Scent of Gardenia (Scott Tucker Series) (34 page)

BOOK: Scent of Gardenia (Scott Tucker Series)
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did you get a good look at that creep that was just here?” Jules asked.

recognized the guy. “He was the guy that knocked me out and brought me here.”

spoke next. “Great. Now we have two assholes to worry about. Fortunately he
doesn’t have a key to the cells.”

thought I heard someone coming. “Shush.” I tried to be heard without being
heard by anyone else.

heard some talking downstairs. He motioned to Sam to listen, giving the indication
someone was talking downstairs. They headed slowly down the stairs; Sam was
almost in Mike’s back pocket. Suddenly there was a sound behind them. Before
they could react, Sam was knocked on the head and fell into Mike. They both
fell down the stairs.

I heard the
commotion, but had no idea what was happening. I thought perhaps Melanie had
returned, and had pushed that guy down the stairs. That’s what I thought
anyway. The next thing I knew a body was being dragged to the chains used for
the pot by the guy who was just here. I heard the familiar sound of restraints
being closed, but couldn’t see exactly what was happening. The guy ran down the
hall, dragging another body by the door. There was the sound of more
restraints. I thought I recognized the body to be Mike’s.

was some hooting and hollering. The guy came by my cell jumping up and down. He
made a return trip and I heard a few thumps and wondered if he was kicking Mike
and the other man.

and see what Margaret thinks of her two new visitors. I did it…I did it.” He
went running up the hall to Holly’s cell. “I bet she will let me have you now
red. Boy you’re pretty.” He pulled some more on Holly’s cell door, but it was
holding firm.

considered what had just happened.
Now that Mike was out of commission…that
left only Mercedes and her other FBI friend to rescue us. I hope she knew where
Mike was going. Why wasn’t Mercedes with Mike if they were trying to rescue us?
With Margaret gone—I suddenly had a thought about what they might be doing.
Mercedes, please be careful…I know she’s your sister Melanie, but you don’t.
She knows who you are though. She would have recognized you from the pictures
this guy might have taken…you’re walking into some kind of trap.



was enjoying this charade very much. This ‘Mike’ guy is very handsome, looking
like he could be some fun. She had mapped out her plan, but maybe she could
make it more interesting than originally planned. Mercedes, her own flesh and
blood, was standing right beside her, not even knowing she was her sister. She
noticed Mercedes sniffing the air, wondering if she picked up the scent of
Gardenia. They both wore
‘Gardenia Mania’.
If Mercedes recognized the scent,
she might realize who she was.

for the time being, she would just carry out her plan and see what happens.
“Mercedes, have you ever done any prior sailing?”

thought quickly, “Yes I did when I was growing up.”

sail or both?”

she answered.

Please take the wheel, keep the course steady on eighty-five degrees. I have to
tend to some things.” She left the wheel and Mercedes did as she was told.

were two sets of stairs leading down below deck. There was one beside Mercedes
and one on the port side of the boat. Margaret headed below, closing the hatch
door slightly.
Now for act two.
She saw Ralph standing on the back deck,
watching as she headed below. She took off the top of her white bikini, then
the bottoms. Her back was to Mike, whom she already knew was someone else, but
she could see his image in the mirror in front of her. He hadn’t changed his
focus. She went over, picked up her wet suit and then returned to where she was
standing before.

time she looked up. Mike was still looking down at her. She dropped the wet
suit, posing for him. He quickly turned his head away…
she had him, just like
all the others. They don’t think with their head. That had always worked to her
She put the wet suit on, but before zipping the top, she pinched
her nipples.
That should add some excitement.
The wet suit front wasn’t
zipped all the way up when she came back up.

She went
over to Mike, who was out of Mercedes’ ear shot. “Was that all you expected?”
She looked down at her top and her nipples were plainly visible. “Personally
Mike, I kind of like the feel of the wet suit on my body…can’t you tell?” He
didn’t answer her, but his face said it all. “Well, Mercedes is busy steering
the boat, why don’t you go down and put on a wet suit. She can do it next. You
can close the door if you prefer, but if you need any help finding anything I
can come down and help you search for it.” She winked at him, climbing up on
the port side rail and headed toward the bow.

couldn’t say a word, but realized how dangerous this woman was. He headed down
to change into a wet suit. He found a suit and took his clothes off, having not
brought a bathing suit. Margaret occupied herself with a rope on the bow side
in front of the bulkhead, which was out of Mercedes’ sight. She opened the
small sliding brass door, watching as he undressed and put on the wet suit. He
was a little more than she expected, wondering if he and Mercedes ever got it
That will have to be one of her ‘honesty’ questions later. This is more
fun than she anticipated. She thought about which man she was going to have to
dispose of to provide room for Mike. It was time to get rid of Paul or even Nils
and possibly Holly.




viewing was long over. Mercedes had changed into her wet suit. The boat was out
in open water now, far enough for no one to bother them. She scanned the
horizon for other boats, noting one several miles away. It wasn’t close enough
to interfere with her plans.

headed back to the bow, dropped the anchor over and waited for the boat to turn
into the wind. It took several minutes for the anchor to dig and the boat to
swing around. She headed back to Mike and Mercedes, who were watching her
actions on the bow.
Most likely they were planning their next move, but I’m
one step ahead of you both.
She returned to the deck area and brought a
third scuba setup from down below. She placed it with the other two setups on
the back deck, waving for them to join her.

folks, its time for a refresher. Mike, do you remember how things are put
together, or do you need a refresher too?” She was talking in code to him, but
it went over his head. “Why don’t I cover this with both of you?” She bent over
and picked up a piece of equipment, feeling both of their stares. However, she
looked quickly to Mike and smiled. “Why don’t I start with you Mike?”

spent fifteen minutes mainly speaking to him, but it was good Mercedes was
listening, about the operation of the equipment. Then she went behind him,
helping him get into the equipment. She made sure her body touched his while
helping him. Then she repeated things for Mercedes, but kept her distance. Then
she put her equipment on. Margaret wondered why she was going through all this
trouble. All she had to do was to overpower them with one of the spear guns.
She picked up the only spear gun that would actually fire. She noticed the
apprehensive look on their faces as she handled the spear gun. She cocked the
gun and placed a spear in the right place.

we’re almost ready to dive.” She picked up another spear gun, cocked it and
placed a spear in it and handed it to Mike. She repeated the process and handed
the third to Mercedes. “Okay, now listen up. We’re going to dive together, but
no one should find themselves without another partner. This dive will only be
twenty minutes and we’ll surface and talk about the next dive. Do you have any
further questions?”




later all three were in the water, and she could see Mike doing well, but
Mercedes was having some problems.
You stupid girl.
Five minutes later
Mercedes had conquered the basics and actually looked like she was enjoying
herself. Soon, Mike was leading them with Mercedes close behind. Margaret
turned and headed back to the boat. She climbed aboard, took off her equipment,
and went below for the restraints. She locked them in place, picking up the
spear gun, waiting for them to surface.

watched the bubbles headed back towards the boat. They were soon on the surface
taking off their masks. Margaret reached for their spear guns and masks, directing
them to the stern where there was a floating platform. Mike lifted himself onto
the wooden platform and Mercedes followed. They both took off their fins,
throwing them on the boat deck.

“How did
you enjoy the dive?” Margaret asked.

“It was
fantastic,” Mike responded.

“I can see
why people enjoy this sport,” Mercedes added.

I’m happy to inform you that that was your final dive of the day…but not mine,”
Margaret said with a smirk.

both had confused looks on their faces, but didn’t otherwise acknowledge what
she said.

picked up her spear gun, pointing it at Mike. “Well, welcome to truth or
consequences. You’re name isn’t Mike…right?”

didn’t answer. Mercedes started to stand up. Margaret pointed the spear gun at
her. “Good, I need you over here anyway.
” Margaret yelled, waving
the gun in the direction of the hatch. Mercedes looked at Ralph, but stood and
slowly walked towards the hatch.
Pointing the gun back at him, “Stay
right where you are and don’t try anything funny or Mercedes will be wearing a
long hair pin.” She redirected the gun at Mercedes.
“Below deck!”

below, Margaret directed Mercedes to the small bathroom with just a toilet.
“Now clamp a chain to each ankle.” Mercedes hesitated. “I don’t want to use
this, but I will if I have to…now

Mercedes did as she was asked. Margaret went to the stairs, watching him pick
up the spear gun. “Go ahead, pick it up. Let’s see how good a shot I am.”

He sat
back down. She turned and went back to Mercedes. “Now clamp one of those other
chains to each wrist.” Mercedes looked around but there was nothing she could
do. She did as she was asked. Margaret knew he must be up to no good by now and
headed to the stairs.

He stood
pointing his spear gun at her. “Now you bitch, come up here and do it quickly.”

still had her spear gun when she reached the deck where he was standing. “Put
the gun down.” Ralph ordered.

placed it on the bulkhead next to the wheel. Then she spun, pushing him towards
the stern. He slipped and fell to the deck. She picked her spear gun up, pointing
it at him as she approached.

were in a stand-off, each pointing their impressive weapons at each other. She
was standing less than ten feet away, and he was on one knee.

“Well handsome,
what happens next? Mercedes is shackled down below, so it’s just you and me.
Are we going to shoot each other, or get it on? I know you want what I’ve got
and you can have it…just put the gun down and let’s go down below. I know you’re
not Mike, but I have to admit you did a good acting job. However, time’s a
wasting. I’m going to count to three and if you don’t put your spear gun down
I’m going to pull my trigger. Now put it down…one…two…three.”

pulled his trigger, and nothing happened. He lunged for Mercedes’ nearby gun, pointed
it at her and pulled the trigger, but nothing happened.

“Well, two
down, and one to go. Do you want me to pull this trigger? This one
Now get up and get below.” He threw the spear gun down and stood up. She could
see him looking around for anything, but other than the spears in the guns
there wasn’t anything. “
” she said, waving toward the hatch.

below, she moved him to the table area. There was a large cushion covering the
seating area. “Now put one of those chains on each ankle.” He hesitated. “I
would hate to clean up the mess, but I will if I have to. Now
it,” she
commanded, raising the gun. He slowly did as instructed. “Now, clamp one on
each wrist.” Again he did so reluctantly. He was now locked at the table area.
She aimed the spear gun, pulling the trigger. He flinched as the spear flew by,
missing his head by inches, lodging in the hull. She smiled at him, turned and
went up to the deck area.

tell me you’re okay. Ralph?” Mercedes called, not knowing what to expect.

for asking. I’m okay. What about you?”

shackled in this head. I thought she was going to kill you.”

looked up and watched her putting another spear in the gun. “I think she may
still do that.”

to each other...that is no longer allowed.” She pointed the spear gun at him,
putting it to her shoulder. “Do we understand each other?” They didn’t answer.
“I said;
do we understand each other?
” Margaret yelled it this time.

both answered simultaneously, “Yes.”

Now Mercedes, be a good little girl and keep your mouth shut.” She put the
spear gun on the floor, and began removing her wet suit. She did it very slowly,
watching his reaction. “I’ve never had an FBI agent before. I wonder what that
would be like.” She came over to him. “Lie down.” He resisted, so she pushed
him back. His head bounced off the hull. He fell back in a heap. She picked up
a filet knife, and began to slowly cut off his wet suit.

She had
the top portion off when he started to get his bearings again. She waved the
knife in front of his face. “We can do this nicely, or we can make this really
messy.” She moved the knife point to his groin area. “Nice or messy?” He didn’t
respond but she could see it in his eyes.

backed up slightly and began cutting the first wet suit leg up to his waist
very slowly. Then she started on the other leg. She was certain the tightness
of the wet suit made the back of the blade feel like she was cutting his leg
open. “I think you like what you’re looking at judging from your reaction.
However, you certainly are jumpy…are you worried I might stick you, or cut
something inadvertently? In just a second or two we can let all that excitement
be enjoyed.”
She loved the games she played, but if she stuck something it
wouldn’t be inadvertently.

pulled off the remnants of his wet suit, studying the developments, and smiled.
“We’re going to play a game now. It is called truth or consequences. Are you
ready to play?” He didn’t answer, and she hit him. She didn’t mind waiting for
him to regain his composure. She said softly, “I think you’re ready.” Then with
a louder voice so Mercedes could hear, “Now, the first question is—have you
ever been naked with Mercedes?”

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