Sacremon (Harmony War Series Book 1) (51 page)

BOOK: Sacremon (Harmony War Series Book 1)
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The bouncer’s eyes flicked away from Moretti and looked around, looking for anyone else.

“Come in,” he said in a hurry, opening the door enough to
let Moretti in.

Moretti walked in, the bouncer closing the door and locking it. Moretti noticed the pistol that disappeared into their coat.

“For the sake of harmony,” The bouncer said.

Great, one of the religious nuts,
Moretti thought.

“For the sake of harmony,” Moretti said in response.

The bouncer smiled and waved an arm towards the rear of the bar.

Moretti saw other bouncers sitting in the bar, they hosted a number of weapons.

“It seems the all have endowed us with better gifts than I thought possible,” Moretti said, their guns were well made, none of the homemade crap he’d seen. Which meant they had a manufacturing base, with skilled workers to carry this out.

The bouncer indicated for him to open his arms, Moretti did so, the bouncer patting him down.

“These are nothing compared to the toys they’ve given to some of the other sects. We will all do our part, for the sake of harmony,” The bouncer said with a crazed shine to his eyes.

“For the sake of harmony,” Moretti repeated, he’d spent weeks making sure he got the religious doctrine down as he worked his way through the lower ranks. He’d proved his ability by getting various supplies and killing a few city officials put into place by the CEO’s. Moretti had killed before for his mission, killing was just a small part of it.

He served a higher purpose, a smile almost rose to his lips at the thought of Selvra’s reward when he gave the spymaster his report and cut the religious cancer from Masoul and possibly the entire technical sector.

He followed the bouncer to a rear room, down a hidden ladder and into a simple room with a table.

Four others sat around the table, Moretti focused on remembering their faces and ticks. He would be finding them again very soon.

“Let us have a seat,” an older man in a simple worker’s garb said, the ones in uniforms and higher class clothes following their lead.

Interesting, I didn’t think the higher ups were from the lower ranks as they said. It would allow them more freedom away from the CEO’s eyes.

“Tomorrow the operation will begin. Our rebellion will be given breath and we will show the EHC the error of their ways. We shall show them the destruction of greed and the will for peace and sharing.” They looked around faces somber and nodding with determination.

“Tomorrow?” Moretti asked, he didn’t know of anything happening tomorrow.

The man, his electricians uniform saying he was called Harper gave a chilling smile that reached his hungry eyes.

“Tomorrow we will remove the EMF threat from our system and give our people the time they need to see the truth of Harmony,” Harper said.

“For the sake of Harmony,” The others chanted, Moretti one of them, keeping a perplexed rather than anxious look on his face.

“Do not worry brother,” Harper said his smile now warmer. “All will be revealed. I have a mission for you and your people as well.”

Most would have felt their start racing with pride, Moretti showed excitement but felt dread.

Shit, looks like these fuckers are moving faster than I thought.

“Please tell me so that I might blot the greed out from our system and return to us Harmony,” Moretti said, leaning forward with hungry eyes.

“You’re going to blow up the cryo-pods in the East sector of windswept city,” Harper said, a proud and pleased look on his face, as if telling his son, he was proud of them.

Moretti, sat back in wonder, this time his emotions were only half feigned.

Blowing up the cryo-chambers, that will mean that none of the people who don’t want to be in this rebellion will be able to escape it.  There will be real civilians in the middle of this all, and nowhere for them to go. If they die, the companies will die out on these planets unless they start mass colonization. They seem to think they have a way to get rid of the EMF carrier’s waiting at Strike Station.

“When?” Moretti asked, coming back to reality in a matter of moments.

“Tonight, Seza you will have west sector.” And so he went around the table, Harper giving people their target buildings. He grabbed bundles of honest to god paper from a desk behind him and handed them out.

Moretti took his and started reading, his eyes picking up important information while he tried to look ecstatic.

Inside the cold feeling he had felt was growing. The technology that it was going to take to complete his objectives was listed and categorized. He had originally thought the group random and confusing. Now he saw the reality of that façade. They kept the chaotic ones out and operating, spreading information as they did. Then they used various filters to pull out the useful agents, give them direction and send them off.

From the information, it looked like they had more than just the lower workers with them, they had a few CEO’s and powerful ones.

“We shall announce our presence tomorrow; in four days we will have supplies needed to fight those that will try to stop our Harmony.” Harper looked around the room.

“For the sake of Harmony,” Moretti chorused with the others. He needed to report in, hopefully Selvra could warn the EMF about the plot.

“Go and carry out your holy missions,” Harper said, giving them that same pleased/proud smile.

They nodded nervously, happy to be carrying out their religions orders.

After all, if they die then they will be granted a place in paradise where they are treated like they are CEO’s. Those that are greedy are sent to a life of punishment.

They got to the bar upstairs, all of them being given a submachine gun and magazines. Moretti fumbled with it a bit, smiling sheepishly as he hid it in his waist band. It was uncomfortable but he’d deal with it later.

He braced himself and walked out of the bar, others flowing after him in every direction to carry out their orders.

Moretti picked his pace up, if anyone from the order saw him, they’d probably just think he was nervous, or excited.

He went through the myriad of tunnels that connected the towers of the city. Masoul’s never ending storms meant that no city could be built on the planet’s surface. So the colonists had built down instead of up.

After he was sure he had lost anyone tracking him, he uploaded the information to a small disk hidden in his shoe. He stepped over a grate with information cables under it. The disk was released from his shoe by a command from his implants.

The disk connected to the cables, it had made connection and was working.

Within ten minutes it was connected to the FTL array and firing an encoded message to Nivad Selvra’s assistant Dalia.

Thank you for reading Sacremon, hopefully the first in the Harmony War Series. I write books that I hope people are interested in, if you enjoyed Sacremon and would like me to continue the story, please let me know!


You can check out my other books, what I’m working on and upcoming releases through the following means:




Michael Chatfield


Thanks again for reading





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