Russian Mafia Billionaire’s Secretary (10 page)

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“The thought of you in here naked was driving me wild,” he declared as he stepped naked into the shower and closed the door. The hot shower water streamed down on both of them as he pulled her body to his.

“I want you.” His tone was both a plea and a demand, as Alanna found herself pressing her back against him as she ground against his erection. With a growl, he pushed her feet apart and positioned himself behind her as he bent her forward against the shower wall.   

He thrust himself into her from behind as he took her willing body. With one hand pressing against her back and the other on her hip, he pounded into her flesh, his pelvis slapping against her with each forward thrust. Alanna steadied herself with her hands against the wall of the shower.

Their bodies collided together as his breathing grew heavier. Her heartbeat pulsed against her as her legs quivered where she stood. His hardness penetrated her inner reaches and she moaned as she came. His guttural shout soon followed. With another thrust, he pulled her shaking body closer to his and planted a kiss on the back of her neck.

Reaching his hand out, he adjusted the temperature of the water and reached for the soap and a wash cloth. Wetting it, he washed her as her body came alive again from the roughness of the towel against her now sensitive parts. Wrapping his arms around her, he dragged the cloth between her folds before rubbing her clit to another orgasm.

When she calmed down, he kissed her lightly before stepping out of the shower to dry himself off. Alanna quickly washed her hair and then conditioned it as she wondered whether she would be able to maintain a personal relationship with him as her boss.

Chapter Fourteen

When they returned to New York, Alanna headed back to her apartment while Alexander went to the office. Arriving home, she was surprised that her sister had taken Roman to the zoo. Smiling at having the apartment to herself, she quickly unpacked and showered. She was just pulling dinner together when the front door banged open and Roman ran in carrying a stuffed koala.

“Aunty Lys said you would be home…mommy…I missed you,” he sang out as he hopped up and down.

“I missed you too, baby boy. Are you hungry?”

“Very,” he told her solemnly.

“Well, given that he’s had two hotdogs, ice cream AND popcorn, he shouldn’t be, but who am I to say how much a three-year-old can eat.” Pulling a chair out, Alyssa sagged down in the chair.

“Long day, sis?”

Nodding her head, “I know he has a lot of energy, but I had no clue that being outside would only fuel him. The only time he settled down was at the koala enclosure. He couldn’t get enough of them.”

“I can see that,” Alanna answered as she set plates in front of both of them. She watched as Roman chatted quietly with his stuffed koala before setting him down to eat.

Later that night, when Roman was sound asleep, Alyssa confronted her sister.

“So, what happened on this trip to Florida?” she teased.

“Just business.” Alanna hoped her casual reply would quiet her sister’s questions, but she snorted in response..

“Uh huh.” Crossing her arms, her sister stared at her. “You looked damn sexy in those pics you sent to me. Far more than…just business,” she drew out as she mock leered at her.

“I can’t afford to hook up with my boss. You know how hard it was to find a decent paying job. If things don’t work out and I get fired or have to quit, we’ll have to move,” Alanna reasoned aloud, wishing that she’d taken her own advice.

“Did you at least have a good time?”

“Yes, it was great. Although…” Alanna wasn’t sure if she should tell her sister about the drugs.

“Although?” her sister prodded. 

Shrugging her shoulders, “I’m not sure. We met with a bunch of the company’s investors and they were all Russian.”

“So? He is too.” Her sister looked at her quizzically. “What’s going on, Alanna?”

“It’s probably nothing. Come on, let me grab the souvenir I bought for you.” 

Before Alanna knew it, Monday morning reared its ugly head. She didn’t know what to expect when she walked back in the door of Denisov International. She hoped that it wouldn’t be awkward. As she made her way to the top floor of the building, thoughts of their Florida trip ran through her head. Despite all the good things that happened, there was something she needed to do. Setting her things down, she went through her messages before grabbing the key to the file room.

Sorting through the files for the investors who were also customers, she kept seeing a Russian word that she didn’t recognize: “неоценимый” in the memo area of some of the invoices.

“Now what on earth does that mean?” she asked herself. As she was returning to her desk, Alexander barged from his office and slapped some paperwork in front of her.

“Please pull the relevant contracts for these files and prepare them for my signature,” he commanded her. Giving her a quick thanks, he disappeared back inside his office, as his phone began to ring.

The Russian word plagued her, but she soon lost track of the time and she caught up on her missed day. Tristan had done a great job on his own and she was pleased to see that he had even organized all the paper files, something she had wanted to do since she started. 

Throughout the week, Alexander was flirty, teasing her relentlessly about his thoughts on spanking her on his black chair. Her mind drifted far from the shipping logs and toward their budding work/sex relationship.

At the very least, there was no awkward behavior between them.

Tuesday the following week, she signed for a delivery for her boss. She walked with the package through his office door as she thought he wouldn’t be there so early. Tristan hadn’t arrived for work and she thought she was alone.

“Darling, Alanna,” he said, scaring her out of her wits. She grasped a firm hold of the package and walked it over to his desk.

“I didn’t think you were here yet,” she told him, as she suddenly realized that she sounded as though she was chastising him.

“So you were planning on sitting in my chair?” he questioned her with a devious grin. She caught her breath at the thought of herself getting spanked by Alexander and couldn’t stop the blush that swept across her face.

“I signed for this package for you,” she said quickly, as she extended the package forward.

He took it out of her hands and smiled at her. She waited for any further instructions, but he looked up at her and grinned.

“I can’t wait to take you on another trip with me,” he told her.

In her head, she happily entertained the idea of another extended weekend getaway. The ends of her lips curved upward and she lived in that moment.

“I love the benefits of your companionship,” he added, snapping her back to the present moment. She wondered if this was some sort of a friends with benefits scenario.  

She stifled a laugh and turned redder at his comments unsure how to respond.

“I want to cook for you,” he said as his voice took on a triumphant tone. “Saturday night, we’ll do dinner.”

“We’ll do dinner?” she questioned him.

“Yes,” he barked.

“Don’t you mean you’ll have your chef whip something up for us?” she quipped.

“Bah!  No chefs. It will be just you and me, Alanna Vella. I will whip something up for us,” he said as he mocked her tone. She loved how her name rolled off his tongue.

“You know how to cook?” she teased him and cracked a smile. He smiled with her and she nodded in agreement.

“So you’ll come?” he asked and stared into her eyes for an answer. His question was more like a statement of fact.

“Yes, I’ll come,” she replied and stroked her neck playfully. She felt his eyes on her as he stared down her every movement. She’d grown used to Alexander’s watchful, sexy eyes. While she wouldn’t admit it to anyone, his looks made her feel like a goddess to be admired so.

When she caught on to what he meant, she began to stammer before excusing herself. She scurried out of his office as quickly as she walked in. She returned to her desk and sat down as she bit her lip in contemplation

Alanna thought back to when she visited Alexander’s apartment and what it felt like to be on the inside. It was elaborately decorated and upscale, unlike the apartment she shared with Roman and Alyssa, which was decidedly pro-toddler. The entirety of his place overwhelmed her to the point where she thought he was a rich politician or a gangster. She’d laughed off both presumptions of the man and decided that she wanted to figure him out on her own.

She left work, determined to find something spectacular to wear for her dinner date, even if they were dining in. Alanna went home and pulled her new dresses from the closet. She had already worn two of them, but that still left the remaining little black dress. She wondered if it might be too much to wear to his home. 

“Whatcha up to?” Alyssa barged in to her bedroom and took in the dresses.

“Trying to find something to wear.” Alanna wasn’t sure she was ready to tell her sister everything.  

“You look frustrated,” Alyssa noted as she saw her distraught look.

“Yeah, a little,” she said in response.

“Is it about your boss?”  

Nodding her head, “Yea, he’s invited me to dinner at his place and I…”

“I knew it!” Alyssa exclaimed, interrupting her. “Alexander does like you! Wait, you said his place? He’s cooking?” The excitement in her voice was becoming contagious.

“I teased him about having someone else do the cooking, but he said it would be him.” 

“Okay,” Alyssa seemed to study Alanna’s face.

“What?” Alanna asked her.

“I don’t get it. He wants to cook for you and you look like you’ve lost your best friend,” Alyssa cracked at her sister’s expense. “Isn’t this a good thing?”

Pointing to her closet. “I bought three new dresses for Miami and I already wore two of them. That leaves that one…” she emphasized with her hand. “Is it too much to wear to his place? I mean, if we were going out, it would be okay, but…I don’t want him to get the wrong idea. Actually, that’s not true. I want him to get the right idea. Arghhh…this is all too much,” she finished as she collapsed on the bed.  

Lying down on the bed next to her, Alyssa took her hand. “Why is it all too much? You have a gorgeous billionaire wanting to cook for you. I think the dress is perfect.”

“But he’s my boss,” Alanna replied in frustration. “I know I keep saying it but you know how hard it was to find this job. And I just don’t know what to think of him. One minute he’s oh so very hot and the next, he’s aloof. At least, he’s been good about his behavior at the office…there’s just so much unknown and office romances never seem to work out.”

“Deep breath, sis. Why don’t you start with dinner and then see what happens?” Standing up, Alyssa walked over to the black, lace dress and held it up to the mirror in front of her. “If anything, when he sees you in this, he’ll be rendered speechless,” she teased.

Alanna laughed with her sister before turning to look at the time, “Damn, is that the time? I need to tuck my little man in and hit the hay.”

“He’s passed out on the couch,” Alyssa informed her as she hung the dress back up.

Alanna went into the living room where she found her three-year-old son passed out on the couch, just as Alyssa described. Cartoons blared in the background, but were hushed as Alanna moved her thumb over the power button.

She scooped up Roman from underneath his tiny body and supported him with her arms. She was convinced that he’d weighed as much as she did, as she struggled with him. He opened his eyes long enough to figure out who was carrying him before his head flopped against her shoulder.

Alanna walked slowly and quietly to Roman’s room where she gently deposited him on his bed. She pulled his favorite blue blanket over his body and tucked his teddy bear in next to him. Leaning over to kiss his forehead, she brushed his hair back from his face. While the circumstances weren’t ideal, her son was the best thing to happen to her.

Despite her misgivings, she couldn’t help her growing attraction for Alexander. Yet, she still wasn’t sure entering a relationship with her boss was the best decision for everyone; especially Roman.

Chapter Fifteen

Saturday dragged on at a snail’s pace and Alanna felt nervous energy as it built up in her system. She didn’t know why this date felt so important to her; perhaps it was because it was planned instead of spontaneous.

After her shower, she dressed carefully for dinner, slipping on the black lace dress, which hugged her curves. Adjusting the off the shoulder sleeves so that the top of the dress rested across her bodice, she slipped on her Louboutins and admired herself in the mirror. Once again, she decided to wear her hair down, as it hung enticingly around her shoulders and back.

She checked her makeup, pleased with her new liquid eye makeup, which enhanced her eyes. Adding a bit of blush to add some color to her skin, she finished it off with a new lipstick and her favorite perfume. Both presents from her sister.  

“Are you sure you’re not madly in love with this guy?” Alyssa asked as she whistled in appreciation.  

“I’m not madly in love with this guy,” Alanna answered adamantly. Inside, she felt like a giddy school girl with a crush.

“Was that enough to be madly in love with him?” she questioned herself. She wasn’t sure, but she knew that she felt butterflies every time she heard his name.

“Well you look fantastic, sis. All I can say is, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

Alanna snorted in response, as she stepped outside to wait for her taxi, calling out as she left, “Don’t wait up.”

Arriving at his building, she signed in and nervously took the elevator up to the top floor. She was surprised when he met her at the door.

“You are breathtaking,” he barely managed to say, as he stared at her.

Blushing, she smiled at him, “You don’t look so bad yourself,” she replied as she admired him in his navy dress slacks and light blue button-down shirt, which he had left open at the collar.

Holding his arm out, “Shall we?”

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