Salvation (11 page)

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Authors: Stephanie John

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Salvation
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Unless you

ve made other plans?

She wiggled her brows.

No other plans. See you tomorrow.

I kissed her cheek and called,

Bye girls,

to the others in the showers as I disappeared out the door.

TUESDAY began with a
detailed run down of Mai

s weekend over coffee. I managed to fob her off about Nate, promising to tell all this evening. Mai had kindly brought me lunch so I could work through, and was busy dissecting the latest issue of People on her tablet. She lived in the social media world and followed the celebrity culture like a religion.

Her shrill squeal alarmed me as I jerked up, peering over the rim of my glasses to see her making a beeline straight for me.

OMG, Kara! Look!

The tablet was thrust into my face, her acrylic nail tapping on a grainy photo of Nate and me beside a taxi.

What the f


I rubbed my brow and read aloud:


Nathan Blake, CEO of NTB Group, was seen last Thu. 24th with a mystery blonde outside a wine bar in Studio City, CA. We have no idea who the lucky woman is that has caught the mega-rich tycoon

s eye, but we

ll be keeping watch on this hot love affair as it heats up!


My fists clenched around the screen case.

Hot love affair!


t sweat it.

Mai brushed it off, like seeing me online was the most normal occurrence in the world. She sat in the chair opposite and snatched it back.

You do look very cosy

thought there wasn

t any lip-smacking?

There wasn


Only, the angle of the photo suggested less fleeting embrace, more sensual clinch.


s going to freak.

We were in a state of limbo; neither of us sure what was happening next. Dealing with this intrusion only added further strain to an already complicated situation.

Relax, K. Take a Valium.

Why am I in People magazine? There are far more interesting nobodies to snap than me.

You two make one
sexy couple. I could see you both towering above Sunset on a huge billboard. Blake brooding in his underwear

you draped seductively around him
Mai talked with her hands, artistically arranging the photo-shoot in her head.


Is it vegetable fajita

s tonight?

Mai asked with a grin. I served that every time she came for dinner. It was the only meal I made vaguely edible, and I never added meat for fear of poisoning her.


I smirked, appreciating her effort to take my mind off things.

Thought so. Got the margarita mix in my bag, so we

re good to go.

Mai insisted it was to create a Mexican authenticity to the meal. Secretly, I think it was so she could stomach the food. She said they tasted good, a compliment considering her own talent for cooking, and they usually did after a few of her cocktails.

Let me get back to this work otherwise we

re going nowhere tonight.


PHEW, after that scorching kiss, it sounds like Sunday was much better than the first date,

Mai concluded, barely containing her delight from where she sat on the other side of the lounge. I

d spent the last ten minutes giving her a not-too-detailed rundown of our date whilst preparing dinner. The windows were open, and Mai

s choice of Mariah Carey was playing in the background loud enough to drown out the helicopter circling in the sky a few blocks away.

Estrella wasn

t a date.

I threw some chopped vegetables in the pan and took a gulp of the strawberry mix, with extra tequila thanks to the bottle Mai found in my cupboard.

Neither of us knew where we stood after that.

So, now you have him by the balls, whatcha gonna do with him?

She stuck her head out the window and took another drag on her cigarette.


m foolishly considering giving him what he wants.

I took the tea-towel off the counter and wiped my hands.

Mai pursed her lips and scowled.

Nothing wrong with that. Casual

s what you need right now, ease you back into the scene.


s not. Nate could make me fall in love with him. Then what?

We deal with that if it happens.

Mai stubbed out the end of her cigarette and flicked the tab into the small ashtray I left on the windowsill for her visits. She got up from the bench window seat and joined me in the kitchen.

I have to give him an answer tomorrow.

I leant back on the counter and sipped my drink.

I think you already know the answer.

I shook my head.


s got obscene amounts of money that could buy his hearts

desire. We move in entirely different circles. I don

t want to be a forgotten number in a long line of many.

Money can

t buy love,

she announced, pushing up her sweatshirt sleeves and giving her hands a quick wash. I rolled my eyes at Mai

s clich
and returned to the cooker.


re gorgeous. He

ll be the one falling in love, not you.

Mai brushed me aside and took over the cooking as she usually did.

Mitch works in a bar surrounded by women. If I suspected him every time he went to work, I

d destroy us and myself along the way.

I know you

re right, but I can

t help it. Do you honestly think I want to be on my own forever?

After getting the plates and cutlery out, I set two places at the breakfast bar.

So do something about it. This is ready now,

she said, resting the spatula on the pan and settling on a stool opposite.


s a busy guy. If he

s prepared to make time to pursue you, I

d say he

s interested in more than just a fling.

I served up dinner and pushed a plate in front of her.

All I want is a normal man. He doesn

t have to be the most handsome,
not the richest, but kind, responsible, someone who loves me. Above all, he needs to be honest and trustworthy.

In the meantime, all fairytale crap aside, go fuck Mr Sexy

til Mr Boring comes along.

I think I

d been drawn to Mai

s frankness from the beginning. I always knew where I stood. By the time I

d done a brief tidy and sat beside her, Mai was already eating, deep in thought.

Has he got many close friends?

How is that relevant?

I asked, assembling a wrap.

Someone in his position, who has time for good friends, is someone who can forge a long-term relationship.

She sipped her drink.

What about serious girlfriends?

I don

t know! We haven

t discussed the ins-and-outs of our pasts.

I grabbed my drink, taking a healthy gulp to calm down.


m only trying to help you see the situation more clearly,

she snapped, tossing her food onto her plate so the entire wrap fell apart.

You don

t want my opinion?

She got up and stomped to the fridge like a sulky child.


I wiped my hands on the napkin and nodded at her offer of a refill.

Nate mentioned not having a relationship in a while.

At least he

s had one.

Mai returned the pitcher to the fridge.

Looking like he does, I

d be worried if he hadn

t. Shows there

s potential, we can work on him.

I agreed it would be disconcerting to think he hadn

t experienced at least one serious relationship in his life.

According to him, commitment equals drama,

I mumbled through a mouthful of food.

So be drama-free.

Mai shrugged.


ll be eating out of your hands.

I snorted.

Easier said than done.

You know as well as I do, most guys would

ve given up by now.

Mai returned to her stool and wiped the last of her wrap around the plate, scooping up guacamole.

You have all the control, Kara. Do something empowering with it.

How do you work that one out?

I felt the exact opposite. Nate

s enigmatic presence and charisma charmed me to the point of losing all sense when he was around.

You set the time and place for the bar. You told him you weren

t jumping his bones

of which I

m still impressed, by the way,

she added, smiling.

If he had his way, you two would’ve fucked by now. Give him a chance.

Pleased with her summation of events, she wiped the corners of her mouth and set her napkin on the counter.

What kind of woman starts seeing a man who she knows is wrong for her, who

s had enough heart
to last a lifetime, yet is considering hooking up with a certain heart

I sagged into the low back of the stool.

The kind who needs someone to bang the hell out of her and remind her what she

s missing.

Mai raised her brows as a smile crept across her face.

Go have dinner, enjoy the evening. If you still think he

s wrong afterwards, I won

t push you anymore.

She lifted her glass to make a toast.


I raised mine hesitantly from the counter, still not entirely convinced.

To future happiness.

Mai clinked her glass to mine as the meddling face appeared.

Beginning with hot sex.

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