Running From Mercy (32 page)

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Authors: Terra Little

BOOK: Running From Mercy
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Discussion Questions:
Because of the circumstances of their births, Pam and Paris were extremely close. Was their relationship unnaturally close or was it simply indicative of the often talked about bond between twins?
Were Pam and Chad really in love with each other or were they just children who thought they were in love? If things hadn't happened the way they did, do you think they would've ended up together?
Nate and Pam have been best friends since they were children. Was it natural that they would end up being more to each other? Given that Nate and Chad are best friends and Pam was involved with Chad, is Pam and Nate's relationship inappropriate? How does her relationship with both men factor into your response?
Throughout much of the book Paris comes across as being passive and gentle. In the end, does she still come across this way? If not, how has your perception of her changed? What do you think her true feelings were toward Pam and why?
What is your reaction to Paris's deception? Why do you think she chose to keep Pam's secret, even after it became obvious that speaking up might help rather than hurt those around her? Was she jealous of Pam and Chad's relationship, or did her actions have more to do with not wanting anyone to come between her and Pam? If this is the case, why didn't she have issues with Pam and Nate's relationship?
When Nikki learns the truth about Pam, she is angry and confused. Why is she only angry with Pam and not with Chad, Nate, or Paris? She says that she's always wanted more of Pam. Why do you think she's always wanted this and how does it tie into the true nature of Pam's relationship to her?
Pam was violently attacked. Do you blame her for running from Mercy? Do you think she could or should have kept Nikki with her? She says that she was sick and that depression is the reason she sent Nikki away. Based on what you may or may not know about depression, is this a valid reason for doing what she did? Could she have cared for Nikki and dealt with the aftermath of her attack simultaneously?
Nate could've told Chad the truth, too. What is your reaction to the fact that he kept quiet for as long as he did? Was he being a good friend to Pam or doing Chad a disservice? How does your response tie in to the fact that he and Pam have been lovers as well as friends?
Take a moment to consider Moira and her reasons for doing what she did. Do they ring true to you or do you think her own race related issues played a part in her decision?
Jasper was a father without really being a father. Why is forgiving him easier for Pam than forgiving Moira? How does your response tie into society's role expectations of mothers versus fathers?
Are the circumstances of Pam's birth in any way similar to Nikki's birth? Does Pam have the right to be angry with Moira and Jasper, given the circumstances of Nikki's birth?
Who do you think Pam should've ended up with, Chad or Nate? Why? What is your reaction to the fact that Pam and Chad resumed their relationship after Paris's death? Was it inevitable?
Pam admits that she's in love with both Chad and Nate, but for different reasons. Think about the future and speculate on how things will play out. Will Pam and Nate continue an intimate relationship? Are they capable of just being friends or will their past come back to haunt them?
Will Nikki ever be able to completely forgive Pam? Will Pam ever be able to completely forgive Moira and Jasper? Why or why not?
When Pam left Mercy she also left Chad. How do you feel about his marriage to Paris and are his reasons for doing so justified? Could he have played a more active role in learning the truth earlier on? If so, what could he have done differently?
About the Author
Terra Little holds Bachelor of Science Degrees in Criminology and Sociology, respectively, and a Master's Degree in Professional Counseling. Currently, she is a community-based corrections professional and a crisis intervention counselor. She is a native of St. Louis, Missouri, where she lives with her teenage daughter.
Urban Books, LLC
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Running From Mercy © Copyright 2008 Terra Little
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
ISBN: 978-1-6228-6022-7
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.
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