Sacred Bloodlines (8 page)

Read Sacred Bloodlines Online

Authors: Wendy Owens

Tags: #Fiction, #Coming of Age

BOOK: Sacred Bloodlines
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A day ago he was safe, miserable and unhappy, but safe.  Now, horrors worse than he could have ever imagined wanted him dead.  

“Quiet,” Michael bellowed raising his hand and again a hush fell over the room.  Even in his fear, Gabe couldn’t help but be impressed by the respect Michael commanded.  “The safest place for Gabe to be is among us.  Who better to protect him?”  Michael looked down at the ground for a moment, a solemn look on his face.

“My brothers,” Michael continued.  “I am not concerned about being discovered.  We are well hidden and I have faith in our clerics.  What I do fear, however, is who I believe is leading the charge.”  Michael looked up and around the room.  “The Oracle asked to speak with me earlier.  I have spent some time with her today.  I fear the news is not good.”

“Tell us Michael, what did she say?” A silvered haired man in the corner requested respectfully.

“Yes, Michael, tell us.” A younger man across from him parroted.

Michael’s face grew quite grim and in a somber voice he said, “It’s Mammon.”  Just those two words resulted in shrieks and gasps.  Gabe thought back to the book he had been reading earlier.  The name was familiar but Gabe could not place it.  He wished now he had brought the book with him so could look up this villain who had a man as great as Michael concerned.

“I know, I know,” Michael said raising his hands again.  “Please, everyone calm down.  I know it’s frightening but this is no time to panic.  Mammon’s minions are about a two day’s hike from the manor, but even with their proximity there is no indication they have been able to penetrate the incantations.”  

Gabe watched the men as Michael spoke.  When he looked back at him, he realized Michael was staring at where he was perched behind the door.  

Gabe feared Michael knew of his presence.  He thought he should try and sneak away before being caught, then Michael continued speaking.  Gabe couldn’t resist the urge to stay and see what else might be revealed.  

“If I am correct and they don’t know where we are, time is all they need.  We must prepare.  We need to make sure each of the students are aware of what’s coming.”

“What of Gabe?” one of the men asked.

Michael looked at the men; they were nodding, anxious of what the plans were for the newest arrival.  

“Why don’t we ask him?” With those words, Michael motioned to the door and the men once again erupted.  

“Gabe, won’t you join us?” Michael said raising his voice above the chattering room.

Gabe froze.  He debated if he should turn and run.  He could act like he hadn’t heard anything, like he had never been there.  Clearly Michael knew of his presence.  He decided he would feel like a fool running at this point.  

Taking a deep breath, Gabe stood and stepped into the room, every eye closing in on him in an instant.  At first a silence fell over the room as the men watched him.  Though a few steps in, Gabe began to hear whispers around the room.  As he came to stand in the middle of the room, he was enveloped by the mutterings of the men and He felt his legs grow weak.

“Gabe.  Please, come.” Michael said, extending his arm.  Gabe approached, with his head bowed and eyes on the floor.  Michael reached out, wrapping his arm around Gabe’s shoulder.  He pulled him in to stand next to him.  

“Gabe here has had quite an eventful first day with us.”  Michael said addressing the room of gentlemen; a few responded with a nervous laugh.

“Gabe,” Michael said as he motioned around the room.  Gabe made an effort to count how many people were in the room.  With all eyes fixed on him, he had trouble concentrating.  He did notice that two women were present.  “I would like you to meet the Elders of The Guardians.”  Gabe smiled and nodded in polite recognition.  He shifted his feet and did his best to focus on not passing out, which he thought might occur at any moment.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Gabe and I have much to discuss.”  Michael said to the large group, leaving Gabe’s side and opening the double doors wide.  “Please give us time to discuss the situation.  We will meet again shortly.  In the meantime, I need you all to begin readying your students and start preparations for Operation Phoenix.”  

The elders scurried from the room.  Some grasped Michael’s hand, muttering, “his will be done” or “blessings be on us” as they exited.  Gabe watched as two of the younger gentlemen helped Anthony to his feet and he hobbled around the couch.  Michael quickly crossed the room over to Anthony where they exchanged a few hushed words.  Anthony frequently glanced over Michael’s shoulder in Gabe’s direction.

Feeling light headed once again, Gabe stumbled a few steps back until he felt himself pressed against the large desk.  Thankful for the support, Gabe rested his weight against the massive piece of furniture, bracing himself with one hand.  

Anthony gave the men helping him carefully worded instructions.  Rather than exiting, they helped the injured man as he limped over to Gabe.  When Anthony came to rest in front of Gabe, he stood as much as he could without assistance.  He took in a deep breath as he pulled back his shoulders and lifted his chin.

Gabe realized how misleading the reflection of Anthony had been.   Anthony was a very large and fit man.  His arms were muscular and well defined.  For fear of becoming ill, Gabe gave every effort not to look at Anthony’s wounds, which at this point, had become thick from coagulated blood.

“Gabe,” Anthony said with a slight wince as he extended a hand to shake.  Gabe quickly responded with his hand, shuffling his feet and leaning forward in case Anthony needed assistance.  “I just wanted to introduce myself and meet the great and powerful Gabe Harwood that we have been hearing so much about.”  

Gabe thought he detected some sarcasm in Anthony’s voice but decided that he was imagining things.  After all the man had been severely injured.

“I don’t know about powerful but I am Gabe.”  He replied, continuing to shake Anthony’s hand and flashing a smile.

“I guess we will see, won’t we?”  

Anthony’s words unnerved Gabe a little, almost as if he were threatening him in a way.  Anthony quickly followed in a more pleasant tone.  

“It’s nice to meet you.  I’m Anthony. I’m sure we will see more of each other soon, but for now I have a date with a healer.”  Anthony smiled as the men at his sides quickly moved in, taking a tight hold of his arms and to help him to the door.  Gabe just stood there as he walked away, unsure what to make of the meeting.  Michael walked Anthony out.  The two of them again whispered in hushed tones.  

When they reached the door, Michael stood up straight.  Placing a hand on Anthony’s shoulder, he said clearly, “We’ll talk soon, be well.”  With that, Anthony disappeared into the hall with his escorts.

During Michael’s and Anthony’s exchange, Gabe found himself beginning to wonder what the name, Operation Phoenix meant.  He was entranced by the impressiveness of it.  

Michael leaned into the hall and motioned for one of the nearby men to assist him.  Michael grabbed his hand and held onto it for a moment.  The man stumbled back and looked at Michael curiously in response.  Gabe realized it was the unpleasant looking man he had seen outside Michael’s office.  

“Please send Uri in right away.”  Michael whispered.  The man looked back at Gabe, emotionless.  He nodded to Michael as he left.

“Shall we?” Michael asked motioning to the couch.  Gabe shuffled his feet across the emblem in the floor as he followed Michael.  “Now, I don’t encourage my students to eaves drop.  Considering you are not yet a student, I suppose we can let that slide.”  Michael added smiling ironically as he sat in one of the side leather chairs.  

Gabe sat on the couch, unsure what to say; ashamed he had been listening at the door.  He felt his desire for answers made it understandable.  

On the table in front of them, Gabe spied an old metal bowl that was trimmed in decorative paintings of fruits.  The water inside was a deep red and bloody rags draped over the side.  When Michael saw where Gabe’s eyes where fixed, he quickly hopped to his feet, removing the bowl and bloody scraps.  He deposited them out of sight on the far side of his desk.

Walking back over, Michael tapped a kettle with his fingertips that was perched in the fireplace just above the flames.  First checking the handle for temperature, Michael grabbed for a rag that was on the mantle and pulled the kettle out of the flames.  Walking over to a nearby side table, he set the pot on a small towel that was folded on the table top.  Also on the table there was a small stack of delicate tea cups, saucers and a mini crystal bowl overflowing with sugar cubes.  “Tea?”  Michael asked lifting the pot again and pouring the steaming liquid into the cup closest to him.  

Gabe wasn’t normally a tea drinker, but he wondered if it might calm his nerves.  He nodded to Michael who poured a second cup.

“Gabe, I’m not exactly sure how much you heard.  We find ourselves in a situation.”  Michael explained, walking slowly and carefully back to the seating area with the two cups.  Placing one cup on the coffee table in front of Gabe, Michael turned and took his place in the other seat.  Michael said nothing as he shifted his weight back into the chair and began sipping the hot beverage.  Gabe mimicked his actions, taking a sip of the tea.  Cringing at the bitterness, he remembered why he wasn’t a tea drinker.  

At last, Michael continued.  “I know there has been a lot of whisperings around here.  I’m sure you have heard your name mentioned.”

Gabe nodded, “I am rather curious.”

“I know we haven’t had as much time to talk as I would prefer.  I’m sure you have a lot of unanswered questions.  This morning I was called away to speak with someone very important.”  Michael explained.

Gabe sat listening carefully to Michael’s words, holding the cup of tea up to his lips.  He allowed the steam to fill his nostrils.  

“Unfortunately we don’t have a lot of time, so I need to get to the point quickly.”  Michael continued.  “You’re a Guardian Gabe.  That is the truth.  We have been looking for you for a long time.  We want you here with us no matter what happens.  I know it’s hard to understand but we view you as family.  You’re a member of the Sacred Bloodlines.  Nothing will ever change that.”

Michael paused for a moment, staring into his cup until he finally added, “What I haven’t told you about Gabe, is your destiny.”

Gabe laughed at Michael’s words a little.  It was silly to hear someone speak about destiny when used in relation to him. 

“Yeah, destiny,” Gabe replied sarcastically.

Michael hastily leaned forward, setting his cup on the table.  He looked into Gabe’s eyes intensely. 

“Gabe, I’m serious.  Our Oracle has shared a prophecy concerning you.”

“Whoa!  Wait a second.  Oracle?”  Gabe asked, feeling goofy repeating the word.

“She is another weapon we have been given to fight the evil that plagues Earth.”  Michael expanded. “Our Oracle has told of a day when a great prophet would be born’ a prophet that would guide countless souls.  Upon the prophet’s death the end of days will be ushered in.”

“What does that have to do with me?  I can tell you, I am no prophet.”  Gabe insisted.

Michael chuckled, “No, you’re not.”  

Gabe was shocked and confused.  He had expected Michael to try and convince him he was this person he knew he was not.  Instead Michael just agreed with him.

“But you are very important.”  Michael continued with a smile.  “There will be a great battle between good and evil to find this prophet.  According to the Oracle you are destined to be his protector.”

“Me? A protector?”  Gabe questioned.  “I am not a protector.  I can barely take care of myself.”

As Gabe set his cup down onto the table, Michael reached over and placed a hand on his.  “Many of us are more than we realize.”  

In that moment as Michael spoke, Gabe was able to see the wisdom in Michael’s years.  He commanded a presence of honor that was hard to put in words.  Gabe found himself believing he could be several hundred years old.

Michael sat up, pulling his hand away before continuing.  “We have a good idea of what has happened.  Mammon has never been able to even come close to finding our location in the past.  We think that when Uri brought you and Sophie back, you were being tracked.”

“No,” Gabe quickly defended.  “I asked.  He used some kind of cloaking spell.”

“Gabe,” Michael replied calmly.  “Nobody is blaming anyone here.  Uri is strong, one of my most advanced pupils.  It is a hunch that it was about then when the demons found our scent.  I do not believe they know our exact location as of yet.  They do not know how to penetrate our protection spells.”  Michael paused for a moment and then added, “Not yet.”

“Yet?” Gabe asked, trying not to think about the night he arrived.  Attempting to push it from his thoughts, only brought the regret closer to the surface.  He wished he had been able to help Uri instead of passing out.  He felt weak and useless.  Everyone was in danger now because of him.  The same theme he had seen played out over and over again in his life.  Gabe felt sorry for these people who thought he was some sort of great protector; he knew they would be disappointed.

Michael explained, “Mammon is powerful and will not stop until he has found a way to get to you.”

“Me?” Gabe exclaimed, feeling a new sense of panic.

“You were born to be the protector, it doesn’t matter if you believe it or not.  Mammon believes it, as do his soldiers.  If they kill you, they believe they can find and destroy the prophet.”

Gabe’s head was spinning.  He was certain he was no protector.  Now he finds out Hell’s army is hunting him down.  Gabe was consumed by what sounded like blood swooshing around in his skull.  He took a deep breath trying to calm himself.

“Are you alright?”  Michael asked.

“Michael, are you sure this Oracle’s prophecy is about me?  I mean, maybe she saw the wrong person.  I bet it’s supposed to be someone like...”  

Gabe thought about everyone he had met, seeking a more likely candidate.  

“I bet it’s Uri or someone like him. I’m telling you, it’s not me.  It’s not possible.”  Gabe insisted.

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