Santa Fe Edge (23 page)

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Authors: Stuart Woods

Tags: #Suspense, #Thriller, #Mystery

BOOK: Santa Fe Edge
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“Todd found him once. He could find him again.”

“That could very well be the worst possible thing that could happen, both to Todd and to you and, by extension, to me.”

“So, Holly, you’re worried about your hide?”

“In dangerous situations, Lance, I always worry about my hide.”

“Not the mission?”

“This isn’t a mission, it’s a vendetta, and vendettas can always turn around and bite you on the ass.”

“I’ll give it some thought.”

“Do you want me to respond to the e-mail?” Holly asked.

“Yes. Say, ‘Message received and understood.’ ”

“Is that a threat or are you agreeing to his terms? We’d better be clear.”

“I don’t want to be clear,” Lance said. “I want him to worry.”

“Then respond to the message yourself,” Holly said, standing up and walking out.


ittorio and Cupie spent their entire day touring Santa Fe’s hotel parking lots, motel parking lots, shopping malls and the Plaza. They had spotted two tan Mercedes wagons, both driven by people who were not Barbara.

They returned, dejected, in the late afternoon, and Cupie poured them both a drink. “Maybe we can’t protect Ed Eagle,” he said as he sank into the recliner next to Vittorio’s.

“You going to fink out on me?” Vittorio asked.

“No. We both have an obligation to Eagle, because we let him nearly get killed while we were on the job.” He sat silently for a moment, then picked up the phone on the table between the two chairs and called a number.

“Detective Santiago,” a voice said.

“Dave, it’s Cupie Dalton.”

“Hey, Cupie. Twice in one week. That’s something.”

“Dave, you remember the Bart Cross killing.”


“Did you find anything interesting at his residence?”

“In the way of evidence? Not much. His killer was a pro, I’d bet on that.”

“Did you take any personal stuff from his house, like a diary?”

“Nah, there was no diary. Come to think of it, there was an airplane logbook.”

“Now, that’s interesting,” Cupie said.


“Well, I’m trying to put together a picture of his last few days, in connection with a protection job I’m working on. I think he might be the guy who tried to kill a client of mine, put him in the hospital.”

“I see.”

“Could you copy the last, say, four pages of the logbook and fax or e-mail them to me?”

“Sure, I guess so. Which do you prefer?”

“E-mail, if you can scan them.”

“Give me a few minutes,” Santiago said. “You’re buying lunch, right?”

“Wherever you like, Dave. I’ll take you to the Brown Derby, if you like.”

“Cupie, you know very well the Brown Derby closed twenty-five years ago.”

“Okay, you can name the place.”

“Spago Beverly Hills.”


“What time?”

“Not today, Dave. I’m in Santa Fe on a case. As soon as I get back. I promise.”

“Okay. You’ll have the pages shortly.”

Cupie gave him his e-mail address and hung up.

“What are you looking for?” Vittorio asked.

“I’ve no idea,” Cupie replied. “Anything. I’m desperate.”

They drank their drinks, then Cupie’s laptop made the little chiming noise that signaled a new e-mail.

“Incoming,” Cupie said, getting out of his chair and setting his drink down on the desk, next to his laptop. He pulled up Dave Santiago’s e-mail and opened the attachment, then connected his laptop to Vittorio’s computer and printed it.

“So,” Vittorio said, “what have you got?”

Cupie went slowly through the pages. “Seems Bart Cross kept a very meticulous logbook,” he said, “including dates and names of his passengers.” Cupie got to the last page. “Here we go: Bart flew Jim Long to Acapulco and came back the next day with Long and—bingo!—Barbara! Cleared customs at Yuma.”

“Yuma? Why Yuma?”

“Well,” Cupie said, “if you had just escaped from jail in Mexico, you might want to land at some out-of-the-way place, right?”

“Yeah, I guess,” Vittorio said.

“Then he went back to L.A. and landed at Burbank.”

“What about after that?” Vittorio asked.

“A few days later he flew to Albuquerque! Shortly after that we saw him at Barbara’s house. Then the day of the attempt on Eagle, he flew back to Burbank. That was the day he got killed.”

“I guess Barbara didn’t take the news of Eagle’s survival too well,” Vittorio said.

“Hey, look,” Cupie said. “In the notes section he wrote down the color and tag number of Barbara’s Mercedes wagon! Arizona plate.” Cupie wrote down the plate number in his notebook. “Now we know exactly what to look for.”

“I’m getting tired of looking for tan Mercedes wagons,” Vittorio said. “Too many of them out there. We saw three today.”

“Always good to get the correct plate number, though,” Cupie replied. “We got more than that, though.”

“What else we got?”

“We know that Jim Long busted Barbara out of the Mexican jail—or at least got her out of the country after she got out.”

interesting,” Vittorio said. “It’s the sort of information that might make Long willing to talk to us.”

“Tell you what,” Cupie said. “Eagle’s going to be in the hospital for a few more days. Why don’t we go to L.A. tomorrow and pay a little visit on our famous film producer?”

“We got nothing else to do,” Vittorio said.

Cupie called Long’s office at Centurion Studios.

“Long Productions,” a woman said.

“Hi. Can you tell me if and when there’s going to be a funeral for Bart Cross?”

“Why, yes,” the woman replied. “Are you a friend of his?”

“Yes, indeed,” Cupie said.

“Well, there’ll be a graveside service at Forest Lawn tomorrow afternoon at three. Got a pencil? I’ll give you instructions.”

“Shoot,” Cupie said, then wrote down everything. “Will Jim Long be there?” he asked.

“Yes, he will,” she said. “Can I tell him you’re coming?”

“Thank you, yes,” Cupie said, then hung up before she could ask his name.

“Okay, we know where Long is going to be at three tomorrow afternoon.”

“We’ll ambush him, then,” Vittorio replied.

“If anybody knows where Barbara is, it’s Jim Long,” Cupie said.

“Maybe she’ll be at the funeral.”

“Hey, I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe we can shoot her and throw her into Cross’s grave.”

The thought made Vittorio smile.


upie and Vittorio got off the airplane at LAX and took the bus to the long-term parking lot, where Cupie had left his car. He tossed their bags into the trunk, then opened an aluminum case. “I can offer you a small nine-millimeter or a snub-nosed Smith and Wesson .38. What is your pleasure?”

“I’ll take the nine-millimeter,” Vittorio replied. “I know you ex-cops like the S and W.”

“It’s compact, and it doesn’t jam,” Cupie said, handing Vittorio the semiautomatic in its holster.

Vittorio threaded the holster onto his belt and looked at his watch. “We’d better go directly to the cemetery,” he said. “I’d like to look at the setup before people arrive.”

Cupie knew the way to Glendale and Forest Lawn. They stopped at the gate for a map, and the guard showed them where the grave site was.

“This is one hell of a big cemetery,” Vittorio said, looking at the map while Cupie drove. “Three hundred acres, a quarter of a million graves, it says here.”

“Yeah, anybody who’s anybody is buried here,” Cupie replied.

“How do you suppose a guy like Bart Cross gets buried here?”

“Long probably paid for the plot.”

They drove for ten minutes, following the map, to a corner of the cemetery where there were, mostly, lines of graves marked by flush bronze plaques.

“Over there,” Vittorio said, pointing to where a backhoe was at work.

Cupie found a parking spot, and they looked around the area. He pointed to a marble bench with a view of the grave site. “Let’s have a seat and wait.” He took a newspaper from his jacket pocket and opened it to the crossword puzzle, while Vittorio seemed to zone out, closing his eyes and looking like a statue of himself.



CUPIE POKED VITTORIO on the knee. “Here they come,” he said. A hearse leading a short procession of half a dozen cars appeared and drove up a service road near the grave site. Attendants removed the casket from the rear and placed it on a trolley, which they rolled to the graveside. They positioned the casket over the grave, while a few other cars appeared and parked. Soon there was a group of fifteen or twenty people gathered around the grave, and a minister in a dark suit began to read from a Bible.

“Not a bad turnout,” Cupie said. “I doubt if I’ll do as well.”

“There’s James Long,” Vittorio said, nodding toward the foot of the casket.

“Got ’im,” Cupie said.

They watched as the service concluded and the casket was lowered into the grave. People began walking back to their cars.

“Long is in the BMW,” Cupie said, “and he appears to be alone. Let’s follow and look for an opportunity to brace him. I don’t think this is the place for it.”

“Whatever you say,” Vittorio replied.

They got back into Cupie’s car and waited for Long’s BMW to pass them, then they fell in behind at a reasonable distance. Long headed in the general direction of Centurion Studios, then, after a mile or so, pulled into a gas station, got out and began to refuel his car.

“Now,” Cupie said, pulling into the station and parking to one side. He and Vittorio got out and approached Long, who was leaning against his car and talking on his cell phone while the pump did the work.

“Good morning, Mr. Long,” Cupie said. “Remember us?”

“I’ll call you back,” Long said, and closed his phone. “How could I forget?”

“We won’t take much of your time,” Cupie said. “We just want to inform you of some of the evidence against you that the police will soon be pursuing.”

“What are you talking about?” Long said, looking nervous.

“We can demonstrate to the police that you abetted the escape of Barbara Eagle from a Mexican prison, then flew her to Yuma in Bart Cross’s airplane,” Cupie said.

“I abetted no one in anything,” Long replied, but he didn’t move.

“We’ve got the pages from Bart’s airplane logbook, mentioning both your names and your destinations,” Vittorio said. “That, of course, led to an attempt on Ed Eagle’s life by Bart. You introduced Barbara to him, remember? Then, there’s the matter of Barbara’s murder of Bart. You’re up to your neck in all this, Mr. Long.”

“You guys are not cops,” Long said.

“I used to be,” Cupie said, “and I know lots of guys who still are, even one in Burbank who’s investigating Bart’s murder.”

“What do you want from me?” Long asked.

“We want Barbara,” Vittorio said. “And if we can’t find her ourselves, then we’ll just have to go to the police with our evidence, and they’ll start talking to everybody involved, including you. So, it’s down to you or Barbara. What’s it going to be? You can do yourself a favor by telling us now where she is.”

“I don’t know where she is,” Long said. “I threw her out of my house after I learned of Bart’s death. I don’t know where she went.”

“But you know where she’s going to end up, don’t you?” Cupie asked. “You’re her only friend in the world; you’ve helped her at every turn. You know what she’s up to.”

“She’s obsessed with Ed Eagle,” Long said. “I don’t have to tell you that. I drove her to LAX, so I assume she took a plane somewhere, probably to Santa Fe.”

“And once she gets to Santa Fe, where will she go?”

“I don’t know.”

“Looks like our next call is to the Burbank police,” Cupie said.

“She told me she met a couple at a spa in Tucson who live near Los Alamos,” Long said. “Name of Holroyd. That’s all I know. Maybe she’s there, but I can’t tell you for sure.”

“And how do you get in touch with Barbara?” Cupie asked.

“She uses throwaway cell phones,” Long said.

“Give me the number,” Cupie said.

Long recited a number while Cupie wrote it in his notebook. “This better be correct,” he said.

“It was working as recently as a few days ago,” Long said. “You’ll keep me out of this?”

“That’s not up to us, Mr. Long,” Vittorio said, “but if the information you’ve given us is correct, we won’t bring the police into it. The Burbank department has Bart’s logbook; they’ll be calling on you eventually. You’d better get your story straight and call your lawyer. Or take a prolonged vacation in Mexico.”

The gas pump stopped.

“Your tank is full, Mr. Long,” Cupie said. “Good luck.” Vittorio and Cupie walked back to Cupie’s car and got in.

“Well,” Vittorio said, “we’ve got more to go on now than we’ve had so far.”

“Too fucking right,” Cupie said, looking at his watch. “We can still make the six thirty flight to Albuquerque.”


eddy Fay logged on to the Agency mainframe, apparently from Billings, Montana, and checked the mail for box 10001.

Message received and understood.


The e-mail was unsigned, but it was from Lance Cabot’s mailbox. Still, it was inconclusive: Was he off Teddy’s back? Or did he understand but not give a shit? This wasn’t good enough.

“Any news?” Lauren asked as she came from the kitchen.

Teddy showed her the message.

“That’s great!” she said.

“It could mean anything,” Teddy responded. “Lance Cabot, Holly’s boss, is a very tenacious young man, and at times, he can be reckless.”

“What’s your next move?” she asked.

“Well, it’s clear I’m going to have to make one. I can’t just sit back and wait to see what happens.”

“That sounds ominous,” she said.

“Not necessarily. I’m going to give Lance until tomorrow to communicate with his agent, then I’m going to go looking for young Todd Bacon.”

“What will you do when you find him?” Lauren asked.

“I haven’t decided yet,” Teddy replied. He went to the command level of the e-mail program and checked Holly Barker’s trash box. There were four discarded messages from Todd Bacon, and Teddy read them, chuckling at the report about the GPS tag he had placed on Teddy’s Volvo. The first message mentioned La Fonda.

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