Sarasota Bride (17 page)

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Authors: Talyn Scott

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Suspense

BOOK: Sarasota Bride
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Avery whispered encouraging words in her ear as he reached between her and Dylan, rubbing the tension from her back. “There you go, relax a little…ah.” He glanced over her head. “He’s in and he looks happy.”

“I can’t…. believe how big…you are,” she said, moving her hand between her legs and feeling where she and Dylan were joined. She was stretched so wide around him that it was a wonder to her how it felt this damn good. “I’m aching and empty between my legs,” Payton complained.

A moan escaped Dylan’s throat when she wiggled. “Get inside her pussy, A.” He skimmed his hands up and down her body, taking over for Avery, trying to keep her relaxed.

Realigning himself with Payton’s entrance, Avery slid inside her, his stomach muscles rippling with his smooth glide, his cock going higher and higher. Both cocks filled her all the way to the top. Avery started riding her, pumping her pussy in rhythmic rolls, as Dylan raked out ever so slowly. Their odd, unexpected rhythm coupled with the overfull sensation setting her into an immediate tailspin. “Argh!” Her orgasm ripped out of nowhere, throwing her into a dark and pleasurable vortex as they continued to move in an opposing rhythm: fast pumping and slow, tantalizing gliding.

Payton closed her eyes as Avery sucked on her shoulder and Dylan plucked her nipples, their cocks an erotic force of nature, thrusting upward then out, upward then out. She had no idea how much time passed, but her body knew where it was headed. Again.

She kissed Avery, mumbling into his mouth. “Here it comes.”

“She’s going multiple, tightening up again,” Dylan hissed, sliding back down her forbidden hole as Avery rolled his hips, pumping back in her vagina — the thin skin working as their barrier actually bringing them closer. “Are you ready, A?”

“Fuck, yes, my balls are throbbing.” He shuddered when Payton tugged on his nipple ring with her teeth, swirling his cock deep inside her after Dylan met him at the top. Their big bodies tightened around Payton right before they pulsated, coming in blasting spurts and setting off her final orgasm. She felt her sex milk them bone dry, squeezing and releasing. Payton clung fiercely to them — her men, her body slick with their collective cream. He heart gripped with a passion many never were lucky enough to experience. And she had a lifetime of it ahead of her.

“I love you,” Dylan breathed, kissing the back of her head.

“I love you,” she whispered, yawning into Avery’s chest. “Both of you.”

“You’re not going to make another round,” Avery surmised from beneath her, “are you?”

“Well, whichever one of you knocked me up should have thought about the consequences.” She yawned again, her eyes growing heavier by the second.

“I’ll take whatever I can get,” Avery said, nearly brokenly. “Years ago, I never expected to have this closeness with anyone again, especially love.”

Dylan looked over Payton’s shoulder, smiling down at Avery. “We’ve got it all, A. We have


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Titles by Talyn Scott

Sanibel Immortals

Oycher - Vampire Werewolf Ménage Romance Book 1


Fanged Romance Series
- Vampire Werewolf Ménage Romance

Sanibel Heat Book 1

Sanibel Burn Book 2

Sanibel Sizzle Book 3

Sanibel Seduction Book 4

Sanibel Surrender Book 5

Sanibel Alpha (Novella) Book 6

Sanibel Virgin Book 7

Six Feet Under Series
- Vampire Werewolf Ménage Romance

Captiva Captive Book 1

Captiva Craving Book 2

Captiva Capitulation Book 3

Captiva Master Book 4

Level 69 Trilogy

Sarasota Sin Book 1

Sarasota Revenge Book 2

Sarasota Bride Book 3


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