Read Sabre Six : File 51 Online

Authors: Jamie Fineran

Sabre Six : File 51 (3 page)

BOOK: Sabre Six : File 51
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“Hey! Aren’t you big strong Irish folk meant to drink the home brew?” He put down his glass.

“I would do, but it tastes like shit.” I did laugh.

The girl at the bar looked like a cheap trout! She had more make-up on than a street
hooker begging for cash. Just looking at her made me love my wife that little bit more.  She wore a low cut top with tight denim jeans. Her highlights needed a good going-over: I could see her black roots. If it wasn’t for the fact I was having a drink and working, I’d have run a mile.

couldn’t help himself, though, checking her out constantly. He had a thing for women, they seemed to love him and fell at his feet like begging dogs. I raised my eyebrow at him, and he gave a big grin back and raised his glass. After my fourth pint, my beer goggles had kicked in. An old lady sitting near us looked rather fetching. I was definitely feeling more than a bit intoxicated!

“Michael, let’s have a few proper
drinks. What do you say, mate?”

“Now that sounds like a plan!”

As I downed my shot of vodka Killeen’s mobile phone rang with a seriously fucked-up ring tone. To this day I have no idea as to what the fuck it was!

No more
than thirty feet away from me, standing propped up against the exit door to the hotel, Killeen turned his back. I started getting anxious: maybe it was time to drop him. At the same moment, a news flash came on the TV.

“Bomb Blast
, Paris – 10 Dead, Hundreds Injured – Al-Qaida Linked.” Killeen smirked and walked back over, full of beans and as polite as ever.

“Sorry about that
, mate. Business – you know how it is!”

I went for the killer question!

“What’s that then? You doing any dodgy deals in the building trade? Ha-ha!” I smirked.

omething like that, yes! Oh, and what a shame that bombing! Those poor people! Who’d ever do such a thing?” There was no trace of remorse. He was obviously a very clever man.

“Come on then
, boyo – let’s get some more in then!” Killeen was in a better mood now.

Sounds good to me!”

e – two – three, and down those drinks!” We both opened our mouths and sank them down. They were fucking disgusting but good fun.

“I need to find a job
, mate I need to support my family. I can’t live on the wage I’m on now, it makes me sick!”

“How much are you on?”

“You don’t want to know; it’s embarrassing, mate. Anyway, isn’t it rude to ask!”

“No, go on!”

“I’m on £1100 a month net. I can barely live on that mate. Times are bloody tough.”

“Michael, do you want to work for me?” I was gobsmacked by the question.

“Sorry mate, what did you just say?” I was pissed as a fart.

“I said, you deaf sod, do you want to work for me?”
Killeen was looking deep into my eyes. I felt a little uncomfortable.

“Doing what?”

“Oh I’m sure I’ll figure something out. You’re a builder aren’t you? So, I’ll pay you double what you’re on now. Does that sound good to you, mate?”

“Well then, yeah!
I’d be honoured mate, thank you mate.” I had found a good way in. I knew that once I saw Stan
he’d be chuffed to pieces.

“Right lad, let’s knock this game on the head and meet up in the morning. I’ll
explain about the job over breakfast.”

“Sounds good to
me, buddy.” We both put our glasses on the bar and walked off back upstairs. Within minutes of closing the door to my room someone knocked quietly. I told them to hang on as I was now in my underpants. When I opened the door expecting Killeen, there stood the girl from the bar.

, wrong door. Where’s your mate?”

“Next doo
r, love.”

For the next hour, my neighbour
’s head-board was banging against my wall so hard I couldn’t sleep. It sounded like Killeen was having a great time.


I woke up at 06:00hrs, before my alarm went off, and jumped in the shower. Looking over at the door to make sure I was alone, I picked up my mobile and rang my darling wife.

, love! I have to be quick. Just wanted to tell you I love you!”

, darling. Are you alright, my love? Fran misses her daddy!”

“I bet she does. I’ll be home soon baby, I promise. We’ll go away somewhere for the weekend as a family. Maybe up to Yorkshire, do a bit of walking on the Moors.”

“Sounds nice. I could do with getting away, Michael.”

“How’s Griffer?

“Yeah! He’s ok.”

“I’ve got to go now
, baby! I’ll text you soon.”

“Ok Michael. Keep safe!” I hu
ng up the phone, and turned round to find Killeen standing at my door!

mate, how’s the head?” Killeen nodded at me.

“Just had a cracking shower! My sister just rang, wants me to stay at hers! Don’t women panic!”

He didn’t look convinced at all. Had I blown it? Bollocks!

I have to shoot off, some flap or something at the office, so I can’t do breakfast, sorry mate.
You going to be alright for a place to stay?”

“Yeah buddy, I’ll be fi
ne. Don’t worry about me, mate!”

“Anyway, I’m off.
I’ll put my address and details down here by your shirt.”

“Yeah, cheer
s buddy!”

“Give me a bell and I’ll sort you out with that building job.”

“Ok matey, see you soon!”

closed the door behind him. My fucking head was killing me, so I downed two painkillers.

I read the note
Killeen had left by my shirt. He seemed rather keen! If I’d blown it, he’d have run, and definitely wouldn’t be giving me his address and the chance of a job! I quickly rang up Stan with my good news.

“I’m in there
, mate – I’m really fucking in there!” Stan was lost for words. It had taken a long time to get someone as close as I had. He hated the idea but couldn’t afford to fuck this up!

“You know it makes sense
, Rodney, you know it makes sense!”

“You’re a bloody idiot
, Michael!”

“Love you
, Stan!” He put the phone down on me.

I told Hannah that I’d be back within two days maximum, and that I had a bit of business to attend too. She knew the score
: she’d been an army wife for far too long, but not just an army wife – the wife of an SAS soldier.


I called Killeen the next day and he asked me to come to his address. I caught the bus to Stratford train station, flagged a taxi down and gave the address to Killeen’s place. The street was filthy, covered in graffiti and some gang slang. There was a chippy, and a launderette full of women washing their family’s clothes. Every shop was owned by foreign immigrants selling everything from Halal meat to a range of international cuisine. It was very concerning indeed as regards the way the country was going. This was the capital of England but it did not feel or smell like it.  I soon found the right place – a nice little town house – walked up the steps and banged on the door.

“Hello! I’m here to see Ryan.” A tall male looked down at me from
the large black door.

“What’s your name
, fella?”

ll him Michael’s here.”

He invited me inside, and I was shown into
the living room.

“Hey, Michael!” came Killeen’s voice. “T
ake a seat; I’ll be down in a bit. Make yourself at home.”

He must have been upstairs. Without warning, two masked men came burst
ing into the room, followed by a smiling Killeen. One of them smacked me to the ground with a single blow to the face. The other stood next to me with a metal bar against my throat, a warning in case I got a little fiery.

“You think we’
re stupid Michael, don’t you?”

“Ryan, what’s happening
here? What have I done wrong? I thought we were friends!” I acted dumb.

“You really think I’m stupid
, don’t you Michael?” Killeen sniggered in my face.

, I don’t think you’re stupid, Ryan. What have I done to offend you?”

He walked up to me and slapped me across the face. I felt angry with myself for getting caught, I was in a very tight corner. The IRA were renowne
d for kneecapping their victims; either that, or cutting their fingers off as a warning. I, on the other hand, was going to get a fucking good beating.

“Ok! Ok! Stop! Ryan, what do you want from me? I can explain!”

He stopped to look at me. “Explain what, Michael?”

“Why you think I’m here! Is that want you want to hear?”


“I lied about my wife!
It was a bluff!”

“Why would you lie
, Michael?”

“I’m desperate to feed my family
, mate. I need work urgently; we’re skint, mate! Please give me a chance!” I could tell that Killeen didn’t trust me anymore.

“I’m nothing
, Ryan, nothing. I don’t work for anyone. I have a family and work in the building trade. That’s all Ryan!”

“You! Go and bring out the drill.” One of his men went under the stairs and retrieved a battery drill. He placed a battery
on the drill and gave it to Killeen. He turned the drill on and gave it a good rev-up. One of his men tied me up and filled my mouth with newspaper so I couldn’t scream. The drill got closer and closer to my eye.

“Are you going to talk
, Michael? Are you going to tell me what I want to hear?” The drill came closer. I was shitting myself. I had to think quickly. It was either do, or die!

As Killeen came closer
I booted him really hard in the groin whilst head butting the man next to me. I caught the wanker right in the face. They both went down like a bag of spuds, but it was the other fucker that hit me. I hit the ground like a right cunt. I woke up half an hour later when one of the masked men was stubbing his fag out on my arm. I let out a big old yelp. The newspaper was falling out of my mouth, and it tasted disgusting.  Then I was hit again, this time from the back.

“Hi, how’s the head Michael.” For a moment I
’d thought I was dreaming there. It wasn’t until Killeen appeared in front of me that I realized that I wasn’t dreaming: this was all real!

“You think you’re
so clever don’t you, ya Brit wanker?” I kept quiet. Not saying a bloody word.

“Tell me everyth
ing Michael, be a good old chap! Is it really worth dying for?” I looked into his eyes.

“Yes Michael, have you something to say?” By now the newspaper had disintegrated totally leaving my mouth free to talk and breath
e. “Ryan!”

, Michael?”

“Fuck off
, you fucking cunt! Go and eat shit, you Mick Twat!”

“Pick him up! Fucking pick him up!”

They dragged me by the arms into the kitchen, where I noticed a length of rope hanging from the ceiling. They tied me up by my feet and arms and pulled the rope. By the end, I was hanging upside down from the ceiling. They had made a makeshift torture chamber in the kitchen! Killeen was laughing frantically with the others. He gave one of them the go-ahead to punch me as many times as he could within one minute to the face and body. I felt one of my ribs break as he did so, and I spat blood in his face, which didn’t go down too well. Killeen disappeared for a couple of minutes, then came back into the kitchen with the drill.

“Ryan, what are
you doing mate? Calm down mate; come on! We can talk this over, mate?”

“It’s too late now
, MATE! You’ve had your chance.”

stood there giggling like a child.

“Come on
, lads – give me a fair fight! Cut me down and give me a chance! One-on-one like men? Come on, lads! Hey, what do you think?”

Killeen looked into my eyes. His face came closer and closer. “Fuck off, you Brit wanker!”

I was
shitting myself. “Guys, come on! I’ve got a kid, a little girl – look in my wallet! Come on, please!”

Killeen walked outside. “Do what you like; make it as painful as you can! Just fucking do him.”

“Ok boss, all sort
ed. See you tonight at the club!”

“Yeah, see you later
, Boss!” Killeen left the building, and left
with the two gorillas.

“Lads please, com
e on, give me a chance! I’ve got plenty of money – I’ll give you the fucking lot.”

“Shut the fuck up!” One of the boys pulled out a Browning 9mm pistol and put it against my head. I could feel
the cold metal pressing into my flesh.

BOOK: Sabre Six : File 51
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