Sanibel Seduction - Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Four) (4 page)

BOOK: Sanibel Seduction - Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Four)
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Blue flares settled on Tatum, the Alpha taking in his mate with his own eyes. Hungry, he was incredibly hungry, and his powerful heart pounded furiously against his ribs. Three breaths in, one long exhale out. His head jerked back, baring his face at the moon as he bayed keenly.

A lover’s smack hit her backside, followed by a warm, kneading palm, and the gentle scrap of deadly claws. Black daggers capable of decapitating anything with a single, purposeful slash.

Jayce pushed her thighs apart with his thick knee, making room for his large frame, his impossibly hard cock. With a heavily muscled arm, he reached around her torso, lifting her hips high right before sliding deep in her welcoming heat.

He angled his hips, groaning, completely awed over her perfect, little body. Her arousal thickened, the extra lubrication added with the stuff Rock dumped on her eased his considerable size through without any pain on her part. Feminine walls fluttered all around his length, gripping him, sucking his sex before he’d even started. Pulling his seed in her body as though she was dying of thirst and he was the milk of life.

Tatum’s answering throaty moans signaled him, telling his body to get moving. His thighs reared back, stopping before his thick head disconnected with her, and eased back in slowly, ever so slowly. She dripped beautifully.

“Give it to me,” she demanded. “Go hard on it. Rough.”

“Shit,” Rock muttered, stunned she would spur on the Alpha that way.

“Soon,” he growled, easing in another inch, satisfying his need to tease his mate. Play with her in the way werewolves do.

She moved underneath him awkwardly, trying to accommodate his size better. Heath urged her knee higher, careful not to touch her more than necessary since she wasn’t his. But his hard-on was an unmistakable presence, pressing against his leathers, and that simple contact with his needy queen pulled a sharp irritable sound from his throat. “Hell, I would serve her.”

An angry hiss left Jayce, and he pulled back before slamming to her cervix, sliding his body home. Inside what was his. Rock’s strong arms strained with sexual tension, holding her wrists delicately while trying to rein in his strength. “That’s the way,” he encouraged her.

Jayce’s pelvis surged, thrusting in and out, pounding until she shuddered from the delicious slide. She was trembling all over, building with the fiercest orgasm she’d ever encountered. “Hurry, it’s all I want, and I cannot take the…pleasure.”

“Ah, but look how she takes him,” Rock murmured, “her flesh straining to accommodate every thick inch of him, stretching…oh, the stretching.” He cupped his erection with his free hand, grinding it in rough circles against his zipper. The tip of his head showed over the waistband, gleaming with a drop of semen.

The Alpha pulled her closer, hot pants hit the back of Tatum’s shoulder, and she tensed for his bite. On all fours, she braced herself as he slid back and forth in a brutal thrusting rhythm. His mouth slanted over her shoulder, licking the area in time with his fucking. Her climax hit out of nowhere. She called his name while her tiny nails dug into the blanket, writhing to get away from its intensity, stirring the pine straw below.

Grip. Release. Grip. Release.

“My Tatum,” he snarled, lunging forward and swiveling his hips as she fell over her cliff, floating down. He postured with her release, puffing his chest as a prideful male while trailing his tongue over her sweet flesh before biting down. He swallowed her crimson, enjoying her sweet wine.

She struggled under his possession, but he held on, pinning her in the ancient way of the werewolf, holding her in place while she climaxed around his cock, soaking his balls with her response. “So good,” she cried out, fighting to close her legs against the overwhelming sensations – to shut him out.

But he was too powerful, their need for one another too great. “Open,” he demanded, licking his mark and then sniffing it. “Keep. Open.”

She meant to argue, but Rock soothed her, “Hush. Let this be done.” Then he helped them out by holding one of her legs.

Heath took the other. And in his rolling brogue, he rumbled, “I want a mate. To be sated this way is a gift.”

Jayce lifted himself, gripping her waist again and thrusting until his breathing became heavy and choppy. He felt that tightening in his sack, zings up his spine, his seed spilling for her. In her. Splashing hotly in astonishing bursts, life to life, wanting to take root inside his female. Tatum ground her face against the blanket, muffling her cries of pleasure while he went native, slapping her flesh with his, pulsating through her madly. He bowed, his hardened torso expanding and contracting with his pumping. A roar rivaling any lion’s came out of his throat, rolling as loud as thunder until he abruptly stood up, his hard sex jutting forward and dripping with Tatum’s cream. “It is done,” he groaned, staring at her collapsed but well satisfied form.

The Alpha wanted her again, but Jayce fought him back.
She is not fully Were, mostly human.

Want her
, his beast demanded, slamming against Jayce’s forehead until he thought his brain exploded.

Jayce knew she couldn’t take anymore tonight, and she needed to rest for the young forming inside her. He signaled the other three guards still pacing before taking to the wetlands, thundering through the palms and branches. Wind hit his face until he thought his flesh would peel from his bones. Upon this day, his life had changed.

And with this run, he would welcome in the new.

Rock looked down at his crotch. No one could mistake the giant wet stain there. Heath was in the same shape, pocketing his phone after texting Dru for a pickup. Neither of them could mist her back to Miami, only a vampire’s bite and his will could accomplish that. So Dr. Dru Holt was her taxi. “I haven’t exploded in my pants since I was a youngling.”

“Aye, doona fash yourself.” He pulled his shirt overhead, and starting working it over Tatum’s sleeping but still naked form. Neither had a clue where her dress had gone.

“You don’t know Tatum that well, yet,” Rock laughed easily. “After this, she’ll never be able to look you again.”

Heath’s dark brows popped over his silver eyes. “Is that so? Humans are a strange lot.”

“Amen to that.”

Dru misted in, his eyes bouncing everywhere but on their soaked pants. He sank his fangs into her throat without preamble, in order to mist her to Bren. Rock followed to guard his queen, dusting the sky with his molecules. Heath stayed behind, focusing his gaze on the Fort Myers horizon while waiting as his Alpha brought down his juice. Jayce needed to work back to his human form, one that was more acceptable to Tatum and the modern society in which they lived. In Scotland, with the miasma Ciaran held, they were free to roam – not so much here.

Heath’s phone buzzed. “Yeah. Gage hoppin’ rooftops? Aye, the police can be quite a problem. Now missin’, you say?” A pause. “Urgent, indeed. I’ll be bringin’ the Alpha now to hunt.” His ebony brows drew together as he pocketed his phone. “Where might you have gone, Ancient One?”

Chapter Three
Miami, Florida

urn that off,” Nick snapped. “Don’t be hurting my baby.”

Sylvia didn’t hide her annoyance. “I love Azure just as much as you do. But I want my football.” She stomped her foot and clutched the remote as if it were her lifeline. “Why’d she have to get wrapped up with him in the first place?”

“He thought Azure was perfection,” Nick explained. “That’s what guys in his position need: perfection. Then - ”

“I’m not perfection, and Sylvia can watch Miami kick some ass all she wants to,” Azure cut him off, entering the break room and walking across the floor uneasily. Her leg was killing her.

“What’s wrong with you?” Nick asked worriedly. “You’ve got a limp.”

“Do I?” She bent down, rubbing her knee.

“Sayer got you on the dance floor after all.” His smile was radiant. “All this time I’ve tried to get you to let go so that you can finally have some real fun, and when you do, you injure yourself.”

“It was one dance, a slow one that shouldn’t have caused this kind of damage.” She grimaced when pain shot through her knee. “I think that I must have slept on it wrong or something.”

Nick pulled out a chair, and she planted her butt. “Maybe you had those nighttime leg spasms again.” He sat next to her and gently placed her leg on his thighs, probing tenderly.

“No.” She pursed her lips. “Spasms always wake me up, and they usually only leave me sore, not aching and paining.”

“Hmmm and you’ve been taking your vitamins nightly?”

“Yeah,” she answered, swallowing hard when she glanced over at the television, “every day.” Azure had to admit that she’d been a little depressed lately, so she’d upped her B’s and took them faithfully.

“I need a smoke.” Nick looked between Azure and Sylvia. “It’s drizzling outside, but the back stoop’s pretty much covered by the overhang. We can catch a little sunshine, I think.” He gestured toward the backdoor. “Follow me out for some dangerous second-hand, hot company, and dirty conversation.”

“Score’s tied.” Sylvia waved them on. “I’m staying put.”

He pulled Azure up and wrapped a tight arm around the back of her waist, carrying most of her weight. He was so tall that her head just brushed under his chin. Nick was her closest friend. He’d helped her get her part-time position at the private detox facility a couple of months ago. It seemed as though she’d known him forever – like family, and since he only dated men, there wasn’t any pressure for her to move past a platonic relationship. In fact, they were already so comfortable with one another that she couldn’t imagine her life without him.

She must have released a sigh because he asked, “Are you worried about the future’s mess again?”

Nick planned ahead simply by saving what money he could while paying back student loans, but he didn’t give much credence to worrying and he was trying to push that particular belief system on Azure. It wasn’t an imperfect system at all, but she wasn’t there yet. “No, not really,” she answered, twisting her long, dark hair up in a haphazard knot. “It’s as if I had an extraordinarily long night, but I swear I was in bed by one a.m.”

Nick gave her a pitying look. “But what about Sayer? I don’t understand why he’d cut Saturday evening off that short,” he spoke of his roommate. “Even though his company roped him into making a last-minute appearance for that Everglades charity event, he seemed to look forward to it after you finally agreed to go on the date.”

“We, uh, decided to go as friends, remember?” She shrugged. “I had fun, but it wasn’t a date.”

“But he told me that he wanted to show you a good time. And by that glint in his eyes, he wasn’t thinking of you as merely a friend.”

She flushed, remembering
part of their evening. They sure hadn’t stayed within the lines of friendship. Before last night, it had been three long months since she felt a man’s touch, and Sayer had gained limited access under her dress. Shamefully, she’d pretty much climaxed like a rocket, lighting up the sky the second he’d shimmied in two fingers. She could masturbate all that she wanted to, but there was no comparison to a man’s hands. She wondered how she was going to face him again without blushing furiously.

He exhaled a cloud of grey smoke. “You fucked him.”

“Did not,” she bristled, remembering how they made out for a while in Sayer’s car like a couple of horny teenagers. The wine she had later must have been over the top since Azure’s next memory skipped to her showering and crawling under the covers - alone. Only to be ravaged by more nightmares. She’d had them since she came back from Scotland a few weeks ago. Strangely, most of them consisted of monsters chasing her through the swamp. She slammed the breaks on a full body shudder and decided to put more effort into the conversation at hand, adding for Nick’s ears alone, “I’ve only, uh, made love to one man.”
He didn’t seem surprised. “Then I really feel sorry for you.”

Her brows kicked up in surprise. “Why?”

“Believe me. I’ve had a multitude of women use these broad shoulders to cry on after Sayer one-timed them,” he explained while holding in a deep drag, and she couldn’t understand how he didn’t choke on it. “Those tears weren’t for love, baby. They wanted back in his bed, pure and simple.” He gave her a knowing look. “So you really should’ve fucked him. What better way to get over dumbass jock than to scream your head off in pleasure for ten or so hours?”

She swallowed hard, unable to meet his gaze. “Ten or so?”

“Not an exaggeration,” he lowered his voice. “You should use him to kick-start you out of your carnal misery. And before you jump out of your skin from thinking too hard about it all, most men don’t mind being used by a beautiful woman, especially on a sexual level. They consider it a compliment of the highest regard,” he muttered around another puff. “I’ve heard about my young landlord’s actions many times. Of course, I’ve only been renting from him for a few weeks, but I seriously think that I’ve heard it all. Stuff
didn’t even know about.” He wagged his perfect flaxen brows. “Stuff I would enjoy being a primary eyewitness on.”

“You’re terrible,” her mouth fought to form coherent words through an uncomfortable snigger, “he’s awful young to know stuff that you don’t.
young.” Azure figured Sayer was twenty years old, maybe twenty-one but that was pushing it. The reason she insisted they go as friends since she was past thirty.

“Youth and stamina go hand-n-hand, and considering how pretty he is,” he left that statement out there a couple of seconds before continuing. “Sayer’s easy going. Did I remind you that he’s gorgeous? Not to mention that his accent is another version of oral sex altogether.”

“Yeah,” she said dreamily before she caught herself, “his words have a peculiar lilt to them. One I haven’t heard before. I can’t place it. When he settles down, he’ll make someone happy.”

Nick made a piffling sound in the back of his throat. “He’s perfect for you.”

“Oh, please, Nicholas.” She fanned some smoke away. “Let’s avoid delving into

BOOK: Sanibel Seduction - Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Four)
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