Savor the Danger (26 page)

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Authors: Lori Foster

BOOK: Savor the Danger
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Wasting no time, Jackson jumped on him, ready to end the farce, but…it didn't go quite as easy as he expected.

Spencer gave as good as he got.

As they pounded each other on the ground, trading strikes, Alani fretted.

Arizona yelled, “Enough! For the love of God, Spencer, just let him take your weapons, will you?”

Amazingly, Spencer stopped fighting, which allowed Jackson to land a really solid punch to his jaw. He cursed but didn't fight as Jackson relieved him of a gun, a stun baton and a really nasty switchblade.

“I'm not here to hurt her.”

“Then why?” Jackson put the blade of the knife to Spencer's throat. “What do you want?”

“To collect a few bounties, one in particular.” Ignoring the knife, he spit blood to the side, then dropped his head back. “Badge is in my back pocket.”

Eyeing him suspiciously, Jackson sat back on Spencer's thighs, keeping him immobile. “Get it.”

At his ease, Spencer lifted a hip and dug out the badge. He held it up for Jackson.

Huh. Spencer Lark. Looked legit enough. “So you're a bounty hunter. What does that have to do with me?”

“Not a damned thing.” Spencer came up to one elbow and glanced at Arizona. “But like the fucking Pied Piper, she's got a string of crooks dogging her heels. I want them.” He gave Jackson a slick smile. “And they're here.”

“Not yet they aren't.”

“You're sure of that?”

“Very sure.” Trace or Dare would have alerted him. “If you're saying they'll show up—” which Jackson hoped was the case so he could settle things “—then—”

In the next second, Spencer tossed him back while bounding to his feet.

Impressed—a little—Jackson said, “You're fast.”

Working his bruised jaw, Spencer said, “Not fast enough, apparently.”

Knowing he was disarmed, Jackson gave him an opportunity to explain. “Let's hear it, but make it the short version.”

“I've been trailing a trafficker for months now.”

Gasping, Arizona said, “Me, too,” making both men lock their jaws.

“I met Arizona at a bar where she shouldn't have been. The same bastards I'm after now were there that night. Thanks to her, they got away from me.”

“You're blaming
for that?” Arizona demanded. “If it wasn't for you, I would have had them!”

Undaunted by her interruption, Spencer continued. “It didn't take me long to figure out that she uses herself for bait.” Grim-faced, he glared at Arizona. “She knew they were following her, not the other way around.”

When they both stared at her in disapproval, Arizona gave a negligent shrug. “That's my unique way of cornering someone.”

Jackson wanted to pull out his hair. He felt sick. Defeated. How long had Arizona been playing that game? And how the hell had she survived so long? All that time, while he thought he'd made her safe, she been throwing herself into the path of destruction.

Correctly reading Jackson's expression, Spencer nodded. “You see my dilemma. I want the bounty—”

“But not with her as a casualty of the process.”

“That's about it.”

“Hold on.” Keeping Spencer in his sights, Jackson withdrew his cell and put in a call.

Trace picked up. “I take it he's someone you know?”

“Not me, Arizona. He says he's a bounty hunter, maybe following the same people we want.”

Wasting no time, Trace asked, “What's his name?”

“Spencer Lark.”

“Give me ten minutes.”

“Thanks.” Jackson disconnected the call.

Laconic, Spencer asked, “This is an operation?”

“Something like that.”

“Great.” He again glanced around the area before zeroing in on Jackson. “So we can either continue with the pissing contest or we can get inside and make some plans.”

Not for a second did Jackson trust him. He didn't know him, but he sensed that all the treachery was coming to a head. “Already got a plan.”

“Yeah, well, I hope it includes locking Arizona in a closet. Apparently that's what it takes to keep her out of trouble.”

That was one taunt too many, and Arizona shocked Jackson by launching herself at the big man.

Rather than dodge her, Spencer appeared to anticipate the move. He caught her to him, swung her up, and Arizona ended up dumped over his shoulder.

When Spencer held her there, Jackson started to react, but seeing how careful he was with her and hearing no complaints from Arizona, he held back.

To Alani, the guy said, “Excuse me,” and he carried Arizona into the apartment.

Shocked by it all, Alani met Jackson's gaze—and cracked a smile. “Oh, my.”

“It needed only this.” Never trusting things to be what they seemed, he ushered Alani back into the apartment,
too. His phone made a sound, and he glanced at it to see a message from Dare.

Three simple letters. WTF?

He shook his head. Seriously. What the fuck was going on?

He couldn't wait to find out.


living room and dropped Arizona down to the couch. With alacrity, he backed away from her.

Alani could understand why. The younger woman appeared more than furious. And it didn't take a genius to know she had a very short fuse and the audacity to back it up.

Jackson drew her to a halt just inside the front door. He closed it, then leaned back on it. “Why the hell didn't you stay in the kitchen?”

Though the turn of events had been more than fascinating, Alani turned to Jackson. He had a lot to explain. “Arizona didn't want to stay.”

He grunted. “If you start following Arizona, you're going to find yourself dealing with a lot of trouble.”

So much frustrated affection filled his words that Alani smiled and leaned into him.

Perplexed, Jackson said, “I will never understand you.”

“I know.” She let out a sigh. “Jackson, why didn't you tell me this was all part of a grand plan?”

He surprised her by saying, “I should have. I'm sorry.”

Ever since Arizona had shown up, she'd been caught in a whirlwind of emotions. The way Jackson and Arizona interacted like siblings added new insight to his person
ality, emphasizing his big heart. He'd taken a wounded, abused girl and made her family.

How could she not love him?

Arizona certainly did. Alani glanced at her again. She was by far the most exotic and the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen.

Long dark curls hung down her back. Smooth caramel-colored skin contrasted sharply with light blue eyes, fringed by long, lush lashes. Tall and slender, but with Barbie doll curves, Arizona would turn heads wherever she went.

That is, if her “drop dead” attitude didn't turn people away.

It hadn't deterred Jackson, and it sure wasn't deterring Spencer, either. At the moment, he and Arizona were engaged in a furious, whispered debate. Their gazes were hot enough to set the apartment on fire.

She shook her head. “It's a lot to take in.”

“Gotta roll with the punches. But yeah, I didn't see this one coming.”

It struck her that Jackson might not be the one to blame this time. “It was Dare and Trace, wasn't it? They wanted me kept in the dark?”

“They worry about you.” He cupped the side of her face in that tender, attentive way of his. “Doesn't matter now anyway. Arizona has thrown a kink in the works. Soon as Trace finishes his check on our newcomer, we'll have to reevaluate everything.”

So now was Jackson's chance to come clean with her. Would he? “Everything being…?”

Spencer moved away from Arizona. “I'm interested to hear this myself.”

As if gauging Spencer's reaction, Jackson said, “I knew someone had been after us, but I didn't know who, and I
didn't even know where to start. Then Arizona told me the same silver BMW that tried to run us off the road had been following her.”

Spencer nodded. “The cocky bastards make it easy for me to spot them in that flashy car.”

Arizona brightened. “So you were going to use me to lure them in?”

“No.” Jackson scowled ferociously. “I would never do anything to endanger you.”

She deflated.

Seeing Arizona's expression, Alani said, “Jackson loves you. Of course he wouldn't put you at risk.”

Spencer quirked a brow while Arizona and Jackson stared at her.

Leaning into Jackson again, Alani said, “You've never told her that you love her?”

Arizona looked so ill at ease that Alani was ready to clout Jackson if he didn't give the right answer.

“It's never come up, but of course I do.” He wrapped an arm around Alani. “Like a kid sister.”

Arizona rolled her eyes, but a dusky rose flushed her skin. Grudgingly, she admitted, “Love you, too.”

Alani noted the lack of a qualifier for Arizona. Did she fancy herself in love with Jackson? Or was love just so alien to her that she couldn't separate one type from another?

“Great.” Spencer relaxed again. “So if the drama's over, can we get back to the action?”

Nodding, Jackson took Alani's hand and led her over to the couch by Arizona. He sat down beside her. “I wouldn't set you up to be followed, but since you said they were following you anyway, it gives me an opportunity to trap them.”

It all came together for Alani. “The best way to keep everyone safe is to end the threat once and for all.”

“Forever looking over your shoulder, dodging shadows. That's no way to live.”

“It's worked for me so far,” Arizona complained. “But whatever. Why don't I just go out there now and when they come for me, you can grab them?”


Spencer said, “

As if to sway Jackson, Arizona said, “I've got my gun.” She lifted up one leg of her jeans to show a black nylon ankle holster fastened around her trim leg with Velcro. She patted it lovingly. “I'll be fine.”

Livid, Jackson held out a hand. “Give it to me.”

“What? No way.” When Spencer snarled, it prompted Arizona to turn her cannon on him. “You can just be quiet! You have nothing to do with anything.”

Too quick for Arizona to react, Jackson ripped open the Velcro and took the gun and holster from her. He thrust it at Alani.

With two fingers, she held it away from her body. “Um…” Though Trace had taught her to shoot, it still made her uncomfortable to handle a gun. “What am I supposed to do with this?”

“Just hang on to it for a minute.”

“Oh.” She looked around but saw no place safe to put it. “Okay.”

Taking her compliance for granted, Jackson again caught Arizona's shoulders. “I have this under control.”

Hoping to help him convince her, Alani said, “I'm sure he does. He's very good at this sort of thing.”

As the only person squeamish about a gun, Alani got a lot of attention from the other three. Giving a lame smile, she got up to put the gun, holster and all, in her purse.

On the off chance Arizona decided to take it from her, she didn't want to be a sitting duck.

When Jackson's phone beeped, he eased out from between the women and moved away to check it. Everyone watched him, anxious for news, but Alani also watched Arizona.

And Arizona was busy watching Spencer with a sort of defiant uncertainty in her demeanor. That particular look told Alani so much.

Though there wasn't much difference in their ages, Jackson was right—a whole world separated them.

“Your name cleared,” Jackson told Spencer.

Too restless to sit, Spencer prowled around the living room. “Must be one hell of an operation for you to know that already.”

“I get by.”

“You're not a cop.”

Jackson smiled and, without bothering to reply, moved closer to discuss the situation with Spencer.

While they talked, Alani tried to think of a way to help Arizona. Angry tension radiated off her in waves, gathering force with each second that passed. The awful burden of her hurt kept her confrontational. Alani understood that natural protection mechanism—people couldn't very well disappoint Arizona if she didn't care enough to let them.

Insolence, bravado and antagonism hid a lot of pain.

But thanks to Jackson, Alani had finally moved on. Not once had she had a nightmare with Jackson at her side. He filled up her world so completely that it was impossible to dwell on negativity or fear.

He'd saved her.

Now maybe she could help him save Arizona.


, and nothing happened. Jackson knew Dare and Trace were more than used to long stake-outs, but as the sun began to sink in the sky, his uneasiness grew.

Through codes, they'd stayed in touch, but kept actual phone conversations to a minimum.

Alani had long ago fixed food for everyone, and she kept refilling his and Spencer's coffee cups.

But Arizona didn't eat. She didn't talk.

What bothered Jackson the most was how she grew edgier with each hour that passed. He'd seen it before, how the strain built until it could break a person. Waiting for fate to fuck you over was never easy. Most people preferred to face an issue head-on.

For someone like Arizona, a woman driven to confront her demons, laying low would be a certain type of hell. He wished for some way to help her, but she'd rejected conversation with everyone, including Alani.

That hadn't slowed Alani down, though. She'd continued to chat at Arizona every so often as if she weren't being rebuffed. He admired her optimism, compassion and tenacity.

She looked up, caught him watching her and blew him a kiss.

Amazing Alani.

She hadn't shown a single sign of jealousy over Arizona. No, she got it. Really got it.

All of it, including Arizona's emotional wounds.

Jackson knew then, without a shadow of a doubt, that he loved her. And he knew with even more certainty that he didn't want to be without her. He needed her in his life in a million different ways.

She wanted to experiment and explore her newfound sexuality, so he wouldn't pressure her. But as soon as they wrapped up this sting, he'd show her how good a life together would be.

Arizona went to a window to look out. “How long are we going to do this?”

Calm personified, Jackson said, “As long as necessary. If it's getting to you, why don't you take a nap? I know you didn't get much sleep.”

“Get real.”

Yeah, he couldn't see Arizona dodging out to rest. “Then put on a movie, or grab a magazine or something. Might as well get comfortable.”

As if it was somehow Spencer's fault, she shot him an evil look and stalked down the hall in search of reading material.

It was another hour before the call finally came.

Dare this time, not Trace, and he wasted no time sharing his news. “We have them.”

Slowly, Jackson came to his feet. “Details?”

“Two carloads. Seven men. Loaded down with enough weapons to be a small army.”

They'd come prepared. “Any problems?”

Dare ignored that to say, “Trace convinced one of them to talk.”

Yeah, Jackson knew how convincing Trace could be.

“The head guy says you were the main target, but they
wanted Arizona almost as much, and Alani, too, if it'd hurt you. They had a sniper rifle. If you'd stepped out again—”

“Or if you hadn't been keeping watch.” One way or another, they wanted him dead. Too bad he didn't plan to accommodate them.

“The dumbasses set up about forty yards from us. Trace picked off the shooters first, then I went in with his cover.”

Jackson got such a rush when a plan fell into place. “Have fun?”

“Actually, yeah, I did.”

Jackson glanced back at Spencer. The bounty hunter stood at the alert, willing to forgo the find if necessary but waiting for the verdict.

Jackson asked Dare, “Everyone still alive?”

“More or less.”

“Perfect.” Jackson covered the phone. “How good are you, Spencer?”

Looking even bigger than his nearly six-and-a-half feet, Spencer met Jackson's gaze dead-on. His mouth barely moved when he said, “I have very personal reasons for making sure they pay.”

“Yeah? I don't suppose you want to tell me about it?”


Because it'd mean he could get back to loving Alani, Jackson accepted that. Speaking into the phone again, he said, “With a little help to ensure no one gets away, we could let the bounty hunter take them off our hands.” And that'd leave them free to wrap up other details.

Dare had a few things to say about that—things Jackson wouldn't share with his audience. He met Alani's
gaze, stared into her eyes and knew she'd be a problem. “We'll ensure he follows through.”

Dare said, “You better be right about this.”

Knowing himself to be a great judge of character, Jackson said, “I am.” With the others listening in, he added, “I'll send Spencer on his way, then meet you at your place.”

Arizona's shoulders slumped. Did she really think he'd abandon her?

He looked to Alani for help. As if she'd been waiting for him, she smiled, then leaned over to talk quietly with Arizona.

“There's one more thing,” Dare said.

What now? “I'm listening.”

“Tobin called Trace to share an interesting bit of info.”

Jackson stiffened. It took Dare only moments to fill him in on the call, and the particulars obliterated any doubts Jackson had. “Got it.” Since Jackson already knew where Trace and Dare were stationed, he said, “I'm sending on the bounty hunter, so try to make sure there's someone left for him to collect, okay?”

Dare laughed at that and disconnected the call.

Knowing the rest wouldn't be easy, Jackson walked over to Alani. “Looks like it's all settled.”

Trembling with fury, upset, or both, Arizona stormed into the kitchen.

“This has been very hard on her,” Alani said as if to defend Arizona. “Give me a minute to talk to her, okay?”

Fascinated, especially since Arizona left him floundering more often than not, Jackson asked, “What will you say?”

“That she should trust you, of course.” She went on
tiptoe to give him a quick kiss before rushing off after Arizona.

Humbled by her faith, Jackson stood there a moment before he realized how Spencer stared after Arizona. Like a man unsure of which goal to pursue, he looked very undecided.

“Make up your mind fast.” Jackson would give him back his gun once they were ready to part ways. “I can handle it just fine without your involvement.”

Pensive, Spencer said, “If I don't bring them in alive, I don't get paid.”

Somehow, Jackson thought money didn't factor into Spencer's involvement. “That concerns you?”

Finally Spencer drew his attention away from Arizona. “Not really, no.” Unflinching, he studied Jackson. “You?”

“Dead or alive, I want them gone.”

Glancing back at Arizona one last time, Spencer nodded. “Good enough.”

“Tread carefully.” Jackson folded his arms over his chest. “She's been through a worse hell than you can imagine.”

“You'd be surprised what I can imagine.” Something in Spencer's voice told a deep, dark secret. Face devoid of emotion, he headed for the door. “I'll wait out front.”

Just then, Jackson heard the argument erupt, and he went to investigate. Arizona tried to insist on leaving, and Alani was just as insistent that she not.

“You're going with us,” Jackson told her, putting an end to it. He wouldn't have his plans screwed at this late date.

Defiant to the bitter end, Arizona squared off with him. “I have my own car.”

“I'll have someone get it.”

Her small body vibrated with tension. “I have stuff in my trunk that I need.”

“Then we'll collect it first,” Alani told her.

That didn't convince her. “I need my gun back.”

To maintain control, Jackson refused. For now. Later, he'd probably feel better knowing she was armed.

It took a lot of coaxing and an inordinate amount of patience on his part to finally get Arizona out to the parking area. When she stomped ahead of them, Jackson caught her arm and drew her back.

Seeing Alani as the more compromising of the two, he whispered to her, “Stay behind me.”

She gave him one startled look—and did as requested, urging Arizona to do the same.

And wonder of wonders, Arizona complied.

Even in the middle of a carefully wrought plan, Jackson couldn't miss the importance of that. Arizona might pretend that Alani had no impact on her, but like him, she'd already been drawn in.

Alani had that effect on everyone.

With the women cooperating, Jackson let out a breath, but he wouldn't be completely at ease until he got them both back to his place.

One look at Spencer, and he knew he felt the same.

“Give me back my gun.”

They were out in the open, but darkness had fallen. His apartment complex had good security, and bright lights kept the immediate area well-lit. But that only made them more of a target to anyone hiding in the shadows beyond. It was a quiet area, far enough away from the actual building to make him uneasy.

As the women got into the car, Jackson handed over the semiautomatic to Spencer. “Don't you want to know where to collect your bounty?”

Pulling the slide partially back, he found a shell in the chamber, the gun still loaded. Satisfied, he looked around the area. “Something's not right.”

Perceptive. But then Jackson had already guessed that. “Ride with us.”

Eyes narrowing, Spencer said, “All right.”

When Spencer climbed into the backseat with her, Arizona caught on. “What's going on? What's wrong?”

“Marc Tobin called.” Neither Spencer nor Arizona asked for details, but Jackson supplied them anyway, keeping the explanation of Tobin's relationship to Alani brief and to the point so as not to embarrass her. “He remembered that one of the people who had him was a woman.”

In the front seat beside him, Alani frowned. “A woman? Could it have been the woman I saw at your apartment?”

“The one who drugged me.” Jackson hated coincidence. “They had him blindfolded, so he couldn't see her, but she was there while they worked him over. He says he could tell by her laugh that she was female.”

Breathing a little faster, Arizona dropped back in her seat. “Her laugh,” she repeated in a barely perceptible whisper. And then, voice stronger, “What did she look like?”

Jackson deferred to Alani. Something troubled Arizona, something beyond the idea that he could have been hurt. “Mid-thirties. Brown hair—”

“And brown eyes.” Shooting forward in her seat again, Arizona struggled for breath. Spencer started to reach for her, but she already had her door open. She lurched out of the car and stalked several feet away.

Shit. “I'll get her,” Jackson said to Alani, then opened his door and stepped out. He didn't approach Arizona,
but then he didn't have to. She only went so far before turning and storming back. “Tell me what's wrong.”

Her lips trembled, then firmed. Stopping short of reaching him, she stiffened her spine and jutted out her chin. “She was my height?”

Alani had gotten out of the car, too, but stayed near her door. She spoke to Arizona over the roof. “I'm sorry, but I really don't remember. I was…shocked to find Jackson with a woman.”

Jackson never took his gaze off Arizona. “You know who it might have been?”

As Arizona squeezed her eyes shut, Spencer stepped from the car. “I do.” He leaned on the car beside the open door. “Chandra Silverman.”

“No.” Arizona shook her head. “She's
Tell him, Jackson. They're all dead!”

Under normal circumstances, Arizona would never betray any aspect of his work, he knew that. What she implied was not something condoned by the legal system. But this wasn't normal circumstances, and Arizona edged on hysteria.

When he didn't reply, she grabbed his shirt. Almost pleading, she whispered, “She's dead, isn't she?”

His big hand wrapped around her fragile wrist, and with his thumb he soothed over her chilled skin. “I know of three men, Arizona. That's all.”

She tried to shake him. “The bitch who ran the show?”

“Other than you, I didn't see any women that day.” Jackson had a horrible feeling about things.

“But…” Arizona searched his face. “She was there. She was always there.”

“Probably enjoying herself.” Spencer ran a hand over his head. “She's more evil than any man I've ever met.
And I know for a fact Chandra is alive and well, because she's the main one I've been tracking.”

By small degrees, Arizona gathered herself. “All this time…”

“You thought she was gone?” Spencer asked. “Then who the hell have you been tracking?”

“Her lackeys. Her associates. Anyone who ever took part in her sick games.” Wrapping her arms around herself, Arizona laughed. “God, this is a twist, huh?”

Spencer pulled her around to him. “Whatever she did to you, Arizona, she'll pay.”

Arizona laughed even harder. “I thought she was dead, and that wasn't payment enough.” She tried to shove away from him, but he only tightened his hold.

Alani walked to their side of the car. She leaned into Jackson. “I'm so sorry.”

Arizona looked at her. “We need to get out of here.”

Grim, Jackson moved Alani behind him. “Too late.” A silver BMW, headlights off, pulled in and blocked them.

“Ohmigod.” Alani clutched her purse against her chest. “It's the car.”

Not comforting Alani was one of the hardest things Jackson had ever done, but he had to focus on that car. “Both of you, stay behind me.”

Arizona snorted. “Spencer just booked.”

Perfect. “He knows what he's doing.” At least, Jackson hoped he hadn't misjudged things there. “Show a little faith.”

“I could—”

Alani interrupted her, saying, “We'll do exactly what Jackson tells us to!”

As the car stopped, Jackson backed up, forcing the women behind the car. “Alani?”


Terror made her voice high and thin, torturing him. “I'm asking nice.”


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