Savior Part 2: Son of Eden (The Savior Series) (21 page)

BOOK: Savior Part 2: Son of Eden (The Savior Series)
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I WAS COMPLETELY FROZEN IN DISBELIEF AS THE BRILLIANT blue and white light in front of me cascaded outward in all directions. The intense, white-hot light given off by the being that had appeared before me burned several times hotter and brighter than the sun but I was somehow completely unharmed and able to peer into the fiery ball of majestic light and see that the massive amount of vibrant blue energy had taken the form of a gigantic eye that was staring directly at me.

A gentle wind fluttered the red cocktail dress that I was still wearing and a thick gray haze of fog crept over the nothingness in which I stood as I peered upward and stared into the gigantic pupil of the humongous spectral eye before me that stretched as far as my eyes could see. The eye appeared to be female and it actually didn’t look very threatening but I was still no less frightened by the unbelievable enormity of it.

“Do not fear, child, for I will bring you no harm,”
the enchanting voice called out as the spectral eye towered above me the same way I would tower above an ant. There was no mouth, but I was still somehow able to hear it speak, although I couldn’t tell if I was actually hearing the voice with my ears or inside my head. Her voice was soothing, however, and suddenly I wasn’t quite as apprehensive as I had been initially.

“W-what are you? What do you want with me?” I stammered.

“I am called the Goddess of Eden ,”
She replied.

“So it’s true. You want me to be your vessel?” I asked.

the Goddess whispered with a subtle hiss that sent a chill down my spine.

“But why me? Why choose me out of all the people on Earth?” I asked.

“It is the very purpose for which you were created. ‘Tis destiny that has chosen you, child—not me,”
the Goddess replied.

“I don’t understand,” I admitted.

“Very well then… I will show you what has come to pass as well as that which lies ahead. Perhaps then you will come to understand,”
She softly replied.

My mouth gaped in surprise as the blackness that surrounded us suddenly began to shimmer and fade away. After a few moments even the Goddess’ spectral eye began to fade and the blackness that had once beset me was replaced by a crystal blue sky. My heartbeat raced as I realized that somehow I remained; hovering in mid-air amongst the clouds as the Goddess’ eye completely vanished. My heart thumped even faster when I noticed several enormous aircrafts streaking through the sky, headed directly toward me. I clenched my eyes shut just before impact but to my surprise I didn’t feel a thing as the sophisticated aircraft phased right through me as if I was nothing more than a ghost who had charged into a vicious battle that was starting to fill the sky.

“What is this place? What’s happening?” I yelled as I turned in a full circle watching the droves of futuristic aircrafts clash in mid-air around me. Countless missiles and beams of red energy filled the sky as the squads of opposing aircrafts sought to annihilate each other. Half of the aircrafts were shaped like miniature flying saucers and they appeared to have the advantage against the conventionally shaped crafts as their circular designs allowed them to fire their red death rays in all directions.

“Behold the siege of Eden—the culmination of a galactic war instigated by those who wanted nothing more than to seize this treasure.”
The Goddess had not yet reappeared but I could still hear Her enchanting voice as though She was still right in front of me.

When it came to the planet Eden, She was absolutely right—It was a treasure. Even as legions of star ships clashed all around me I couldn’t help but notice just how breathtakingly beautiful the environment was. Despite the chaos that filled the air and the great city that was under siege below, the rest of the environment still somehow seemed oddly peaceful—completely impervious to the devastating carnage that was threatening to consume it.

“This is Eden,” I finally whispered as the battle around me waged on.

“Yes, child. This is where we took our last stand—and it is also where I was destroyed,”
the Goddess replied just as a bright blue ball of light suddenly erupted in front of me.

Ships from both sides turned and attempted to flee but the fiery ball of light quickly expanded and consumed them all as it cascaded across the horizon. When the light finally dissipated, the now mangled ships hung suspended in the air for a fraction of a second before they all began to plummet toward the ground below. As the droves of decimated ships spiraled toward the war-torn city below I suddenly realized that only I and another mysterious woman remained within the sky. She was hovering in the same spot where the fiery ball of blue light had appeared and Her ankle length, raven hair whipped wildly in the strong winds that surrounded us as Her intense eyes smoldered with a fiery blue glow. The sunlight shined brightly against the sophisticated silver and black armor that covered Her athletic physique from head to toe.

“Is that you?! Is that you, Eden?” I called out to Her.

“Yes, child,”
I heard Her say in my head as the version of Her in front of me floated upward and tightened Her fists in anticipation.
“This was the form that I took many years ago when I first ventured into the corporeal world.”

I was paralyzed with fear as the same deep, menacing hum from my dreams rang out and suddenly the once crystal blue sky began to violently shimmer. The Goddess ascended higher into the air as thousands of the same humongous circular spaceships from my dream suddenly appeared all around us.

“Run! Eden! You have to run!” I shouted to Her as the wind picked up and the fire in Her eyes intensified. Her silky locks of ankle length, raven hair danced within the wind as the energy within Her eyes suddenly spilled outward and in an instant Her entire body was consumed by it. I shuddered in horror as the hovering spaceships that surrounded Her fired massive waves of red energy beams at Her, but to my surprise, the beams were harmlessly deflected away as they crashed against the protective barrier of blue energy that now surrounded the Goddess.

My eyes widened with surprise as one of the giant circular spaceships closest to Her suddenly collapsed onto itself and fell from the sky as if it was nothing more than a massive soda can that had been crushed by an equally giant invisible hand. I watched in awe as another spaceship suffered the same fate as the Goddess extended Her right hand and forcefully clenched it into a fist. The enormous flying saucers continued to fire upon Her but none of their weapons could penetrate the radiating barrier of blue energy that had formed into a force field around Her.

Fury burned in Her majestic eyes as She continued to clench Her fists and instantly reduce the circular dreadnaughts into scrap metal. She was crushing two to three of them at a time but before long the sky around us was almost completely blackened as more and more of the humongous flying saucers shimmered into view and joined the fight faster than She could crush them. A devastating clap of thunder shook the globe as The Goddess slammed Her hands together, then spread Her arms as quickly as She could. Suddenly the hoard of spaceships that once surrounded Her were torn into two separate groups against their will. The ships all frantically fired their thrusters in hopes of escaping Her grasp but as She gritted Her teeth and clenched Her mighty fists it was obvious that they were all under Her control. Another thunderous clap filled the air as The Goddess slammed Her hands together once more and the thousands of enemy starships that were caught within Her power suddenly collided into each other and went up in a massive ball of fire and metal. Pillars of flaming smoke and debris littered the skies as the Goddess’ eyes burned even brighter than before and Her midnight waves of impossibly long hair cascaded through the air behind Her like the blackened wings of a mighty archangel.

“I don’t understand,” I said, still frozen in disbelief at the sheer power that She possessed. “You single handedly defeated an entire fleet of their spaceships. How could they have possibly defeated you?”

“I too once thought myself to be invincible… but that was before the Guardians,”
The Goddess replied as Her vessel turned and suddenly glared at the ground beneath us. My heart skipped a beat as I noticed that thousands of humanoid robots were leaving the battle below and cruising upward towards us like a hoard of missiles that had been launched from the ground. I knew that I couldn’t be harmed as we were merely glancing into the past, but as I watched the droves of lifeless machines make their way towards us I couldn’t shake the overwhelming sense of dread that was churning in the pit of my stomach. A deep, menacing hum filled the air as the collective whirring of the swarm of robots drew near. The Goddess, still shrouded in Her fiery field of blue energy, was completely still as the group of machines finally reached our altitude and hovered in a circle around Her. Each robot was nearly eight feet tall and they appeared to be made of the same shiny silver and black metal that the Goddess’ suit of armor was made of. Their heads reminded me of a sophisticated version of a motorcycle helmet and the menacing glare of their upside-down triangle shaped visors sent a cold tremor down my spine.

“The Knights of Eden had never suffered a defeat before that day, but with the help of the Guardians, the Equillian Federation had dismantled our ground forces in a matter of minutes,”
The Goddess said solemnly.
“In the end… it was all up to me.”

In a flash the Guardians scrambled like hornets darting out of a recently broken nest. The Goddess unleashed a ferocious roar as She threw Her hands before Her, sending a powerful wave of energy pulsating from Her smoldering force field. Several of the machines were destroyed upon impact but the majority of them were able to absorb the attack as they activated faint yellow force fields of their own. The Goddess continued to unleash powerful waves of Her energy, however the remaining robots were completely unharmed and they continued to scramble and close in on Her as She tried in vain to destroy them. I watched in horror as Her force field suddenly began to shrink and the swarms of Guardians latched onto Her fiery aura in such great numbers that She completely disappeared amongst them.

For a moment it seemed as though all hope was lost, and then suddenly slivers of bright blue light poured out from within the swarm of deadly machines. The Guardians were suddenly blown backward as The Goddess’ blistering blue aura suddenly expanded in an instant and exploded into a massive ball of blackened orange and blue fire. Nearly a fourth of the machines were destroyed by the explosion but almost a thousand of them still remained, and as they regained their balance they instantly set their sights on the Goddess who was still hovering in mid-air amongst the chaos.

The Goddess’ silky waves of midnight hair flowed in the wind behind Her as She spread Her powerful arms and unleashed a ferocious roar while the droves of Guardians rocketed toward Her from all directions. Even the ground below us trembled and shook as the Goddess slammed Her open palms together and sent a powerful shockwave ripping towards the approaching Guardians. Nearly half of the machines were instantly crushed into nothing by the attack but as the smoke cleared and the remaining Guardians regained their balance it was clear to see that hundreds of them still filled the air.

Another crack of thunder rang out as the Goddess slammed Her hands together once more. However, this time the resulting shockwave was harmlessly absorbed by the Guardians’ faint yellow force fields as they relentlessly rocketed towards Her. Several knots twisted in the pit of my stomach as I soon realized that the machines were somehow adapting to Her every attack.

The Goddess quickly reactivated Her flaming blue force field as the swarming Guardians began to rapidly fire red energy beams at Her from small retractable cannons that were mounted on their shoulders. The red beams were harmlessly deflected away by the Goddess’ sweltering aura, however Her attempts to retaliate with blasts of Her own energy were also absorbed by the Guardians’ force fields.

Soon, the swarm was threatening to overwhelm Her once again, but the Goddess managed to create a bit of space by swatting hundreds of them away with a single swing of Her right hand, as if Her hand was somehow wielding an invisible weapon that stretched for hundreds of miles. She continued to bat them away with Her telekinetic powers but with each swing of Her fists the machines would charge back toward Her with even more speed. Still swatting at the relentless Guardians with Her right hand, the Goddess threw Her head back and roared at the sky above as She reached towards the clouds with Her left arm.

Suddenly a great lightning storm infused with the blistering blue power of the Goddess struck out of the clouds above and hordes of the machines caught within its path were instantly incinerated into nothing. The Goddess’ thundering roar shook the ground below and She threw both hands toward the clouds while the blazing lightning storm raged on. The yellow force fields that surrounded the handful of Guardians that remained trapped within the storm suddenly started to pulsate and instead of struggling to keep the Goddess’ lightning at bay, the yellow force fields now seemed to become stronger as they absorbed the energy from the raging storm.

The Goddess’ eyes widened with surprise and rage as giant red death rays suddenly hammered against Her force field as thousands more of the giant circular spaceships from before once again shimmered into view in the distance. The nearly forty Guardians that survived the lightning storm scrambled toward the approaching spaceships as they moved to coordinate an attack against the Goddess.

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