab, and amidst
complaints and more pouting, he bid farewell to the lovelies.

As he went back out to the parking lot, he surveyed every dark
corner, shifting shadow and person passing by. The caution was now an ingrained
trait; he never took safety for granted.

He saw nothing and no one of interest.

Time to thwart Pepper’s annoying neighbor. Everything else,
including cute waitresses, would just have to wait.



Distrust for her brother’s plan added a quaver to Pepper’s voice.
“I can’t believe you’d ask me to—”

“Just keep him busy, that’s all you have to do. I’ll be in and
out in a flash.”

Somehow this might backfire. It was dangerous. Too dangerous.
“I don’t want to.”

Resolute, Rowdy said, “Do it anyway.”

With her heart hammering, she dropped to sit on the edge of the
couch. “Please, Rowdy. Stop and think about this. There’s no reason—”

“I know what I saw, Pepper. You started this, so now I have no

Unfair! He made her feel guilty for making one small move
toward companionship. “You’re a bully.”

“You have twenty minutes, so don’t leave me hanging.” He
disconnected the call.

Folding her arms around her middle and leaning forward, Pepper
struggled with a vortex of emotions—the guilt her brother had just heaped on
her. Sadness, exhaustion at continued deception, a yearning for something
different, something real.

She also felt sharp anticipation.

Rowdy wanted her to keep Logan preoccupied so he could put the
GPS tracker on his truck. She knew only one way to truly ensure Logan stayed
busy. Definitely not what her brother had in mind, but still—

Suddenly, as if she’d summoned him, Logan called to her from
his balcony. “Sue?”

At the sound of his voice, her heart stuttered and her eyes
flared. Logan! Had he heard her conversation?

For only a moment, she knotted her hands in her hair. And then,
because she’d just mussed her ponytail, she pulled out the band and refastened
the mass.

How much had he heard?

“Sue, are you all right?”

Enough to make him worry. What to do now?

Pushing away from the couch in a rush, she slid the screen
aside and stuck her head out to the balcony. Standing there with the blue sky as
a backdrop, his dark gaze vigilant, he nearly took her breath away, he looked so
good. Rugged. Sexy.

The same as always.

A little wistful, Pepper waggled her fingers at him. “Hi.”

Concern narrowed his gaze. He looked her over as if seeking an
injury. “Everything okay?”

Think, Pepper. He’s going to ask,
so come up with a story and fast.

“I heard you talking.” Logan rested his forearms on the
railing, leaning toward her.

The positioning did interesting things to his shoulders, his

And her imagination.

“You sounded…upset.”

Focus, Pepper.
She should
have thought about their sliding doors being open. But until Logan, she’d never
had to. Not for a very long time had any man showed interest. “No, I’m

He tipped his head, scrutinizing her. “You look upset,

More like agitated. Where creeps and criminals were concerned,
Rowdy was far more recognizable than she’d ever been. Anytime he showed himself,
he ran the risk of one of Morton Andrews’s flunkies noticing him. Granted,
Morton and his following had no reason to be around here. They were well away
from his domain, but still…


Think, think.
“Are you ready for
me?” That blurted question held very distracting overtones. Pepper prayed that
it worked.

And it did.

Logan slowly straightened. “Ready?”

She nodded. “I’ve been thinking about…you know.”
“I can come over…now?”
But thanks to Rowdy, she had to be. “That is, if there’s time
before dinner.”

A new, hotter emotion replaced the concern in his dark eyes.
“Yeah, you can come over. Anytime. I told you that, remember? Dinner isn’t ready
yet, but I—”

She walked off in the middle of him talking. Now that she’d
decided what to do, a pulse beat of anticipation expanded throughout her system,
throbbing, curling in her lower belly.

Snatching up her keys and purse, she went out her door, closed
it, and as she turned toward Logan’s door, it opened.

Sexual tension held them both still, gazes locked. They stared
at each other as expectation built with every breath. She felt a little
uncertain. He just looked turned on.

What to say, how to explain? “I, um…”

“C’mere.” Logan reached for her, dragged her into his
apartment, and pinned her back against his door the second he got it closed.

“I need—”

His mouth on hers cut off her attempt to steer them into the

Knees going weak, she let him have his way, relishing the damp
heat of his mouth, the slide of his tongue past hers, the urgency.

He held her upper arms as he ate at her mouth—and she liked it.
A lot.

God, truthfully, she liked him. How he seemed to care. His
interest and patience and his keen sensuality.

“You’re a tease,” he whispered against her mouth, then kissed
his way to her cheek, her throat.

“Mmm.” That felt
good. But she
had to get it together. Rowdy would only be safe if they were off in another
room, door closed, fully involved.

If he ever found out, her brother would detest her tactics, but
too bad for him.

Putting her hands flat to Logan’s chest, she levered him back.

He pressed her shoulders to the door, his breath coming fast,
aroused color slashing his cheekbones. “I like the idea of taking you right
here.” He wedged in closer to her. “Like this.”

Oh, such a wonderful idea—but like so many things in her life,
not possible.

Sad, she whispered, “I can’t.”

Butterfly kisses teased her temple, her jaw. “Tell me why.”

“I’m sorry, Logan.” Closing her eyes, Pepper swallowed hard and
shook her head. “It’s either in the bedroom, right now.” A deep breath didn’t
help. “Or not at all.”

She expected an argument. She waited for irritation, maybe even

Given how wonderful he’d been so far, she should have known

His small smile personified sex appeal. “Then let’s go, honey.
Right now.”

God love the man, could he be more considerate?

Logan caught her hand as he stepped away to lead her down the
hall. Once inside the room, he went about closing the drapes without her having
to ask. “Okay?”

That was so…sweet. When was the last time a man had been sweet
to her?

Touched, her throat tight with emotion, Pepper covered her
mouth and nodded. “Yes. Thank you.” And then, before he could steal the lead,
she went to the foot of the bed. “Do you think we could try something a little

The heavy shadows didn’t hide everything. Soon their eyes would
adjust. She had to rush things—and honestly, that worked for her.

“Whatever you want, honey.” He moved nearer but didn’t touch
her. “Tell me what you have in mind.”

Boy, it wasn’t easy to spell it out. She started with the first
priority. “I need my clothes on.”

“All right.”

She heard the click of his snap, then the slow hiss of his
zipper coming down. “You don’t mind if I get naked, do you?”

Her mouth went dry. Her heart started pumping hard. “No.”

“Thanks.” He pushed his shorts down and off, then kicked them

A hot, naked, buff temptation stood before her, waiting,
expectant, obliterating her priorities. Pepper could hear him breathing, feel
his heat.

Smell his unique scent.

Blindly she reached out. In deference to the dark quiet of the
room, she kept her voice low. “Do you mind if I touch you a little?”

Replying in the same way, he said, “I’d prefer that you touch
me a lot.”

Oh, yeah, she’d prefer that, too. “Okay.” Laying her palms over
his shoulders, she absorbed the warmth of his flesh, the tautness of his
muscles. Coasting down over his collarbone, she spread her fingers wide,
dragging them through his chest hair to his nipples.

His breath hitched, and he shifted the smallest bit. “I picked
up a box of condoms.”

His abdomen was nice and tight—the muscles getting tighter and
more defined as she touched him. “Thank you.”

“They’re on—” he paused, shifted again, breathed a little
faster “—my nightstand.”

“Okay.” With both hands, she held his erection. Her eyes closed
at the feel of him flexing, swelling more. It amazed her that something so firm
and solid could be encased in such velvety softness. Using her thumb, she
brushed over the head and found a bead of fluid.

Logan whispered, “Damn.”

“Shh.” Enthralled, excited, Pepper loved the freedom he gave
her. She explored his testicles with one hand while clasping his erection with
the other. There was just so much of him to enjoy, so much—

“You’re killing me,” he growled. “You know that, right?”

“It’s just…” She wrapped her fingers around the base of him. “I
love how you feel.”

Moving his hand over hers, he helped her to squeeze tighter,
encouraged her toward a slow, back and forth stroke. After three audible
breaths, he asked, “How do I feel?”

Incredibly sexy.
Still holding him,
Pepper sank to her knees. “Probably not as good as you taste.”

“Jesus.” He gave a ragged groan and widened his stance.

Sliding her mouth down along the length of him, Pepper savored
his taste, the richness of his scent, how he flinched with escalating need.

Lightly, his hands touched the top of her head.

She could have gone on tasting him until he lost control—but
suddenly he caught her arms and pulled her back to her feet.


“How are we doing this, honey? Tell me quick, because I’m on a
hair trigger here.”

Lost to subtleties and subterfuge, Pepper reached beneath her
skirt to pull off her panties. “Get a condom.”

As if her words threw him, he hesitated, but not for long. They
fumbled against each other in the small, dim room, Pepper attempting to get her
underwear off without showing anything, Logan getting to the box of rubbers. She
heard him opening the little packet, saw his dark form shifting, and knew what
he was doing.

When he made his way back to her, she turned and positioned

Bent over the foot of the bed.

She yanked up her skirt so that it bunched around her waist,
then knotted her hands in the soft cotton sheets that carried his stirring
scent. Firmly braced, she waited.

Other than the sound of his breathing, silence filled the


No answer. But she knew he was there, behind her. She could
feel him standing close, knew he tried to see her, tried to adjust to the

If he mistook her intent, it would end, and she couldn’t bear
that. Emotion closed her throat, thickened her words. “Please don’t ruin

His hair-rough thighs brushed the backs of hers. “Tell me what
you need.”

“You inside me. Just that.”

His fingertips trailed over the top of her behind.

“Logan!” If he got too familiar, if he explored her body, she’d
have to—

Without warning, two fingers pressed into her.

The hot, slick intrusion wrenched a ragged groan from her.

He turned his hand, pressed deep again. Voice gravelly with
lust, he whispered, “I want to make sure you’re ready.”

She was so ready that she just might leave him behind. Every
breath grew deeper, harsher. He put one hand at her waist—not caressing or
exploring, just…holding. Keeping her steady.

And with the other, he played her. Made her insane. Pushed her
to her limit.

“You’re getting close,” he crooned, “aren’t you, honey?”

She should tell him to get on with it. She should direct every
aspect, keeping him from too much familiarity.

Sex. That’s all it could be. Rushed. Impersonal. Anything more
would be too dangerous—

He stopped stroking her but left his hand there, his fingers
firm inside her. “Tell me,” he said, his voice low and rough. “Tell me you like

Oh, God.
“Don’t stop.”

Triumphant, he promised, “Not until you come.” With his free
hand, he moved her ponytail over her shoulder, while with his other he continued
to work her, his fingers sliding deep, twisting, finding hidden spots of

Her body writhed with the start of an orgasm, a wave that
expanded, receded, pulsed brighter and hotter.


He said nothing, didn’t lose his rhythm—and suddenly the climax
grabbed her.

She tried to muffle her groans in the covers, tried not to move
with his fingers. But he didn’t stop, and she couldn’t hold back.

As the bliss finally receded, her legs gave out and she ended
up sprawled facedown on the bed. Immediately Logan came down over her, body to
body, masculine weight crushing her feminine form into the bedding. He touched
her, opened her and filled her in one powerful thrust.

Oh, God. If his fingers had felt good—and they definitely
had—it was nothing compared to this.

Balancing on his forearms, his mouth touching her temple, he
drove into her in an unbreakable, heavy rhythm. The bed rocked under her; his
chest brushed her shoulder blades. Her skirt bunched between them, but he didn’t
let that get in his way.

Her excitement must’ve spurred his own, because in no time at
all, he nuzzled against her, his face tucked close to her neck. A low, feral
growl vibrated against her skin, and he opened his mouth on her shoulder before

Knowing it would have to be brief, Pepper cherished the
contact. Holding her tight, he closed in around her as he gave in to his release
and, finally, went utterly calm and replete over her.

It felt…oddly protective. Entirely too familiar. Way too

She could have stayed like that for an hour or a day.

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