Safe with You (22 page)

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Authors: Shelby Reeves

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BOOK: Safe with You
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Relenting, I hand it over to him. “This Zack guy is driving me crazy, Bo. More so after finding out he is her ex.”

Bo ruffles my hair like he did when we were kids and I bat his hand away. “Don’t sweat it, J. See, this is why I don’t do relationships. It’s too complicated and there are too many emotions.”

“It’s a hell of a ride, though, Bo.”

Bo chuckles, shaking his head. “I’ll just take your word for it, J.”

He sits next to me on my bed and starts messing with his phone. When his phone chimes, my eyes instantly avert to the screen to see if it’s Cassie. Sadly, it’s not, but it is also someone I didn’t expect Bo to be talking to either.

What’s even weirder, is the fact he is trying to shield the screen from me so I can’t see what he is doing.

“Back off, J, I promise it’s not Cassie. I told you I’d tell you when she did text you.”

“Jess, huh? What are you doing talking to her?” I ask in a teasing tone.

“What’s it matter? It’s just two friends having a conversation.”

“Uh huh, then why are you covering the screen with your hand then?”

He glowers then dims the screen. “None of your business.”

“Hmm…interesting.” Very interesting. Bo is usually open about who he talks to and their conversations, especially if it’s a girl.

The phone chimes again and my heart picks up speed. “Is it Cassie?”

Bo checks then shakes his head. “Sorry, bro.” He never looks away from the screen as he answers me. As he taps out a reply, I notice a smile forming on his face.

“Nothing my foot, Bo. You two must be talking about something good.”

“Drop it, J.”

“Eh, I think I will continue to pester you.”

Bo mutters on his breath then stands up. “I’m done with this conversation.”

“Okay, now can I have your phone back?”

“I guess,” he grumbles as he tosses it to me. “Why can’t Cassie just get her own?”

“I honestly don’t know. I will ask her about it later,” I say as I remove the darn sling that keeps bugging me.

“What are you doing? You’re supposed to leave that on.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Would you leave it on?”


“Didn’t think so. Oh, and that reminds me. I figured out that the crazy driver ran me off the road on purpose.”

Bo cocks his head to the side, pondering my statement. “And how do you know this?”

“Because, when I walked out of the school earlier, Zack was leaning against the car.”

“Huh, why would he want to intentionally run you off the road?”

“Because, I’m dating his ex-girlfriend and apparently, he wants her back.”

Confusion is written all over Bo’s face. “But wait, I thought you were dating…”

Finally, it registers in his playboy’s brain what I’m getting at.

“Oh shit, this is messed up. And why is he over at her house right now?”

My jaw flexes. “Her parents invited him over, according to him,” I grind out.

“Again, you see why I don’t get into relationships. Too much drama.”

“I love her, Bo. I can’t see myself being with anyone else other than Cassie.”

“You love her?” he sputters, still shocked by my declaration of love.

“I do and Zack showing up almost seems…I don’t know, weird? She hasn’t seen or talked to him in two years, yet he’s here of all places. It doesn’t make sense.” Either he has been in contact with her parents the whole time or something. I can’t put my finger on it, but something about Zack doesn’t seem right.

Bo agrees as well. “Yeah, I get a bad vibe from him, too, J. We will just keep a close watch on him for the time being. If we see anything suspicious we can inform Dad.”

I am about to answer when the phone chimes in my hand again. I almost don’t want to look in case it isn’t Cassie, but I’m glad I did.

Cassie: He’s finally gone!

It’s about time!
It has been two hours since she sent the first text.

Me: Thank God! He didn’t try anything did he?

Imaging Zack’s hands on her almost sends me into a rage. I will break his hands if he touches her.

Cassie: No, J, he didn’t and I highly doubt he will either.

She’s naïve if she thinks he’s not interested in her.

Regardless, I don’t feel like arguing with her right now. Eventually, she will see it.

Me: I don’t like him, Cass

Cassie: He is not a bad guy, J

Not a bad guy? He is in my book! Any guy who tries to steal another guy’s girlfriend is considered bad to me. Plus, Zack just has the vibe of a bad guy. I don’t know if it is his looks or his personality. He looks like he is from the rough side of the tracks and he has the cocky, “I don’t give a crap,” attitude as well.

“You don’t happy, J. What did she say?”

I glance up from the screen to Bo. “He left, finally, and I asked her if he tried anything. She doesn’t think he will cross the line, and when I told her I didn’t like him, she defends him by saying he’s not a bad guy.” I toss the phone on the bed beside me and bury my head in my hands. I don’t want us to argue again. I hate it when we fight, but Zack is a problem that needs to be resolved.


“Ouch, maybe he is a good guy.” When I shoot him a glare he backtracks. “I mean, Zack needs to be watched carefully.”


“Have some of the team help, too. I want to know everything he does.”

Okay, maybe this is getting a little out of hand, but no one is taking Cassie from me. Not even, an ex-boyfriend from back home, who has suddenly materialized in her life again.

“Don’t you think you’re being a little extreme?”

“Nope, not at all. Zack started it, and now I’m going to end it for him. He will not steal Cassie from me,” I vow.

Losing Cassie would be like never seeing daylight again.

Bo holds his hands up in surrender and backs towards the bedroom door. “Okay, I hear ya, J. He will not take Cassie from you.”

With a hard nod, I reply, “Damn right he won’t.”

Matching my nod, Bo leaves my room and I pick up his phone again. I tap out a reply to Cassie.

Me: I love you Cassie and I will do everything in my power to make sure you’re happy, safe and protected, and forever cherished. I don’t like the way he looks at you and I just have a bad feeling about him.


She replies instantly.

Cassie: And I love you J, but I know Zack and he is a good person. Granted it has been a while since I have seen or talked to him, but still. His looks have changed, but J if you are worried about me going back to him then stop. I don’t want him, I want you, only you.


I want you, only you.
Those words echo in my brain, making me smile. The doubt and the anger towards him dissipate slowly away.

Now, I’m wishing it was tomorrow already so I can see her beautiful face.




Chapter Twenty- Eight



Sitting on the front porch, staring out at the road, I impatiently wait for J’s truck to come into view. Another Saturday is here and I’m sure we are doing something I’ve never done before again. Every Saturday it seems, J is usually teaching me something new. I don’t mind it, actually I love learning new things, especially when I have a handsome teacher.

Finally, he arrives and I leap off the porch, breaking out into a full on run towards him. His smile is wide as he takes the remaining steps toward me. I crash into him, throwing my arms around his neck. His arms hold me against him like he never wants to let me go. J’s face is buried in the crook of my neck, his breath sending goosebumps across my skin. I shudder when his lips graze the hollow of my neck.

“This morning took forever to get here,” he whines, his face still by my neck.

“I know,” I croak out as his lips press against my skin. “I couldn’t wait to see you.”

J draws back until his eyes can gaze into mine. Holding my stare, he says the sweetest thing, “I miss you every moment I’m not around you, Cass. Heck, I’m practically wishing my life away just so I can see you again, yet when I’m with you, I want time to stop.”


Reaching up with one hand, I fiddle with his hair. “I feel the same, J. I have no idea what to do with myself when you’re not around. My mind is constantly wondering where you are and what you’re doing, all while wishing I could be with you.”

J leans down, seizing my lips with his. With his arms still around me, he leans forward, dipping me as his tongue traces the seam of my lips.

All too soon, we straighten, ending the powerful kiss, and he is leading me around his truck. Except this time, I’m not getting in the passenger side. No, J is opening the driver’s door for me.

Thinking he just wants me to in the middle next to him, I scoot over.

“What are you doing, Cass?”

I give him a blank stare. “Uh, I thought this is where you wanted me to sit?”

“No, crazy girl, you’re driving.”

My jaw drops as I gape at him. Is he for real? I finally compose myself to answer him. “Really? You’re going to let me drive?”

He nods, answering my question. “You think you’re up for it?”

“Yes!” I exclaim and hop back over into the driver’s seat.

J laughs at my excitement and shuts the door. While I wait for him to get in, I buckle my seatbelt and check my mirrors, and adjust my seat accordingly.

When J is in and buckled, I crank the truck and put it in reverse. Looking out the back window, I back the truck out of my driveway and onto the street.

Dropping it to drive, I let off the brake and ease my foot down on the gas pedal.
Wow, I’m really driving!

“You’re doing good, babe. Just remember to stay in this lane only. Don’t worry about going the speed limit, just go the speed you’re comfortable with.”

I nod, letting him know I heard him while keeping my eyes strained on the road before me. The wheel is tight within my grasp.

Since riding with J to his house a lot, I don’t even have to ask for directions.

J praises me the whole drive to his house. Hearing that he is proud of me just makes me want to kiss his face off.

When I see J’s driveway, I frown, not wanting to quit driving just yet.

“You did wonderful, Cassie. Maybe here soon you can go apply for your permit.”

I wish I knew what I did to deserve a guy like J. He is making something I’ve wanted to achieve and making it a reality.

“Thank you so much for teaching me how to drive. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

“Anytime, babe. You know I’d do anything for you. Now, are you ready to learn something else?”

His sly smile has me wondering what he is up to.

“Yes,” I say, because honestly, any time I get with him is very well spent.

His smile widens. “Okay, let me go grab my gun real quick and we’ll get started.”

He kisses my cheek as I stare at him speechless.
Gun? He can’t be serious!

“A gun?” I sputter when I finally find my words.

J just looks over his shoulder at me and winks. Dear Lord, what have I gotten myself into?

Pulling myself together, I walk in the house to say hi to his parents and Bo, who laughs his ass off when I tell him what J is doing.

“This I gotta see,” he says laughingly. I punch his shoulder to get him to stop laughing at me. “Ouch, darlin’, your knuckles are so boney!”

“Well, don’t make fun of her and she won’t punch you,” Jane says, taking the words right out of my mouth.

J comes walking back in with a shotgun in his hand. “You ready, babe?”

“I can’t believe you’re going to teach me how to shoot,” I groan to J as we walk outside and around the back of his house with our fingers entwined together. J is carrying a gun in his other hand, not a pistol, a shotgun.

“I think everyone needs to know at least the basics.”

I angle my head up at him. “Why?” I question.

“Think about it. If more people learned to shoot, there will be fewer criminals in the world.”

Okay, I see what he is saying, in a way.

We slow to a stop and J drops my hand. “Now, this is a twelve-gauge Remington over and under shotgun. You open it like this and you can either load the top barrel or the bottom barrel. For a beginner, I’d start with the bottom barrel,” he demonstrates. J loads the bottom barrel and closes it. “This is the safety.” He points to the little switch beneath the trigger. “Right now, it’s on. It prevents you from being able to fire the gun. To turn the safety, you just mash it. When you see the red, that’s when you know you’re ready to shoot,” he instructs. “Are you with me so far?”

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