Ruthless (24 page)

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Authors: Shelia M. Goss

BOOK: Ruthless
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Chapter 58
David seemed more nervous about Sheba's interview with Kandie Washington than Sheba did. He wiped his brow several times as he coached her. “Don't look directly at the camera. Try to be natural. Whatever you do, don't get upset.”
“I can do this,” Sheba assured him.
David gave her a tight hug and watched from the sidelines as she went to sit on the interview couch. Kandie Washington had decided to film her show from the Dallas location since she was able to get the exclusive interview with Sheba. The promotions for the show would send her ratings through the roof when the show aired.
Kandie walked out onstage wearing a black skirt and a gold blouse. Sheba stood and shook her hand.
“Thank you for agreeing to do this interview. You don't know how much this means to me.”
“You were my only choice,” Sheba said.
“I will ask the questions the public wants to know. I just don't want you to be caught off guard.”
“I'm ready. I have nothing to hide.”
“In that case, let's do a sound check, and we're ready to tape.” Kandie tested her microphone. She looked at the show's producer. “Are we ready to rock and roll?”
“On three,” the producer said.
Sheba held her hands tightly together as Kandie did her opening monologue. “Welcome to another edition of
Set the Record Straight.
I'm your host, Kandie Washington. Today it's my pleasure to introduce you to Bathsheba King, the wife of David King, the CEO of DM King Media. Welcome, Mrs. King.”
“Call me Sheba.”
David smiled. She remembered.
Make it personal.
“Mr. King is such a private person. So many are curious about how you two met.”
Sheba looked at Kandie. “I met David for the first time at a gala held at the Ritz Carlton Hotel right here in Dallas. Of course, he was charming.”
They both laughed. “Would you like to address the rumors that have been floating around?”
Sheba said, “Kandie, I doubt if there's anyone out there who hasn't done something they've regretted. I'm no different.”
“Did you leave your husband for David? is the question that's been on the mind of a lot of my home viewers.”
“No, I didn't. I loved my husband. David and I did not get together as a couple until after Uriah died. David was there for me when I needed him. As he would tell you, I did my best to resist falling in love with him, because of my loyalty to my deceased husband.”
“We're going to go to a commercial and be right back with Bathsheba King,” Kandie said, looking directly into the camera.
One of the workers rushed over and freshened up their makeup. The producer counted down to the end of the commercial.
Kandie continued the interview. “Welcome back. I'm here with an exclusive interview with Bathsheba King.” Kandie looked in Sheba's direction. “I've read reports that the child you recently lost was David's and not that of your deceased husband. Are those allegations true?”
Sheba sniffled. She took a tissue from the box on the table that sat between her and Kandie. She wiped one of her eyes. “Kandie, losing a child was one of the hardest things I've had to go through. Even more so than losing my husband.”
“I have kids of my own, so I can sympathize with you,” Kandie assured her.
“David went beyond the call of duty and, knowing that I was pregnant, asked me to marry him, anyway. I don't know too many men who would do that. Do you? You've seen the pictures. I was well along before David and I marched down the aisle and said ‘I do.'”
“So, was the child David's?” Kandie asked.
“If you asked David, he would say that he was. David loved him even before he was born.”
David wanted to give her a high five for how she was answering the questions. He tried to rein in his excitement until after the interview was completely over.
Kandie turned toward the camera. “Well, ladies and gentlemen, there you have it. Bathsheba King has set the record straight.” Kandie smiled and looked at Sheba. “Any final thoughts before we bring on our next guest?”
Sheba looked directly at Kandie and said, “In honor of the son I lost, I would like for your viewing audience to consider donating funds to the March of Dimes. Their Web site is
. Thank you.”
“We'll have more information about the March of Dimes on our show's Web site. We'll be right back after the commercial with one of the star players from the Dallas Mavericks,” Kandie added. Once the cameras were off, Kandie turned to face Sheba. “You did great. Thank you for being so candid in the interview.”
Sheba stood up and shook Kandie's hand. “Thank you. I watch you all the time. Keep up the good work.”
“If you're ever in New York, give me a call.”
“Will do.”
Sheba walked over to where David stood. He kissed her lightly on the lips and led her out of the studio.
As they walked, David said, “Bathsheba, you did better than great. You were outstanding.”
“So, did I sound believable?”
“You told the truth, but in a way that the audience is still left to come up with their own conclusions.”
“Great. Because I really didn't want to lie, and I wanted to protect Uriah's memory.”
They hopped in the back of the limousine. David directed the limousine driver to take them home. While enroute, David poured two glasses of grape juice. He handed one to Sheba and toasted her. “Mission accomplished.”
Chapter 59
Seven months later ...
David sat behind his desk, thinking that life couldn't get any better than it was at that moment. After Sheba's interview, she received many requests to speak. People were still curious about the wife of David King. They all hoped to learn more about him by talking to her. Sheba was able to turn a negative into a positive.
He picked up the picture of Sheba on his desk and smiled. She held her hand on her round belly. David prayed daily for a healthy baby.
“Mr. King, Reverend McDaniel is on the line,” Trisha said over the intercom.
“My main man, where you been?” David asked.
“I was in Shreveport, doing a revival at Reverend Adam Marks, Sr.'s church. I wish you could have been there to see the miraculous things that the Lord did this past week.”
“God's been working some miracles out here, too, brother.”
“Tell me about it.”
“Why don't you meet me at the Four Seasons for lunch and I'll do just that?”
“Sounds like a plan. Our regular time?”
“Yes,” David responded, while admiring the other pictures of Sheba that he had on his desk.
After the call with Nathan, David went to Wade's office. Wade was there but had his back toward the door. David eavesdropped from the doorway rather than alerting Wade of his presence.
He heard Wade say to the caller, “He doesn't have a clue.” There was a pause as he swiveled his chair around. His face turned white when he saw David standing there. “Look, I have to go. Will talk to you later.”
David strolled into the room. “Hi, Wade. I came by to see if you got the final papers we need for the deal in Tulsa.”
Wade stuttered, “I—I did, but we didn't get all the signatures needed to make things official. My contacts at the FCC wouldn't approve them.”
David now stood near Wade's desk. “I wonder why. You normally have no problems getting approval. Is there something going on that I should know about?” David looked down at Wade.
Wade seemed to cower. “No, sir. I just need to go over their heads and make it happen.”
“That's right. Make it happen. That's what I've been paying you to do.”
Wade's phone rang. He looked down at the number and then back up at David.
David asked, “Aren't you going to get that?”
“They can wait,” Wade responded.
“Get the Tulsa deal approved. I'll talk to you later.” David did an about-face and walked out of Wade's office.
David pulled out his phone and called Matthew, the head of his IT department. “I need a report on the incoming and outgoing phone calls and e-mails of Wade.”
“Yes, sir. When do you need it?”
“I need it yesterday. And, Matthew?”
“I need you to handle this yourself. Don't let anyone, especially Wade, know that you're doing this.” David's instincts told him that Wade was up to no good, but he wanted proof before deciding how to deal with him.
“Do I need to alert security about anything?” Matthew asked.
“No. I'll handle that if need be. Just get me the information, and have it to me by the end of the day. I'll be out of the office for the next few hours, so if you need me, you can reach me on my cell phone.”
David ended the call and headed to meet Nathan for lunch. Nathan was waiting for him when he arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel and Resort restaurant.
“You're late,” Nathan said.
David sat down across from him. “Dealing with a traitor. But I hope I'm wrong.” David told Nathan his suspicions about Wade.
Nathan said, “Follow your gut instincts. In this case, I don't think you are wrong. I wasn't going to say anything, but I had a dream last week, while in Shreveport, about this. I just didn't have a chance to call you.”
“I wish you would have. I probably could have done something sooner.”
“God's been beating me up because I've been slacking in some areas. Even I, a man of God, get too busy to do the Lord's work.” Nathan looked up. “But I hear you, Lord. I'm going on a monthlong sabbatical. I need some alone time with just me and the Lord.”
“I hope your sabbatical won't start until after Bathsheba has the baby. You're supposed to be the godfather.”
“When she gets ready to have the baby, you just call me. I'll be there,” Nathan assured him.
“Well, that could be any day. She looks like she's about to pop right open.”
“My friend, don't worry. I will be there. I wouldn't miss it for anything.”
David looked down at his phone and read the text message that had just come through. He looked up at Nathan. “Looks like your sabbatical will have to wait.”
Chapter 60
“Breathe in and out,” Sheba heard the doctor say as she pushed.
David held her hand. She squeezed his hand tight and yelled. David's face turned red. “Baby, you can do this,” he said.
Sheba felt this sharp pain from her head to the tips of her toes, and then, just like that, she heard the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. The cries of her baby.
The doctor said, “You have a baby boy.”
In between tears of joy, Sheba said, “Let me hold him.”
The doctor handed her baby to her.
David said, “The Lord has told me we should name him Solomon.”
Sheba looked down into his beautiful face. His skin was David's beige color, and he had David's sandy red hair. He had her eyes. “Solomon Zaid King, welcome to our world,” she said and kissed him on the forehead.
The nurse reached for Solomon. She said, “Mrs. King, we promise to take good care of your little man.”
Sheba did not want the nurse to take Solomon from her, so she held on to him tightly.
David intervened. “Baby, they have to clean him up some more and give him a thorough checkup.”
“But I don't want to be without my baby.” Sheba feared she would lose Solomon, just like she'd lost her other baby.
“Mrs. King, as soon as we get him in the cute little blue outfit your husband brought for him, we'll bring him down to your room,” the nurse assured her.
Ten minutes later Sheba and David were waiting in her private room for the nurse to bring Solomon to them.
“Do you think something's wrong? What's taking them so long?” Sheba asked. She did her best not to panic.
“Baby, the doctor has assured us that Solomon is fine. I even went over his head, and the king of doctors assured me he would be fine.”
Sheba had a quizzical look on her face.
David continued, “God, baby. God's assurance that Solomon will be fine is all that we need. So stop worrying, okay?”
Before Sheba could respond, the nurse wheeled Solomon into the room.
David said, “Can I hold him?”
Sheba gave the nurse an approving nod. A huge smile spread across Sheba's face as she watched David and his son bond. She asked the nurse, “Can you hand me my purse please?”
The nurse handed it to her. Sheba got out her cell phone and took a picture. She wanted to capture that moment on film, although it would forever be planted in the memory banks of her mind.
A knock was heard on the door before it opened. Nathan walked in, carrying balloons and a stuffed animal. “I came to check on the mother and my godson.” Nathan bent down and gave Sheba a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“We're doing just fine,” she responded.
David glanced up. “Look at my little man.”
Nathan walked over to them. “He's going to do great things.”
Solomon started crying.
The nurse said, “He's probably hungry. Have you decided if you're going to breast-feed, give him formula, or both?”
“I'm breast-feeding,” Sheba replied.
Nathan said, “That's my cue to go. I just wanted to check on you before I left to go out of town.”
“We're fine,” Sheba said as David handed her Solomon.
David walked Nathan out. When he returned, Solomon was breast-feeding. Sheba rocked him back and forth.
“Look at his little hands and his little feet.” Sheba couldn't stop admiring her little baby.
“He's perfect. Just like his mama,” David said as he stood near the bed.
“He's a greedy little something, though, because every time I think he's through feeding, he won't let go.”
“I guess he gets that from his daddy.” They both laughed.
After they were assured that both mother and child were in good health, the doctors released Sheba and Solomon from the hospital. David had hired a nurse to watch them both, and she was waiting for them when they arrived home.
The butler helped Sheba up the stairs, while David held Solomon.
“We're glad to see you and the baby,” the butler and other staff declared once they had reached the top of the stairs.
David said to the staff, “No one is to come around Solomon if they are sick. Even if you have a slight cough.”
“Yes, sir,” was heard from all the members of the house staff.
Sheba sat on the bed and had David lay Solomon in her arms. She couldn't keep her eyes off her little bundle of joy. She felt something wet coming from his diaper. She laughed out loud. “The joys of motherhood.”

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