Read Safe From the Fire Online

Authors: Lily Rede

Safe From the Fire (14 page)

BOOK: Safe From the Fire
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I’m not wearing a shirt.

he muttered, “I didn’t expect company.  Let me put on a shirt and then we can

that was going to be fun, but if he was going to get tossed to the curb, he wanted
to at least be fully dressed at the time.  It didn’t matter that fireworks
exploded any time they touched.  What sane woman would want to be with a man
who scared her?  Trying not to let his frustration show on his face, he started
for the stairs.

bother.  You’re just going to have to take it off again,” she said.




FROZE AS GRACE slipped off her glasses and set them on the entry table, dropped
her jacket to the floor, and pulled off the clip that held her hair back,
letting it tumble around her shoulders in luscious purple ribbons.  She slipped
out of the black Mary Jane’s on her feet, kicking them away as a confused surge
of excitement coursed through his body.


read about you,” she said, “about your knee, about your father…”

jaw clenched.  None of that was a secret – hell, it had been in the fucking
papers – but it was humiliating that she now knew how he had failed to save his
mother, and that buried deep inside was the potential to turn into a monster
like the one he’d grown up with.  As if last night weren’t enough.

thought if I was careful, then I could get past – ”  Matt stopped, defeated.

took a step toward him, and then another, shaking her head.

don’t believe you’d hurt me.”

don’t know that.”

stopped a couple of feet away.

you ever hit a girl or someone who couldn’t defend themselves?”


grabbed a girl so tightly you broke a bone?  Ever screamed at her in public or
threatened to hurt her or put her in the hospital?”

no,” Just the thought had nausea rising.

was still watching him closely, and apparently, whatever she saw satisfied her,
because she nodded.

then, I think I’ll deliver a stern reprimand and a reminder that I know how to
handle drunken pricks who grab my ass in a bar, and we’ll move on.”

struggled to make sense of what she was saying, but her hem had shifted,
revealing the lacy tops of her thigh-high stockings and a sliver of creamy


if I can’t trust myself, Grace?”

have to work on that.  Meanwhile, I’ve considered all the facts and I’ve
decided that for the moment, I can trust you enough for the both of us.”

frowned and was about to ask her what precisely that meant, when she shocked
the question right out of his brain by reaching for the hem of her dress and
pulling it up and off over her head, tossing it by her shoes.


was a struggle just to breathe with Grace standing before him wearing nothing
but pinstriped thigh-highs and a violet-tinted camisole in something gossamer
and sheer that cupped her sweet breasts and ended in garters that made him want
to drool. The transparent fabric did nothing to really hide candy pink nipples
or the delicate cleft at the apex of her thighs.

it?” she asked, turning slowly to give him the full effect, and the impact of
violet gauze grazing the most stunning ass he’d ever seen was like a lightning
bolt of lust straight to his groin.

groaned.  She grinned.

not allowed to tear this one off because I just bought it and a few other
little things, and I’m going to be living on noodles for the rest of the month
to pay for it.”

closed the gap between them.  Matt held his breath, still frozen.

have to peel it off, very carefully.  Anything else,” she whispered, “anything
you’ve ever dreamed about…”

didn’t touch him, just stood there, waiting.

for instruction,
he realized, and reeled.  His tongue felt thick and blood surged through his
veins as arousal clutched him with sharp talons.

me,” he managed, taking a fucking huge leap of faith.  His voice was guttural,
clouded with lust, but pleasure flared in her eyes before her lashes dropped
and she sank down.

should feel wrong, but the sight of Grace kneeling in that gossamer nothing,
reaching for his waistband, was the most intensely erotic thing he’d ever

is what she likes,
reminded himself.   Hell, he wasn’t exactly protesting at the moment either,
but he didn’t dare touch her, not yet.  He clenched his hands at his sides and
held still as she slowly undid the button and carefully tugged the zipper
down.  He wasn’t wearing underwear and his cock sprang free, fully erect and
throbbing, and she gasped.  Still following instructions, she pulled his jeans
down and they both moaned when his damp crown brushed her petal-soft cheek as
she worked the denim off his legs.

wrapped a hand around the base of his dick to anchor himself.

pictured you just like this,” he gritted out, “Hold still.”

able to believe she wasn’t running for the hills, he positioned the throbbing
head at her mouth and carefully stroked her lips with the fat crown, spreading moisture
as her excited breaths bathed him in heat.  When her lips were glistening and
they were both breathing hard, he tilted her chin up until her eyes met his,
dark with pleasure.

the camisole down and clasp your hands behind your back.  I want to watch your
nipples tighten while you suck me.”


WAS GOING TO self-combust.  She knew it was just a matter of time.  She wanted
to lick his essence off her lips, and her tongue darted out for a tiny taste of
musk and salt.  She moaned, futilely pressing her thighs together to assuage
her throbbing clit.

that was worse.

scrutinized her and deduced the problem.  With a tight grin, he murmured,
“Knees apart, Grace.  As wide as you can get them.”

on the inside, Grace did as he asked, splaying her thighs before tugging the
straps of her camisole down and pushing the fabric down to her hips.  The
position stretched the tendons of her thighs and spread her pussy lips, not
allowing any relief for her throbbing core.  With a whimper, she laced her
fingers behind her and shook her hair back, arching slightly.

incredible,” Matt muttered, his eyes a blue inferno that raked her from her
mouth to her jutting nipples to her clit, and positioned his cock at her lips
again, “Let me feel your tongue.”

and thick, with a fat, heart-shaped head flushed dark, his cock rose proudly from
a neatly-trimmed thatch of golden hair over a heavy sac.  Grace felt Matt jerk
as she swiped her tongue over the velvet head, nearly groaning as his hot taste
filled her senses.  He held himself rigid, his abs trembling as he let her
play, let her explore the wide collar, the tiny slit, and the veined shaft.  He
choked when she lowered her head to rub her cheek against his balls, and
hurriedly tucked a finger under her chin.

me off, Grace,” he ordered, his voice a thread of sound.

complied, and the broad head slid past her lips, which quickly stretched around
the rock-hard shaft.

good,” Matt murmured, his voice setting off pleasure along every nerve ending. 

hesitated for a moment, and then gently slid his fingers into her hair as Grace
started moving, taking him to the back of her throat and drawing back with firm
suction to swirl her tongue around the head and stroke the sweet spot
underneath.  Again and again until his thighs shook, the taste of him heady,
the feel of his thick flesh against her tongue deliciously naughty and oh so

nipples are like tight little pebbles, so pink and sweet.  And I’ll bet your
little clit is hard as a rock.  You must like sucking my cock, Grace.  Should I
come for you?”

sucked a little harder and he groaned.  God, she loved this.  Offering up power
and control to someone, getting it back by giving him enormous, mind-blowing
pleasure.  She was going to come without a single touch to her aching clit. 
Matt stroked her hair, when she would have asked him to tug it lightly if her
lips were free.  Just the thought had a trickle of moisture sliding down her
thigh.  He was fucking her mouth now, gently, his hips rocking seductively,
still too controlled, but
, he was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen.

perfect,” he bit out and came in a rush, his body tense and sheened with sweat
as he filled her mouth, watching her swallow, her lashes fluttering down.  He
groaned as she continued to hold him between her lips, stroking the still-hard
shaft with a leisurely tongue until he jerked away, panting.  She licked her
lips, taking the last little bit of him with relish, and he moaned.

couldn’t walk if she tried, but she didn’t have to because he hauled her up and
swept her into his arms, taking the stairs two at a time up to a masculine
bedroom she barely got a glimpse of before he tossed her on the bed.  He flipped
on a low table lamp and then stood there for a minute, looking down at her
sprawled on his mattress.  She tried not to squirm as he watched her, and was
relieved when he sprang into action, leaving her stockings in place but
unhooking her garters and stripping off the pricey camisole to gently drape it over
a chair.


me your pussy, Grace,” he ordered, turning back, and she clenched hard at the
demand and then slowly spread her thighs, reaching her arms up so that her
breasts lifted.

knelt at the foot of the bed and cupped her ass, pulling her hips to the very
edge, so close that his hot breath gusted over her folds.  Holding her gaze, he
traced her slit with the tip of his tongue and she bucked.  He steadied her
with a hand on her abdomen and then stroked her inner thighs with big, warm
hands, still gentle, still careful when she needed him harder.

Matt, I need – ”

little pussy, so swollen and pretty.  I like you bare like this.  I’ll be able
to see every detail when I sink my cock into this tight little sheath.”

bucked again, desperate.

need your mouth, Matt.  On me, God, please – ”

grinned, lightly teasing her pussy with gentle licks, savoring her taste but avoiding
her throbbing clit, until she was ready to scream.  He might need a lesson or
two in letting go, but there was
she could teach him about
sexual torture.  The man was a fiend. 

disobedient.  You’ll get my mouth when I think you’re ready.  Play with your
tits for me, sweetheart,” he murmured and slid his palms under her ass, using
his thumbs to open her further.  He flicked her clit a few times to get her
attention before stroking his tongue down through her slick folds and plunging
it deep inside for the naughtiest tongue-fuck she’d ever had, slow and deep and
wet.  Grace writhed against him, pinching her nipples hard, unable to stop the
breathy moans he pulled from her as he drove her higher and higher.

first orgasm crashed into her like a freight train, and she reached down to
grab his head, desperate for an anchor, but he didn’t stop, only licked his way
back up to her swollen clit, sucking it into his mouth like a piece of candy. 
He layered pleasure on top of pleasure until she was coming again, the second
orgasm rolling over her like a summer storm, and she cried his name as she shattered.


COULDN’T KEEP THE grin from his face as he kissed his way up Grace’s body as it
trembled in the aftermath of her orgasm.  He nuzzled her navel, tasted the dip
of her waist, and finally introduced himself to the sweet nipples atop the
perfect little handfuls of her breasts, one after the other, until they were
flushed dark and tight and glistening from his mouth.  Then he kissed her mouth,
slow and deep, trying to make her feel cherished, to make her realize what an
incredible gift she was giving him.

she murmured, opening chocolate eyes that brimmed with satisfaction.

was proud of himself.  Despite a few close calls, he’d managed to keep himself
in check, keep his hands gentle, keep his moves deliberate.  He was hard enough
to pound nails again, but he could do this.

okay?” he asked as she arched underneath him, a searing press of skin from
chest to groin.  He was careful not to crush her, though she strained to pull
him down.

be better if you’d fuck me already.  You don’t have to be so careful, Matt. 
I’m not going to break,” she breathed, sliding demanding hands down to his ass
to pull his hips more firmly against hers.

dick jerked against her, nudging her swollen clit, and her breath caught.

BOOK: Safe From the Fire
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