Russian Law (Law Series ) (Volume 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Russian Law (Law Series ) (Volume 1)
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phone rang in his ear and kicked over to Elena’s voicemail. He must have just
missed her. Her message was short and to the point, “Leave a message.”

cleared his throat before speaking after the beep. “Hi Elena, sorry I missed
you. Just letting you know I arrived here safety. Am at the Marriot now and am
about to hit the sack, talk to you later.”

hung up the phone and replaced the handset back in its mooring. He would try
her again later if he found the time and if he remembered, the important thing was
that she knew he was alright. He had already organized a wake-up call with the
front desk when they had checked in. He didn’t want to rely on his cell to wake
him up. He was well past tired and knew he would more than likely hit the
snooze button if it was left up to him. But tomorrow was too important to be

yanked off his shoes and crawled beneath the covers, he didn’t even bother to
brush his teeth. It was past midnight and he could feel his eyelids getting
heavily. He was asleep within minutes and didn’t even stir when Ivan exited the
bathroom and left the room ready for a night to remember or forget whichever,
he didn’t care.










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