Saven Defiance (The Saven Series Book 4) (43 page)

BOOK: Saven Defiance (The Saven Series Book 4)
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Ax is standing in the corridor against the wall, all by himself. One leg is propped up at the knee. He stares at me with a dead look in his eyes. I move to go to him, but he shakes his head and pushes off the wall, disappearing around the corner.

I want to scream in frustration. To bash my head against the wall. To yank tufts of hair from my scalp. To rant at the world for placing me in such a difficult position. But I do none of that. Because as much as I deplore the horrific things that have happened to me, there is also much to be grateful for. And after today, a lot more to be hopeful about.

Haydn escorts me to a small kitchen, and I sit up on the table while he attends to my injured face. We don’t speak but it’s not uncomfortable. The animosity, which has been a constant obstacle between us lately, is lacking, thankfully. Instead, there’s a comfortable sense of familiarity. This is like all the hundreds of other times he’s taken care of me.

When he’s done, he carefully repacks the medical supplies in the box. His mouth twitches as his eyes flit between me and the box every ten seconds or so.

“Say what you need to say.”

He wets his lips as he reaches over me to put the medical case away. Customary scents waft around me like a comfort blanket. With a barely there touch of his fingers, he gently supports my face between both his hands. “I’m sorry, Sadie.” His voice and his face are earnest, and he looks at me in a way he hasn’t looked at me for a long time.

My lip wobbles as I stare into his intelligent, hazel eyes. I clasp his wrists. “I’m sorry too.”

Our moment is broken when Logan comes striding into the room. He skids to a halt, faltering, when he sees us. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.” He backs up with an apologetic half-smile. He inadvertently drops his mental shield, and his emotions hurl through the line connecting us. He’s trying to be mature about this, but he’s still Logan. Envy and jealousy mingle with respect and trust.

“You weren’t.” Hopping off the table, I fling myself at him. His arms snake around my waist, and he inhales deeply. Soothing calmness flows between us. My head rests on his chest, and the steady, consistent beating of his heart alleviates all my concerns. Habitual, hot tingles rip up and down my spine. It’s amazing how much at ease I feel. It’s instantaneous when he’s around.

“I feel the same, Angel.”
Whoops. Guess he’s not the only one who dropped his shield. He chortles, tweaking my nose.

“Now I’m interrupting.” Haydn is sheepish as he attempts to maneuver past us.

“Not so fast.” Logan turns serious in a heartbeat. “I was looking for you both for a reason.”

Keeping my arms wrapped around his waist, I arch back and stare up at him. “Dali’s been in touch. She’s organized a group Heir’s meeting in the High Commission. We need to leave.”


“What do you want to do?” Logan asks, pressing a kiss to the hollow of my throat. Grabbing his head firmly, I secure his mouth to mine, kissing him long and hard as I crush my body to his. He sighs contentedly. Vaguely, I hear Haydn leaving the room as I all but climb up Logan’s body. Firm arms lift me up and carry me to a table. Depositing me carefully, he kisses me quickly before pulling back.

I pout, and he sends laughter down the line. “Missed you.” He cups one side of my face, and I lean into his palm.

“Missed you too.” I stretch my hand over his. “So much, even though we haven’t been apart that long and we’ve been in constant contact. I fear we’re turning into one of those sappy couples, you know, the ones who are all grabby hands and lovesick expressions, the ones who make everyone else want to hurl.”

He chuckles. “I’d say we’re definitely already there.” His face turns solemn. “I’m so sorry about Ella.” I fist a hand in his shirt and pull him to me, nestling into the warmth of his chest. “He’s going to pay for this. I won’t rest until we find him.”

“Ready whenever you are, My King,” Rylan says, popping his head into the tiny kitchen. Logan nods. “I’ll round up the others, and we’ll teleport to the ship.”

“I’ll follow in due course,” Logan replies as Rylan walks away. “Are you staying or coming with us, Angel?” He smooths a hand over my hair. I pause, unsure what I want to do. “It’s totally your decision. I’ll support you whatever you need to do.”

I deposit a quick kiss on his lips. “Thank you.” I drag my lip between my thumb and forefinger as I contemplate my options. “What’s going to happen here?”

“I’ve reached out to Dali’s father through the normal diplomatic channels, but he refuses to engage in meaningful dialogue, and now he’s cut all lines of communication. I don’t know what he’s planning to do, but I’ve instructed my troops to keep a close eye on the Amaretti ships here and to protect the humans at all costs. Jarod is currently trying to locate the whereabouts of the president and his cabinet so I can update him, and Glenn has agreed to support the government’s efforts. At least until the alien threat is averted.” A worried look crosses his face.

“Wow. You’re a fast worker.” Pride laces my tone.

“Not fast enough. Things aren’t fully contained on Saven, and so much is still up in the air. I’ll need to return there after the Heir’s meeting, but I will teleport to meet the president as soon as Jarod has made contact. I’ll probably need to act as a buffer between Glenn and him.”

“Do you think Glenn is leveling with us or playing to some alternate agenda?” I cock my head to the side as I contemplate the rebel leader’s motives.

“I’m not sure. Who knows how he’ll react once the euphoria clears?” He shrugs. “I guess time will tell. For now, I’ll just have to keep an eye on him.”

A shallow crease furrows his brow, and his shoulders are tied into a million knots. He’s carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, and that decides it for me.

Logan needs me. Period.

Besides, it’s not like there’s anything left for me here. And I’m sure I can be of some support to the stars still stuck on Saven. From what I’ve witnessed, it’s far too risky to consider sending them back to Earth now. “I’m coming with you.”

“Awesome answer.” He grins, displaying a perfect set of gleaming white teeth. “Come on.” He gives me a quick peck while lifting me down off the table. “Let’s make our goodbyes and rendezvous with the others.

Evana and Logan have a tearful goodbye. Even though I can tell how happy he is for her, it’s still a bittersweet moment. She’s been like a mother to him for years, so I can understand how hard it is for him to face the prospect of letting her go. She gives me a massive hug, while Logan and Glenn tentatively shake hands. Vin watches from his position on the edge of the couch, a stunned look still cloaking his face. “Catch you later,” I tell him, leaning down to give him a quick embrace. “Mind that grandmother of yours. She’s a special lady.”

Jarod sweeps me into a bear hug, smothering me. “Can’t breathe,” I splutter into his chest.

“We didn’t have nearly long enough.” He drags a hand self-consciously through his hair.

“I know.” I pat his arm. “But it’s not like this is goodbye forever. I’ll try and teleport back for a visit if I can squeeze one in. I still want to visit her grave. Will you be okay?”

“Will you?”

I shuffle uneasily on my feet. “I’ll have to be. Ella wouldn’t want it any other way. I can’t believe she’s gone. That I’m never going to see her again.”
That it’s all my fault.
Tears prick my eyes, and I’m helpless to stop my natural reaction. Honestly, I could start my own reservoir with the amount of tears I’ve shed lately.

Comforting arms encircle my waist from behind. “I’ve got you.” Logan’s citrusy scent envelops me, and I relax, leaning back into him. He presses soft lips to my temple. “Ready?”

I kiss the underside of his jaw. “Yeah. Beam me up, Scotty.”

Jarod rolls his eyes at my obvious
Star Trek
reference. Logan chuckles, albeit with less enthusiasm than if I was quoting Will Smith. He quickly jabs a couple of buttons on his comport and the room fades away.

A pang of guilt accosts me when we reach the ship, and I spot Ax sulking in a seat at the back of the cabin. I hadn’t given him a second thought back there. Izzy is sitting beside him with a sourpuss expression on her face. I’ve used up my drama quota for the day, so I drop into a seat beside Haydn and buckle up. Logan plants a chaste kiss on my lips before entering the cockpit to assist Rylan with takeoff.

We arrive at the High Commission in under an hour thanks to the hyperdrive. The High Commission resides on a massive space station that orbits the galaxy, circumnavigating member planets. Neve, Alex, and Fern are all waiting in the hangar to greet us. Once we’ve docked, we file out in dribs and drabs. I try to engage Ax in conversation, but he’s having none of it, so I fall back with Izzy.

King Coryn greets us warmly when we step into the massive conference room. It appears we are the last attendees to arrive, judging by the remaining two vacant chairs. which display Logan’s and Ax’s names. Dali gives me a subtle wave from her seat.

I’m briefly introduced to Chancellor Xava, the man in charge of the High Commission. Dali and Logan had previously outlined the intergalactic political landscape, explaining how the High Commission is the peaceful form of central governance in the galaxy. Although membership is voluntary, and enemy nations only accept the governance of the Regal Commission, most of the heirs in this room are representative of both factions, and they have been attending the annual Heir’s Summit for years. Preparing for a situation like the one we now find ourselves in.

Surreptitious glances are cast my way. Thankfully, most look curious rather than hostile.

The chancellor calls the meeting to order. I claim a seat at the far wall with the other uninvited guests, while Logan takes his assigned seat around the large oval-shaped glass table. Win drops down alongside me, acknowledging me with a curt nod.

“I invite Crown Princess Dalitza of the Amaretti to address the assembly,” the chancellor says, nodding at Dali.

She rises in her seat, swirling her fingers in the air, as she summons a holoscreen. It stretches the length of the table, displaying a 360-degree image of the solar system. “My fellow heirs.” Her eyes sweep the table confidently. “The time has come for us to take action. To put into place a new system of governance in the galaxy. To herald a new era of peace and prosperity. But before we can do that, we need to unite against those outsiders who plot against us.”

She flicks her wrist, and the display changes to a color-coded map. “My father is hell-bent on destroying the Saven and occupying Earth. Dante is still in the wind, and I have it on good authority that Griselda is in the process of rebuilding the Tempo and experimenting with a new Assassins Program, one that will create a new breed of army with the full power of the incendio gift at their disposal.”

I shift uncomfortably in my seat, as hushed gasps and shocked faces are swapped around the table.

“Unfortunately, that’s not all.” She grimaces. “Six of our friends and colleagues chose not to partner with us, assuring us, at that time, of their neutral stance.” Logan’s head jerks up, his jaw rigid with concern. “Apparently, Dante has lured them to his side, and they are preparing to attack en masse.”

Hushed whispers give rise to angry outbursts and noisy discussion as many voices compete to be heard. Logan stands, motioning for Dali to sit. “Silence,” he bellows in a commanding voice. Everyone focuses on him. “Panicking will not solve anything. We need to formulate and execute a plan before my brother has a chance to rally against us. Chancellor Xava,” he asks, turning to face him. “Are you prepared to issue Renunciation and Interim Instatement Orders to the member states around this table?”

The chancellor nods slowly and solemnly. “I am, and I can ensure the paperwork is processed efficiently.”

“Thank you.” Logan switches his attention back to the group. “If your fathers are willing to support our efforts in defeating the Amaretti, my brother, and the other six nations, then confirm same and allocate military resources. A small flurry of little green lights light up over several heads. “Excellent. Thank you. Everyone else must be prepared to serve the Renunciation Order and take temporary control of your planet under the Interim Instatement Order. Your first act as temporary leader is to communicate resources and ensure they are battle-ready. Please confirm your agreement now.” One by one, lights flicker on over heads until only two heirs remain undecided.

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