Savior Part 2: Son of Eden (The Savior Series) (27 page)

BOOK: Savior Part 2: Son of Eden (The Savior Series)
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“I’m going in!”
I yelled as my heart thumped ever harder in my chest.

Ace shouted as he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. I came to a screeching halt as well and whipped around in disbelief to face him.

“Something’s wrong,”
he continued as I glared at him from several feet away. I glanced back toward the small three-story building that was tucked in between two much larger buildings. It was seemingly abandoned at first glance but besides that it looked completely ordinary to me.

“I don’t see anything,” I said to Ace, as Charlie and Tango watched us both in silence. Charlie twirled his massive revolver in his right hand and chewed on the toothpick in the right corner of his mouth as Ace studied the building once more.

“That’s the point,” Ace replied. “Why isn’t that building crawling with Strangers, Reaper? As a matter of fact, why isn’t this entire city crawling with Strangers?”

“I don’t know and I don’t care. The only thing I care about is saving Monica and if she’s in there I’m getting her out!” I insisted.

“But what if it’s a trap, Reap. After Echo’s last transmission was cut off we haven’t been able to reestablish communication with him so there’s no way for us to know what’s in there before hand,” Ace replied.

“Wait a second, what are you talking about? When did Howie’s transmission get cut off?” I asked.

“Just a few minutes ago,” Ace said. “On the way down from the jet, Howie and I were going over some last minute details and suddenly the transmission just went dead. I tried to reestablish a connection but I couldn’t reach him or Wells over the radio or phone.”

“Are you serious?!”

“Yeah man,” Ace said. “This doesn’t feel right, Reaper. What if this is all a ruse? What if something is actually going down at 51 right now?”

“There’s no way they’d be stupid enough to attack Area 51. It’s one of the most—” I started, but I immediately cut my sentence short when I realized what Ace was alluding to.

“It is
one of the most fortified places on the planet but we just sent our best four fighters along with over half of our forces here!” Ace said.

“Dammit!” I cursed as I bit my lip and tried to control my breathing. My face grew warm as blood rushed to my head and I tried to decide if we should abandon the op and rush back to 51 as soon as possible.

“We need to get back to 51, Reaper!” Ace said firmly as I continued to contemplate the decision. It kind of pissed me off that his words came out as more of an order than a suggestion. I always let Ace take point on most of our ops because he had the best tactical experience but it still irked me whenever he would bark orders at me as if I was working for him or something.

“I’m not going anywhere until I’ve confirmed that she’s not in there,” I replied.

“What if it’s a trap, Reap? What if they’re in there waiting for you to storm in?”

“Then that will be the worst mistake they ever made,” I said darkly as I turned and rocketed toward the building.

“Reaper!” Ace shouted after me as I zipped toward the building at over one-hundred miles per hour. It only took a few seconds for me to storm the building and crash through the front doors using nothing but my left shoulder—but it took even less time for me to realize that she wasn’t there. The building was completely empty—as empty as the feverishly thumping, broken heart in my chest, which had gone crazy at the sight of the raging wall of fire that had erupted seconds after I entered the building.

The relentless fire burned furiously as it spread outward, tearing its way through the air as it threatened to consume the entire room. But even the intensity of those flames paled in comparison to the flames of hatred that emerged from within me as I thought of what I would do once I got my hands on The Righteous. Ace, Tango and Charlie watched in awe as I shot out of the building like a bullet and leapt away just as the entire structure went up in a massive ball of fire and black smoke. Ace quickly rushed towards me but I was already on my feet and heaving for air by the time he reached me.

“Reaper, are you okay—”

“Ace, Reaper do you read me?!”
Howie’s voice suddenly rang out in our ear pieces.

“Loud and clear, Echo. What’s the situation?”
Ace responded.

“It’s not good. We got hit, boys! We got hit big time!”
Howie replied.

The Strangers hit 51?”
Ace asked.

“Affirmative. I don’t know how they got in but they brought a ton of guys and they overran us quickly. I managed to use my beacon to jump to 3D but a lot of our guys are still back there.”

“What about Director Wells?”
Ace asked.

I’m not sure. I lost contact with him after I jumped to 3D. I managed to hack into the security camera feed from 3D but I haven’t been able to spot Wells so far. I did notice that the Guardian is missing and it also looks like they’re going after one of the deep space communicators too.”

“Dammit! We’ve gotta get back there now!”
Ace growled.

“That’s not a good idea, Ace. The Strangers have locked down nearly the entire facility,”
Howie cautioned.

“We don’t have a choice, Echo! We need to recover the Guardian and if we allow them to capture that communicator we’re finished! If The Righteous is able to establish communication with the Anokian fleet there is nothing we can do to stop them once they arrive!”

“You’ll die if you go back there!”
Howie warned.

“And we’ll all die if I don’t,”
Ace said as he whipped out his beacon and turned on the virtual display.

“I’m coming with you,”
I insisted as Ace input his code into the wormhole beacon and a crackling orb of rapidly spinning light and energy suddenly appeared and expanded before us.

“What about you two?” Ace asked as he turned to Tango and Charlie. “You heard what Echo said. It’s virtually a suicide mission so I’m not forcing either of you to join us.”

“If you think I’m gonna let you hog all the glory you’ve got another thing comin’, pal,” Tango smirked as his eerie cybernetic eye emanated a soft red glow.

“Welp,” Charlie said as he popped open his revolver and checked to make sure it was fully loaded. “Here’s to suicide, boys!” he continued as he snapped the revolver closed and whipped it back into the holster on his right hip.

“Suicide Boys…” Ace repeated as he tightened the long black headband that was tied around his tactical mask.

“I kinda like the sound of that,” I admitted as my heart raced with anticipation.

“Alright then, Suicide Boys! Let’s get busy!” Ace yelled as he withdrew the razor sharp katana at his hip and we all leapt forward into the wormhole.



WE EMERGED FROM THE WORMHOLE IN AN UNDERGROUND lab in Area 51 but we were met by a barrage of automatic gunfire as soon as we sprang out of the colorful orb. Tango and I managed to deflect most of their bullets with our swords but as soon as Charlie and I were about to return fire Reaper zoomed forward and laid waste to the entire squad of over thirty Stranger operatives before we could fire a single shot.

“Show off,” Charlie smirked as he tipped his hat and shifted his eyes around the room to watch out for more Strangers.

“Echo, we’re in,”
I confirmed, as Reaper, Tango and Charlie waited behind me.
“Have you been able to locate Wells yet?”

“Negative, Ace, but I haven’t seen his body either. He could still be alive in there somewhere.”

“Remember that secret room in Wells’ office? Check and see if he’s in there,”
I ordered, as the hurried footsteps of Stranger troops approaching rang out. Charlie, Tango and I prepared to strike as a wave of about twenty Strangers burst into the room but once again Reaper zipped forward and effortlessly incapacitated the entire squad in a matter of seconds.

“I’ll tell you what, Hoss, I’m feelin’ about as useless as a back pocket on a dress shirt right about now,” Charlie smirked as he whipped his revolver back into the holster on his hip.

“Tell me about it,” Tango grumbled. “Why don’t you save some for us next time, pal?”

“There’ll be plenty to go around, boys. Trust me,”
Howie said over the radio.
“Ace, you were right, Wells is holed up in that secret section of his office but The Strangers are attempting to blow the door as we speak. It’s reinforced by I’m not sure how long it will hold up.”

“Tell him I’m on the way!”
I barked.

“What about the Guardian and the communicator?”
Reaper asked just as I was about to dash away.

“Dammit, that’s right,”
I said, clenching my fists as I quickly thought of a plan of attack. “We don’t have enough time or man power to get them all so Tango and I will grab Wells while you and Charlie intercept the deep space communicator.”

“And the Guardian?”
Reaper asked.

“The communicator is the primary objective. I’d hate for the Guardian to fall into their hands as well but right now the Anokian fleet poses the greatest threat to us. We have to keep that communicator from reaching The Righteous at all costs—even if we have to destroy it.”

“And you need to move now, Reap,”
Howie interjected.
“They’ve already uninstalled the communicator and they’re moving it up to the hangar right this second but I should be able to guide you guys in to intercept it if you hurry.”

Reaper said, then he and Charlie stormed out of the lab.

“Hey, Ace, by the way I’m getting some funny readings from one of the troops in Wells’ office. He’s fighting alongside the Strangers but I’m pretty sure he’s actually Anokian,”
Howie continued over the radio.

“Is there a way for me to tell him apart from the others?”
I asked.

“Absolutely! He’ll be the guy who’s damn near seven feet tall!”
Howie advised.

“Thanks for the heads up, Echo,”
I said as I placed my sword back into the sheath on my hip and glanced over to Tango.
“You ready for this?”

“Hell yeah!” Tango growled as we darted out of the lab and sprinted down the long hallway. As soon as we rounded the corner at the end of the hall we ran into five heavily armed Strangers who immediately aimed their high-powered assault rifles at us. I unsheathed my sword and cut two of them in half all in one motion. Instead of pulling the swords on his back, Tango simply flipped high over the barrage of gunfire and pummeled the remaining three Strangers to the floor before they could react.

“That’s three to your two, pal,” Tango smirked as he cracked his knuckles and glanced at me.

“I didn’t realize we were keeping score,”
I said.

“Scared you’d lose?” Tango asked.

“We’ll see about that. You’re on, buddy. And just so you know—the Anokian counts for twenty,”
I replied.

“Fine by me, pal. You seem to be forgetting that I’m better than you—which means I’m the one that’s gonna kill him,” Tango said.

“No one’s going to kill him if you guys don’t hurry!”
Howie barked over the radio.
“The big guy is literally trying to tear Wells’ door off with his bare hands now. The door is still pretty sturdy but I don’t think I have to remind you that full-blooded Anokians are even stronger than Reaper. If you don’t get there soon Wells might not make it!”

I shouted, as Tango and I sprinted forward towards the stairs at the end of the hallway.
“Hey Echo, do me a favor and keep score, will ya?”
I continued.

“Are you serious?”
Howie asked.

I said.

Howie begrudgingly replied as Tango and I stormed down the stairs.


WE WORKED OUR WAY DOWNSTAIRS AND ACROSS THE large facility taking out hundreds of Stranger operatives along the way. Tango’s aggressive style had given him the lead with 143 kills to my 97 but the operation was far from over so I knew I’d have an opportunity to catch up if I kept pressing.

From the doorway of Wells’ ransacked office I opened fire with my automatic pistol and provided cover for Tango as he ducked his head and stormed into the room. I popped back out of the room as Tango dove for cover behind some displaced furniture near the far left side of the room while the large group of Strangers that had been trying to break into the reinforced safe room in the back of Wells’ office turned and fired their guns at us.

“145!” Tango yelled as he momentarily popped up and hurled two throwing knives into the throats of two unsuspecting Strangers.

I quickly leaned through the door and dropped three more of the Strangers with my pistol after they concentrated their fire on Tango’s cover.

“That’s 100! I’m right behind you!” I shouted as I took cover just outside the door once again. “Make that 101!” I continued as I leaned back in and shot a Stranger in the neck, just between the gap where his tactical combat helmet and body armor separated.

“I’m still gonna win, but for the record, I’m not using a gun!” Tango yelled back as he popped up and hurled another knife at the group of Strangers. “146!”

“I’ll use whatever I can get!” I yelled, as I withdrew five marble-sized micro-grenades from a utility pocket near my waist and tossed them into the crowd of Strangers near the back of the room. “Head down, Tango!” I yelled as I darted back out of the room just as a massive explosion ripped through the group of Strangers.

“I believe that’s 109,” I boasted as I popped back into the room just as charred body parts and rubble fell to the floor.

“Well that’s definitely not fair!” Tango mocked as he stood and eyed the aftermath of the explosion.

The gigantic Anokian along with the few Strangers that also survived the explosion were slowly pulling themselves to their feet when I suddenly unsheathed my sword and darted toward them from across the room.

“Oh no you don’t!” Tango called after me as he flipped forward and rushed to catch up.

“110!” I yelled as I swooped by the first Stranger and cut him in half as I continued onward.

Tango darted in and leapt high into the air with his swords held before him just as I swept my sword toward another nearby Stranger. Our blades struck at nearly the same time but Tango’s tactical ninja swords ripped through the Stranger’s neck just before my katana sliced him in half at the waist.

“147!” Tango cheered as he landed to his feet just as the hapless Stranger fell into three pieces.

“Dammit!” I cursed, as Tango quickly moved further into the room with his two swords held tightly in hand. Still looking to catch up to Tango, I whipped my automatic pistol forward and fired a barrage of bullets into the face of the closest Stranger just before Tango could cut him down.

“111!” I shouted as I aimed my pistol at another Stranger whom Tango was now preparing to attack. With two blazingly fast sweeps of his swords Tango cut down the Stranger before I had a chance to fire, which brought the “score” to 149 to 111 in favor of Tango.

Tango suddenly flipped to the left just as the humongous Anokian soldier pulled a six-foot sword from his back and swung it in his direction. Tango narrowly dodged the gigantic blade but the Anokian was thrown off balance by the near miss and stumbled forward as Tango tucked and rolled to safety nearly ten feet to his left.

“It’s go time, Tango!” I yelled as I held my gleaming sword before me. “And remember! This one counts for twenty!”

“You sure you’re ready for this kid?” Tango asked while the muscles in his massive arms bulged as he held his swords by his side and the diffused reddish glow of his cybernetic eye intensified.

“We’re about to find out!” I yelled as the Anokian lunged toward me with his gigantic buster sword held above his head. I tucked and rolled between his legs just as his sword crashed through the floor behind me. Before the Anokian could recover, Tango flew in from his right and drop kicked him in the side of his head, sending him stumbling to his left and causing him to leave his colossal sword stuck in the floor. Tango hit the ground and rushed the Anokian without hesitation. I dashed forward and leapt into the air as the Anokian pulled his head away from Tango’s spin kick and returned fire with a vicious right hook that Tango was barely able to evade. The Anokian never saw me coming and my outstretched foot slammed hard against his head knocking his helmet into the air and sending him stumbling backward as I kicked off his face into a back flip.

As I flipped through the air, Tango rushed in under me and was about to attempt another leaping kick when the Anokian suddenly regained his balance and delivered a hard front kick to Tango’s chest and drove him into the floor with his foot. Blood spattered from Tango’s mouth as the back of his head slammed into the cracked marble beneath him and the Anokian raised his foot to stomp him again. I galloped toward the looming giant with all my might as his massive foot began to descend upon the stunned Tango. I lowered my shoulder and launched my entire body against the Anokian just in time to throw him off balance before he could crush Tango beneath his foot.

“Get up, Tango!” I yelled as the Anokian reached his massive hands downward and attempted to grab me.

“Puny human scum,” the Anokian growled as I slipped away from his grasp but my heart skipped a beat as I felt my momentum suddenly stop when something tugged hard at the back of my head.

“Crap!” I cursed as the Anokian lifted me into the air by my headband and hurled my entire body at Tango who had just pulled himself from the floor. Tango quickly slid to the left and I contorted my body in mid air and landed on my feet a few feet away from him as the Anokian soldier trudged over to his buster sword which was still lodged in the marble floor fifteen feet away from us.

“Forget about twenty! This guy has to count for at least forty!” I exclaimed as Tango picked up his swords just as the Anokian yanked his buster sword from the floor.

“You’re just trying to give yourself a chance to win, aren’t you?” Tango mocked as he wiped a trail of blood from the right side of his mouth. “But that’s fine by me, pal. Like I said, I’m the one who’s gonna take him down!”

“We’ll see about that!” I said firmly as we both charged the Anokian with our swords held before us.


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