Russian Mobster's Stolen Wife (12 page)

BOOK: Russian Mobster's Stolen Wife
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She broke down then, softly crying into his shirt. Grigori rocked her like a child. He could not imagine the horror of discovering something so awful about her family on the heels of what had happened with his brother.

“I’m such a mess,” she moaned. “How can you stand me?”

“Nobody can be strong all the time.”

She tenderly touched his face. “You can.”

“No. Look at me. I froze earlier. If it wasn’t for you, we would be dead.” Grigori shuddered at the thought. “You are the strongest person I know.”

“You make me strong.” She sighed, snuggling closer. “I think maybe we’re just better together.”

“Does this mean that you’re completely on board with our marriage?” he asked in a teasing tone.

“As long as you can stand my family.” She looked glum.

“Your family?” he snorted. “My brother attempted to murder us.”

“My father hired him.”

“So shall we simply agree that we both have fucked up families?”

She seemed to be looking toward the front of the van. Igor and Ivan were still arguing over the fact that Ivan had gotten to sit in the front seat. Her happy sigh seemed at odds with the weird scene playing out as Anson attempted to referee.

“They’re our family,” she decided. “Don’t you think?”

He cradled her closely. “They most certainly are.”

“They’ll make great nannies for the baby.”

“What baby?” Grigori demanded loudly. He felt as though his heart had stopped.

From the front of the van, all arguing stopped.

Anson whipped around. “What baby?”

Her giggle was a welcome sound. “I’m not pregnant
. Although I suppose I could be. It’s not like we’ve been careful or anything. I was just thinking that I’d like to have babies with Grigori.”

Grigori gently turned her face up to his. Lowering his mouth, he kissed her slowly until the maddening need for her drowned out everything else that had happened. This was all that mattered.


Chapter Fifteen



Grigori watched the gentle rise and fall of Flynn’s chest as she breathed. The long, even inhales and exhales were evidence of her sweet slumber. The sun was high in the sky now, but they hadn’t gone to bed until well after sunrise anyway.

The blinds were closed, but he could still see every detail of her face and form in the glow from the bright day outside. They had gone to bed naked, and he was glad because he could have stared at her breasts all day long. Unable to resist, he put the tip of his index finger into his mouth and then used it to circle her right nipple over and over until it pebbled into a hard little point.

Flynn stirred, stretching and making her breasts bounce. Her eyes opened, and he couldn’t resist the sleepy, sexy woman who was his wife. Lowering his head, he took her nipple into his mouth and sucked hard. She gasped and stabbed her fingers into his hair to pull him closer.

“Grigori? What are you doing?”

He lifted his hand to her other breast and rolled her nipple between his thumb and index finger. She stopped talking and arched her back, pushing up into the contact. The heat of her skin brushed his, and he felt his cock leap in response. He wanted to be inside her very badly, but he wanted to taste her first.

Letting go of her nipple with a pop, he kissed his way down her body. She took a breath to say something else. Spreading her legs, he put a kiss right on the top of her mound. Any words she might have been about to say dissolved into a moan. He smiled. This was exactly what he wanted: Flynn, speechless and enthralled.

He held her sex open with his fingers. Her scent was perfect. It made his mouth water in anticipation. He blew gently on the warm flesh. She squirmed but didn’t try to close her legs. He could feel her anticipation in the way her muscles tensed. Then he gave her pussy a long lick from her opening to the hood of her clit. She moaned, long and low, and a gush of cream allowed him to eagerly lap up her juices.

He found her clit with his tongue and worked the little nub until he could feel her inner muscles clench. Sliding a finger inside her opening, he gently rubbed the smooth pad of muscle just inside. She trembled with the first blush of an orgasm that was so close he could almost taste it.

“Grigori, I can’t!” she gasped. “It’s too much.”

and he would show her.

Adding a finger, he began to slide them in and out of her pussy in a quick, even rhythm. He spread his fingers apart, stretching her and making her cry out with surprised pleasure.

“Come for me, Flynn. Right now.”

Her eyes snapped open, their beautiful color even more intense with the brightness of arousal. Then he felt something give inside her body, and she screamed his name as she came.

Grigori watched the rolling waves of orgasm overtake her and knew he couldn’t wait much longer. He twisted his fingers together inside her to prolong her pleasure. She writhed with the sensations, and he reveled in her surrender.


FLYNN WAS ALMOST certain she had died and gone to heaven. She’d never felt anything as decadent or provocative as Grigori’s tongue on her clit. Then he added his fingers to her pussy, and she thought she might go mad with lust.

Her body was in flames. Every muscle was strung so tight that she had never thought to be able to climax. But somehow the moment he had ordered her to come, everything inside her had demanded she obey without question.

The euphoria began to subside just a little, and she reached for Grigori. His hand laced smoothly with hers as he covered her body with his. It was a deeply stirring moment. Their gazes met. He settled himself between her legs, and she felt the broad head of his cock press against her opening. She shifted, willingly giving him access and telling him that she belonged to him without reservations.

The first surge of his cock inside her pussy was utterly satisfying. He filled her completely. She felt full to bursting with him and yet never wanted him to leave. Still, when he backed out only to plunge inside her once again, she gasped with joy. Each stroke sent a pulse of erotic pleasure through her body. Her nerve endings were alive with sensation, and she never wanted to stop.

Grigori went slowly. She felt almost shy as she realized he was watching every expression on her face with complete fascination. Then he lowered his mouth to hers and slipped his tongue between her lips. Their mouths mimicked the motion of their bodies. The intensity increased until she thought she might shatter with it.

Heat bubbled up inside her, sending a thrill to the tips of her fingers and toes. She lifted her legs to give him deeper access to her pussy. The new angle sent the root of his cock skidding across her clit, and Flynn was lost.

She came with a ragged cry. It was as if she had been struck by lightning. She burned for him, belonged to him utterly. He watched for only a moment longer before his own orgasm sent him over the edge of reason.

His face grew taut with passion as he thrust hard and held himself deeply within her body. She felt the heat of his release as his seed poured inside her womb. She thought briefly of their earlier discussion about children and felt the first shred of excitement in the possibilities that lay ahead for them.


GRIGORI ROLLED TO his side to avoid crushing Flynn. He settled himself beside her on the bed and rained little kisses all over her face, neck, and chest. She giggled, and the sound made him bizarrely content.

Someone knocked on the bedroom door.

“Go away!” Grigori growled.

“Sorry to interrupt.” It was Anson.

Flynn gave an irritated grunt. “We’re a little busy, Anson. Later please?”

“I wish I could, but there’s some lady from immigration services at the front door.” Anson paused, very likely wishing he could be anywhere but outside their door right now. “Should I tell her to go away or shoot her?”

Grigori and Flynn stared at each other. Immigration was on their doorstep, now? Grigori opened his mouth to tell Anson to get rid of the woman, but Flynn grabbed his arm.

“Let her in,” Flynn suggested. “If we go down there looking freshly fucked, then there will be nothing about our marriage for them to argue with.”

He thought about her suggestion for the span of two breaths and then laughed. “You are one brazen woman, my love.”

“Only because I have to be in order to keep up with you.” She rolled out of bed, pushing her tousled hair out of her eyes. “How do I look?”

“Like you just rolled out of bed.”

“Perfect!” She pulled on his discarded dress shirt, letting it hang down over her bare butt. Then she grabbed a blanket off the bed and wrapped it toga style around her body. She pointed to him. “Find a pair of sweats or something. No shirt.”

“You got it.”

And that was how they looked when they went downstairs.

Anson was struck speechless for just a moment. Then he seemed to realize that he had a task to do. “The lady is in the front room.”

“Thank you, Anson,” Flynn said warmly. “This should be fun.”

“If you say so,” Grigori murmured.

He couldn’t help but be impressed by his wife’s presence as she swept into the front room holding her blanket securely around her bare bottom. She gave the immigration officer a warm smile and held out her hand. “I do hope that you’ll excuse our lack of proper attire, but we didn’t realize you were coming today.”

“You got an email.” The woman offered Flynn a card. “I’m Tabitha Bynes. I’ll be filling out the report regarding your recent marriage to Mr. Pasternak.”

“Well then, I’m so glad to meet you, Ms. Bynes.” Flynn took the card.

“Do you usually make it a habit to be in bed at two o’clock in the afternoon on a weekday?” The mousy Ms. Bynes looked down her nose at Flynn.

Grigori hid a smile. He could have told Ms. Bynes that trying to intimidate Flynn would never work.

His wife merely narrowed her gaze and turned up the heat. “We’re on our honeymoon, Ms. Bynes. We’ve only been married a matter of days. How else do you expect newlyweds to act?”

Grigori slipped his arm around Flynn. “Calm down, my love. I’m sure Ms. Bynes isn’t questioning the validity of our marriage.” Then he offered a pleasant smile to the woman. “I apologize, but my wife has grown quite tired of people insinuating that we only married for the old green card status scam.”

“I see.” Ms. Bynes’s cheeks flushed bright pink, and Grigori knew they had her. She drew herself up. “So you’re both saying that this is a love match?”


FLYNN ALMOST LAUGHED. There was no doubt in her mind that she could have told a tale to poor Ms. Bynes that would have burned her little brain to ashes. But that wasn’t really the point.

“It’s true that I haven’t known my husband very long, Ms. Bynes,” Flynn began. “But I love this man with all my heart. I’ve never known anyone stronger or more compassionate. He’s witty and charming, and sometimes he’s an ass.” She grinned up at Grigori. “But he’s a man, so we can surely forgive that, right?”

Grigori tapped her nose and then kissed her forehead. “I appreciate the understanding, really.”

The way he looked at her made everything else sort of disappear into the background. Not even Ms. Bynes mattered right now. Flynn forgot the immigration agent was there. She forgot about Anson, Igor, and Ivan. She forgot that they were in the living room. She forgot everything but the man who held her so gently.

Gazing up into his unfathomable dark eyes, she traced his cheeks, chin, and nose with her fingertips. Then she buried her hands in his hair and drew his head down so she could kiss him. He didn’t protest, lazily exploring her mouth until the clearing of a throat recalled them to the moment.

“I’m sorry—” Ms. Bynes seemed to stop as if she wasn’t quite certain what she was sorry for. “That is to say that I don’t mean to interrupt, or I suppose that I do. I believe I have enough for my report.” She bounced up out of her chair and began backing toward the door. “Please keep my card in case you need to reach me. Mr. Pasternak, your paperwork should arrive in seven to ten business days. Please fill out the necessary forms and submit them in a timely manner.”

“Are you leaving already?” Flynn put her hand to her chest. “I feel so rude. Why, I haven’t even offered you a glass of tea, Ms. Bynes.”

“Oh, that’s not necessary at all.” The woman was already halfway out the door. “I believe I’ve interrupted your—er—honeymoon for long enough. I’ll just let you two get back to your—well, your vacation activities.”

“Thank you!” Flynn called after her. “It was wonderful to meet you!”

As soon as the front door was closed, Grigori swept her off her feet and into his arms. He gave her a hard kiss and started for the stairs. “I don’t know about you, but I’m more than ready to resume our vacation activities.”

Flynn cupped his dear face in her hands. “Then we’d better hurry, because I don’t want to miss a single moment.”



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Bought By the Russian Mobster

By: Bella Rose

BOOK: Russian Mobster's Stolen Wife
7.32Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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