Sanibel Surrender Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Five) (20 page)

BOOK: Sanibel Surrender Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Five)
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“This is mortifying,” Molly muttered, trying to wiggle down but Ail cupped her ass and held firm. To her utter shame, Mason looked pointedly at her.

“Are you okay? I sensed him releasing the Beast, but I didn’t realize...just, are you okay?”

“Peachy, thanks for stopping by,” she gritted out the words. In the next instant, Ail made a swipe at Mason, his large hand producing a whooshing sound as it sliced through the air at inhuman speeds.

Mason ducked out, laughing. “Dru’s looking for you two, says he has time to run Molly on a particular errand she needs, in another hour. He’s still patching up yet another youngling. Big fight broke out last night under the pier, over a mixed blood. Dru’s giving me a much needed break.”

“Then take your break elsewhere!” Molly screeched.

“Alright, I’m going, but from the looks of her, Bro, you’d better clean her up between the legs before you bring her outside.”

Molly swore the way Granny had taught her, ending with, “Stop looking, Mason!” Only then, did she hide behind the safety of Ail’s chest. Werewolf or not, she felt at
with him. When nosy Mason took off, she grumbled, “I don’t think I like your brother anymore.” His chest rumbled beneath her cheek, with what she supposed was a laugh.

“Mason’s ass…will be kicked.” Ail’s hot breath blew her hair around. “Promise you, my mate.” He took in several shuddering breaths and brought his werewolf down. With every blink of his extraordinary eyes, she would see more and more of his navy blue and less of the neon-like glow. His voice still rumbled when he spoke, but sounded more like the Ail for which she was accustomed. “I didn’t smell any adrenalin, or that you were in pain.”

She smiled, kissing the dip beneath his pouty bottom lip. “Though you went a little scary possessive, you didn’t hurt me at all. In an absurd way, I was comforted by your possessiveness. But on your part, insecurity isn’t a fun thing to feel, so let me reassure you that I would never, ever cheat on you. I will never deviate from that standard, no matter the situation I’m facing.”

He pressed his lips against her forehead, carefully removing the thick stalk of his sex. To her surprise, his erection hadn’t gone down much. “Nor would I ever cheat on you. Once a werewolf finds his mate that’s it, no playing around. You and I are meshed soul to soul, and I’m so grateful for you, Molly Ballbuster. You are the other half me.”

Chapter Sixteen
olly shielded her eyes from the sun’s glare with her cupped hand. Ail had her by her opposite hand, his fingers interlinked with hers, carrying her small overnight bag and his backpack with the other. She wore his blue shirt and nothing underneath, seeing as how he tore away her boy shorts and his shirt was far longer than her borrowed dress was. “Are you sure you don’t want to hit that volleyball game?”

“It already started,” he dismissed the idea. “Anyway, I already released my pent-up steam in the bathroom, so I’ll be good.” He swung his bangs from his face, wagging those raven-colored brows at her, laughing sinisterly. “For a while, that is. Besides, you wouldn’t have been able to play.”

“I most certainly can play volleyball!” She huffed, trying to pull her hand away but he would let her. “I would hand you your ass in front of all your brothers and everybody.”

“Uh huh,” he laughed, pointedly ignoring a stunning girl headed right their way, which was the first one Molly had seen this side of the funky miasma bubble meant to keep out humans. So logically, this girl wasn’t human. “You’ve always played against humans, right?”

Well, he had a point. “I’m all for advancing my skills, so I can learn.”

“That’s my girl,” he said, making a left turn onto what looked like a private walkway. “I can see you all fired up on the beach, giving Mason what for.”

“Oh, I’ll be giving Mason ‘what for’ the first chance I get,” she growled low and throaty.

He looked back down at her, his lips parting. “That’s one hell of a sound, Molly Ballbuster. I distinctly remember hearing it for the first time, right when you put your mark on me.” He tilted his head, showing Molly his bite mark.

“I didn’t mean to,” she stammered.

“Yes, you did,” he said, his voice dropping a sultry octave. “And I want you to bite that same spot every day.” Dipping his head, he nibbled on the side of her mouth. “I want it to stay.”

“Ail? I’ve been trying to call you.”

Molly stiffened, remembering this feeling with Wilson. No matter what Ail promised after their bathroom interlude, it was already starting and it had been only a day – not even twenty-four hours.

“I know,” he said with simple courtesy, keeping his eyes fixed on Molly. “I would like to introduce you to Molly Ruyter-Faden.” Molly gasped. Ruyter-Faden, was he nuts? When she meant to pull away, he yanked her against his side in the same way he did when confronted with Wilson. Suddenly, she felt that rumbling underneath his skin, a current that seemed to signify his rising werewolf. “Jenny, maybe you should run along now. All of this is new to Molly, and we need our privacy.”

“She’s yours?” Jenny gasped louder than Molly had. “I’m really sorry, um, Molly. I wouldn’t have come up if I had known.”

Molly didn’t have a doubt in her mind that Ail had fucked this young woman. But she was stronger than Ail gave her credit for. “It’s alright.” She stretched away from Ail, him relenting a few inches. And for some reason, it felt like he was staking a claim in front of this woman instead of trying to help Molly feel more secure. When her eyes hit Jenny’s, she saw that eerie blue shifting behind her irises. But there was no hatred or jealousy to be found. “There’s nothing to be sorry for.”

“Well, congratulations you two,” she said, smiling up at Ail. “I’m really happy for you.”

“I know you are, Jenny, now run along,” he directed her while pulling Molly in the opposite direction, up the private walkway.

“That was rude of you,” she snapped. “If you think I’m going to snap in a fit of jealousy, you’re wrong.”

“I don’t think that,” he laughed uncomfortably.

“Well, if you think I’m going to puddle in mess of gooey insecurity than you can get that thought right out of your head.”

He turned on her, dropping her hand. “I wouldn’t mind a little possessiveness on your part, minus the insecurity. But my werewolf was crashing against my head so hard; I had to get away from her. He doesn’t want any woman in his territory apart from you. And no matter what you just said, I smelled a twinge of distress wafting from your body. That twinge is enough to drive me bug fuck crazy, until I satisfy whatever you need. And by the way, I never once took that female, not even for a kiss.”

“Okay.” Molly was on overload. So much had happened in such a short period of time, and this girl running into Ail wasn’t as distressing as Wilson seeking her out was. “Whatever I need, huh?”

His lips twitched. “Whatever you need, sweetheart, just name it and I’ll do my best to accommodate.”

“A bath,” she said simply.

He cocked the one brow she could see. “That’s all.”

“Yeah, I want a bath before Dru comes by,” she replied, walking alongside him. “Oh, and I want this thing out of my ass. I’ve had enough for today.”

“Oh, sweetheart, don’t say you’ve had enough of anal play; we’re just getting started.”

After another turn, they reached a beachside house that was truly magnificent. Done in Old Florida style, though it was obviously less than a decade old, it encompassed wrap-around porches complete with porch swings and old-timey paddle fans. “This is amazing.”

“It’s Bane’s house.”

“Bane owns this house,
?” She shook her head at the understated grandeur. “Renee never mentioned it, and she knows how much I love Old Florida Style.”

“She’s never been here.”

“What…wait a minute, is this a -”

“Unkink those cogs, Molly Ballbuster. If a male brings a female to his place, and, technically, he’s not supposed to, he never brings his fated mate to that same place. It’s the same way with us feeding and bathing our mates. We never do that with any other females.” He opened the door, stepping in front of her and inhaling sharply. After he looked satisfied, he pulled her in behind him and tossed their bags on a low sitting bench. “Some Pack males won’t even brush up against other females in the pool or the ocean. I know my friend Rock never did, and he had his pick of the ladies.”
He lifted her in his arms, carrying her down the first corridor, only stopping to show her one specific room. “This,” he said with a tilt of head, “is the playroom. There’s plenty of stuff in there to get us into trouble. That is” - He grinned evilly, curling his tongue around a canine - “if you like trouble.”

Her stomach dropped at the sight of his smile. With great difficulty, she tore he eyes away and searched the room. “I’ve never seen one of these rooms, though I’ve read about them. I’ll think about it. But no whips -”

He grew serious in a quick instant. “I would never use a whip on you. Don’t even think that, not even if you begged me to do so. But I wouldn’t mind turning you over my knee. A little spanking never hurt anybody.”

“I must agree,” Heath said, misting in behind them.
If Ail didn’t have inhuman reflexes, Molly would have jumped right out of his arms. “My heart,” she complained, patting her chest. “Why didn’t he surprise you?”

“We can sense each other,” Ail explained. “You’ll be able to feel it after a while, though it may take a year or two.” He turned to Heath with a wide smile. “Greetings, my co-mate, you are just in time for our first bath together. Though we have to hurry, Dru will be here soon.”

“I missed you,” she mumbled against Heath’s lips, when he leaned in for a kiss.

He pulled her out of Ail’s arms, and he smelled like the back of the wind. “To have my female waitin’ for me is incredible.” Heath looked at Ail, raising a brow. “Lead the way, lad, I’ve only been in a couple of rooms here.”

After the next turn, they reached the master suite. “Relax, Molly Ballbuster,” Ail said, waving his hand over a tub that looked as though it were a small lagoon pool more than anything. The water bubbled out from onyx faucets, rushing down with soothing sounds, much like a waterfall. He undressed quickly, his erection jutting out from his neatly trimmed hair. “You don’t want to be all tense when we remove your toy from your decadent behind.”

Gently, Heath lowered her, and she felt instantly bereft of not just his body heat but also his intoxicating smell. “It’s been in for merely hours.” He pursed his lips, clearly thinking. “We’ll do fine, though.”

When Ail placed his folded jeans across the vanity, her cell phone dropped from his pocket, onto the tile. She looked between him and her shattered phone. “You really had it all this time? I can’t believe it broke from such a measly fall.”

“It didn’t,” Ail replied while adding what appeared to be bath salts to the tub. “It was in my pocket, while we were in the restaurant portion of the resort. I crushed it with my palm the minute I saw Wilson talking to you.”
“I knew you were angry, but -”

Ail shook his head impatiently as Heath pulled her shirt over her head. “It wasn’t due to anger, he’d obviously tracked you. Most up to date phones come with a GPS tracking device. How else would he have found you here?”

“Bren or Jacye?” She offered, distracted by the now naked highlander standing next to her. Heath was a jaw dropper.

“Wilson came here?” Heath asked, pulling a sturdy wooden stool next to him and hunkering down. “I would’ve enjoyed having a word with him.”

“Don’t worry, Ail staked his public claim,” she retorted, crossing her arms over her breasts.

Heath uncrossed her arms, placing a kiss on each of her nipples. “Jayce or Bren wouldn’t have revealed your locale to Wilson, nor would anyone of Pack.” He patted his naked thigh, and she realized he was ready to remove the plug. When she lowered herself across his tree trunk sized thighs, his crisp black hairs abraded her sensitive breasts and thighs. “So,” Heath lowered his voice, “either Wilson guessed or he used the tracking option as Ail suggested.”

Ail kneeled down, brushing her hair from her face as Heath gently parted her thighs. “It was a damned good guess for him to show up right when she was eating.” He kissed her possessively, running his tongue over the fronts of her teeth before he pulled away.

“Lower that leg for me, lass,” Heath murmured. “I want you open for me. I can’t wait to see this ease out of you.”

Ail gripped his cock so hard that Molly was afraid it would pop off his body. She opened her mouth, licking her lips. “Give me.”

“Oh, sweetheart, really?” He squeezed harder, until the head nearly turned blue. “Let’s give Heath a minute and afterwards we’ll have some quick fun before Dru gets here.”

Heath gently twisted the plug. “I see someone’s been a wee bit busy while I was away.”

Molly flushed, realizing Ail’s load was still oozing out of her. “A little bit.”

Ail gave her the cockiest male expression she’d ever witnessed. “There wasn’t anything
about it, sweetheart.” He brought his broad crown to the seam of her mouth, spreading his precome across her lips, painting her. Instead of thrusting his thickness inside, the way she was expecting, he pulled back and kissed her. “We are so fortunate, Heath. Look how beautiful she is, spread over you lap with her cute ass in the air.”

“She’s graspin’ at the plug while I’m tuggin’ it out, don’t think she wants to let go the way she claimed. But not to worry, I intend on replacin’ this toy with the real thing.”

“This soon.” She panted at the sudden yet erotic emptiness, when it finally left her body. “You mean…”

“I do,” he said, wrapping an arm around her waist and towing her to the depths of the oversized tub. “I’m going to claim that bonny ass right now.”
When Ail pulled her down, he licked his bite mark. “I’m so ready for this, sweetheart. I hope you are, too.”

“Little nervous.”

Heath soothed her, “Though I very well sense that you want to.”

“Yes,” she whispered, shuddering as Heath stroked her anus with the tip of his cock. “I do.”

“The three of us cannot get any closer than this, lass.  Keep your eyes on Ail,” he instructed, pressing against her forbidden opening. “Relax. You’re nice and open, still lubricated from the toy I removed.”  Heath circled Molly’s waist and lifted her onto Ail’s drenched penis, the head jutting high above the water.  “We’re about to show you the way between mates.”

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