Safe With You (29 page)

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Authors: Sophie Lira

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“Jesus, Tash! Wasn’t it a few grand?” She can’t give him her money for school. Olivia would be madder about that than her going to see him.

“But wait, there’s more!” I can almost see her wince. “He kept saying
all of it
. Like emphasizing it over and over.”

“Shit, he meant Tyler’s cut too, didn’t he?” A cascade of sweat forms on the back of my neck. “Where are you?”

“In the apartment with Marcela. Kyle, I don’t have that kind of money. From what Olivia just told me, it would be like fifteen grand total! I swear I didn’t know. I would have never done that. Braden’s going to kill me if I don’t hold up my end. He’s not going to wait until he’s out. He’ll send someone to collect.”

“You didn’t tell Liv you went, did you?” I swallow, the acidic bile still remnant.

“No, of course not. I mean, I barely held it together, but I didn’t tell her.”

“Relax, sweetheart. I’m sure it’ll be okay. Let me talk to Marcela.” I shove my feet into a pair of flip-flops and yank open the door to go see Olivia and Tyler downstairs.

“Hey,” Marcela, Cam’s cousin, says, wavering through a shaky breath.

“Call one of the guys from the gym. Just tell them to crash there until Cam gets back tomorrow night. Let me call him, though.” I incessantly jab the button for the elevator. “Marcela, don’t do anything stupid if something happens. I know you can hold your own, but please, call the cops if something happens. Don’t go all
Xena Warrior Princess

She laughs. “I know, Ky. I’ll talk to you soon.”

Just like when Natasha was carjacked, Cam doesn’t pick up his phone. I know he’s looking at the progress of his uncle’s new gym, but he knows what’s going on lately. I only hope when he finds out what Natasha did, and Braden’s subsequent reaction, he doesn’t do something five times worse.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Moving On





The dreary waiting area at the New Orleans police station is raw and smells like mold. Los Angeles is a thing of the past and I hone in on the good memories of the sunshine, to-die-for Mexican food, and attempting to surf at Huntington Beach.

Tyler was able to give the LAPD even more information on the little drug ring festering in Long Beach. He’s still deep in hiding somewhere in the San Fernando Valley and refuses to come out east. I’m not surprised they suggested he go farther off the grid for a while, as far away as he can. Tim’s roommate from law school lives in Montana, so I think Tyler will become a cowboy or something.

I’m glad he’s going. While I’ll never completely disown him, I need some time. This has rocked my world in a way I never anticipated. He was the last thing I expected to be the reason why Braden showed up on my birthday.

But, Braden still won’t give up
he found out where I’d be that night.

At this point, I don’t want to know. Nor do I care.

My foot swings as I cross my legs, watching the clock tick seconds away. I’m holding on to the manila folder of the charges I have against Braden and Miles with white knuckles. Every time I breathe deeply, my chest constricts with the worst anxiety I’ve ever felt in my life.

Natasha sits across from me, picking her cuticles, and sighs. “I thought Tim said this would be quick.”

I stand and shuffle over to her, plopping into the plastic chair. “Maybe they had more questions for them?”

She shrugs and leans her head on my shoulder. The tailored dress shirts and suit pants we have on complement our sky-high heels. I wanted to be professional and give the aura we won’t take shit from anyone. In reality, we’re both big disasters inside waiting for this all to be over. Ever since we came back from California, Natasha’s been quieter than ever. I have no idea if it’s just catching up with her now, or what.

At least Cam promised us milkshakes after we finish.

I might have six this time.

Tim pushes the door open and crosses the room. He sits next to me and squeezes my hand. “Hang in there, kid. They’re almost done.”

This is so bad. So much worse than I thought. I’m beyond naïve. I was downright blind. I should have put all of this together when I found out about Miles.

“Did Braden give up
?” Natasha takes my shaking hand.

“Nope.” Tim takes my files and puts them in his briefcase.

The thought of testifying against Braden makes me want to crawl under a rock. There’s nothing more I want in life than to see him rot for eons in a six-by-six cinderblock box. But he thinks he’s above the law. He also thinks he’s smarter than everyone. Why he won’t take the plea bargain is beyond me. He knows damn well if this goes to trial he’ll probably be found guilty.

I feel as stupid on some levels. I still have no idea how I didn’t see him change over the years. How I didn’t realize I was a convenience for him. Maybe it’s because I was naïve and all I wanted was something constant in my life. Braden was affectionate enough on the good days to make me feel like I mattered. Maybe the blind ignorance is what screwed me and he capitalized on it.

I should be the Empress of Shitty Life Choices.






Kyle reaches over and shuts off the light on the side table before sliding down the bed, never moving me from his arms. This morning was draining. My head is pounding and the thought of adding anything else to my list of problems makes me nauseated. Dale snuggles into the crook of my arm and I hold him close. I need a vacation. A real one. If all of this legal crap weren’t an issue, I’d pick up and leave now. At least I have the comfort of my adorable puppy and my sexy boyfriend.

Kyle sighs and his arms tense before he kisses my neck. “I have an idea, but I don’t want you to think—”

“Just tell me.” I glance back at him and peck his lips.

Within minutes, I’m naked and soaking in the gigantic, egg-shaped whirlpool tub in the bathroom. Bubbles inundate the surface. A chalk-like sphere the size of a pool ball bobs throughout the water, creating fizz and more foam in its wake.

“This smells incredible.” I sigh, letting the slow massage from the water jets knead the tension from my limbs. Delicate petals of dried lavender, ylang-ylang, and chamomile float throughout the water, remnants from the chalky orb.

Kyle kisses the side of my head, running idle patterns along my arm as he sits on the floor next to the tub. “My mom is obsessed with these things. I think they’re called bath bombs.”

“It’s lovely. I can’t believe I’ve never taken advantage of this tub until now.” The bubbles in the scorching hot water froth and twirl as I turn the jets higher. But something is missing to make this perfect. I shift in the water, turning toward him, and take his face in my palms. “Come in with me, please?”

Kyle’s eyes turn from concerned to blazing lust instantaneously, whether he realizes it or not. “Are you sure?”

“Of course. The only time I don’t want to run away from the world is when you’re with me.” Despite feeling cheesy, the confidence he gives me dismisses the thought as fast as it came. “I’m mildly shocked you didn’t suggest it to begin with.”

“I didn’t want to push my luck.” He stands, taking off his shirt and throwing it into the sink. I love every inch of his tight, muscular body and I still can’t comprehend that he’s mine. He pads over to the door, locks it, and pushes a button on the control panel on the wall.

“What’s that?” I inquire, probably blushing soul deep as his basketball shorts drop to the floor, revealing a skin-tight pair of white boxer briefs.

“Floor heater.” He smirks as my jaw hits my chest. “I usually turn it on before I take a shower.”

“Such a prince.” I wink at him and scoot forward.

He climbs in and settles me between his bent legs. I twist, taking the sides of his face, and kiss him softly, my tongue barely grazing over his.

“If you keep that up, you’re going to start testing me, beautiful.” He smiles against my lips, lifting me up and placing me on his lap, facing him fully.

“Start testing what?” I counteract, grazing my hands lower down his torso. “Last time we were in a bathroom together, I saw stars in the best way.”

Shaking his head, he grabs my hands before kissing my knuckles. “I don’t want sex to cure everything with us.” My fingers run through his now damp hair as he leans into my touch. He lifts me again and places me between his legs. I settle into him as I concentrate on my breathing and not the other things I’m feeling.

“Tell me about this …” My fingers run over his tattoo sleeve, starting at the pink and brown cherry blossom tree on his shoulder. “It doesn’t look like something you randomly picked.” The detail is impeccable and the lines wisp with such clarity it looks like it was painted with a brush and not thousands of needle points.

“It definitely wasn’t.” Kyle smiles and shifts me in his arms. “When I was little, my grandmother would watch me while my parents were at work. She spent as much time with me at Little League as I did carting buckets of flowers into her shop.”

I link my fingers through his, grateful for the distraction, and move closer to him.

“When she passed away, I was devastated.” The grayscale vines and leaves mute next to the vibrant flowers. “Guys on my team at UNC gave me so much shit about it. They said that I should have gotten something more badass. I didn’t give a fuck. My parents are amazing people, but she’s the one who really drilled my outlook on life into me.”

“Her name was Iris, right?” I sigh, running my fingers over the biggest purple flower on the underside of his bicep. Even though I doubt he’d be irritated I saw the envelope on his counter months ago, I’m playing dumb. I know this is important to him and I don’t want to ruin the moment.

“Yeah. My mom loves birds of paradise and hibiscus, so I got these for her.” He rotates his arm again and points to orange and magenta flowers with such detail they look as if they’d permanently glisten with the water dripping down his arm.

“What is that? Those lines? They look like … ” I run my fingers down a vine with slash marks. In the dim light, it’s hard to see if it’s texture or my imagination. “They’re baseball stitches. How clever.”

He laughs and gives me a big hug. “You’re the first person to ever notice them.”

“See, this is why you love me!” I giggle as he plasters my face with short pecks. Water laps over the side of the tub and we both ease into a steady stream of kisses that warms me to my core.

“Yours is pretty fucking hot, too.” He runs his hand along my side. “Coupled with that purple lingerie set you were wearing before … ”

“You like it?” I twist toward him and lift my arm. “Hurt like hell, but I adore it. Mermaids always reminded me of the freedom I wanted.”

The simplicity of the moment leaves and I gasp as he pulls my hips to his. “Shit, I don’t have anything.”

I lean forward and kiss him. “I got on birth control at my appointment early last month.” He wastes no time before he’s deep inside and moving me against him. The buoyancy of the water aids in our rhythm and his lips are hot and labored against my neck. I gasp as he lifts his hips faster and harder into mine. After everything today, I need this release. It doesn’t take long. I shatter into a million pieces and I know he’ll be there to pick them back up again.






Kyle’s planned something
fancy for dinner, and I oblige without an argument. It’s nice to be dressed up and go out for dinner
just because
. The past week has been calm, but I need to get out of the apartment for something other than work. Not to mention, I’ve been starving for something more than cereal bars and coffee.

I smooth out my short black skirt and forest-green blouse before I sit, careful not to topple into the secluded booth in my five-inch black heels. Kyle slides in next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

“We didn’t need to go to a steakhouse.” I flip through the menu and figure out which cut, two sides, and appetizer I’m about to demolish. “We could have gone to the pub.”

“Like hell we didn’t.” He closes his menu. “Things are lining up to go really well with this case. They’re on lockdown and everything is behind us for the most part.”

My stomach flutters as I look up. “I know.”

His coffee-brown eyes stare at me intently as he takes my hand. His thick, black V-neck sweater, accompanied by a plum dress shirt and a lilac, silver, and white-striped tie underneath makes him look so polished and handsome.

The romantic ambiance is like nothing I’ve ever seen, and the place is packed with couples. Crimson walls brighten in the warm chandelier lighting, and glittering ribbons swirl through the brass arms. Massive black and white marble columns strewn throughout the dining room perfectly accent the plush, tufted leather booths. Each table has a bouquet of fresh roses in a shallow frosted vase, surrounded by four small votive candles.

“I can’t get over this place.” I glance out the window overlooking a canal. The white Christmas lights dot the railings and look like fireflies hovering over the water. “How did you find it?”

“I searched
for the best steakhouse in New Orleans to impress my stunning girlfriend.” I breathe deeply. Even the most mouthwatering food will never come close to matching his cool, oceanic scent.

I press my lips softly to his neck and move slow kisses up to his ear. “Why are you trying to butter me up?” I whisper, grazing my teeth along his earlobe.

He opens his mouth to respond, but a tall, stocky waiter stops at our table. My jaw clamps shut as Kyle’s hand runs up the inside of my leg, dangerously close to places it shouldn’t be in public.

“Evening, sir, ma’am. My name is Roland, and I’ll be your waiter this evening. Our specials—”

Kyle sits up straighter and leans into the table, his hand still on my thigh under the tablecloth. He flashes a smile, which makes my breath catch in my throat even more. “I’ll save you the trouble. Roland, I’ll have the twelve-ounce filet, rare, grilled asparagus, and a side of the grilled shrimp stuffed with crab. My breathtaking girlfriend … ” His hand moves higher, again, and I force a smile when he looks at me to continue.

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