Sasha: The Wallflower (The Wallflower Series Book 1)

BOOK: Sasha: The Wallflower (The Wallflower Series Book 1)
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Sasha: The Wallflower

2015 by R.J. Fletcher


Book editing/formatting by R.J. Fletcher

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

Chapter One

“Oh, checkmate! Look at the fine specimen who just walked in!” Jaelynn exclaimed energetically, breaking the silence that had overcome the dinner table.

Sasha and her friends all stopped drinking to simultaneously turn their heads toward the entrance of the dimly lit restaurant. The low lighting, which was meant to create a homey and mysterious ambience, only resulted in frustration as they all found it difficult to peruse the figure completely. It wasn’t until he slowly made his way to the maître’d that his features were graced with the light from a large chandelier. Sasha inwardly gasped as she gazed upon an Adonis belonging on the Hollywood red carpet. Her friend was more than correct in reacting so rambunctiously. Standing above six feet, he was dressed in a fitted shirt and khaki pants. He followed the maitre’d toward a table, unaware of the four pairs of hungry eyes watching his every move. He had a strong angular face to match the large bulging muscles confidently displayed by his clothing, with slightly thin lips, a straight aristocratic nose, and short ink-black hair that caressed the back of his neck. Though his skin was fairly pale, it was a beautiful contrast to his hair and deep-set eyes.

“He’s mine,” Faye said, her voice laced with arrogance. The table immediately disrupted in petty arguments.

As her three friends, Jaelynn, Teagan, and Faye, continued to argue, Sasha kept her eyes glued to the handsome figure as he took a seat by himself near the back of the restaurant. Her stomach fluttered with butterflies as his gaze quickly met hers before turning to his menu. Self-consciously, she finally averted her gaze and slowly ran her fingers through her thick set of dreadlocks. She knew there was no use in joining in the bickering. After all, her friends were all very beautiful and she was used to fading into the background when she spent time with them.

She looked toward Faye. A glowing blonde with grey-blue eyes, Faye was striking in both beauty and mind. She had recently graduated from a small liberal arts college in Williamstown, Massachusetts before gaining an internship at a local veterinarian hospital. Her arrogance and forward personality were justified given her obvious good-looks; she had never been turned away by the opposite sex. In fact, Sasha knew she took much delight in rejecting the slew of men who came running to her, drooling with desire.

“It doesn’t matter if you saw him first or not, look at me! I can have him wrapped around my little finger by tonight” Faye exclaimed to Jaelynn.

“Oh, please! I called dibs first” Jaelynn swept her hands across the table in frustration, nearly spilling the expense wine as she protested.

“Be careful”, Sasha warned quietly. Jaelynn was normally always this passionate, so it would be no surprise to anyone at the table if she did have an accident. With honey golden skin and a short pixie-cut, Jaelynn was just as striking visually. Her exotic beauty attracted as much attention as Faye’s all-American looks but everyone knew to never say as much out loud. If they knew nothing else from the years they had all spent together, it was common knowledge that Faye prided herself on being the most sought out amongst the four of them.

Teagan turned to Sasha with a sly smile. “While they continue to argue, why don’t we go introduce ourselves?”

Sasha returned her smile. “Oh, no. I’m good. But you should definitely do it before they notice. He may have a thing for redheads.”

Teagan laughed as she quietly stood from her seat. Before Faye and Jaelynn noticed her movements, she straightened her form-fitting dress and made her way to his table. Sasha watched as her slim hips swayed back and forth; her feminine walk exaggerated by four-inch stilettos. Teagan was her closest friend and confidant. Having been roommates since the beginning of their significant graduate programs at Boston University, they had easily formed a bond of sisterhood through the years. On Sasha’s part, it was a friendship also riddled with admiration. Teagan, though less obviously beautiful than Faye and Jaelynn, had an inner beauty that seemed to shine through.

But, for the first time, Sasha had a small hope that the mystery man wouldn’t be overcome by her friend’s attractive and inviting personality or be awed by her red hair and blue eyes. 


Teagan made her way to his table. He looked up as her stilettos approached and caught her gaze. A cocky grin spread across his face as he took her in from head to toe. She knew she was looking good that night and her confidence surged as she saw genuine appreciation in his eyes. Further exaggerating her hips, Teagan propped her right hand on her hip and placed her left hand softly on his table. Her movement allowed her to bend down slightly, giving him a clear view of her ample bosom. She caught his glance slide down slowly to her breasts. He made no qualms about ogling them and his confidence only made her want him more.

“Hello” she said in a husky whisper.

“Hello. What can I do for you?” His voice was deep and gravelly. Teagan felt her panties instantly become wet. She couldn’t seem to tear her graze away from his. His eyes were nearly black and were a deep contrast to his pale white skin.

“I hate to sound cliché but…I couldn’t help noticing you from across the room. I just had to come over and introduce myself. I’m Teagan.” She reached out her hand for a light shake.

The mystery man chuckled softly before taking her hand, but instead of a shake, he reached forward and brushed his soft lips across the back of her slim hands. “It is nice to meet you Teagan. I’m Dmitri. Please, take a seat.”

Teagan coyly took her hand from his firm grasp and took the seat across from him. “I hope I’m not interrupting a special occasion.”

He smiled at her, his hands circling the stem of a wine glass. “It can’t be too special. After all, I am eating alone. The company is much needed, believe me.”

“Really? Recovering from a bad day at the office?”

“You can say that. I don’t wish to bore you with the details. I’d rather ask why a beautiful woman like yourself is not out on the town instead of in such a dreary restaurant.”

Teagan played with her long strands of hair, not shying from his direct gaze. “It’s been sort of a girls’ night gone wrong.”

“How so?” Dmitri’s brow wrinkled with interest.

“Well, you showed up. And, if you don’t mind me being too forward, it is a rare occasion for us to come across a man like yourself.”

Before he could respond, he looked up, feeling the presence of others near their table. Teagan followed his gazed and kept herself from groaning out in frustration as Faye and Jaelynn made their way to the table.

“Speaking of showing up”, Teagan murmured to herself.

“Hello,” Dmitri greeted politely. “I assume you are Teagan’s friends.”

“Were,” Jaelynn corrected.

Faye immediately stepped in, realizing the impropriety of the situation. “We are so sorry for interrupting your dinner. We only came to retrieve our friend so that you can continue eating in peace.” She showered him with her angelic smile.

“I will not lie; I am quite honored to be surrounded by so many beautiful women. But the table is getting quite crowded-”

“Would you like to join us?” Jaelynn interrupted.


Sasha watched in horror as the mystery man made his way toward their table with all three of her friends surrounding him. He was chuckling at something Jaelynn said when he spotted her. He perused her quickly before turning to politely set out chairs for her three friends. Teagan politely smiled up at him while he pushed his chair in and then took a seat between her and Jaelynn, directly across from Sasha.

“Dmitri, this is our other friend Sasha. Sasha, Dmitri,” Teagan introduced them both, giving Sasha a mischievous wink.

Sasha nervously smiled at him. She noticed that he only gave her a quick curve of his lips before turning to Faye and Jaelynn. Taken aback by his rudeness, Sasha said nothing and decided to return to her food. She couldn’t help but admit to herself that she was slightly disappointed at his nonchalant dismissal of her. Though she was used to it, a part of her had hoped he was different.

What am I thinking,”
she thought to herself.
“Just look at him! A man with such good looks would probably grow up to be a douchebag with the world catering to his every need and women constantly throwing themselves at him. Why would he be interested in me?”

Conversation continued around her as a waiter returned with Dmitri’s food and desserts for the women. All three clamored for his attention and he adeptly catered to them all. Sasha quietly sat amongst the group, watching with envy as they competed for the mystery man. He rarely spoke of himself, instead fueling their egos by constantly directing questions about their persons.

“So, what do you do for a living Dmitri,” Sasha surprised herself by asking.

The table turned to her in surprise. Having been silent for most of the night, it had almost been as if she hadn’t been there.

Dmitri’s brow was raised as he looked at her suspiciously.

“I mean-" Sasha felt her confidence waiver at the disapproving glances. “You have been sitting with us for close to an hour and we have yet to hear a single detail about your life. I’m sure your tired of hearing about us.”

His gaze suddenly turned cold as he looked at her. “From what I recall, I have yet to hear anything about you as well. By all means, please tell me something about yourself.”

Sasha flinched at the sarcasm in his voice. Before she could reply, Faye interrupted. “Oh, Dmitri. Ignore her; her life is as boring as it gets. She’s just a student at BU. Nothing special,” she said sweetly before giving Sasha a quick glare.

“A student, huh? What do you study, Sasha-wasn’t it?” His gaze never wavered from her own.

Sasha gulped. “Yes. I-I’m studying international relations.”

With that said, Dmitri turned once again to Teagan. Skillfully redirecting the conversation, he stated, “Aren’t you a student as well?”

By that point, Sasha no longer tried to follow the flow of conversation. Having been thoroughly dismissed once again. She turned again to her food. She chewed slowly, not tasting the lasagna they had brought for her. It might as well have been sawdust.

Chapter Two

“Sasha,” Teagan whined. “I’m so horny.”

Sasha balked at Teagan’s exclamation. Her friend had just arrived from a night out at the club and was lazily lying down on their couch in the small apartment they both rented out. Sasha turned from her laptop, slightly annoyed by the distraction from her research assignment.

“Do I really need to hear this? Why don’t you call one of your ex-boyfriends? Or better yet- so I don’t have to hear the sex noises-use the dildo Jaelynn bought you for your birthday last year.” She turned once again to her laptop screen.

Teagan groaned, sitting up on the couch to send glares in the direction of her best friend. “You don’t understand. I have officially been out with Dmitri two times since the night we met. I was so psyched that he asked me for my number instead of Faye and Jaelynn, but we haven’t done anything. I was sure he would come onto me after our first date but all he did was kiss me on the cheek. The cheek, Sasha!” Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. It was as if a light had turned on in her head as she said, “Do you think he’s gay?”

Sasha was unable to comprehend her friend’s question because she was still mentally stuck on the fact that Teagan had been on two dates with the mystery man from the restaurant without her awareness. She felt an intense pang of jealousy course through her body as she turned once again to her friend. It was as if a rock was stuck in her throat as she replied, “Since when were you dating him? I though you guys never heard from him again after that night.”

“How can you not remember this? He walked us to our car and before I got into the driver’s seat he asked me for my number.” Teagan smiled in remembrance at Dmitri’s forcefulness. He had wrapped his hand around her forearm and gently placed her on the side of the car before whispering in her ear that he would love to see her again. “He was so sweet our first date. He took me to an exclusive nightclub. We sat in the VIP section and I met this famous rapper.” She paused. “Or at least I thought he was famous.”

Sasha shook her head in shock. “No. I don’t remember you telling me this at all. Are-are y-you two serious?” She dreaded to hear Teagan’s response but couldn’t help asking.

Teagan rolled her eyes in exasperation. “We’ve only been on two dates. Plus, he is so much older than me. I don’t know if he even takes me seriously.”

That perked Sasha’s interest. “How much older?”

“He told me he was thirty-three, so by eight years. He knew I was a lot younger but I think he liked that. It seemed to me he was only looking to have a good time with me and…to be honest, as long as we eventually sleep together, I don’t mind.”

Sasha gasped. “Teagan! How can you allow this guy to just use you for sex?”

Teagan jumped off the couch and headed to the kitchen for a snack. “That’s the problem,” she yelled back at Sasha, “there hasn’t been any sex.” Seeing nothing in the pantry, she turned to the freezer and grabbed a Haagen-Dazs' ice cream tub. “He has hinted more than once that he is in no way looking for a long-term relationship but he seems so hesitant to start a fling with me. I’m so tired of all the mixed signals.”

She returned to their tiny living room carrying a spoon and the tub of vanilla ice cream. Plopping her bottom down on the couch once again, she reached for the television remote. “I think I’m going to give him one more chance before I call it quits. I invited him to the barbeque Jaelynn is throwing at her house this weekend. Hopefully things can turn hot and heavy and we can snag a room at Jaelynn’s.”

Beyond shocked by the turn of events, Sasha closed her laptop and sat near Teagan on the couch. Ignoring the blaring noise from the television, she reached for her friend’s hand to get her complete attention. “Teagan, are you hearing yourself? You plan to sleep with a man you barely know at your friend’s house-warming party?”

Teagan paused and started to frown. “You’re right, that is in bad taste. But this guy- he is just so sexy! I’ve never lusted after someone so bad and have them not show the same level of attraction. I know I’m not Faye, but I am sexy in my own way, right? So, how can he turn so cold after being so eager to ask me out that night? It makes no sense!

“Screw it! I’m just gonna come out and ask him at the barbeque on Saturday. I just wanna know if he at least plans on following through at some point.”

Having nothing else to say, Sasha returned to her laptop.

That night, as she lay in her bed, she replayed her conversation with Teagan and her first encounter with Dmitri over and over again in her head. He had been the focus of many of her wet dreams following that night even though he displayed no interest in her. She could still see the way his large hands had gently cupped his wine glass and the way his soft lips wrapped themselves around the rim. Sasha was shocked by her own lustful thoughts; she had never been so sexually attracted to anyone before. Still inexperienced in the ways of sex, Sasha made it her mission to avoid all conversations or encounters that led to its’ discussion. Her friends, for all their years together, were still unaware of her virgin status though she was sure they at least suspected it.

Growing up, Sasha had always felt uncomfortable in the presence of the opposite sex and had a way of embarrassing herself beyond repair whenever she came across or had the opportunity to speak with a crush. She had hoped in college that she would be able to grow out of her awkwardness but it only seemed to get worse. Her confidence fell as she encountered and compared herself to the beautiful women that encompassed the college campus. She had never considered herself to be overly attractive but she had thought to a certain extent that she was at least not ugly. But, given her severe lack of suitors, Sasha had grown to believe that maybe she was unattractive according to today’s standard of beauty. Her brown skin was neither caramel nor the glowing chocolate complexion she saw advertised every day on television. Her hair was long but it had only become manageable when she had decided to get dreadlocks.  However much she took care of them, they were still considered an ‘ethnic’ hair-do and was often deemed unattractive compared to the flowing straight or curly locks of her friends.

Wallowing in self-pity, Sasha felt the familiar sting of tears begin to cloud her eyes. She had devoted herself to her studies since childhood to make up for her physical setbacks. But as she neared graduation, it seemed more and more like an empty achievement.  While her friends had love lives full of promise and intrigue, hers was like a dry, humid desert. And it seemed that she would have to continue living vicariously through her friends.


The day of the barbeque, Sasha stood with Jaelynn and a few of Jaelynn’s acquaintances drinking soda when she spotted Teagan enter the backyard with Dmitri in tow. Her friend wore a red fitted lace dress that contrasted sharply with her pale skin but she looked amazing…and so did Dmitri. Sasha eyed him hungrily as he strutted behind Teagan in jeans that molded to his thick thighs and a light green V-neck sweater. The sleeves were bunched at his elbows and the opening at the neck revealed a dusting of chest hair. He looked like he had just rolled off a male fashion magazine. Sasha gulped, unable to tear her eyes away.

“Oh, look who showed up?” Jaelynn stated nastily, clearly still upset about Dmitri’s rejection.

Teagan made her way over with a bright smile on her face. Her blue eyes shined in the sunlight as she came closer, holding onto Dmitri’s forearm. “Hi, Jaelynn! Congrats on your new house!” She squealed, reaching over to give a friendly hug.

“Thanks,” Jaelynn stated simply. Her eyes made their way to Dmitri. “It’s nice to meet you again. Your welcome to any of the food. My brother is cooking up some burgers here, and there are some chips and other snacks at that table,” she pointed to her left.    

“Why, thank you, Jaelynn. I must congratulate you on your new house, as well. If I had known this was a housewarming party, I would have brought some sort of gift. My sincerest apologies.” He smiled down at Jaelynn warmly.

Sasha watched in surprise as the frown on Jaelynn’s face immediately disappeared at the sound of Dmitri’s voice. “No worries,” she heard her say. “I’m just happy you are here. I had such a good time the other night.”

Teagan took the opportunity to interrupt by grabbing possessively onto Dmitri’s bulging biceps. She stroked them, smiling up at him flirtatiously. “That’s just Dmitri for you. He has a way with the ladies.”

“You give me too much credit,” he stated simply.

“Come on, let’s go get something to eat!” Teagan then dragged him over to the table filled with snacks and leftover hamburgers.

Jaelynn watched them leave with a twinge of jealousy. Feeling that she was being watched, she turned to find Sasha eyeing her inquisitively. She rolled her eyes and said, “What? He is too sexy for his own good. I still can’t believe he chose Teagan over me, though!” She sighed. “Oh well, plenty more fish in the sea, right?”

When Sasha didn’t answer, she asked, “Would you mind refilling the lemonade?”

Sasha placed a forced smile on her face. “No problem.” She walked over to the table that Dmitri and Teagan had walked towards. While grabbing the empty pitcher of lemonade, she spotted them standing close to each other, apparently in a private discussion. Teagan, once again, had her hand wrapped around his bicep and was looking up at him with admiration and lust in her eyes. Her desire for him was blatantly obvious but, to Sasha’s surprise, he seemed unaffected. Almost bored. He in no way reciprocated her physical contact and his gaze often strayed from Teagan.

Sasha frowned at this discovery. Maybe Teagan was right. Maybe he was gay.

Sasha made her way to the kitchen. In the process of making some more lemonade, she heard someone enter the kitchen from the backyard. Expecting to find Jaelynn expressing her impatience about the pitcher of juice, she was surprised to see Dmitri walk in. At first, he didn’t notice her. Instead, he seemed to be looking for something.

Sasha gently cleared her throat. “Can I help you?”

Dmitri turned to her with widened eyes. “Oh! I didn’t see you there. Sasha, isn’t it?”

Once again, he seemed to be incapable of remembering her name. Slightly exasperated, she nodded her head. “Yup, that’s me.”

“I don’t know if you remember, but I’m Dmitri. We met at the restaurant that one night with your friends.” He walked towards her with a gentle smile and offered his hand for  a shake.

Taken aback by his politeness, Sasha almost forgot to shake his hand but eventually came to her senses. As soon as his hand grasped hers, she felt an electric spark race through her body. She looked up at him, in awe of his height. At only five feet, Sasha knew she was more than small in comparison but standing up close really set in how much of a giant this man was. Her head only reached a little above the middle of his wide chest and his hands dwarfed hers tremendously.

“It’s nice to meet you again, Dmitri.”

“Same to you, Sasha,” he replied, his smile widening to show off a perfect row of white teeth. “I came in here actually because I was in search of the bathroom. Would you mind directing me? I’d rather not get lost in a stranger’s home.”

Sasha laughed at the slight pout he displayed and nodded her head eagerly. “Of course. The layout of this house is actually confusing. There are rooms everywhere!” She led him to the nearest hallway.

“If you don’t mind me asking, how is it that such a young woman is able to afford a home with so much square footage and in such a nice neighborhood? I was only just able to buy my own home.” Dmitri walked behind her, making sure to take note of where she turned so that he would be able to find his way back to the kitchen.

“Oh, Jaelynn is just an overachiever that way. She has a nice job at a law firm and has saved up quite a lot of money since college. Her plan was to buy a home as early as possible in order to start paying off the mortgage so that she would have full ownership before she retired.” She paused and looked back at him with a mischievous grin. “It also helps that her family is well off,” she whispered.

Dmitri nodded his head in understanding. “What about you? Do you also plan on buying your home early?”

Sasha shook her head vigorously. “I’m barely paying for graduate school. There is no way I plan on buying my own home yet.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Who knows? I may end up moving to another city in the future. There are so many possibilities.”

Dmitri paused at this statement. “You are seeking a graduate degree in International relations, correct?”

“Yes. I’m surprised you remembered.” Sasha’s eyes widened as she realized what she had said may have been interpreted as an insult. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. I-I j-just-”

Dmitri stood closer to her with a grin. “No worries, Sasha. I know what you meant.” Before she could say anything else he pointed with his head at the door to their right. “Is this the bathroom?”

Sasha nodded, still lost in his gaze.

With nothing else said between them, Dmitri entered the bathroom and closed the door.

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