Sacrificed to the Dragon (8 page)

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Authors: Jessie Donovan

BOOK: Sacrificed to the Dragon
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As he soared south, he placated his dragon with thoughts about Melanie’s soft, warm body pressed up against him. Or how her mouth had felt like silk against his tongue. His dragon hummed in appreciation and pressed Tristan to fly faster. The dragon wanted to see the human’s curves in the flesh.

His dragon was a persistent bastard, but one of the upsides of having a dragon-half was that it would give him incredible stamina, allowing him to fuck Melanie for as long as it took to impregnate her. Once that was done, he could go back to his life and not be faced with seeing the human on a daily basis. Provided, of course, he could prevent his dragon from forming a long-lasting attachment.

While he’d keep Melanie at arm’s length once she was pregnant, he wouldn’t be as harsh as Neil had been with Cait; he would avoid insulting his human and would always protect Melanie and his unborn child against any threat. But Tristan wanted to prevent his inner beast from forming too much of an attachment to Melanie because the mate claim frenzy was dangerous. The more his dragon grew attached, the less his human-half would be able to deny his beast. His honor and duty would prevent harming the human, but there was no way in hell he wanted to be mated to one for the rest of his life.

His sister was still suffering years later because of the damage caused by humans and their greed.

Soon, he was gliding down to the landing area inside Stonefire. Once he was on solid ground again, his inner beast roared. His female was here, and she was fertile. They needed to find her. Other males might already be trying to take her.

Tristan reassured his beast they would find her, but first, they needed to be in human form.

His dragon retreated a little, and Tristan imagined his wings retreating into his back, his forelegs straightening, his talons turning into fingers, and his stature shrinking back to his six-foot-three height. The pain of the shift and change of his body was as natural to him as breathing, and within a few seconds, he was in human form again, naked as the day he was born.

A male approached him and his dragon sneered, but soon calmed down. He was the only male who could deal with him right now and not end up a bloody mess on the ground. Bram was clan leader; even his dragon deferred to Bram’s position and slightly greater dominance.

When his clan leader reached him, Bram’s expression was unreadable. “Are you under control?”

His dragon paced inside his head and said,
Our female is waiting. Why are we stopping? Can’t our leader see how much we need our female? She will give us young, which will help the clan. We should go. Now.

, he told his dragon. It didn’t really calm the beast, but allowed Tristan enough control to answer Bram coherently. “Barely. Is Melanie ready? And make it quick, Bram. I don’t want to lose complete control of my beast.”

“She’s ready and willing. Still, all I ask is to keep your human-half in control for as long as you can. While Samira talked to her, I don’t know if Melanie truly understands what’s about to happen to her.”

His dragon growled.
Our female is waiting. Go to her. Now!

Tristan grit his teeth, fighting the urge to leave. “You know I’ll try. But I need to go before it’s too late.”

Bram nodded. “Come see me when it’s done.”

He nodded and half-jogged toward Melanie’s cottage. His beast kept repeating. “
Female. Now. Hurry
.” Over and over inside his head.

He reached her cottage and with incredible effort, he managed to stop at the door and knock. His dragon roared, but Tristan said to his beast,
Wait a bloody second.

Thankfully, the door opened. Melanie stood before him in a fluffy white bathrobe. Her eyes widened. “Oh. It’s you.”

Now. Now. Now. She is fertile. We must fuck her.

Not yet.
Tristan said through gritted teeth, “You’ve been told what will happen. I’m not sure how much longer I can keep my dominance over my dragon. I need to know: Are you willing?”

Her eyes were a mixture of emotions, but he was too far gone to recognize what they were. He barely heard her reply when she said, “Yes.”

“Thank fuck.” He rushed at her, tossed her over his shoulder, shut the door, and made a beeline for the bed. He tossed her down and her robe fell open to reveal a silky blue nightie that barely covered her tits and pussy.

Ours. Take her. Now.

Tristan listened to his dragon and covered her soft body with his naked one. He would explore her warm, womanly curves later. For now, he reached between her legs and ran a finger through her slit. She was wet and swollen for him, and his hard cock went even harder.

He ripped her nightie to pieces and grabbed one of her lush, ample breasts, rolling her nipple to a hard point. When she let out a moan, he was at his limit. Tristan positioned his cock and thrust into her in one, swift motion.

At the feel of her warm, tight pussy around his dick, his dragon hummed.
Yes. She is our female. It’s time to make her understand that.

But his human-half was in enough control to lean down and kiss her first. He pushed his tongue into her sweet, warm mouth, exploring every inch. He started to move his hips and the human moaned into his mouth before he felt her hands on his shoulders.

He ran his hands down her soft sides until he reached her wide hips. He tightened his hold so she would stay in place as he started to pound harder. In and out. Flesh slapped against flesh.

Female. Ours. Take her. Harder.

But it wasn’t rough enough for his beast. The dragon wanted to own the female’s pussy; let her know she belonged to him.

To please his dragon and do exactly that, he broke their kiss. When he looked into Melanie’s green eyes, the lust and desire there shot straight to his balls.

His human and dragon halves growled in unison and he tightened his grip on her hips. The need to fill her with his seed was overwhelming. Without it, she couldn’t bear his young. And his dragon wanted this female to bear its young.

He moved faster and faster until the pressure built, and with a few more quick thrusts, he stilled as his dick spent inside of her, each spurt and spasm giving him a higher chance to impregnate her and prevent the other males from stealing her away. While she carried his child, his scent would be branded into her skin.

As he finished, the chemicals of his semen caused Melanie to cry out in orgasm. His dragon hummed, urging him to flip her over and take her all over again from behind.

Our female. Again. Fuck her.

His human-half was still in control by a thread, and Tristan moved to Melanie’s breast, aching to taste her hard, pink nipple before the dragon took over and thought of nothing but fucking the female until she carried their young.




Melanie had expected Tristan to show up on her doorstep, but she hadn’t been prepared for the way he’d tossed her on the bed, ripped her clothes, and started pounding into her like nothing else mattered.

Just the sight of his naked body and hard cock when she’d answered the door had sent wetness rushing through her legs. Him tossing her over his shoulder and pressing her breasts and nipples against his back had only aroused her further. So when he thrust his thick, long cock into her, it slid right in, filling her in a way she’d never felt before; full to the point of almost pain.

He was rough and demanding as he fucked her, but the sensations of his hard cock inside her, his tongue twining with hers, and his rough hands gripping the skin of her hips made her forget about anything but the pleasure.

Then, as he stilled, she actually felt each hot spurt of semen inside her, quickly followed by the most intense orgasm of her life.

She didn’t know how long she’d been spasming with lights dancing before her eyes before she felt a wet, hot mouth on her right breast. Tristan teased her nipple with his teeth before sucking it deep in his mouth and swirling the tight bud with his tongue. She let out a cry and raised a hand to his head, threading her fingers through his thick, dark hair. She murmured, “Tristan.”

At his name, he released her nipple with a pop and looked up at her. His pupils flashed to slits before returning to round; the dragon was close to the surface. In a growly voice, he said, “Again.”

Since any man she’d been with before had needed time to recover before going another round, she said, “More sex? Already?”

He nodded as he palmed her breasts and squeezed. Since they were already heavy with desire, the pressure of his fingers on her tender flesh sent a shock to straight between her legs.

She should be sore and tired, but she felt surprisingly full of energy. And a small part of her wondered what the dragonman would do next. His need to mate must be rubbing off on her; she was hornier than she’d ever been in her life.

She said, “I’m willing, Tristan. Take me again.”

He growled and leaned back on his heels. His posture gave her a chance to stare at his thick, still hard cock. How all those inches had fit into her in the first place, she didn’t know. However, for reasons she couldn’t explain, she desperately wanted—no, needed—to feel it inside her again.

Tristan growled, and between one second and the next, he flipped her over on the mattress. His hands caressed her large, squishy buttocks. His touch was rough and warm, and each slow brush of his fingers was deliberate and made her feel treasured and desired.

She knew most men liked a big ass to go from behind since it gave them a cushion, but Tristan’s caresses made her feel like he’d been waiting for an ass like hers his entire life.

Then his hands reached beneath her hips and pulled up her body until she was on her knees with her ass in the air. She refrained from asking questions since Samira had told her that when the dragon was mostly in command, it rarely replied. The inner beast was all about instinct and sensation.

Speaking of which, Tristan ran a finger through her folds and she arched into his touch with a moan, the roughness of his fingers causing a wonderful sensation along her slit. She was rewarded with a slap on her left cheek. The slight stinging pain sent more wetness between her thighs.

Tristan ran his fingers up her folds and circled her clit repeatedly. The almost-touch made her nerves throb and ache. To try to relieve it, she moved her body to try to catch his fingers on her clit. But Tristan’s reflexes were faster, and he moved out of the way. She decided to try another tactic to relieve her frustration. She whimpered and wiggled her rear end.

He rewarded her with a pinch to her clit and she cried out. But before there was enough pressure to give her an orgasm, he released her.

She ached to the point of pain. If he didn’t fuck her soon, she felt as if she’d burst. She whispered, “Please.”

He slapped her other ass cheek. “Female. Ready. Now.”


And without preamble, he thrust into her with one swift motion. She fisted the sheets in her hands at the intrusion. In this position, the fullness was almost too much to handle.

Then he started to move. His hands were now on her hips, guiding her forward and back against his cock, his rhythm picking up pace until his balls were slapping against her clit with each thrust.

If she’d thought he’d taken her rough before, then now was downright brutal. He was in complete control of their rhythm and the movement of her hips, but she loved the feel of his hairy legs against hers, the pure male dominance of his touch as he pulled and pushed her hips against his. She would be bruised later, but right here, right now, she didn’t care about anything but her next orgasm.

For a second, she wondered what had happened to her; she wasn’t this sensual, demanding creature. Then Tristan slapped her right ass cheek and she moaned, gripping the sheets tighter in her fists. She was so close.

Tristan let out a roar as he stopped pounding and held her firmly against his cock. Again, she felt the heat of his seed and she was blinded by another intense orgasm. If Tristan hadn’t been holding her up by her hips, she’d have fallen over.

Then all too soon, Tristan pulled out and she felt empty again. She must’ve made a noise, because Tristan flipped her on her back and said, “Again. Now.”

His pupils were flashing between slits and round globes. The dragon was insatiable.

And yet, despite how exhausted she should be feeling after two wild bouts of sex, her core throbbed, wanting more.

Then Melanie did something she’d never done with a man before, and bent her legs up before running a hand to her clit. As she stroked it, she purred, “Yes. Again.”

Without warning, Tristan pushed her legs wider and thrust into her again. Somewhere in the back of Melanie’s mind, she wondered if she could be killed by too much sex because it was certainly looking like that might happen.




Chapter Three




“Melanie, wake up.”

Melanie turned her head into her pillow. “I’m tired. Go away.”

Someone shook her shoulder. “Melanie.”

She was awake enough now to realize it was a female voice speaking to her, which meant it wasn’t Tristan-slash-dragon waking her up for more sex. She peeked open an eye and saw it was Samira.

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