Rush of Darkness (26 page)

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Authors: Rhyannon Byrd

BOOK: Rush of Darkness
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The Wasteland
: A cold, desolate, dangerous region that was created by powerful magic, where exiled Deschanel “nests,” or family units, are forced to live once the
Consortium has passed judgment against them. Protected by spells that make it invisible to humans, this vast region “shares” physical space with the Scandinavian forests surrounding it.

The Watchmen
: An organization of shape-shifters whose job it is to watch over the remaining ancient clans, they are considered the “eyes and ears” of the Consortium. They monitor the various nonhuman species, as well as the bloodlines of those clans that have become dormant. Prior to the recent Merrick awakenings, the most powerful Merrick bloodlines had been under Watchmen supervision. There are Watchmen compounds situated around the world, with each unit consisting of four to six warriors. Characteristics: Physical traits vary according to the specific breed of shape-shifter.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8889-2


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