Scarlet Dusk (25 page)

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Authors: Megan J. Parker

BOOK: Scarlet Dusk
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ZANE AND ZOEY FELL INTO PACE BEHIND RAITH and Isaac, the four of them hidden from any potential onlookers as they crossed over two sets of lawns—having parked the car two streets over to avoid tipping off Maledictus with their arrival. Zoey had told Nikki to stay back for this mission to keep an eye on any other activity in their surveillance center…

As well as to have an eager and able-bodied fighter perched back at the clan if Celine dared to show her face.

Though Nikki had looked like she was ready to argue with everything up until that point, the mention of Celine and the potential that she might get to sink her sais into one of the manipulative deceivers behind
of their past tragedies was too good a chance to turn down.

As they came up to the house—a plain-looking, nondescript two-story white home with blue shudders and a matching door—Zoey
held up her hand for them to hold their positions while she scanned inside to get an idea of the area.

Letting her aura prove the inside of the house, Zoey shivered from the uncomfortable
frigidness; an unnatural chill that ran over her body causing her to shiver. Noticing this, the others turned towards her, Isaac—already in his therion form along with Raith—stepped over to her and cocked his head, offering a sympathetic whimper.

Offering him a smile, she nodded that she was okay and motioned towards the house,
meeting Zane’s nervous gaze as the others awaited her response.

She’s in there,
she nodded
. Once we’re in, I’m going to her get to her first to set up a shield around her and give her some synth-blood. The shield will offer some protection, but if Maledictus is as strong as I think he is it won’t be enough if he attacks us directly.

Zane nodded, clearly eager to kick some ass.

So cold; she was so cold…

could barely pry her eyes open, let alone lift herself from the corner of the bathroom. Maledictus had thrown her into the bathtub days ago…

No… not days. How long had she been there?

Minutes felt like hours; hours like weeks; and days…

She couldn’t wait any longer.

The only thing keeping her breathing was the hope that Zoey and the others might be able to track her down again…

And she’d get to see Zane again.

To hold him again.

To see their child…

Just a little longer, baby…

The house shook as though in response to her silent mantra, and her eyes fluttered open.

“Z-Zane…” she whimpered, blinking at her own voice.

What made her so certain it was…

But even then, in a moment of clarity, she couldn’t shake the feeling that…

She smiled, hearing Maledictus curse somewhere in the house.

“Th-they got you… you fuck-stain!” she groaned.

Serena, mustering the strength to get to her hands and knees and crawl towards the door—to crawl as far as the chains would allow her—and she struggled to offer voice or aura enough to call out to them

Then the bathroom’s door was torn from its hinges, and there, on the other side—like a picture of an angel—was Zoey.

you’re here,” Serena cried out, tears streaming down her face. “Zoey! Y-you really made it! Thank you…”

“We’re all here, hun. All of us, and we’re getting you out of here! We’re taking you home!
” Zoey whispered, pulling Serena against her and flooding her body with a wave of warm energies as she threw up an auric barrier at the door and pulled a flask of synth-blood from one of her pockets. “Here. It might taste like—”

Serena snatched the flask and scrambled with the cap, her shaky fingers refusing to close tightly enough to offer any grip. As the desperation to get to the contents grew, she began to whimper and sob again.

“Oh god, Zoey… I though-I thought I was going to die. I kept… kept fighting and fighting him—the things he said; the things he tried to do!—b-but he never got me, Zoe,” Serena looked her in the eye and she shook her head. “H-he beat me a-a-and tortured me… b-but I never let him have me, Zoe.”

Zoey nodded, smiling and holding her friend; reaching out with her aura and helping her unscrew the flask. “I believe you, Serena. You’re a total badass, and you held out for just as long as you had to.”

Serena started to choke down the synth-blood, coughing as the first wave of liquid reached her parched throat. Just as quickly as her starved body tried to reject the horrible-tasting substance, however, it was just as quick to see it for what it was and drive her to gulp the rest of the contents.

As the magic and science began to take effect on her battered and starved system, Serena’s eyes began to spark back to their normal vitality.

“Where’s Zane?” she finally asked.

Kicking Maledictus’ ass, probably going to kill him.” Zoey smiled at the thought.

Serena smiled as well, nodding to herself. “Then we’ll get out of here.”

“That’s right,” Zoey agreed. “Then we’ll get out of here.”

Serena sighed, looking up at her.
“I… I want to apologize.”

Zoey frowned at that, “What do you mean? You don’t have to—”

Serena shook her head, “Please. I had a lot of time to think of this, and I really need to say this.” She took a deep breath, “I’ve always tried to be the big bad bitch—putting up this mask to keep others from getting too close to me”—she let the breath out slowly—“But I don’t want to be that girl anymore, Zoe. I needed you all more than I ever realized, and, even
you came to me and promised you’d save me… and here you are.” She let her head fall into Zoey’s chest, exhaustion taking her then, “I’m so sorry if I ever made you feel like I didn’t care or that I didn’t need you; nothing could be further from the truth.”

Zoey stroked her hair, keeping the warm, positive energies flowing “It’s okay, Serena,” she reassured her, “I know; I knew all along. And everyone else knows, too.” She smirked, “You’re a badass, Serena, not an actress.”

“Thank you, Zoe,” Serena smiled and snuggled closer to her friend as the sounds of chaos grew.

She felt safe now, safer than she had in so long. Her friends had come, Zane had come! She would make it!

We did it, baby. We

Zane wanted nothing more than to run to Serena; to run to her and to hold her and to never let her go.

But first, there was the little matter of the creature responsible for the hell they’d all been through.

Maledictus leered in front of him and the two therions,
“How nice of you and your wretched
to stop by.”

Raith and Isaac started to advance, but a vicious snarl from Zane stayed them.

“Let me have him,” Zane pushed past the two, surprising them and himself with how easily he knocked both of the towering beasts off balance.

Maledictus chuckled, “Oh
should be fucking rich! Is this your act of vengeance again—FUCK!”

Zane snarled
, not letting the monster finish as he jumped into overdrive, dropping in on Maledictus with enough force to throw both of them across the living room and into the kitchen. All the while, Zane, roaring and cursing every day he’d ever been burdened by Maledictus, continuously threw punch after punch into the shocked monster’s face. Zane didn’t even
Maledictus the chance to say
do anything.

When his mouth opened to offer an obscenity, Zane punched it shut and punished him for trying with another five to his face.

When he tried to move to block or counterstrike, Zane would break the bone of whatever moved and punished him for trying by breaking another two.

battered, broken, and bleeding all over the place, Maledictus was able to pull himself free from Zane’s attacks. Starting to move away, the lumbering monster stumbled—time and time again losing his footing and crashing into something that impacted a broken bone or scraped an open wound—and drove Zane to seek

, however, had grown addicted to the feel of the monster’s body breaking under his skin, and as he started to slip into sudden withdrawals he let out a low growl as he lunged, snatching a grease-caked frying pan that was waiting on the stovetop and bring it down hard again and again on Maledictus.


He couldn’t lose this one again.

He would finally kill the bastard!

For everything he had done.

To him!

To Serena!

To anyone who’d
been hurt by him!

Zane pushed forward, barely registering his body’s
growing exhaustion at all the energy he’d used. However, as the fire in his muscles began to hinder his blows, the chances of finishing the task…

Maledictus let out a roar—something, then several things, roaring back—and
Zane froze under the unexpected response to the monster. The pause, though brief, was long enough to allow Maledictus a chance to turn and begin his retreat.

“No you don’t, fucker!” Zane growled,
jumping after him and grabbing the base of his tail before driving a powerful kick to his lower back.

With a loud, wet, meat-tearing sound, the second tail was torn free from Maledictus, leaving a partially exposed tailbone that wagged furiously as its owner howled in pain.

Maledictus’ pained hollers were music to Zane’s ears as he unsheathed his katana, raising it above his head for the kill shot.

As he moved to sli
ce, he was thrown back by
that dove in to defend Maledictus, and, stumbling back, Zane watched as his target vanished into overdrive and fled.

“Son of a fucking bitch!” Zane growled, turning to face whatever had distracted him, narrowing
his eyes in the creature’s direction. “Oh fuck…”

Perched on all fours
on the dining room table was a pale-faced, partially-skinned naked body of an elderly woman.

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