Saved and SAINTified (83 page)

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Authors: Tiana Laveen

BOOK: Saved and SAINTified
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Oh, baby! Feels so good!” He rotated his hips, holding her as close as possible as his thrusts became so hard and strong, he feared he wouldn’t be able to control himself. “Ahhh! Xenia!!! Mmmm, baby! I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum so deep in you, baby!”

They locked eyes
as their hearts stopped—and then it was done. Saint drove in her again, so hard that her spirit moved. His grunting echoed, as he continued to pump and take her over and over, making her body bend and obey his throbbing cock’s commands. He was balls deep, covered her in lovely liquescent, never letting go as he shot his load deep within her comforting, pouring confines.

“Ahhh! Ahhh! Mmmm,
Xenia ... shit, please ... Ahhh! Mmmm!”

wrapped her arms tighter around his neck, her gaze locked with his.

“Fuck! Mmmmm
...” Saint kept saying the mantra until he had expelled all of his warm seed deep inside of her.

As they recouped,
they began to descend back toward the ground. He held her so lovingly, so beautifully, then pressed his lips to hers and kissed her feverishly until they’d reached the ground. They lay there for a moment, still reeling in the dreamlike experience. After a while, he stood and picked her up in his arms. Saint placed her delicately onto her feet. After a couple of steps, she began to lose balance so he picked her up again, lovingly kissing her along the bridge of her nose.

“Are you okay?” he said softly, grinning down at her, their noses touching.

She nodded, smiling up at him, and she had that look ... he
that look. It was the same one he’d seen when he knew for a fact, that she, too, was in love with him. It was the look of what happens to a woman’s heart when a deserving man captures it—and he treasured it. He’d paid his dues to this woman, and she’d paid hers to him. Their life was not easy, but it was perfectly designed and tailored, fitting their souls to a ‘T’.

He sat her back down on the ground.
Xenia dressed while Saint walked back over to where he had originally disrobed. He put his garments back on and rejoined her. They looked at each other, not saying one word. Nothing needed to be shared—it was already understood. They made their way back toward the car, hand in hand.

Their fingertips
playfully dancing along one another’s, like two teenagers in the throes of new love, and that was exactly how they felt. It never got old; each day was revamped and brand new. Saint started the car and they began to drive home where he had high hopes of making love to her again and again once they reached their bedroom. He needed her so badly. She was in his system and he never wanted to be cured. 

As they drove back home, his mind raced. The beauty of their lovemaking always gave him new insights and ideas, and this was no exception
; in fact, it was more vibrant, due to the fanciful experience. He knew at that very moment, without a doubt, what he had been created to do and achieve: To shower the world in knowledge of sensuality and love, to embrace and encourage the black Queens of the Earth, and the Rainbeau men who loved them, and to never allow others to define or tear them apart.

Saint held on to Xenia’s hand while they drew closer to their home, he glanced out of the window, up at the sky. A broad smile spread across his face. He looked over at his Queen, watched her slowly fall into a deep sleep. She’d missed the show, but that was okay. He saw what he needed to; the message was loud and clear. The stars in the heavens formed in the shape of Egypt, twinkling and sparkling brightly for his viewing pleasure.

It was
as beautiful as the two grandiose, solid gold and diamond covered chairs, sitting side by side, that awaited Saint and his beautiful bride, upon their heavenly arrival in the hereafter when their time came. The Creator had heard his pleas. Saint had made it clear that a life without Xenia was Hell times two. He would never have to endure that, even in another life.  Gabriel sounded his trumpet for Saint’s ears only. The message to his heart was received.

And all the
beautiful black Queens said,
” to
a man
named Saint. He came and reminded them of their God-given right to reign supreme—giving them the tools they needed to achieve their amorous nirvana and destiny, through his continuous teachings of self-appreciation, sexual freedom and respect, personal perseverance and simply just

Saint smiled as he continued to deliberate, and think of all the Goddesses out there in the world that he wanted to continue to assist through his message, his calling, his reason for existing.

I just want you to live, Queen. You die a little bit every time you let someone rob you of what is rightfully yours. Someone stole your crown. Take it back and reign, Goddess ... Rainbeaus come after tears pour from the sky. That rain is from your radiant eyes. And then, one day, you stop crying. The sacrifice is over. You are no lamb on a sacrificial altar, Beautiful. There is nothing but sun for you, from here on out. Follow your heart’s light. You are the prizm of color in the Rainbeau’s heart; otherwise, he disappears unnoticed, and without a trace, in shades of dismal gray.

And the
Queens listened, because he was worthy—and so were the Rainbeaus waiting for them, desiring them,

Nothing existed that would hold the Goddess within back, because Saint truly
saved and SAINTifed. He would continue on his path until he drew his last breath, because he understood a Queen’s worth.

Now, it was up to
to know, as well....







1. In this third book of the series, Saint and
Xenia have a daughter. What if any, significance do you believe the gender of the child played in possible psychic abilities yet to be revealed?

2. Saint is more comfortable with his abilities and gifts now. What do you believe enabled him to embrace them?

3. Saint and Xenia’s relationship was once again tested. If you were Xenia, could you handle being married to someone like Saint? Why or why not?

4. When Saint and Raphael had the confrontation in the bar, what to you was a significant point that Saint made during the heated debate?

5. When Saint spoke in Texas at the Rainbeau Conference, were you able to relate to anything that he stated? Why or why not?

6. Saint has become fast friends with Jagger, despite their tumultuous start. Jagger is a complicated soul. What do you think about him?

7. Lawrence is a calm, intelligent Native American Angel-Child that Saint met in the second book of the series. They have a very close friendship now. How do you believe that he has helped Saint in his personal and professional life?





Tiana Laveen was born in
Cincinnati, Ohio and now resides in the southern midwest with her husband, two children, and twisted imagination. She enjoys a fulfilling and enriching life that includes writing books, public speaking, drawing, painting, listening to music, cooking, and spending time with loved ones.

Tiana Laveen is a uniquely creative and innovative author whose romance fiction is geared towards those who not only want to temporarily escape from the daily routines of life, but also delve into social taboo as it pertains to interracial relationships. Tiana creates a painting with words as she guides her reader into the lives of each and every main character.

Her first book series entitled "Cross Climax" tackles interracial dating, marriage, and sexual relationships head on without any false bravado. "Cross Climax I" and "Cross Climax II" allow the reader to dive headfirst into short stories that are packed with seduction, romance, and heart-pounding punch. The two novels in conjunction lead to a surprising, but fulfilling conclusion.

Her third novel, "The Slave Master's Son," transports readers back to a time and place where interracial relationships were not accepted by the dominant society. The novel delivers a scintillating, historical account of one family's struggles to deal with love, lus
t, and consequences.


Her novels are as follows:

Cross Climax I and II, The Slave Master’s Son, ‘
I Want Candy’, 'The Naughty Sins of a Saint' (the first book of this series), 'When Saint Goes Marching In' (the second book of this series), ‘Swirled Satin Sheets’ I and II and ‘In My Sister’s Shadow’.

If you wish to contact Tiana Laveen, please send an email message to [email protected] or contact her at She is also on twitter.



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