Scandalous (7 page)

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Authors: Donna Hill

BOOK: Scandalous
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“How long has she been in there?” Crystal asked Tess.

Tess sighed. “For the past couple of hours. She told me to hold all calls and she hasn't opened her door when I knocked.”

Crystal frowned. She'd gotten wind of the fact that Vaughn's father had been on the premises earlier and she knew how Elliott Hamilton had the ability to unravel Vaughn with just a look. She wondered what bombshell he'd dropped today.

“You continue to hold her calls, Tess. I'm sure she's just swamped with work and doesn't want to be disturbed. You know how single-minded Vaughn can be when she gets her teeth into something.” Crystal smiled. “I'll check on her.”

Vaughn heard a light knock on her door. She couldn't continue to avoid her staff for the rest of the day. Slowly she got up and opened the door.

“Come on in,” Vaughn said, straining to sound cheerful.

Crystal stepped in and spun around to face Vaughn. “You want to tell me why you've been locked up in your office for the entire afternoon?” Her eyes swept across the office. “And…who are those flowers from?”


A quick call to Vaughn's office prior to Justin's departure had confirmed that she was still there. He raced through the streets of D.C. and took I-95 to Richmond. If he didn't catch her at the office, he'd wait for her at her townhouse. One way or the other, he and Vaughn were going to talk. Today.

Chapter 7

aughn crossed the office, mindful of keeping her back to Crystal. How could she face her closest friend and tell her how weak, how spineless, she really was? How could she tell her that the woman who thousands admired for her strength and determination was no more than an overgrown daddy's girl? Slowly Vaughn turned around, her face a portrait of despair.

“Vaughn!” Crystal cried in alarm. “What is it?” She quickly crossed the room and stood in front of her friend. “Tell me. It can't be

Vaughn expelled a shaky laugh. “Oh, believe me, it's worse.” Vaughn sat down behind her desk and took a deep breath. Crystal remained standing until the full impact of what Vaughn had revealed forced her to sit down.

“You and Justin Montgomery?” Crystal asked incredulously. She shook her head in bewilderment. “This is so unlike you, Vaughn, to just…leap into something.”

Vaughn shot her a derisive look. Crystal held up her hands in defense. “Listen, I'm not saying there's anything wrong. Believe me. The Lord only knows I wish I could meet someone who could rock my world.” She smiled warmly. “He must be one helluva man to win you over.” Vividly Crystal recalled the anguish Vaughn had suffered through after the ending of her affair with Paul Lawrence. Paul had repeatedly professed his love for her, but Vaughn had opened her heart only to find out that he'd used her feelings for him to gain entrée into all the right circles, to attain favors and win supporters. Once he'd been elected to office, he'd dropped Vaughn like the plague. Crystal didn't think Vaughn would ever recover from that humiliation and hurt. Maybe this Justin Montgomery was just the medicine she needed. He was damn sure fine enough, Crystal thought, with a pang of remembrance from the night of the fund-raiser.

Vaughn felt her cheeks flame. “Yeah,” she admitted softly. “He certainly is.”

“But the thing that really has my head swimming is that Elliott had you followed. I mean, I know he has his ways, but this is going over the limit, even for him. You can't just sit back and let him do this to you…father or not,” she added adamantly.

“That's what I've been wrestling with all afternoon, Crystal.” She sighed heavily. “I've allowed my father to manipulate me for so long it's become second nature.” She stood up, folding her arms tightly in front of her. “Except for buying the townhouse, I can't remember the last time I made an independent decision which didn't cause such a furor I didn't hear the end of it for months.”

“But this is different, Vaughn…you
it is. This isn't about some purchase, or deciding what campaign
strategy to use. This is about your life and what you want to do with it.”

Vaughn's dark, troubled eyes met Crystal's. Crystal stood up and rounded the desk to stand next to Vaughn. “You know you have the strength. You know you have the determination. You've proved it time and time again in your career. Now, use those same qualities for your personal salvation. Vaughn,” she pleaded, “if you allow your father to do this to you, to take away your happiness, you'll never know if you and Justin were meant to be. Don't you think you deserve to find out?”

By degrees the shroud that had covered her spirit was lifted. Vaughn felt a sweet release in the realization that for once in her life, she truly did have the power to make changes. If she backed down now, she knew she'd regret it for the rest of her life. And she'd never earn her father's respect, or her own.

“You're right, Crystal. I want this chance more than anything,” she said, her voice lifting in strength. “There may never be another time. My father has controlled me for far too long. If this relationship between Justin and me falls apart tomorrow, I need to know that at least I tried.”

Crystal squeezed Vaughn's shoulder. “And believe me, girl, if it doesn't work out, send him

Vaughn and Crystal burst into laughter, the doubt and tension vanishing into the air.

“Forget it, Crystal,” Vaughn sputtered, catching her breath. “If it doesn't work, this sister is going to try again until she gets it right!”

A flurry of activity outside Vaughn's office effectively shortcircuited the momentary frivolity. The sound of raised voices penetrated the closed door. A worried look flashed between them as they hurried toward it. Vaughn reached it
first, but she took a retreating step back as the door swung inward.

Justin stalked in, his full-length coat billowing around him with the force of his entry. Momentarily Vaughn had the notion of imagining Justin as the avenging superhero ready to pummel the enemy.

“Justin,” Vaughn said on a long breath, halting her retreat so that Justin was only a heartbeat away. Their eyes locked and held, communicating more than any words could convey.

Crystal looked from one to the other and visualized them as the perfect models for the cover of one of those steamy romance novels she loved. The electricity that snapped and sparked between them was enough to light up all of Richmond. If Vaughn let this hunk of a man go, she was definitely going to have to seek professional help for her friend.

Two steps behind Justin was Tess. “Ms. Hamilton, I'm so sorry,” she apologized. “He just pushed his way past me. I tried to…”

“Don't worry about it, Tess,” Vaughn responded absently, her eyes never leaving Justin's. The flicker of a smile teased her lips. “Mr. Montgomery has a tendency to come on like gangbusters every now and then.”

When Vaughn's gaze slid past Justin's face, she saw Crystal nudging Tess out the door. The soft click let them know that they were totally alone.

“I'm glad you came, Justin,” Vaughn began, quickly cutting him off before he could get started. “If you hadn't shown up here, I was coming to you.”

Justin had been all geared up for a battle of wills. This spontaneous shift momentarily caught him off guard. His eyes narrowed suspiciously.

Vaughn turned away from him and walked toward the
couch, where she sat down. She crossed her long legs, giving him a teasing view of her firm thighs. She stretched her arm across the back of the couch. Her eyes invited him to join her. Justin suddenly felt as if he'd been tossed into a seductive scene in a movie. Well, if this was to be his debut appearance, he was going to give an Academy Award performance.

With long, purposeful strides he came close, looking down at her intensely. Vaughn extended her hand and he took it, pulling her from her seated position right up against the hard lines of his body. Without words, without preamble, his mouth covered hers. As he crushed her in his embrace, his tongue forced her lips apart and plunged into the recesses of her warmth. A shudder rippled through her, sending sweet spirals of ecstasy singing through her veins. This was so right, she realized, sinking helplessly into the rapture of his kiss, giving back as much as she was getting. This was what she'd been searching for. At last she'd found it. She'd never let anything come between them again.

“Vaughn,” he moaned against her mouth. He buried his face in her hair, inhaling the natural sweetness. “I thought…”

“Sssh,” she whispered. “There's so much I need to tell you. So much I need to explain.”

Reluctantly, Justin angled his head back slightly, looking questioningly down into her smoky eyes. His arm held her firmly around the waist. His finger traced the soft line of her jaw. Her eyes briefly fluttered closed as she fought down the tremor of his touch.

“Why don't we get out of here?” she asked huskily. “I don't want to be interrupted…by business.”

“Get your things,” he said in a rugged whisper.


“Hello, Ms. Rivers?”

“Yes,” Simone answered, the smooth voice causing a flutter in her stomach.

“This is Chad Rushmore, of Montgomery, Phillips and Michaels.”

Simone sat up straighter in bed, tossing her textbooks aside. “Hello, Mr. Rushmore.”

“Ms. Crenshaw suggested that I call and advise you that we received your information. It's being passed along to Mr. Montgomery.”

“Thank you.”

“I must say, after looking over your credentials, I think you'd make an excellent intern.”

Simone grinned with pleasure. “I'm glad you think so. I hope Mr. Montgomery feels the same way.”

“Well, if my recommendation means anything, I'm sure you won't have a problem. If you do get the internship, we'll be working closely together.”

Simone's heart thudded. “I hope everything will work out.”

“So do I,” Chad said sincerely. “I'm looking forward to meeting you.” Chad took a deep breath then continued, “I'm sure someone will contact you shortly, Ms. Rivers,” he added, regaining his composure.

“Thank you for calling,” Simone said softly, wishing she could keep this silky-voiced man on the phone a little while longer.

“If you have any questions in the meantime,” he added, wanting to delay their parting, “feel free to give me a call. I started out as an intern three years ago, and I'd be happy to fill you in on any of the details.” He chuckled heartily. “From the ground floor up!”

“Really?” His laugh was deep and inviting, she thought wistfully. “How is it working for Mr. Montgomery?” Simone settled back against her stack of pillows.

“He's an okay guy. He expects your absolute best and he gives it back. If you prove yourself, there's nothing he wouldn't do to help further your career. He's the reason I was able to continue law school.”

“Then he really is the way he comes across? It's not just a front?”

“Absolutely not. They don't come any better than Justin Montgomery.”

“That's good to know. Now I'm sure I made the right choice in selecting his firm.”

Simone heard a faint ringing in the background.

“That's my other line, Ms. Rivers; I've got to go. But good luck, and if you have any questions, just call me.”

“Thank you, again, Mr. Rushmore.”

“Sure. Goodbye.”

“Goodbye,” she replied softly. She placed the receiver on the cradle and briefly wondered if Chad Rushmore looked as delectable as he sounded.

While Chad jotted down the details of the phone call that had pulled him away from Simone, he wondered if the young Ms. Rivers looked as wonderful as she sounded. It'd be great to have someone to work with who was not only good to look at, but who understood the intensity of the legal profession. It had been a long time between relationships for him. He either didn't have the time, or the few women he met were only interested in how fat his wallet was. For some reason, he felt Simone would be different. What was he doing, fabricating a relationship with someone he'd never met? Now he was really losing it. It was definitely time to go home.

He concluded his conversation, made some final notations on the court transcripts, and checked his calendar for the following day. He really needed to get home and do some studying. The bar exam was in three months and he wanted to pass the first time out. But for reasons that he couldn't explain, he couldn't make out one word in his textbook that night. All he could see were different versions of Simone Rivers: tall, medium height; light, dark; short hair, long…

Finally he just gave up, fixed a sandwich, and overdosed on television.


“Why don't we leave your car in the garage and take mine?” Justin suggested. “We can come back and get your car later.”

She slipped her hand into his. “That sounds fine,” she nodded.

“Those reservations for the Strawberry Café are still good. It's an excellent place to talk,” Justin suggested, as they approached his car.

Vaughn looked up into his questioning eyes. “To tell you the truth, Justin, as good as the café sounds, I really don't want to be around other people tonight.”

His voice lowered. “You have a better suggestion?”

She smiled at him. “If you like crabmeat and shrimp casserole, tossed salad, and wild rice, I know just the place.”

He squeezed her hand. “Would that happen to be on Lakewood Avenue, in a two-story townhouse owned by the renowned public servant Vaughn Hamilton?” he queried playfully.

“Good work, Sherlock,” she teased. “I like a man with razor-sharp intelligence.” She nudged him in the ribs.

“I hope you'll like more than my intelligence,” he mimicked in a Dracula voice.

“Hmmm, and talented, too,” she laughed.

Justin turned her into his embrace. His eyes swept over her upturned face. His fingers gently caressed her cheek. “There's so much more that I want to offer you, Vaughn,” he said passionately. “I want you to believe that—always.”

“I do, Justin,” Vaughn whispered urgently. She placed a feather-light kiss on his palm. “I do.”


The cozy townhouse was filled with the tangy aroma of simmering seafood. The sensuous sounds of Sarah Vaughn mingled with the tantalizing scent.

“If this tastes half as good as it smells,” Justin said, adding a cup of diced mushrooms to the wild rice, “you'll have my vote for life.”

“Well, if that's all it takes to get elected, I'd better get busy whipping up a batch for the voters.”

Justin stroked her back as she sliced the tomatoes, and cucumbers, then sprinkled chopped sweet peppers as garnish. “We can eat in about ten minutes.”

“Great. I don't think I can take the anticipation a moment longer. My stomach is calling out to me,” he chuckled. “Loudly.”

Vaughn smiled sympathetically. “Why don't you go in the living room and relax a minute? I have everything under control in here.”

“Are you sure? I don't mind.”

“Take advantage of being a guest. This is your last time. From here on out, it's equal work for equal food,” she teased. Vaughn smiled, her eyes reflecting her hopes for their future.

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