Read Scandalicious Online

Authors: Allison Hobbs

Scandalicious (16 page)

BOOK: Scandalicious
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nug inside her walls, he was still for a few moments. Chevonne was so tight, so wet and warm, Lincoln was astounded by the unbearable intense pleasure. With a deep breath, he lifted up and then thrust deeply, plunging into her hot depths. A familiar tremor reminded Lincoln that he wouldn’t last much longer. But he wanted to. Chevonne wasn’t ready. He knew her body, recognized the sounds she uttered. And she wasn’t there. Not yet. He pulled out of the satin clutch of her body. He had to; otherwise, he would have climaxed.

“Lincoln!” She reached for him, grasping at his arm.

He looked at his dick, observed the thick sheen of her juices. He scooted downward, splitting her thighs with his chin. While not as deeply effective as his rock-hard dick, Lincoln’s tongue would not betray him with an outburst of white hot lust. She trembled as his breath whispered through the dark patch of hair that covered her mound. Her body jerked when he kissed her pussy lips.

“Oh.” The single word was breathy admission that she desired oral pleasure. Chevonne stretched her thighs farther apart, rolling her hips to meet his open mouth. He felt her hands on the sides of his head, pulling his face toward her glistening, hungry pussy.

He kissed her shiny pink folds again, paying homage to the pussy that he loved, giving it a French kiss as he separated the glistening, distended flesh with his tongue. Moaning in pleasure, Lincoln licked and sucked greedily, forcing from his mind the
knowledge that another man’s dick had enjoyed his wife’s sticky pleasure.

“I love this sweet pussy, baby.”

“It’s all yours, Lincoln. I’ll never give it away again.” Chevonne’s voice was high-pitched and quivering.

The topic of her infidelity was off limits during normal conversations. Lincoln and Chevonne pretended that it never happened. And in his normal state of mind, the thought of that mechanic touching his wife, was more than his mind and heart could stand.

But somehow, through some freaky agreement, that taboo subject was spoken openly, arousing them both to unimaginable heights whenever they fucked. Although Lincoln had initially agreed to counseling, he bristled at the idea of sharing his marital troubles with a stranger.
We can work this out ourselves,
he’d told Chevonne, in an unyielding tone of voice.

“I know you’re not gonna give my pussy away again.” He grasped her buttocks and brought her pussy directly to his lips. Determined that his wife would never stray again, Lincoln ran his tongue teasingly down the open crack of her vagina and then delivered one warm lick after another, lapping her sweet and sour nectar. Chevonne whimpered as she grinded against the mouth that threatened to devour her.

Switching it up, he inserted a spiraling finger inside as he sucked on her stiff clit. Her fleshy walls tightened around his finger, pulling it in deeper. Chevonne’s breathing quickened and her hips engaged in a rhythmic rotation. Any moment now, he would taste her tart passion.

He didn’t stop licking until he felt her shuddering violently as a giant crest of pleasure wracked her body. When her convulsion subsided, he deftly lodged his surging erection inside the slick, satiny passage. His dick slid in and out, gently at first. Then with
an enormous thrust, he rammed brutally. “Did he fuck you like this?” The sturdy bed shook from Lincoln’s vigorous thrusts.

“Nobody can fuck me like this. Only you,” Chevonne said hoarsely.

“You gon’ cheat on me again?” He pumped faster, harder.

“No, never. I love you.”

Needing something else to focus on besides her tight damp pussy, he lowered his face to her breasts. His lips brushed against her skin, and he licked her breasts, heating her up more. Chevonne made a tiny scream. She wrapped her legs around his back as he drove his dick in and out creating hot friction.

“You gon’ suck another man’s dick?” Lincoln mumbled these words, as if too ashamed to speak audibly.

“No! Never again. I swear to God.”

He drove deeper, filling her completely. Each surging, rhythmic thrust was a declaration of love. Hips swiveling, Lincoln pumped an iron-like hard-on into a pool of liquid heat, stirring his wife into a writhing, moaning frenzy, urging her to join him in that inner world of timeless bliss. They came together, bodies quaking as they shared the sweet yet almost painful intensity of that intimate moment.

Lincoln rolled onto his back, and lay immobile as he panted. After catching his breath, he lifted himself up and stared at Chevonne’s beautiful face. Her eyes were closed, and there was a slight smile on her lips. She was still in heaven, unable to speak. He kissed her softly.

Her lips moved as she softly whispered, “That was so good, r—” She seemed to catch herself, and her eyes shot open in alarm.

“Raheem!” Lincoln said the name with disdain. A severe grimace distorted his face. “Did you fuckin’ call me Raheem?”

Chevonne bolted upright. “No! I didn’t call you anything. Why would I bring his name up at a time like this?”

“You were mumbling, but I heard you clearly!”

“I said, ‘
That was so good; real good.’
Baby, we’ve come so far. Let’s not do this. Lincoln, please.” Her dark eyes were wild with fear.

He was unwilling to let it go. But in actuality, she’d only made the sound of the letter “r.” Chevonne could be telling the truth, and for the sake of his sanity, he decided to let it go. “You’re right. I’m sorry, baby. I’m tripping,” he said calmly, but his mind was all over the place.

Chevonne gave a sigh of relief.

Lincoln lay back and rested his head on the pillow. Looking off into the darkness of the bedroom, Lincoln shook his head, trying to clear it. Maybe he was hearing things because he hadn’t totally forgiven her. Or maybe he was crazy. Whatever the case, something wasn’t right.


olay mixed up batter for the cupcake presentation that was scheduled for three o’ clock. Vidal was in the kitchen with Solay, doing busy work. The shiny, red Scandalicious boxes were delivered every month flattened in stacks. One of Vidal’s duties was to structure the flat cardboard pieces into square shapes that were ready for packing. The boxes took up several long shelves in the kitchen, and some were stored behind the counter. Those boxes were a huge expense. Solay could have gone for something plain and less costly, but she loved the glossy Scandalicious boxes.

“Have you noticed anything odd about Melanee?” Solay asked Vidal in a quiet voice. Melanee had taken a break and would be back in fifteen minutes, but Solay looked around to make sure that she and Vidal were alone.

“She’s always been a little weird in my opinion.” Engrossed in inserting a flap of cardboard into a slot, he didn’t look up. He always became quiet when involved in constructing boxes. That type of mindless, busywork was somewhat therapeutic for Vidal—like knitting or crocheting.

“Yeah, but something is going on with her. She goes through her day like a robot. No interest in her specialty items anymore.”

“Well, you were the one crying poor-mouth about the ingredients she was ordering. I would think you’d be glad she got over that phase. The customers liked the specialties. You’re slipping, Solay. That’s good money you’re missing out on. You should be all over that!”

“I know. But it’s so much extra work. I really need more staff.”

“You ain’t gotta tell me. You got me doing so many different things, I feel like a rubber band, stretched to the max and about to snap! And when that happens…” Vidal shook his head. “Can’t you afford to pay a part-time worker?”

“Not really,” she said sadly.

“Umph! I find that hard to believe. Don’t forget, I work at the register, and I’m aware of all the money that this place pulls in.”

“Renting space in a tourist area is not cheap, Vidal. Yes, I do a killer business, but…” Her voice trailed off.

“But what?” he peered at her curiously.

“Nothing.” She refused to give Vidal a breakdown of her profit and loss statement. “Anyway, I’m concerned about Melanee. Something isn’t right. As far as you know, is she seeing anyone?”

“Melanee doesn’t tell me anything.”

“I thought you two were close. What happened?”

“We’re okay. We’re work associates. We didn’t hang out at clubs or kick it on the phone or nothing like that. I don’t even know her number. The only thing I know about Melanee is that she’s on some sort of wild eating binge.”

“Huh?” The conversation had just gone into left field.

“Girl, I’m serious. If you wanna keep this business afloat, you’d better hide your cupcakes and hide the frosting because I have caught her scarfing down cupcakes like they’re peanuts—on numerous occasions. She’s a sneaky eater. I have seen her literally stuffing her face with Double Chocolate Decadence and Red Hot Passion.”

“What about Vanilla Kiss?” Solay asked with a chuckle.

“Nah, she don’t seem to mess with them. But she’s picking up weight. You can see it all in her cheeks and her arms and whatnot.”

Solay shrugged; she hadn’t noticed any weight gain. “It’s okay if Melanee eats a few cupcakes. I’ve always said that you both were welcome to them—well, you know—within reason.”

“Well, she’s not eating them within reason. She’s outta control.” Vidal returned his attention to building boxes.

Solay didn’t mind if Melanee ate a few cupcakes on the job. However, she found it curious that Melanee had developed a sudden craving for them.
I wonder if she’s pregnant.


There was no private area for cupcake tasting, and so Solay personally escorted Anita Blalock to one of the wrought-iron tables. Samples of the regular menu items along with three new additions—cupcakes that boasted bold ingredients and in-your-face flavors—were brought to Ms. Blalock’s table on a silver tray.

“I think you’ll find that each cupcake is a sensual experience,” Solay boasted as she set the tray down.

Solay had expected Ms. Blalock to use the knife and fork that she’d provided to cut a piece of each cupcake, but she had her own way of sampling—a torturously slow way of cupcake tasting. She ate each individual cupcake, smiling and nodding her head as she chewed.

Solay noticed Vidal behind the counter, holding out his hands, gesturing. He was getting itchy, wanting to find out the outcome. Solay shrugged. So far, it was obvious that Ms. Blalock was enjoying the flavors, but she couldn’t predict how this would turn out.

“Mmm, now what is that one called?” Ms. Blalock asked, after biting into a dark chocolate cupcake.

“That one’s called The Sweetest Taboo; it’s a mixture of Belgian chocolate and red wine,” Solay said with pride.

“I love the names you come up with, and the flavors are out of this world. But this one…” She nodded her approval as she finished chewing. “The Belgian chocolate and wine was to die for.”
Ms. Blalock swayed a little, as if swooning over the taste. Solay felt encouraged. Her fingers were crossed; she didn’t want to blow this opportunity.

“I love what I’ve tasted, but my only concern is that you won’t be able to handle such a large order with only yourself and the one baking assistant doing all the work.”

BOOK: Scandalicious
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