SAVAGE HEART (Layne & Shelby Book Two) (A Devil Call MC Book) (2 page)

BOOK: SAVAGE HEART (Layne & Shelby Book Two) (A Devil Call MC Book)
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your fucking hands off her,

I said.

I had the gun pressed to Finn

s temple. I wanted to pull the
trigger. In my mind I couldn

stop seeing the sight of the Devil Call MC logo on a leather cut as someone
walked away from Pep

s bar
after shooting it up. Could it have been a copycat? Hell yeah. Could it have
been Finn? Yeah. The level trust in the clubhouse was lower than the bodies
buried in the ground all around Oakville.

he returns,

Finn said.

heard my command.


Finn said.


m the fucking President and I
gave you an order.

Finn opened his hands and took them
away from Shelby. My eyes moved to her for a split second, just to see her
reaction, and of course Finn had to try a fucking move on me.

He knocked my hand up, making my
gun point at the ceiling. He rammed his side of his fist to my gut and then put
his nose to mine.

that was a knife, you

d be
fucking dead,

he said.

you don

t have a knife,

I said.

And I have a gun.

I brought the gun back to Finn

s temple.

His eyes were so goddamn dark. So
goddamn evil. It made me think of everything happening in Oakville. The attacks
from the Mountain Killers MC. The mafia taking out a prospect and then
attacking me. One of our own backstabbing us. And then Pep

s bar getting lit up.

Finn and I were in a dead lock.
Just standing there. The rest of the MC was unsure what to do. Our of respect
for the patch, they needed to protect me. Their President. The man who would
figure out how make all this shit right. Then again, they knew Finn longer.
They shared whiskey, women, and bullets with him.

was shot,

Shelby said.

By a prospect. I think he

s dead.

I took the gun from Finn

s head.

What? Ax is dead?


Finn said.

She meant the prospect.

I think he

s dead,

the second prospect said as he
stood there.

No gun. Fear in his eyes.

I put my gun away and walked behind
the bar. I had put two prospects on Shelby just for protection in the
clubhouse. I should have had patched in members. Truthfully, I didn

t trust anyone that wore the
cut. Fuck, I wasn

t even
sure if I trusted myself. Not with what hung over my head.

I had to kill Shelby

s mother. The woman she was
desperately trying to find. The woman she held in high regard as though she
could make everything wrong with Shelby

life magically right.

There wasn

t a chance of that though. Because if I didn

t kill Shelby

s mother, the mafia would come
after Devil Call MC. They

come hard. Could we fight? Yeah. But for what? Because of a woman who worked
the bar? What kind of message would I be sending to the rest of the MC then? It
would be proof that I was thinking with the wrong head, something I

d done before in life.

Ax thumped to the bar, holding a
towel to his shoulder.


I asked.


he bellowed.

Prospect shot me. Because I got
too close to your girl.


I said.


just trying to keep everyone safe here, okay? After what happened

I scanned the entire clubhouse. The
excess of booze and pussy lingered in the air.

want a meeting first thing in the morning,

I commanded.

I want
everyone at the table, sober, ready to figure this out. There

s shit we have to take care of.

re not going to bow to
anyone around us.

pointed to one of the women hanging near a pool table.

You. Go with Ax. Make sure his shoulder is okay.

She hustled over to Ax. I knew the
damn game. The women would hang around, hoping to be picked for the night. I
played the game for a long time.

I turned and looked at Shelby.

Close this down. We

re done here. Go somewhere right


said now.

Shelby threw a towel on the bar.


She moved from behind the bar and
looked like she was going to bolt for the door.

Like hell.

I jumped back and grabbed her arm.


re not fucking leaving. Don

t even try it.

She looked at me.


not going anywhere. I have nowhere to go, right? I

m trapped here.


re protected here,

I said through gritted teeth.


t forget that.

feel so safe,

Shelby said.

Ax and Finn threatening
me. Prospects too afraid to do anything. One of them is dead. Yeah, Layne, we

re all so safe.


t get smart with me,

I said.

Just fucking move.

I watched Shelby walk away. Her
damn ass hugged her jeans so perfectly tight. Her hips cut left to right,
slicing through the air. She was so goddamn beautiful and she didn

t even know it.

But I had to let her go for right
now. Until I could catch my breath, clear my head, and figure something out.

The clubhouse started to shut down
and I stood there for a few minutes to make sure everyone knew how serious I
was. Yeah, the nights were meant for living the dark life, I got that. The
nights were made to drink it up, chase away the demons, and find a little
comfort in any way you could.

But not tonight.

Not after I saw Pep in that
hospital bed like I did. Not with his bar shot up. Dried blood probably still
on the floor from the attack. Our enemies everywhere, getting aggressive,
wanting to really hurt the MC. All of it on my back now because of the patch.

I grabbed two beers from behind the
bar and left the main floor of the clubhouse behind. The prospects would clean
everything else up soon enough. Then another set of guys would take care of the
gates, along with a set rotation of members. I couldn

t trust non-patched members right now to really
protect the clubhouse.

I stopped walking and looked over
my shoulder.

Hell, could I even trust patched
in members?

At the end of the hall, I turned
and saw Ax standing there, the tallest and widest guy I

d ever seen in my life. The woman I sent to take
care of him had her skirt and panties down to her ankles. She was bent over, her
hands on the wall. Ax had a hand to the back of her neck, holding her that way.
His jeans were down to his knees and he stood there, pumping at her, fucking
her brains out.

Good for him.

I turned and went toward my room,
which would be empty. My comfort at night had been reduced to a gun on my chest
and another behind my pillow. Just in case. The other side of the bed was empty
and I hated it. There were plenty of women to fuck though. Plenty that I could
just make a quick call and take what I needed. No talking. No bullshit. Just
take your pants off and bend over.

I made fists at my door.

Pushing Shelby away was a dumb
move, but I had no choice right now. Bad enough she fucking hid from me that
her father was the goddamn Sheriff in Oakville. I really felt like I couldn

t trust anyone right now.

I opened the door to my bedroom and
paused. There was a woman sitting there. Her hands gripped at the edge of the
bed. Drunk eyes. Blonde hair. Her shirt was too tight for her body, done on
purpose. She wore jean shorts that were more like denim panties.

the fuck do you want?


the door,

she said.

me? This is my fucking room. In my fucking clubhouse. For my fucking motorcycle

The woman stood from the bed. She
flicked at the button on her shorts, opening them.  A quick little push at them
showed me that she wasn

wearing any panties under the shorts and that her body was smooth shaven. Her
middle finger slipped between her legs for a second and she bit her lip.

I held my composure, but I was
burning bad on the inside. With all the bloodshed, death, tension, and worry
all around, there was one thing better than booze and definitely better than
drugs. And I was staring right at it.

Slowly, I approached the woman. She
was far shorter than me. I bumped into her, feeling the softness of her breasts
against me. I kept my hands balled into fists to resist temptation.

think you know what you


I asked.


she said.

You need it. I want it. So just
fucking do it.

Damn, that was bold. And honest.
And goddamn right.

I lifted my hands and grabbed the

s waist. I pulled her
tight to my body. She let out a whimper as lust poured from her eyes. I turned
her around, putting her back to me.

like my ass?

she whispered.

You can have it, Layne. I

m not against anything.

I sucked in a breath. Her hair
smelled of some kind of flower shit and she had glitter on her neck. She was a
goddamn stripper, off her shift, here looking for a fuck.

My hands spread wide along her
waist. Then around to her stomach. Her belly was nice and flat. I pressed hard,
feeling the toughness of her stomach muscles.
Dancing muscles.
My hands
slithered up her body, over her shirt. I cupped just under her breasts. I kept
her close to my body.

I smelled her hair.

I shut my eyes.

Man, I wanted to just bend her over
and fuck her. The urge, the need, it was all there. I regretted everything I
was about to do.

But when I shut my eyes, I saw
Shelby. I saw her standing behind the. Thinking about her goddamn mother, the
woman I had to find and kill. Worried about her father smacking on her. Jesus
Christ, what a fucking disaster.

I opened my eyes and had my mouth
at the woman

s ear.

The line was right there to cross.
To destroy.

I opened my hands.

Get the fuck out of my room.

you serious?

she asked.


t just enter my room
and think I

m going to fuck
you. That

s not how it
works. Find someone else to be a whore with.

She spun and I saw her hand coming
from a mile away. I put my hand up and caught it. I then pulled and showed her
the door.

the fuck?

she asked.


re hard, Layne.

Yeah, I know.

what? You want a fucking award?

want your cock,

she said.

going to work on me. Get the fuck out.

The woman threw the middle finger
and stormed out of the room. I looked to my bed and didn

t want to spend the fucking night alone. I jumped
toward the door and opened it. If the woman had been smart she would have been
standing there. She would have known I would

searched my conscience and soul and found nothing good. I would have fucked

But she was gone.

I left my room and went down to the
last room. It really wasn

meant to be a room to stay in or sleep in. I ordered it to be set up that way
for Shelby. Because I couldn

just get rid of her. First off, I cared about her. Second off, I needed her.
She had information I needed that she didn

even know she had.

I lifted my fist to knock on the

Fuck, I was going to ruin her life.

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