Ruthless (6 page)

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Authors: Gillian Archer

BOOK: Ruthless
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Just when I thought I couldn't take it for one more second, Zag stilled and threaded his hand through my hair. He made a fist and pulled my head back. My scalp burned where he tugged but he quickly soothed the ache as his lips moved against my ear with his harsh whisper.

“So fucking sexy. Wanna stay inside forever.”

His breath in my ear made me shiver and my pussy clasped him convulsively.

“Nuh-uh.” Keeping one hand threaded in my hair, Zag popped me on the ass with his other. “You trying to make me come by clamping down on my dick like that? No cheating. You know what I do to cheaters?”

“Oh God,” I whimpered. I couldn't help it. When he slapped my ass, my pussy fluttered around his cock.

“Thought I told you last time—not God. Just Zag.” He slowly withdrew, even as my pussy tried to hold on to him. Once only the head was still inside me, he thrust shallowly into me, never giving me the grinding friction my body craved. “Now answer the question: What do you think I do to cheaters?”

I groaned as his teasing thrusts kept me wanting more. His hold on my hair and hip wouldn't let me move. I couldn't take control and finish it already. I got the message. “Whatever you want.”

Zag chuckled. I felt the vibrations against my neck and deep inside me. My skin broke out in a wave of goose bumps and I shivered. Zag groaned. “Cute. But not the answer I was going for.”

He kept up his shallow thrusts and I groaned in frustration. “I don't know what you want!”

he punctuated the word with another spank. “Want.”
. “You.”
. “To answer.”
“The fucking.”

Even though he wasn't giving me the deep thrusting I'd been enjoying only moments ago, the blend of pain and pleasure had me quaking around his cock and at the edge of a precipice. He must've sensed my imminent orgasm because suddenly he froze inside me.

“Well?” he practically shouted.

“Uh…y-you'll punish me?”

“Fuck yeah.” Apparently pleased with my answer, he gripped my hair tighter and thrust full force into me.

My sigh of relief quickly morphed into a whimper of pleasure as two thrusts later I went over. My eyes rolled back into my head as the most intense pleasure I'd ever felt rolled through my body. My nerve endings sang as my pussy convulsed around Zag. This orgasm was more powerful than my first. A few seconds later the room echoed with his roar.

My orgasm was so intense, I might've blacked out for a few seconds, because the next thing I knew we were laying in a sweaty tangle of limbs on my sofa. My chest shuddered as I fought to catch my breath. I huffed and puffed for a few moments, then grinned drunkenly up at Zag. “Wow. You really know how to show a lady a good time.”

I'd meant it as the largest of compliments, but a shadow clouded his eyes and he looked positively ferocious.

“I, uh, um…Zag, what's wrong?”

He stood up and reached down for me. “Nothing I want to fucking talk about. Which way to your bedroom?”

I pointed the way and let him carry me back to my room.

Chapter 7

UNE 11

Unlike the first time, the next morning I woke up staring into a pair of golden-brown eyes.

And I didn't know what to do.

Honestly, this was the last thing I expected. Shouldn't he have left by now? Zag hadn't struck me as the morning-after cuddling type.

“Morning,” I whispered.

He closed his eyes and grunted before rolling onto his back, then away from me.

Well, okay, then.

I tried not to take it personally, but he was in my bed.
. Not his or some random hotel room's. To be honest I didn't know how to feel about last night, but judging from his grumpiness so far, this morning was going to be strange and awkward until he got his ass out of my bed and onto his bike. I was starting to doubt if last night's sex was really worth this morning's awkwardness.

Oh, who was I kidding? It so was.

With as much dignity as possible, I escaped stark naked to the bathroom and tried not to look behind me. I didn't want to know if he was watching my jiggling ass. It wasn't my best side, especially in the harsh morning light—I really should've closed my shades last night. I slammed the door behind me and went through my morning ablutions as slowly as possible. I even brushed my hair and flossed. Unable to find anything else to do in order to waste time, I pulled on a robe and reluctantly decided to face the music, and hopefully my empty bed.

But instead I walked smack dab into a hard chest the second I opened the door. Zag pushed past me with another one of his grunts and slammed the door behind him.

“Help yourself,” I muttered to the empty air around me. I grabbed some clothes and hopped down the hall, still pulling my pants on. Hopefully Zag would get the idea when he returned to the empty bedroom. Fun time was over; leaving time was now.

Deciding the best option was hiding in the kitchen and watching the coffee percolate, I did just that. Only once the blessed scent of coffee permeated the room did I relax slightly. Still, it would take at least three cups and one empty house before I felt remotely on kilter again. I liked to present a tough, have-all-my-shit-together façade to family and friends, but that didn't mean I didn't have moments of weakness.

Or a whole night of weakness.

And being confronted with said weakness when there weren't any dark corners to hide in?

Ugh. Pass.

I didn't want to examine my feelings about last night. I just wanted a cup of coffee and a few moments of peace before the real world intruded and brainpower was required. I'd just finished pouring my coffee when I heard the telltale thumps of his approaching footsteps. Definitely nowhere to hide now.

I still couldn't hold back my flinch when he grabbed me by the hips and pulled by body back into the cradle of his. His stubble scraped against my cheek as he gave me a little kiss, right before he stole my coffee. Like out of my hands stole my coffee. I only had the time to stare at my empty hands in amazement before I heard a telltale slurp.

“Fuck, that's hot.”

I pulled away from him and turned to face him. “Yeah, it's hot. It's hot because I just made it and poured myself a cup. That you just stole. What the hell is wrong with you? You don't go around stealing coffee cups from unsuspecting people. I didn't even get to have a sip.”

Okay, so maybe I was unleashing my frazzled nerves on him. But he stole

Zag just raised his eyebrows and stared at me from above his—and what used to be my—coffee mug, then took another deliberate slurp.

I glared back at him and got another cup. I had to look away while I poured my coffee, which was when he made his move. The second I put the pot down, he grabbed my free hand and tugged me into his arms again.

“No screwing with you before your morning coffee. Got it.” His lips rasped against my temple and I couldn't resist the urge to melt into his embrace just a little bit.

So we just stood in the middle of my kitchen, me in his arms and neither one of us talking. I sipped my coffee and tried not to obsess about what this meant.

But I quickly lost that battle.

it mean? Anything? Nothing? Were we dating? Did bikers date? Was I one of many? My mind replayed that “everyone working tonight” thing he'd said last night. Who was “everyone”? Women? Or just some of his biker buddies? I couldn't think of a way to bring it up without sounding like a deranged, clingy girl.

So I said nothing.

Something about having this huge, slightly menacing man in my kitchen was oddly comfortable. Which was the exact opposite of how I'd felt earlier when I hid in the bathroom. I'd thought we were too different. Although there was actually very little I knew about him. Outside of the bedroom, my knowledge of him wasn't much.

Apparently we both survived on coffee.

That thought left me with a slightly happy glow. Like somehow our common love for coffee bound us in a way that two nights of hot and sweaty sex couldn't. Whatever. Sometimes being a girl was overrated.

Zag rested his head on the top of mine for a moment. “As nice as this is, princess, I gotta get. That bike isn't going to wire itself.”

To be honest, I wasn't sure what he meant. Either he was going to hotwire a motorcycle or something else entirely. I was afraid to ask.

I turned in his arms and put my cup down on the counter he leaned against. Looking up into his eyes, I had a hard time reconciling this quiet, stoic man with the one who took me in a whirling storm of sensations and a tinge of anger last night. Still, I couldn't hold back my whispered “I had a good time last night.”

Zag bent the extra few inches in our height difference and took my lips with his. And just that quickly I was reminded of how potent this man was. His lips moved over mine with such a seductive allure that every thought flew from my head. All I could do was kiss him back.

Until Zag pulled away with a disappointed groan. Or at least I hoped he was disappointed. I sure as hell was.

“Dammit. I wasn't kidding, princess. I really do need to get going.”

I nodded even as I leaned in for one more quick kiss. “What? Go. I'm not stopping you.”

Zag's husky laughter had me shivering in response. God, this man was sex personified. And I was weak. So weak I was leaning in for another kiss before I knew it.

“No.” Zag laughed against my lips. “I gotta get going, princess.”

“Fine,” I huffed. Honestly I was a tad bit insulted. Who walked away from such a blatant come-on?

“Jessica?” The voice of my other best friend Emily rang through the house before the sound of the front door slamming had us jerking apart. “You didn't answer the door so I let myself in. Do you know there's a bike in your driveway…” She trailed off as she came around the corner and into the kitchen.

“Hey, Em,” I greeted her weakly when she stopped in her tracks, swinging her big blue eyes between myself and Zag. Although there wasn't a huge distance between me and him, his presence was an anomaly that had Emily gaping. I weakly cleared my throat. “We, uh, didn't hear your knock.”

“I see that.” Her gaze continued to ping-pong between me and Zag. I could practically see the question swirling around her head. “I guess I should leave.”

“No, I'm the one leaving. See you later, princess.” Zag bent his head and gave me a short peck that he punctuated with a swat to my ass. Then he nodded to Emily and walked away. His booted footsteps were overly loud in the otherwise silent house. Not even the sound of the front door closing behind him had me relaxing.

Actually, it made the situation more awkward.

I tried to dodge the looks Emily was throwing me. Of course, a few seconds later the roar of his motorcycle filled the house. I didn't flinch, but Emily jumped and sent me another searching look. I picked up my coffee mug and took a few sips. Finally, when I couldn't take it another second, I gestured with my mug. “Can I get you a cup?”

“Oh my god. Is that really all you've got to say?”

I rolled my eyes. “At this time of the morning? Yes.”

“Morning? Jess, it's almost noon. And are we not going to talk about Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Sexy?”

“Whatever. I haven't even had a cup of coffee yet. It's early for me. I'm not even technically conscious until cup number two.”

“That's not what I'm talking about. What the hell is going on with you and…What is his name, anyway?”

“Zag,” I muttered, ducking my head into my mug.

“Zag. Right. So what's the deal? Are you guys dating? How long have you been seeing him? Details! I want details.”

I gaped at Emily. I couldn't believe
was what she wanted to know. When Nicole found out about Zag, she was all full of judgment and recriminations. Emily was honestly just curious. Of all the reactions I thought she'd have, this wasn't one of them.

“I—uh, I don't know. It's complicated. This was the second time I've seen him.”

Emily's eyes widened but she just nodded. “He seems…nice. A little handsy, but nice.”

Dear Lord, if she only knew. But I wasn't the type to go into gritty details. There were some things I just really wasn't comfortable sharing, bedroom antics being one of them. So I just nodded. “But I wouldn't say that to his face. I have the feeling Zag has a reputation and would take that as an insult.”

“Noted. So are you going to see him again?”

“I don't know. I thought we were a one-and-done kinda thing. We hooked up last weekend after my date from hell.” I had filled Emily in on the bare-bone details of the suckfest that was my blind date with Charlie when I met up with her and Nicole at Mackay Mocha House the morning after. I'd just left out any and all references to Zag. Given how Nicole had reacted to Zag, I didn't want to go through a repeat with Emily. “But then Zag called me last night out of the blue…so we hooked up again.”

Emily nodded slowly. “So you want to see him.”

“I don't know. I mean, I don't know what we are. I don't think we're dating. And I've never been in a fuck-buddy situation. It's either one and done or a relationship. I don't think I could keep all those girlie feelings separate. Eventually I'll want more, and Zag doesn't strike me as the more type.”

“Or he could surprise you. Those broody types tend to run kinda deep.”

I shook my head, then drained my coffee cup. It was way too early for such a deep conversation. I held up my mug and inclined my head in offering but Emily shook her head. I shrugged and poured myself another cup.

“I don't know. It's way too early to figure out my life right now.”

“Is it too early for lunch? Because we're supposed to meet Nicole in ten minutes.”

My head swung to the tiny clock on the microwave. “Crap. I forgot. Sorry. I can be ready in five.”

Emily laughed. “No hurry. You know Nicole—she's not exactly Ms. Punctuality. We've got time.”

“Right. Yeah. I knew that.” I took another bracing slurp of coffee, then looked at Emily. “But—uh, when we get to lunch, can you leave out any mention of Zag? Nic wasn't exactly supportive of my hookup with him. I really don't want to go through all that again.”

“It's in the vault.” Emily mimed locking her lips with a key. “But you know if you and Zag do turn into something, you will have to tell Nic eventually.”

“Big if.”

Emily just raised her eyebrows and shook her head like she knew something I didn't know.

“Whatever. I gotta change.” As I walked down the hallway, I tried not to think about Zag, what the state of our relationship was, or the way he took me so fiercely in the living room and again in my bedroom.

Well, two out of three wasn't so bad.

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